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Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Tue May 11, 2021 12:04 am

The dark sky peppered with the dazzling appearance of twinkling stars, as midnight finally arrived upon the lightning village. The air was sharp as a cold front swept over the atmosphere, yet the weather was still dry due to the absence of rain since the passing of numerous days. In the far distance, there was a lonely owl letting out it’s hoot. Though this night in particular was buzzing with excitement. Drowning out the night owl’s lonely calls with the loud hoots and howls of drunken bar men.

One of Kumogakure’s well known taverns was bursting with business. Many civilians and shinobi alike, were chasing the lonely night away with numerous drinks and strong beer. Including a certain feminine individual that occupied the bar within.

The individual was a striking kunoichi, that was dressed a little more formal than expected of just being a newly genin of this area. But that’s the thing. She was new in general since she was not from this area.

Her long raven hair draped along her small back, and her alluring silver eyes gazed into the glass of sake resting between delicate fingers.

Meika didn’t normally partake in drinking liquor, but tonight she let herself to the experience. It just so happened that it was a mission of her’s. This mission allowed one to have a possibility to create new bonds, or maybe see one’s triggers. Plus the buzzing tavern also was an ideal place to hear the latest gossip.

Her free hand readjusted the light cloak that rested upon her shoulders. The bartender took the time to compliment her on the gown that fitted snug against her form, before placing another glass of sake after watching her drain the cup in hand. She thanked the generous bartender, tipping him an extra coin.

“I wonder what kumogakure has been up to of the late.”
{TWC: 320}
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Tue May 11, 2021 2:08 am
It was the end of a long day, and Anaphiel Hidemori had just spent the majority of it helping people around the village, getting re-acquainted with the people that lived there. He’d even made a couple new friends. Albeit they were small, furry, and liked licking his face, but they were friends nonetheless. They helped him deal with the sadness that still hung in his heart, but it wasn’t something that would ever truly go away. What possible remedy was there for the guilt one felt at leaving their parents in their home country because of opinions he did not agree with, only to find out that they were brutally cut down. He would never be able to tell them how much he loved them despite what had happened, there would never be any closure. His sister appeared to be handling it better than he was; well, at least one of them had to. It was not fair to her though, him being out of commission for so long. He would not allow the sadness to debilitate him like that anymore. That being said, he still had feelings that he wouldn’t be able to simply repress; perhaps finding someone to confide in may be beneficial to his mental state. With that thought in mind, he would pet his new dogs one last time before leaving the house in search of a drink or three, and possibly someone willing to hear him vent.

The cold wind swept across his face, not as harsh as it would have been were he clean-shaven. For that he was thankful that he hadn’t really bothered to properly trim down his facial hair. It was still kept neater than it was when Sekizawa had seen him, but it wasn’t its usual finessed look. His normal attire at least was clean and pressed, and also helped keep the chill at bay. The sky was cloudless and dark, with only the stars and a crescent moon for light, well apart from the lanterns that lit the streets of Kumogakure. Anaphiel walked the streets, looking for a bar or tavern that wasn’t super crowded; he didn’t want to have to fight to the bar to get a drink. Luckily enough he didn’t have to travel super far as there was one that fit the bill about 10 minutes walking from his home. He decided this would be the place he tried his luck.

The tavern was deceptively busy on the inside but the Hidemori Chuunin was already inside, so he made his way to the bar, dodging the odd swaying drunkard and managed to find an empty seat at the bar, beside a stunning work of female art. It was hard to tell since she was sitting down, possibly average height for a woman, long black hair, porcelain skin and a gown that hugged her body in all the right places. Well, if he had to sit beside anyone at a bar that was packed with more people than he would have liked, at least that person was likely to be one of the most beautiful in the place.

Masashi took a moment to appreciate his bar neighbour before sitting down in the seat beside her and looked over at the bartender. “Sake, please,” he would say to the man, placing some currency down in front of him. Once a glass was placed in front of him, he’d pick it up, raise it in the direction of the woman beside him, and down it in one shot, before asking the barkeep for another.

WC: 594
Sekizawa Senju
Sekizawa Senju
Stat Page : Sekizawa Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1500

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Wed May 12, 2021 6:38 pm
Sekizawa walked down the avenues and streets of Kumogakure, taking in the sights and exploring his newfound home. After some time, Sekizawa saw a familiar face, Anaphiel, walking into a building. Following almost out of instinct, Sekizawa made his way up to the steps of the building before reading the sign above. A tavern, huh? He thought before walking inside.

Sekizawa had never been in a tavern before, and his first impression was none-too-great. It was loud, far louder than it ought to be given the size, and busy enough to match. Seeing the back of his friend disappear into the crowd of people, Sekizawa pursued. Moving carefully through the mass of people, Sekizawa ducked and weaved around the swaying drunkards, nearly getting laid out by the occasional flailing arm - if only he weren't quick on his feet. It wasn't long before Sekizawa escaped the mass of people and approached the bar.

Sekizawa was nearly about to ask Anaphiel what he was doing before the words "Sake, please." escaped his lips. Letting out a chuckle - nearly unbearable against the volume of the tavern - Sekizawa took a seat next to Anaphiel. "Strange to see you here!" he exclaimed, resting his arm on the bar comfortably. Truly, Sekizawa hadn't expected to see Anaphiel in such a place, but he supposed everyone had their vices. Looking at him, he would trace Anaphels gaze to the woman across from him.

Upon seeing her, Sekizawa's cheeks became flush with blood as he took in the sight of the beautiful woman. Blushing, he took in her long black hair and well-fitting gown. It framed her beautiful face nicely, and Sekizawa was less than sure what to do. Looking at Anaphiel, he managed to stutter out a "D-do you know her?!", likely louder than he had intended.

WC: 300

Last edited by Sekizawa Senju on Wed May 12, 2021 6:41 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added wc)
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Wed May 12, 2021 9:56 pm
Meika helped herself to another drink. Her first glass was empty, laying forgotten as her lips tasted the second one. The mildly sweet flavor of the sake caressed her tongue. Reminding the kunoichi why she preferred to avoid the harsher, bitter tastes of strong liquor. The sake was just enough to please her taste buds, and satisfy her with it’s gentle warming effects.

But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t ever be daring.

Many were enjoying themselves with their loud buddies. Both body and minds relaxed by the intoxication. Meika could only allow herself to relax so much, many of the faces were still unfamiliar to her. With another drink, she continued to busy herself with listening. Entertaining herself to the many different conversations that were taking place.

A gentle sigh left her lips, it was troublesome to admit it, but she clearly seemed to be lacking social skills.

She had a feeling that in a way, she was already failing the mission. Bonding wasn’t a very simple task for her.

There was a short lived uproar as someone accidentally spilled their drink by the door. Despite the slight escalation of the atmosphere, Meika didn’t fail to notice the man that raised his glass in her direction, before he downed it in one. He must have just arrived not too long ago.

With a look of amusement, the lonely kunoichi also finished off her other glass. Their empty glasses hitting the bar table, as the stuttering of a question caught her attention. Her silver eyes traveled from the gentleman who toasted, towards the other new face that asked the question. She couldn’t help the arch of her brow at the growing of entertainment.

“I’d be highly amused if he did~” She playfully teased in response to the boy’s question.
{WC: 298, TWC: 618}
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Thu May 13, 2021 1:30 am
Out of nowhere, his friend Sekizawa was at his side. Anaphiel chuckled, “I don’t drink all the time, but I felt that tonight was better to be out enjoying a drink or two with fellow villagers than spending another night at home.” The explanation was as close to truth at the Hidemori Chuunin could give. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was that he was looking for out here, but most likely some form of camaraderie would not be unwelcome.

The boy’s eyes, and question would draw the attention of the woman beside him, who stated in a tone full of amusement that they were not acquainted. Anaphiel would smirk at her before turning his attention to Sezikawa. “No, I do not know her…” he would say to him before turning to face the young woman on his other side, “…but I sure would like to.” With a twinkle in his eye and his smirk becoming a smile, he would introduce himself to the lovely lady. “My name is Anaphiel Hidemori, it’s nice to meet you.” It was at this point that his second drink had been placed in front of him. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked her. After she’d responded, he would turn his head to Sekizawa, “you’re welcome to order something yourself if you like,” he said to the boy. “Put him on my tab,” he would tell the bartender.

Assuming introductions were made, Anaphiel would attempt to learn more about their potential new friend. “Would you be willing to share anything about yourself?” He asked her, “Your hobbies, interests perhaps?” He knew it wasn’t necessarily the most stimulating of conversations, but this was a bar after all. Meeting a pretty girl at a bar was about as cliché as you could get.

WC: 298
TWC: 892
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Sun May 16, 2021 12:28 pm
Mid-Topic Claim:
Claiming Mission completion (hit minimum WC requirement)

Will claim mission rewards at thread exit
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Sun May 16, 2021 2:02 pm
Sekizawa Senju
Sekizawa Senju
Stat Page : Sekizawa Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 1500

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Tue May 18, 2021 1:38 pm
Sekizawa nodded at Anaphiels response. He was happy to see him out and about in the town again. Sekizawa could understand wanting to enjoy a fine night with the villagers - especially given his several months of solitude - but seeing him out at a bar was both relieving and a bit confusing to Sekizawa. He hoped at the very least that this was a sign that Anaphiel was working his way out of his depression.  

After listening to Anaphiel, his attention was drawn to the woman across the bar. Focusing on her, Sekizawa’s blush returned to his face - and boy was it obvious. It became clear to the pair of them that he was smitten with Meika, though he would never admit it. Realizing that his face was tomato red, Sekizawa would rest his palms against his cheeks. He desperately tried to avoid eye contact, looking at the floor, or the bar, and occasionally out into the crowd of villagers.

Suddenly, the sounds of Anaphiels voice would fill Sekizawa’s ear. His flirtatious statement was smooth and well-executed. ‘He’s so cool!’ Sekizawa thought before turning to face the bartender. Taking Anaphiel up on his offer, he would make his order.“Just water for me, please!” He requested, the bartender nodding in response. The bartender walked off before returning with a glass of crystal clear water. Pressing the glass up to his lips, Sekizawa turned to face the others, listening intently to their conversation. Waiting until Anaphiel was finished talking, Sekizawa took his chance to ask a question of his own. “At the very least, can you tell us your name?!” He asked, clearly excited. “Oh, I’m Sekizawa, by the way. Sekizawa Senju.

wc: 282
twc: 582

Last edited by Sekizawa Senju on Tue May 18, 2021 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added wc)
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Fri May 21, 2021 8:33 am
“Be careful with what you wish for, I tend to be a little bit of a trouble maker~” She said, both honestly and playfully. The smile upon her lips rose. Both of the men were interesting and kind, as they gave her their names. When the man named Anaphiel offered to buy her another drink, Meika gratefully accepted. “On a special night like this, it would be foolish to decline a drink from a kind gentleman.” Her words coo’ing smoothly.

Her enchanting eyes glanced over at the younger looking man that accompanied Anaphiel. “Judging by the flushed look upon your friend’s face, I would almost assume he was already intoxicated.” Meika teased the younger man after witnessing him trying to avoid any eye contact. Kindly laughing to show her good nature in the joke.

Another drink was placed before her, after taking Anaphiel’s kind gesture. She took the moment to gift herself a drink from the glass. Despite spending most of her time drinking tea and not being involved with such spirited drinks, the sweet soothing taste of the sake was quite welcoming.

“Meeting the two of you made my night more splendid. You may call me Meika Kamigawa. I don’t have many hobbies but I do love to read.” She pauses to take another drink, “and I’m actually still new to this area.”
{WC: 224, TWC: 842}
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Buzzing Tavern [invite] Empty Re: Buzzing Tavern [invite]

Fri May 28, 2021 11:26 am
The boy ordered water, smart call. Anaphiel would have condoned buying him alcohol, he was not old enough yet for that. He was also apparently not old enough to understand subtlety or tact, blurting out asking the young woman for her name, before introducing himself. Anaphiel inwardly sighed and chuckled. “I have no problem with trouble,” Anaphiel countered with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye, “who knows, I may be looking for it.” Of course he wasn’t, at least not at the moment, but flirtatious banter was fairly commonplace in a tavern and who knows, perhaps the trouble would be the good kind.

I’d certainly hope not,” The Hidemori Chuunin would say in response to her comment regarding Sekizawa’s current state, “he’s a little young to be drinking alcohol, not that I’m his parent or anything.” It was at that point where the captivating young woman introduced herself and gave a brief summary of her interests. She also mentioned that she wasn’t from here. ‘Something we have in common I see.’ He thought to himself. “Meika Kamigawa, a lovely name to match a lovely lady,” Anaphiel said, really turning on the charm. “Oh really? I’m not native to Kumogakure either. I came here from Konoha with my sister and a few others from our clan. Where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking.” He’d never made it a secret, but it was nice to see that they weren’t the only refugees. Sekizawa was also a refugee from Konoha, but he would let his friend say so should he feel comfortable doing so.

WC: 266
TWC: 1158
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