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Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

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Sat May 01, 2021 7:09 pm
Our dear protagonist was sitting in her favorite spot, tiny body nestled deeply into the half torn cushions of her livingroom couch. It had been a beautiful day so far. She'd decided to take a day off, and to facilitate her much needed day of rest, had locked pinochio in the bedroom. In front of the door sat several hairs, the diningroom table, two shelves, and a rubber ducky. The last one was the real cinch. Yes, It was finally time for her to take some time and relax, maybe sew some, listen to some music, and generally not think about the intense ninja training she'd gone through. Yes, Nothing could possibly go wrong with her current plan. This, my dear listeners is called forshadowing.

"Tria..... Honestly?! Did you really think that would work! THe door... It opens on the inside Tria. I just opened the door and walked under the bookshelf. I swear. I understand that in order to hold autonomy between the two of us we must split your skills when both active but come one. Common sense." Impressively the small puppet had managed to unbar the impossibly held door, navigate the minefield before him, and somehow survived the dreaded rubber ducky. She was so sure that would work.

"Um. I'm taking a day off. Rest and relaxation or what not. Been training real had and I deserve it." She had. Our dear protagonist had been so caught up in everything that she hadn't really stopped in several days. Thinking back she wondered if she'd even eaten the night before. She hadn't. Instead, she'd been off on missions with a young uchiha boy, learning history and making a friend.

"Alright. You can take a day off.... but first..."

"No. NO! No no no no no. We aren't doing this Pinochio. We are not. I've been going hard for days I don't have anything left in the tank. " They met eyes, real genuine wood eyes instead of the lifeless void of Pinochio's previous form, and he only grinned.

"Yes.... It's time. Lightning round..."

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

speed round(p/io) Empty Re: speed round(p/io)

Sat May 01, 2021 7:24 pm
She hated when he did this, but she also knew it was inevitable. There were quite a few fundamental techniques she'd been putting off actually putting in the practice to use because there were far more interesting things to do. This was his opportunity to give her a break after pumping these fundamentals into her. WIth a sigh she grabbed her notebook, flipping to one of the first pages. Step one...

"Mark seal go." She pushed off of the couch, crossing the distance quickly. This one was easy. It only required a single seal, and she'd been taught the basics at home with her parents. She hadn't the focus then to actually learn it, but now, after having mastered much higher ranked jutsu, it seemed an easy enough task. Leaping over the table she reached her target, and formed the seal. Dog.

Thrusting her palm into his chest hard enough to knock him back a pace she allowed the chakra to flow into a small black dot on his body. Perfect. It seemed like it had worked, but she still needed to check it. Forming the dog seal again she searched for the sensatio that would confirm her target, and could sense the puppet before her.

"Genjutsu release. I don't have genjutsu so really make sure you can feel the snapping sensation as if the jutsu actually snapped the disruptive effect of a jutsu." WIth a nod she refocused, thinking about the effects of genjutsu on the body. Had she any sensory ability, she'd have been able to feel the gentle shift of energy between her bodies chakra pathways. The preparation for the technique was far too easy. Like Mark seal it only had a single hand seal to form. With it's activation she could press her own chakra power into the disruption, fighting against the foreign manipulation.

"RIGHT!" Her hands slid together flawlessly. It was amazing how only days ago she struggled to remember a few seals in successin. Her fingers fit together awkwardly. Now, They immediately connected tightly to give the jutsu the power needed. With the seal active, she'd force a mass of chakra through her manipulation pathways. Like a great river they cleansed a pathway from her crown down to the throat. Droplets like water filled each reservoir one by one. Throat dribbled down into the heart point. Heart to Solar, climbing the great mountain from the origin of Yang into the point where her water core was located. From there it was a great waterfall down to the sacral point which filled slowly. Given the destructive nature of techniques formed in the sacral chakra point it was a vast casm that soaked in chakra. It filled to bursting, vibrant energy flowing down her thighs, past her calves and pooling into her heels. The final step required her to pour the now great mass of clean chakra well past where her phyiscal body stood. She felt the earth beneath her feet, even from the elevation of her home's flooring. Like a great monsoon this basement flooded, filling the root point before releasing back to their points of origin, empty nodes quickly filling up to replenish the natural balance of chakra in her body.

"RELEASE" There was a great shift in her body. WIth her chakra potency she didn't expect to actually have to focus more then normal. The power of her reserves by themselves should be enough to remove her from any problematic situation.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

speed round(p/io) Empty Re: speed round(p/io)

Sat May 01, 2021 7:47 pm
"Ramping up the dificulty this time Tria. Storage displacement. You'll need to shift quickly to space time manipulation in order to open a void for storage. Also don't accidentally like.... Consume the couch in a void of nether. We need that for company...." her eyes shifted quickly from the seal on her puppets chest to her own hands. She'd not actually worked with space time jutsu before, but the concept was simple enough. Closing her eyes she could envision the text written on the next page. Mentally she allowed the information to sit before her. This jutsu had two hand seals. Rat. Dog. In an instant her fingertips had interlaced to create the first. Seamlessly they contorted into the second. In her minds eye she was disconnected from her physical form. She stood staring at the image of her chakra network, small strands of blue energy blurred asside from the basic direction the masses traveled. The seven chakra points glowed before her, marking a symbol of her own chakra signature. Between the two, a small black mass formed. The black hole shifted and swirled, slowly becoming larger. Two sets of hands wrapped gently around the small void, fingertips seeming to pass between one another.

"Alright. Now we just need to expand the space to a level that will allow me to place items inside without disrupting the entire jutsu. " She could hear her physical self talking to the spiritual embodiment, which nodded in understanding. Together their hands began to expand. Like bottled lightning the dark nothingness began to grow. Within the center of the new marble sized void of potent chakra she could see a spiral of volitile energy that saught to draw everything within. That was where this got dificult. If she grew it too big she risked things she didn't want being sucked into the void. There was even a chance she could be pulled into it herself.... Probably. If she were honest, she didn't know. With intense focus she continued to expand the jutstu until she felt like she could fit her entire hand inside. That was good enough. From the pouch at her let hip she pulled a sealing scroll she'd filled with Senbon for Pinochio's mechanism. She dropped it in, allowing the void to close on itself.

(1304 mark seal, gen release mastered, storage displacement 368 left so far)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

speed round(p/io) Empty Re: speed round(p/io)

Sat May 01, 2021 7:59 pm
"Alright. Now let's get into the big girl jutsu. We're taking it up another step so lets get ready. " IN emphasis, he simply... ran off? Now I may be a simple narrator, but I feel like it is ineffective to leave your pupil in the middle of a training session. He didn't even give her any insight into what exactly he was doing now. Apparently it didn't matter though. Our brilliant protagonist focused her resolve as he disappeared into one of the rooms down the hall. given their previous training, apparently there was only one thing they could be working on. If you figure it out.... Let me know.

"Right." She turned to look at the book on the table. Lifting it quickly she shifted a few pages to find the next OOOOOOHHHH. Okay. I get it. So she'd trained the mark seal jutsu, placing it on her puppet only moments ago. That meant the next thing on her learning list was to figure out how to activate the seal in order to track targets who bore her mark. In a matter of moments she'd shifted from fuinjutsu to space time manipulation, and now she was working on a sensory technique. This was tough training indeed. She seemed up to the task though. Reaching out with her mind she'd allow the chakra she'd placed on Pinochio to react to her mental command, pulling her hands together to form and hold a ram seal. Behind closed eyes her puppet lit up like a christmas tree. Do they... I mean I assume so but do they celebrate christmas in the shinobi world? It doesn't matter.

She was off, rushing down the hallway and into the art room. Of course he was in there. Immediately she checked the small closet to her left. Unfortunately for her, there were four doorways put into this wall, and the sensory granted by the m ark tracking jutsu was only accurate to a degree of five meters. She knew he was in here. She knew he was on this side of the room, but which door was dificult to discern. Then she noticed small blue chakra strings. Right. It was cheating to an extent. She hadn't used sensory to find him, but only because she couldn't. She needed another means. Oppening the second door, she shook her head at pinochio, booping him on the head.

(1686 adding mark tracking to the list 16 left over)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

speed round(p/io) Empty Re: speed round(p/io)

Sat May 01, 2021 8:35 pm
"Alright. Now. Lets bring this home. It's been five minutes. Think you can finish in ten?!" Once again her teacher had issued her a challenge that she wasn't planning to refuse. The next technique was of B rank, and would require quite a bit more from her. While her chakra reserves seemed endless, the exertion of pushing out jutsu and quick movement was starting to show on her body. Her breath clawed its way past her lips in heavy heaves. While they had trained extensively in the past few days, she'd not actually pushed her body anywhere near her limits outside of their spar in the kitchen with the foo dog heads jutsu.

As she continued on to her next task, her mind shifted. She needed to declutter the infomercial of her consciousness in order to gain the power she needed to continue past the exhaustion she felt. See, normally there would be a handful of things goin on behind the scenes all at one time. She'd be controling Pinochio's actions on reflex, her mind finding the split to give him a seemed sentience, while exactly three songs played in her head at the same time, matching time with various images of the hobbies she constantly had shifting through her thoughts. It was this multitude of media constantly bombarding her mind that gave her the appearance of a dim witted blonde. When she focused--truly focused, all of that disappeared. She shifted from the happy go lucky child into the genius who could complete near any task. That was the hidden truth of sayatria. She actively supressed her own potential.

"If you think I can't do it in five I'll do it in three. I have to assume we're going to be working on THAT jutsu?" They were. They'd skipped a few steps in her journey towards mastery of her bloodline kekigenkai in order to peak her interest. Most would be taught lower ranked techniques that were more broadly useful. Now that she'd performed the technique that would ensure her cooperation in learning Mokuton release, It was time for more broad strokes of the brush.

"I believe you know exactly which one. This tech has your name all over it. It's a heavy chakra focused jutsu that will need to span a wide area. You have to form a great mass of chakra for this one. If done correctly you'll call a great forest within twenty meters of you. If you try harder you can make it even larger, but I must emphasize-- He was cut off as Saya completed his phrase.

"We'll be bringing the technique up to the point of creation. If the first words the Mizukage hears about us is that we're the low ranked shinobi who placed a forrest in the center of his village, he'll have a cow. I know. "

(2160, 490 left)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

speed round(p/io) Empty Re: speed round(p/io)

Sat May 01, 2021 8:58 pm
Had she just.... Paid attention to Pinochio? This was something quite suprising my dear listeners. Why i'm all a tizzy with the sheer possibility that we could finally see what our tiny terror was really made of. Never before, even in the unaired footage between episodes, has she actually taken a task this seriously. Our little girl is growing up before our eyes.

"Right. This is the heart and soul of mokuton. THe nativity of a sea of trees technique is not just the base from which our clan was created, but it is a great field of power that may grant you the strength to take on foes you could never dream of otherwise. The scale of control this jutsu gives is remarkable an-- He was cut off. Every freaking time.

"I know Pinoch. It's super huge, and has amazing bonuses if used correctly, but with the downside that its a perminent field effect that would have to be taken care of through physical means. It'll break up the stone beneath us, but Grants me the ability to attack from angles that the oppenent could never expect. Lets get on with this. Four seals right?"

"Yes. Four seals. Snake, Rat, Ox, Tiger." Thankfully she'd used most of these seals before. Her fingertips danced about one other, forming the seals one by one. Snake. rat. ox. tiger. She held tiger for a moment to memorize the way her mokuton chakra node shifted as she finished the last seal. She could bring it right to the point where the two combined together without risking the homes around her. Her mind flashed to a great plane. She could feel the moisture in the air, the scent of wild grass swaying in the wind, and then the earth split. This was the history of her blood. Great oak trees ripping through the arid soil to tower over the battlefield, Wild branches lashing out to strike at those who would question their legacy, a sea of mokuton snake wrapped across miles of enemies, pulling back deep in to the earth itself.

(2507, 837 left)
Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Saya
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Clan Focus : ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 58600

speed round(p/io) Empty Re: speed round(p/io)

Sat May 01, 2021 9:25 pm
It was finally time for her to unleash the true test of her strength. Everything before had come up to this. At full power the small konoichi formed the seals one final time. She had the resolve to complete her jutsu training in an instance... It had already been two minutes. She felt her chakra shift as she formed the seals, and found the point she would need to use to actually activate the technique. Her stance dropped as her resolve pushed her into the finality of this new technique. Oh no.

"Tria no!" Pinochio crossed the distance quickly. As he entered range, the two moved in slow motion, Saya's form shrinking downward towards the floor of her home as Pinoch allowed his heel to slide from under himself, dropping him into a slide to close the distance. In an instant it was all over. Time stood still as the camera zoomed in on the final scene, with Saya's hands held by the wrist in the puppets mere inches from the completion of her technique. In her push to memorization she'd allowed her focus to narrow to the point that she'd released the last limit, and was fully willing to conjure a forrest in the center of Kiri. By a hares breath he'd stopped her from making contact.

"I... I got it. I can... I can do it. Crap. I actually almost did didn't I? " She helped her friend back up. He'd probably saved her a ton of flack.

"Yea. But you made it.... Just barelly over the three minute mark. Gotta try harder to meet that goal kid. Maybe next time." Her eyes grew wide as she realized what had happened. In trying to actually cast the jutsu she'd lost precious seconds that would have given her her goal. Still, she'd done it. mission complete

(TWC 2813 claiming nativity of a sea of trees(1125 after discount) storage displacement(375 after discount), genjutsu release(187X2 for mastery ) mark seal (187) and finally mark tracking(750) for a total of 2811 exit, topic closed)
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Sun May 02, 2021 1:13 am
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