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Tungsten in Cheek

Enyo Gushiken
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Anaphiel Hidemori
7 posters
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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Tungsten in Cheek

Wed May 12, 2021 1:09 pm
Mission: It's Elemental

Anaphiel's stats at the time of the mission:

It was a brand-new day in Kumogakure, and the beginnings of a fresh start for Anaphiel Hidemori. He had been woken up this morning by licks to the face from his new roommates: Charlie the wiener dog and Cheddar the Corgi. The Hidemori Chuunin laughed and playfully pushed them off as he sat up in bed. The two dogs barked happily and rolled around on the bed in a mock wrestling match, it was somewhat comical as they were both stubby legged balls of energy. This was exactly the change he needed in his life. With a chuckle, Anaphiel got out of bed and made his way downstairs to grab some breakfast. The two puppers immediately stopped wrestling and lept off the bed to follow him downstairs. The Chuunin shook his head with a chuckle and said to them, “go find Tel,” referring to his sister, who could also use some affection from the energetic pair. Their ears perked up and immediately zoomed back upstairs. Less than a minute later, Anaphiel heard a shriek followed by giggling from what he could only assume was Telantes being “attacked” by Charlie and Cheddar. He laughed to himself as he made breakfast for himself and his sister. He brought her breakfast up to her room and left her with the dogs, enjoying a little time to himself at the breakfast table.

Halfway through eating, there was a knock at the door. On the other side was a messenger with a mission request, with Anaphiel’s name on it. Anaphiel thanked the messenger and closed the door, heading over to the table and opening the request. The request was to go assist the Tungsten mine with their day to day operations, collecting ore and processing it. It wasn’t the kind of work that Anaphiel was really interested in because Tungsten was used for improving weapons, armour and the like, and it wasn’t something he personally used much of. Oh well, a mission is a mission. He would finish eating his breakfast first, get cleaned up, dressed, and let his sister know that he had to head out on a mission. He wasn’t worried about his sister’s state of mind right now, she had the dogs to look after her while he was gone. With that, he would leave his home and make his way over to the main gate, where he would meet up with the rest of the team for this mission.

WC: 408
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Thu May 13, 2021 10:53 pm
A soft giggle could be heard, as a female kunoichi watched the feasting of her feline friend. SInce rescuing the kitten during one of her missions, the feline has matured quite a bit. While still a kitten, Meika could notice the size difference by it’s fuzzy little head. The kitten was no longer a stray. Watching as it dug it’s chubby little cheeks deeper into the bowl of food laying on the floor. Meika couldn’t help but find it adorable to watch. No matter how often the kitten fed, it still would act like a starving lion when any form of food was near.

Resulting to it’s soft furry body now being well rounded and healthy. Much better than when she first found the little creature outside.

Meika took a moment to softly caress one of the ears, as the kitten erupted into a frenzy of purrs. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

The kunoichi left her small residence. SInce her arrival to the village, Meika spent most of her time alone. She even lived alone, with very little possessions, despite her new kitty companion. One of her most important possessions resulted in a small journal, one that had still not yet been open.

Continuing on her way towards one of the main gates, Meika wore a set of ordinary clothing of dark fabrics. Leggings and a black tank that slightly exposed some of her midriff. She was certain that there were going to be several individuals accompanying her on this mining mission, especially since one of the familiar one’s was the reason why she was invited along.

With a long piece of ribbon, Meika gathered her hair and tied it to the side. The sunlight easily catching the raven strands and shimmering off of it. It wasn’t long after that she arrived with her team.
{TWC: 306}
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Sat May 15, 2021 10:31 pm
I want these walls cleaned and polished, floors swept and mopped. When I return there better not be a single spec of dust lingering this hospital, or so help me, you all will be in need of it for more than employment... Tell Ichigo I will be returning. Make sure that he does not slack off on his responsibilities.” Said the goddess, stern in her command, equally so in her expectations. The workers of the hospital assigned to Ichigo Sato scattered around after their orders were give.  Enyo, since being there as Ichigo’s assistant, has been keeping the staff in line as he tended to the mountains of paperwork that seemingly never lessen. 

As she thought back in it, their meeting was one of interesting, yet inevitable circumstance. Enyo was prohibited from returning to the field of duty until she was checked by the Dr. known as Sato. Despite his skill, his reputation as a drunkard and pervert perceived him greatly. Enough so to warrant her caution around him. But since after that day, the two have been nearly inseparable. Enyo could see the stress that was plaguing the man, and he could see her desire to belong. He had a keen eye...

The bandaged woman exited the hospital, navigating through the foundation of the hospital yards until she found herself on the open streets of Kumo. There she would take a glance at the hospital, as if she was torn between leaving and mission at hand. This was her first mission since being back on the lines. B-rank - a mission usually set for those that have proven themselves. Seems that the village recognized her skill before her accident and found this to be a suitable task for her. One that she hold take graciously. 

The woman was don in all black from head to toe. Black hair, cut short. Long sleeved shirt, pants and shoes, with a white belt, a black jacket that sat on her shoulders and a belt linking for support. The woman had short black hair and glasses. The left side of her face wrapped in bandages, nursing a burns that crept from under. The right side of her face showed burns, but not as severe, they could be found on her neck as well. Her right left hand completely bandage up to the shoulder under the black sleeve. The same could be said for her leg. Her body, was well built, trained and honed to a high pique. Despite the burns that shared the side of her face, Enyo was breathing, her beauty was unnatural. It was also unaccepted by her. It was what bestowed her the gifts of the scars that she sports. 

As she mad her way to the village gates she took notice of two - one shinobi and one kunoichi. Both looked competent enough, but only time on this mission at hand would determine if that was truly the case. As she grew closer, she could sense the chakra from both of them. Coming to a stop, 3 meters away from them both she gazed directly at the one with the highest amount, Anaphiel. No words were released at this moment. Her eye shifted from behind her lenses to find the female, Meika, though her chakra was not on the same level as the other’s, it was still pretty impressive compared to Enyo’s. 

Gushiken Enyo, Genin reporting for duty.” She announced sternly, her expression was heavy as her pride for this mission. 

[WC: 582]
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Sun May 16, 2021 2:25 am
Anaphiel had arrived a little early to meet up with his team, as such he was casually conversing with the gate guards when the first member of his team showed up. Someone he’d met last night at a casual night out after getting his ass back in gear. Her name was Meika, and she was dressed very differently from last night, wearing much plainer clothes compared to the gorgeous gown she was wearing at the tavern. A black tank top and leggings, with a ribbon holding her hair up and out of her face. The Hidemori Chuunin smiled as he saw her walk up. “Good morning, Meika,” he would say to her once she’d gotten within speaking distance, “long time no see.” He would grin as he was clearly joking around, since they’d seen each other less than twelve hours ago. Not that he minded, he enjoyed her company and looked forward to working with her on this mission.

While they engaged in a little small talk, someone else had approached the gate, someone Anaphiel was not familiar with. On reflex, he activated his fully trained Baioregan while he continued to speak with Meika. He didn’t need to look at her to get the information he needed; a pair of symbols emerged in his precognition’s aura one blue and one yellow. The blue symbol was located exactly where Meika was standing, marking her as a water release user. While this did not really provide him with a significant amount of information, it was enough to enable him to make at least some form of educated guesses.  Combined with his basic chakra sensory skills, the newcomer was also not likely to be a threat, even if they’d meant him harm. As such, he would turn towards the approaching newcomer. Another woman, a few inches taller than Meika but similar build. The newcomer had short hair, lightly tanned skin, and one eye that was the colour of fresh ink. The other eye, along with most of the left side of her face, was wrapped in bandages, no doubt the result of some form of injury. She wore mainly black; long sleeved shirt, jacket, pants, and shoes. A white belt was worn almost like an accent piece around her waist. Her left hand was also wrapped in bandages. ‘That must have been a horrible experience, receiving that kind of damage…’ Anaphiel thought to himself as she made it within speaking distance. She introduced herself as Enyo, to which the Hidemori Chuunin would nod in acknowledgement. “Nice to meet you. I am Anaphiel Hidemori,” he would say to her, not needing to introduce himself to Meika since they already knew each other. “We are not expecting anyone else to show up, so we can head out to the mines now. I’ll explain what it is we need to do on the way up to the main mining complex.” With that, he would lead the trio out the main gates of Kumo in the direction of the mines.

It felt like it was yesterday that he’d done this exact same mission, however it was more like nine months. The last time he had to do it by himself as his teammate at the time, Kaito, was called away at the last moment. It was hard work, but it had paid off and he didn’t regret the challenge. As they walked through the forested region leading up to the mountain’s foothills, Anaphiel would explain to the team what it was they would be doing. “Alright, so our primary mission is to assist with locating a valuable mineral that is located in the mine shafts dug into the mountains here in Lightning Country. The mineral is called tungsten and to my knowledge, is extremely helpful with augmenting weapons and armour. Tungsten itself is found in ore deposits, of which there are four types that are the main sources. They are, in order of priority, Wolframite, Scheelite, Ferberite, and Hübnerite.” After listing off their names, he would describe what the ores looked like and how they could determine whether or not the ores found were genuine by way of a piece of unglazed porcelain called a streak plate. “Any questions so far?” he would ask the two kunoichi as they walked. He would also keep his senses peeled in case there was any trouble to be found on their path.

WC: 732
TWC: 1140

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Sun May 16, 2021 3:42 am
Upon her arrival at the gate, Meika noticed a few individuals already there. One was Anaphiel, intrigued that she once again happened upon him on a mission, and the others were some of the gate guards. Anaphiel was conversing amongst the guards, no doubt he’s been there for quite a while. She figured that gate guards would know plenty about any happenings within the village walls. Meika always proved to be interested in the daily news.

“Long time no see indeed. I find it interesting how often we seem to run into each other, though I’m certainly not complaining.” Meika casually jokes, a fresh smile appearing upon her soft lips.

There was a gentle sound of footsteps, very faint to the point that no ordinary person would notice. Only a trained and aware shinobi could understand the light careful movements of another shinobi, and the footsets turned out to belong to another shinobi indeed. Well a kunoichi to be specific.

For a moment, she received a glance within her direction from Anaphiel. At first she thought nothing of it, until the realization that his eyes were somehow different from before. Questions nawed at her being, but she kept silent but aware.

Her silver eyes wandered into the direction of which another individual joined the party. Looking at the woman curiously. The kunoichi was well over her own height, and was marked with injury and scars. This was the first time Meika had met another kunoichi within this village. SO she couldn't help but feel even more intrigued, especially with the wounds she wore.

But Meika knew it was rude to stare, she only needed one glance over the bandages to be temporarily satisfied. Curiosity was not always a good thing.

WIth the bow of her head, Meika addressed her with respect. “A pleasure to meet you as well, Gushiken, my name is Meika. I’m looking forward to working with both of you as my companions."

Anaphiel took the time to discuss further details of their current mission, which Meika was well grateful for. She listened to the details, wanting to do nothing short of a perfect success in their search of the precious ore. She kept a well controlled pace beside them while scouting out their surroundings, looking forward to the location to begin their search. “Your insight about this mission is very much appreciated, Anaphiel.” Her words were indeed spoken with honesty and appreciation. She was nothing less than respectful towards the ones who never gave her a reason not to be. So far Anaphiel has only been a kind gentleman, and even the new kunoichi seemed to be a figure of great respect and honor.
{WC: 447, TWC: 753}
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Sun May 16, 2021 12:29 pm
Mid-Topic Claim:
Claiming Mission completion (hit minimum WC requirement)

Will claim mission rewards at thread exit
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Sun May 16, 2021 2:03 pm
Enyo Gushiken
Enyo Gushiken
Stat Page : Enyo Gushiken
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Mon May 17, 2021 11:45 am
It didn’t take the Gushiken long to noticed her appearance was somewhat daunting to them, in fact, she took noticed immediately. The one over from the man named, Anaphiel and his eyes gave her the notion that he was nothing analyzing her anesthetically and statically. The disciplined glance from the woman named, Meika gave her the notion of both curiosity and intrigue - it was rare to come across another kunoichi in the land of lightning now days, so Enyo couldn’t fault her for that, neither of them. “Well met, to the both of you. First thing, before we begin, I do not mind you staring. I’ve come to accept it as normal. But I will not speak about it, so I ask that you do not bring it up. To some, I can be a bit of a bitch, and I’m quite alright with that. I do not mind being the bitch to lay someone out, so long as you respect me, I will respect you.” Her words were stern, direct. She found little pleasure in beating around a bush, especially when her nature is rather blunt and straight to the point. Her eye would glance over to Meika. “You in particular, young lady, should you require my assistance with pretty much anything, feel free to let me know. You will always find me at Ichigo Sato’s hospital. I am both his assistant and body guard.” He glanced over to Anaphiel. “As for you, I’ll follow your lead and command to the word.” She made clear. 

As the group set out, Enyo maintained a good pace in distance and speed in between the man and the young woman. Her hands were in her pockets as her jacket hanged from her shoulders  and swayed from her motion and the breeze. Her chakra sensory pushed it 10 meters in radius in all directions. This way she could keep track of them both, and any incoming threat from her blind spot. 

During their travel, Anaphiel gave them a crash coarse on what the mission entailed. Enyo was somewhat impressed, it was a bit more than the mission summary, which was always good. Though she knew what it was, her...father used to obtain them for his weapons and armors. She only wished she paid him and his hobby more attention. The feeling of regret was immediately dismissed as she continued to listen. It was good to see that Meika was soaking this information up, she was young and from what Enyo could see, full of potential. Of guided correctly. 

[WC: 426]
[Total WC: 1,008]
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Wed May 19, 2021 11:38 am
The trip to the mines was uneventful, thankfully. They reached the safety of the mountain mining camp with no trouble on the way. Likely because they were a party of three, and all capable shinobi. When they arrived, Anaphiel flashed his credentials to the guards and they were admitted inside. The Hidemori Chuunin led them over to the administration building where they met the foreman, coincidentally the same one that had been working the last time he’d come to help collect tungsten. “Anaphiel, it’s good to see you again,” he said, “It’s been quite a while since you came to help us with mining tungsten. I take it you’ve run out finally?” Anaphiel laughed, “No I’ve not run out yet, I was just keeping to myself these last several months.” The foreman commiserated with them for a little before going over the details of what they were going to be doing. He covered what Anaphiel had explained on the route here, and went a little more in depth; what kinds of rocks to look for that the ore itself is formed beside, how to properly mine it without losing too much of the ore itself, and how to process it once the ore has been collected. “Thanks for the refresher,” Anaphiel said to the mining foreman, “I think we’re good to go. If none of you have any questions, we’ll get to work now.” Should the two kunoichi not have any questions, he would lead them to a mineshaft that he’d discovered the last time he was up here, which still had plenty of ore to locate according to the latest survey of the mineshaft.

WC: 275
TWC: 1415

-5 AP Hidemori Physiology
-10 AP Baioregan Activation
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Tungsten in Cheek Empty Re: Tungsten in Cheek

Sat May 22, 2021 9:29 pm
The woman’s harsh choice of words did not surprise Meika. There’s no telling how much unwanted attention she received from the past due to her scars. So Meika did nothing to object to the way that the other woman discussed her stern and unbothered nature. The group of three beginning their way to the mines to begin their mission.

The tall kunoichi traveled between her and Anaphiel, with Meika being a little surprised at the mention of a familiar name. ‘Ichigo? I had no idea that he owned a hospital.’ The thoughts echoed through her head. She was still grateful for the offer of aid from the tall kunoichi.

Upon arrival at the mines, Anaphiel seemed to be familiar with the foreman that was present. Realizing that the shinobi must visit the mines quite often. Since this wasn’t the first time he was familiar with the workers.

Following Anaphiel deeper into the mineshaft, her glistening scanned the dim lit walls that surrounded them. It’s earthy appearance shifting to many different colors and textures in the presence of different ore. She remembered the streak plate that Anaphiel had introduced to them. There was a little more to this ore gathering than the last one she participated in.

Once more, the handle of a pickaxe was grasped within her hands. She had no additional questions for the mission, grateful for how much she had learned the last time. Gradually inhaling as she swung the pickaxe up above her head, before bringing it down upon one of the described ores.
{WC:252, TWC: 1,005}
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