Ganki's speed rush (speed training)
2 posters
- GankiCitizen
- Ryo : 139050
Ganki's speed rush (speed training)
Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:49 pm
Ganki had woken up from another one his nightmares again. Ganki was starting to have terrible nightmares every night. This was beginning to frighten Ganki now, because every night as the days go by the nightmares begin to get more violent each dream. He never had this type of problem when he was a kid. In fact he was wondering why this was happening to him. He then got out of bed ans started pacing the room. His legs were still asleep so he had trouble at first, but it started to ware of soon enough. After acouple of rounds around the room of constant pacing, he stopped dead center in the middle of the room. He noticed that these dreams started to occur the day after he started his ninja training. He gave it some more thought to it and relized that it was true. The dreams never started to go away after that day, he couldnt even remember as time when he slept a night with out having one of those horrid dreams. Each of the dreams had one thing in common, Ganki thought to himself. In all of his nightmares, he was running away from other ninjas that wanted to kill him, they evenually caught up to him in his dreams and murdered him because of his slowness. Maybe that was why he wanted to become the fastest ninja in all if Kumogakure... it was't because of his need to protect the villagers, but to be able run aways from his fears he thought to himself.
After moments of contamplating about his bad dreams he stopped himself."No, i didn't start all of this ninja training just to be able to run away from all my fears.. i decided to become a ninja for kumogakure... to be fast enough to come to the aid of others who need it in their time of need!!", he said in a righteous passion of voice. With that said, Ganki got all of his training supplies and decieded to go to the training grounds to achieve his goal. He was not about to give up on his ninja goal, even though he wa forced to go in to the ninja ways by his father. Nevertheless, Ganki took the goal as his own as well,because of the ambition he developed to protect the villagers of Kumogakure. When Ganki got his things together, he jolted outside of the house, through his room's window. He was runnignat full speed as if he became the wind itself. Ganki was not about to stop and continued running at a fast but steady paced that would be conisdered sprinting by some others. Besides getting caught in his dreams, Ganki was considered a very fast boy for his age by some of the ninja academy instructers, and also top ninjas of high ranks.
After a few moments of running to the training grounds, he arrived there in record time. He took a minute to collect his breath as he was taking a glance at his surroundings. He deveopled a certain urge to just dash into the woods of the training grounds. He never took a chance to explore the entire training grounds before. He decided to take a shot at it, he put his bag down and got into his streching routines. He didn't want to catch a cramp during his run. When he was done with his streches he got into a running stance to get a boost. Before he took of he started to get glimpses of rouge ninas, there were right in front of him as if they were acutally there. They were blur images but he could hears voice coming from them, they wore ninja flack jackets, headbands with no distinked village emblem, and were armed to the teeth. Ganki was so fightened, this had never happed to him before "am I, day dreaming?", he said with a little studder. Moments later, the blurry images were gone for the time being. Ganki couldn't belive that the nightmares he had were becoming daydreams, he thought that maybe he was going crazy and that he should just forget about becoming ninja. He then remembered the words of his father as if he was standing right next to him, whispering in his ear "you are too naive to carry or understand the name Sakura properly". Ganki then smiled and laughed at him self and at his father's words, as they echoed in his ear."Huh, we shall see about that pops", he said to himself as he retained his focus. Ganki almost forgot about the promise he made to his father, that he would become beter then him without the family name. Ganki then retained his running form and dashed out into the forest grounds of the training grounds, he was ready to acheive his goal, to become the fastest ninja in Kumogakure.
As Ganki was running through the forest he was completely focus on his suroundings. He was dodging trees to avoid hitting them, because that weas his main concern. But it was to bad he thought to himself, becasue he was used to this kind of enviroment. He remembered how he was one day training on in the Kumogakure mountains, and was chased by the legendary Thunder bird, he was in the same situation as he was in now, dodging trees and hopping over rocks. Running in the woods was almost like regular training to him now. As he ran through the forest he decided to hop on the high tree branchs to practice his tree hopping, he had seen all the other ninjas do. At first he was worry about slipping of the branches and falling down the long drop. But after a few errors and minor cuts and bruises, he started to get better at it. He then decided to pick up his pace and go alittle faster, he enjoyed it. He even started to do a few acrobatic tricks to make the exersize even more enjoyable. When he got to the middle of the training grounds he stubbled on to a lake. The lake was not to small and not to big, also surrounded but the trees that hid it from the entrance gate leading into the grounds. He decided to take a little breather before continuing his training.
It was now noon since the time Ganki started his training in the mourning. He was wondering by the lake looking into the waters admiring the beauty it possesed. He was thinking about when he became a ninja he would not only protect the vilagers but the beauties the village held in side it. He then started to think about the amazing natural features the village had, like the Kumogakure mountains, the wonderful landscape, and the lake tat he saw. Ganki just could get over how he couldn't stop thinking about the lake. It was just so calm and peacefull, he said to himself. Ganki then started to run around the lake, he just felt so calm being next to tho lake. While Ganki was running around the lake he suddenly stopped, he started to back up away from the lake , once he had a good distance away from the lake he ran at full speed and jumped into the lake. As he was floating up to the top of the water he laid there, floating around the lake. He felt so calm and at peace, free from worry or any other disturbancees. Ganki finally realized why he admired the lake and its sparkling waters, Because the lake brought him comfrot. Floating on the water he wass free from his worries and nightmares he was thinking about during his training, he was also at joy because of the fact that he was also free from the burden of the horrible daydreams. As time passed he decieded that he had enoughof just floating in the pool, and decided to get back to work. He was soaking wet, but took off running with out a care in the world. He would replace the water with sweat from running, he thought to himself.
As Ganki countinued his speed training he heard a noise coming up ahead of him. It sounded like somebodies foot steps, Ganki thought to himself. Ganki still pressed on foward to see who it was. When he stopped to the location to where the noise was coming from he didn't see anyone. he checked the bushes, behind the trees and even above hims. He still didn't see anyone, untill he felt a warm hard hand on his shoulder. When he turned around it was a ninja. The ninja looked at Ganki with a wierd look and asked "whats up pip squeak... what are you doin out here ?" As Ganki was still only eight he took that term as a insult. Ganki shoved the ninja's hand away and looked at him. The ninja was only about 5 inches taller then him and looked like a kid himself, he must be a teenager Ganki thought to himself. Judging by the colthes he had on which were a one piece strech suit, and kumogaukure headband, he had to be a genin. Ganki said " You better watch what you say KID, im going to be a ninja to, the fastest one in this village." The other ninja looked at Ganki with a funny look, he didn't seem to care what Ganki said untill the ninja said "thats not a bad dream, except you got one little problem... im the fastest ninja in my rank as genin, and soon gonna be the fastest ninja in my village." When Ganki heard the ninja say this he then began to smile, with a devilish look to it. Ganki knew that that dream and that dream alone belonged to him. Ganki said "Looks like somebody left the academy too early.. because you cant be that crazy. I can already tell that your just full of it and that...", before Ganki could finish his sentence, the other ninja intrupted and said " if thats true then how did i sneak up on you then.... punk." When Ganki heard this he retorted, " well,well, you know what lets race then, whoever wins gets the headband." The ninja gave it some thought and agreed to the challenge.
As both of them agreed they headed back to the entrance gate of the training grounds, they both lined up next to each other in a even line. They had both agreed that they would race from the entrance gate to the lake, that was located into the middle of the training grounds. A moment of silence pasted as each of them were gathering up focus and determination to succeed in the race. When the ninja shouted "Go!!", both of them took off at blazing speed towards the destination point. So far Ganki and the other ninja were neck and neck, each were runing their fastest. The ninja was shocked that a mere academy student could keep up with him. Im a genin the ninja thought to himself, he felt that he should be winning this race and blow him out in his dust. The ninja started to kick it into overdrive and began to run even faster, in fact it was the most fastest speed he could do. The ninja was at top speed and gained a inch in the race, the ninjas was winning so far, he was not about to lose to a academy student.
Ganki saw how the ninja was taking the lead; Ganki was also determined to win at all cost. As too, Ganki decided to kick it into over drive. The moment Ganki went into max power he started gaining on the ninja, Ganki became so fast that he was as fast as the wind breaking sound barriers. He evenually past the genin and took the lead. Ganki also noticed that they were almost near the lake. When the genin saw how Ganki passed him and took the lead, he was not only discouraged but also impressed. he just could get the fact that a mere academy student, that was alos a little kid, was beating him. He started to sweat even more. Some drops of sweat managed to get into the genin's eyes, when he blinked the sweat drops were gone, but that wasn't the only thing that was gone. The genin noticed that Ganki had vanished from his sight, he stopped and looked around him to see if this was a simple trick. But, then he started to see that it was no joke, Ganki had won the race. The genin started to head for the lake, knowing that he was defeated. When he got to the lake he saw Ganki, he was standing infront of the lake looking striaght at him with a grin on his face. Through out the genin's mind the words , how how howe how how.... did he do it. Ganki walked over to the genin and said " what to you so long bro." The Genin then smiled, he then took of his headband and stuck it out in front of Ganki and said " Ya um about, i had to pick this up you must have dropped it." Ganki smiled, he then walked past him and said " you earned your headband the real way, that means i have to earn mine the same way you did". Before Ganki took of to continue what he had left of his training, the genin said "one day, you'll be the best ninja in the whole village." The genin then took off in to the woods, moved by Ganki's actions. Ganki was happy that he was admired by a fellow ninja, and continued the rest of his training.
It was now late in the afternoon, the sun was going down. Ganki was still endlessly running in the training grounds, increasing his speed limits. Ganki was thinking about how he beat the genin in a foot race back at the lake. Ganki had never been so proud of himself. He even thought of himself as a bad*** when he was offered the headband and he turned it down. Ganki stopped, his visdon began to blur. He hardly had any rest during his training, and need to rest now or he might pass out from lack of energy. He tryed to find a soft pillow of grass to sit on, he didn't care that he was out in the middle of the training grounds, he just wanted some rest. When he found some good grass to sleep on he fell straight to the ground without using his hands to brace the impact. He then start to wonder that if he started to sleep, will he have those horrible nightmares he wondered. But Ganki didnt care, he closed his eye and began to rest.
Time had past while Ganki was resting, it was in the middle of the night. The village had closed the gates and shut down any resturants, the night was silent. Ganki started to open his eyes, he only could see in a blurry state, for he was still tired. He also couldn't feel his legs at all, even as he tried to move them they were still to sore from all the training he had done, plus the race. Ganki layed their lifeless, like a puppet waiting for his master to move him by the strings. Then his vision faded, Ganki didn't know what was going on. Darkness was all he saw. It was a consuming darkness without the faintest hint of light. He tried to make sense of where he was but couldn't place it. Ganki looked up in the sky and felt that even the sky seemed to be consumed by the endless darkness. He tried to move his hands but found them useless, he tried to walk but they were still too sore to move, he was stuck. A small flash of purple illuminated the darkness. He turned to the ghostly figures and tried to see who it was, or what it was he thought, he couldn’t make sense what were the ghostly figures he thought. He found himself floating towards the ghostly figures and as he got closer he started making out other colors. First he found that the ghostly figures were shadow like clouds , then he saw the shadow clouds form into 3 bodies, it then became clear to Ganki, it was the ninja’s from his nightmare. Ganki was frighten from the figures, he could stand the sight of them and curled up into a ball, he could move. Ganki couldn't stop saying the word im gonna die, im gonna die, im gonna die, im gonna die!! in his head. As they were coming closer Ganki heard the ghost like figures muttering something, something that sounded like words. Ganki then peeked at them, despite having great fear of them and hear the following words, "failure, doubtfullness, weak" . Ganki couldn't belive the words that were coming from the ghosts, but that wasn't nothing compared to what he saw. Ganki, for the first time, got to see what the ghostly figures looked like. The ghost all looked like Ganki himself, he saw all three of them. One looked like Ganki as he was right now as a kid, that ghost was saying the words doubtfullness. The other Ganki looked like a older adult version of him, which said, weak. The last and final ghost looked like Ganki as a elderly man, he said the word, failure. Ganki started to think that these nightmares hes been having were nightmares at all, that they were some sort of vision to the future. Ganki was so confused, then Ganki started to have flashbacks but not in his head. The flashbacks were displayed around him like t.v.s closing in on him, they were flashbacks of what have occured in his life. The flashbacks ranged from his first fall from riding a bike, to even getting yelled at by his teacher in the academy, all were the failures in his life. Ganki couldn't take it, he really felt like his time in this world was over and didn't need him anymore, untill he remembered the words from the genin he met in the training grounds. The words " one day, you'll be the best ninja in the whole village", he had remember all the good he did, Ganki then focused all his will power on his legs, and found the power to use them again. Struggling, ganki got up and faced the ghosts and yell, " im not afraid anymore... i know who i am, im Ganki of the village hidden in the clouds, not a sorry peice of trash thats afraid of some little shadow." then ganki decided to give it all he had to charge the ghostly figures, free of being afraid of them, free of any doubts, and free of the thought of failure. When he charged them, he ran into a bright light, and found himself again, lying on the grass. Ganki looked around, confused and wondering was any of the stuff he experienced was real. He also noticed that his legs weren't sore or anything, almost new, as well as his eye sight being fully restored. Ganki got up and and started to thank everyone that he knew for giving him courage and a reason to go on with is ninja ambition, including his father.
Ganki, now heading back home with a fresh new mind set, felt that he was free from his nightmares... and also done with his training... for the night.
After moments of contamplating about his bad dreams he stopped himself."No, i didn't start all of this ninja training just to be able to run away from all my fears.. i decided to become a ninja for kumogakure... to be fast enough to come to the aid of others who need it in their time of need!!", he said in a righteous passion of voice. With that said, Ganki got all of his training supplies and decieded to go to the training grounds to achieve his goal. He was not about to give up on his ninja goal, even though he wa forced to go in to the ninja ways by his father. Nevertheless, Ganki took the goal as his own as well,because of the ambition he developed to protect the villagers of Kumogakure. When Ganki got his things together, he jolted outside of the house, through his room's window. He was runnignat full speed as if he became the wind itself. Ganki was not about to stop and continued running at a fast but steady paced that would be conisdered sprinting by some others. Besides getting caught in his dreams, Ganki was considered a very fast boy for his age by some of the ninja academy instructers, and also top ninjas of high ranks.
After a few moments of running to the training grounds, he arrived there in record time. He took a minute to collect his breath as he was taking a glance at his surroundings. He deveopled a certain urge to just dash into the woods of the training grounds. He never took a chance to explore the entire training grounds before. He decided to take a shot at it, he put his bag down and got into his streching routines. He didn't want to catch a cramp during his run. When he was done with his streches he got into a running stance to get a boost. Before he took of he started to get glimpses of rouge ninas, there were right in front of him as if they were acutally there. They were blur images but he could hears voice coming from them, they wore ninja flack jackets, headbands with no distinked village emblem, and were armed to the teeth. Ganki was so fightened, this had never happed to him before "am I, day dreaming?", he said with a little studder. Moments later, the blurry images were gone for the time being. Ganki couldn't belive that the nightmares he had were becoming daydreams, he thought that maybe he was going crazy and that he should just forget about becoming ninja. He then remembered the words of his father as if he was standing right next to him, whispering in his ear "you are too naive to carry or understand the name Sakura properly". Ganki then smiled and laughed at him self and at his father's words, as they echoed in his ear."Huh, we shall see about that pops", he said to himself as he retained his focus. Ganki almost forgot about the promise he made to his father, that he would become beter then him without the family name. Ganki then retained his running form and dashed out into the forest grounds of the training grounds, he was ready to acheive his goal, to become the fastest ninja in Kumogakure.
As Ganki was running through the forest he was completely focus on his suroundings. He was dodging trees to avoid hitting them, because that weas his main concern. But it was to bad he thought to himself, becasue he was used to this kind of enviroment. He remembered how he was one day training on in the Kumogakure mountains, and was chased by the legendary Thunder bird, he was in the same situation as he was in now, dodging trees and hopping over rocks. Running in the woods was almost like regular training to him now. As he ran through the forest he decided to hop on the high tree branchs to practice his tree hopping, he had seen all the other ninjas do. At first he was worry about slipping of the branches and falling down the long drop. But after a few errors and minor cuts and bruises, he started to get better at it. He then decided to pick up his pace and go alittle faster, he enjoyed it. He even started to do a few acrobatic tricks to make the exersize even more enjoyable. When he got to the middle of the training grounds he stubbled on to a lake. The lake was not to small and not to big, also surrounded but the trees that hid it from the entrance gate leading into the grounds. He decided to take a little breather before continuing his training.
It was now noon since the time Ganki started his training in the mourning. He was wondering by the lake looking into the waters admiring the beauty it possesed. He was thinking about when he became a ninja he would not only protect the vilagers but the beauties the village held in side it. He then started to think about the amazing natural features the village had, like the Kumogakure mountains, the wonderful landscape, and the lake tat he saw. Ganki just could get over how he couldn't stop thinking about the lake. It was just so calm and peacefull, he said to himself. Ganki then started to run around the lake, he just felt so calm being next to tho lake. While Ganki was running around the lake he suddenly stopped, he started to back up away from the lake , once he had a good distance away from the lake he ran at full speed and jumped into the lake. As he was floating up to the top of the water he laid there, floating around the lake. He felt so calm and at peace, free from worry or any other disturbancees. Ganki finally realized why he admired the lake and its sparkling waters, Because the lake brought him comfrot. Floating on the water he wass free from his worries and nightmares he was thinking about during his training, he was also at joy because of the fact that he was also free from the burden of the horrible daydreams. As time passed he decieded that he had enoughof just floating in the pool, and decided to get back to work. He was soaking wet, but took off running with out a care in the world. He would replace the water with sweat from running, he thought to himself.
As Ganki countinued his speed training he heard a noise coming up ahead of him. It sounded like somebodies foot steps, Ganki thought to himself. Ganki still pressed on foward to see who it was. When he stopped to the location to where the noise was coming from he didn't see anyone. he checked the bushes, behind the trees and even above hims. He still didn't see anyone, untill he felt a warm hard hand on his shoulder. When he turned around it was a ninja. The ninja looked at Ganki with a wierd look and asked "whats up pip squeak... what are you doin out here ?" As Ganki was still only eight he took that term as a insult. Ganki shoved the ninja's hand away and looked at him. The ninja was only about 5 inches taller then him and looked like a kid himself, he must be a teenager Ganki thought to himself. Judging by the colthes he had on which were a one piece strech suit, and kumogaukure headband, he had to be a genin. Ganki said " You better watch what you say KID, im going to be a ninja to, the fastest one in this village." The other ninja looked at Ganki with a funny look, he didn't seem to care what Ganki said untill the ninja said "thats not a bad dream, except you got one little problem... im the fastest ninja in my rank as genin, and soon gonna be the fastest ninja in my village." When Ganki heard the ninja say this he then began to smile, with a devilish look to it. Ganki knew that that dream and that dream alone belonged to him. Ganki said "Looks like somebody left the academy too early.. because you cant be that crazy. I can already tell that your just full of it and that...", before Ganki could finish his sentence, the other ninja intrupted and said " if thats true then how did i sneak up on you then.... punk." When Ganki heard this he retorted, " well,well, you know what lets race then, whoever wins gets the headband." The ninja gave it some thought and agreed to the challenge.
As both of them agreed they headed back to the entrance gate of the training grounds, they both lined up next to each other in a even line. They had both agreed that they would race from the entrance gate to the lake, that was located into the middle of the training grounds. A moment of silence pasted as each of them were gathering up focus and determination to succeed in the race. When the ninja shouted "Go!!", both of them took off at blazing speed towards the destination point. So far Ganki and the other ninja were neck and neck, each were runing their fastest. The ninja was shocked that a mere academy student could keep up with him. Im a genin the ninja thought to himself, he felt that he should be winning this race and blow him out in his dust. The ninja started to kick it into overdrive and began to run even faster, in fact it was the most fastest speed he could do. The ninja was at top speed and gained a inch in the race, the ninjas was winning so far, he was not about to lose to a academy student.
Ganki saw how the ninja was taking the lead; Ganki was also determined to win at all cost. As too, Ganki decided to kick it into over drive. The moment Ganki went into max power he started gaining on the ninja, Ganki became so fast that he was as fast as the wind breaking sound barriers. He evenually past the genin and took the lead. Ganki also noticed that they were almost near the lake. When the genin saw how Ganki passed him and took the lead, he was not only discouraged but also impressed. he just could get the fact that a mere academy student, that was alos a little kid, was beating him. He started to sweat even more. Some drops of sweat managed to get into the genin's eyes, when he blinked the sweat drops were gone, but that wasn't the only thing that was gone. The genin noticed that Ganki had vanished from his sight, he stopped and looked around him to see if this was a simple trick. But, then he started to see that it was no joke, Ganki had won the race. The genin started to head for the lake, knowing that he was defeated. When he got to the lake he saw Ganki, he was standing infront of the lake looking striaght at him with a grin on his face. Through out the genin's mind the words , how how howe how how.... did he do it. Ganki walked over to the genin and said " what to you so long bro." The Genin then smiled, he then took of his headband and stuck it out in front of Ganki and said " Ya um about, i had to pick this up you must have dropped it." Ganki smiled, he then walked past him and said " you earned your headband the real way, that means i have to earn mine the same way you did". Before Ganki took of to continue what he had left of his training, the genin said "one day, you'll be the best ninja in the whole village." The genin then took off in to the woods, moved by Ganki's actions. Ganki was happy that he was admired by a fellow ninja, and continued the rest of his training.
It was now late in the afternoon, the sun was going down. Ganki was still endlessly running in the training grounds, increasing his speed limits. Ganki was thinking about how he beat the genin in a foot race back at the lake. Ganki had never been so proud of himself. He even thought of himself as a bad*** when he was offered the headband and he turned it down. Ganki stopped, his visdon began to blur. He hardly had any rest during his training, and need to rest now or he might pass out from lack of energy. He tryed to find a soft pillow of grass to sit on, he didn't care that he was out in the middle of the training grounds, he just wanted some rest. When he found some good grass to sleep on he fell straight to the ground without using his hands to brace the impact. He then start to wonder that if he started to sleep, will he have those horrible nightmares he wondered. But Ganki didnt care, he closed his eye and began to rest.
Time had past while Ganki was resting, it was in the middle of the night. The village had closed the gates and shut down any resturants, the night was silent. Ganki started to open his eyes, he only could see in a blurry state, for he was still tired. He also couldn't feel his legs at all, even as he tried to move them they were still to sore from all the training he had done, plus the race. Ganki layed their lifeless, like a puppet waiting for his master to move him by the strings. Then his vision faded, Ganki didn't know what was going on. Darkness was all he saw. It was a consuming darkness without the faintest hint of light. He tried to make sense of where he was but couldn't place it. Ganki looked up in the sky and felt that even the sky seemed to be consumed by the endless darkness. He tried to move his hands but found them useless, he tried to walk but they were still too sore to move, he was stuck. A small flash of purple illuminated the darkness. He turned to the ghostly figures and tried to see who it was, or what it was he thought, he couldn’t make sense what were the ghostly figures he thought. He found himself floating towards the ghostly figures and as he got closer he started making out other colors. First he found that the ghostly figures were shadow like clouds , then he saw the shadow clouds form into 3 bodies, it then became clear to Ganki, it was the ninja’s from his nightmare. Ganki was frighten from the figures, he could stand the sight of them and curled up into a ball, he could move. Ganki couldn't stop saying the word im gonna die, im gonna die, im gonna die, im gonna die!! in his head. As they were coming closer Ganki heard the ghost like figures muttering something, something that sounded like words. Ganki then peeked at them, despite having great fear of them and hear the following words, "failure, doubtfullness, weak" . Ganki couldn't belive the words that were coming from the ghosts, but that wasn't nothing compared to what he saw. Ganki, for the first time, got to see what the ghostly figures looked like. The ghost all looked like Ganki himself, he saw all three of them. One looked like Ganki as he was right now as a kid, that ghost was saying the words doubtfullness. The other Ganki looked like a older adult version of him, which said, weak. The last and final ghost looked like Ganki as a elderly man, he said the word, failure. Ganki started to think that these nightmares hes been having were nightmares at all, that they were some sort of vision to the future. Ganki was so confused, then Ganki started to have flashbacks but not in his head. The flashbacks were displayed around him like t.v.s closing in on him, they were flashbacks of what have occured in his life. The flashbacks ranged from his first fall from riding a bike, to even getting yelled at by his teacher in the academy, all were the failures in his life. Ganki couldn't take it, he really felt like his time in this world was over and didn't need him anymore, untill he remembered the words from the genin he met in the training grounds. The words " one day, you'll be the best ninja in the whole village", he had remember all the good he did, Ganki then focused all his will power on his legs, and found the power to use them again. Struggling, ganki got up and faced the ghosts and yell, " im not afraid anymore... i know who i am, im Ganki of the village hidden in the clouds, not a sorry peice of trash thats afraid of some little shadow." then ganki decided to give it all he had to charge the ghostly figures, free of being afraid of them, free of any doubts, and free of the thought of failure. When he charged them, he ran into a bright light, and found himself again, lying on the grass. Ganki looked around, confused and wondering was any of the stuff he experienced was real. He also noticed that his legs weren't sore or anything, almost new, as well as his eye sight being fully restored. Ganki got up and and started to thank everyone that he knew for giving him courage and a reason to go on with is ninja ambition, including his father.
Ganki, now heading back home with a fresh new mind set, felt that he was free from his nightmares... and also done with his training... for the night.
- GankiCitizen
- Ryo : 139050
Re: Ganki's speed rush (speed training)
Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:50 pm
wc=3285 i tried to get to 4000, but i ran out of plot and got tired lol
- Kurisu "Fifi" AmetsuchiCitizen
- Ryo : 104300
Re: Ganki's speed rush (speed training)
Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:00 pm
+16 Speed
+16 Jutsu Points
+16 Speed
+16 Jutsu Points
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