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Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Teaching Lightning[Open] Empty Teaching Lightning[Open]

Tue Apr 27, 2021 12:32 am
Keita was excited for today, as he was going to host a small seminar on the lightning element this day, as he had sent out a small notice the day previous. He was going to be happy if he got a couple of people to attend the teachings, but it could be just as well that no one wanted to learn the ins and outs of this element, as most people in this village wanted to learn more about the water element. This was a fairly niche thing, but was gaining traction due to the rumors of a powerful elemental combination the village had which involved lightning. Keita knew this element combination as Tempest, a powerful element that could control the wrath of nature itself, minus things like earthquakes, as the element had no inkling of earth, of course.

Keita made sure that he was at the training area thirty minutes before the actual lecture was going to be, and he did not see anyone there quite yet, which was understandable, although to Keita it was a bad omen, as he was thinking that no one was going to show up to his lecture, which would be slightly upsetting. Keita had his teaching materials ready, and although he did not have the greatest of knowledge when it came to lightning, it was enough to teach the basics to inquisitive minds to feel out their own way to use it, once they could successfully control it. 

After around twenty minutes, people started showing up, and Keita had rented a large training room for all of them, and had used the time before his class to set up the simulation. It was simple, a large field spotted with around a dozen oak trees, and there was a dry thunderstorm swirling overhead. Once in a while, a lightning bolt would strike down on one of the trees, seemingly at random, but there was no true random, and Keita wanted to time his teaching accordingly, so there was a set pattern, but this was not quite important. 

At exactly the time of the class, there were a bunch of random genin from the village there, and even some of the more combat interested civilians listening in, as it almost seemed like a fun attraction, and they could learn something. Keita then started his lesson, speaking about the ins and outs of the lightning element, the basics such as what lightning was, and sprinkling in a few advanced topics, such as the bioelectricity in the human body.
WC: 422
Sumire Furukawa
Sumire Furukawa
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Teaching Lightning[Open] Empty Re: Teaching Lightning[Open]

Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:22 pm
Elliryana awoke that morning excited for what was to come for her that day. Word had been spread around of a shinobi from the village speaking on the lightning element and teaching it to those willing to learn and the grown haired girl had every intention of going and learning how to utilize the element. She had always wanted to learn lightning but she had been graced with being a water type. As most within the village was. She was not surprised by that revelation when she found out. However she would be lying to herself if she said she had not been disappointed. Her own talents with puppetry in fact matched up quite well with the lightning element although she had already made a way for them to translate into Aaliyah, with its built in high pressure water cannon. It would allow her to utilize almost any water ninjutsu to refill it when it was empty and the streams could cut through the normal equipment one could buy within the market with relative ease. However the ability to utilize lightning instead would make for an incredibly useful ability and one she would be able to utilize to full effect with her puppets. All she needed was to learn the element from someone who was willing to teach it.

She could of course take the time and learn it herself, but that took a while. It was time she was more than willing to spend. But between missions, designing and creating Aaliyah, and trying to get more in touch with her bloodline’s roots, she simply did not have the extra time to spare so far. So when she saw the announcement she jumped at the chance for the opportunity. The night prior she had done as she usually did. Which was to work on designs for an hour or so before eating and then going to sleep. In the morning she would awake. As usual she was not a morning person. So it was with many a cute yawn and a rubbing at tired eyes that she would make her way to the bathroom to strip herself from her otter pajamas and shower. Once that was done she would dress in her usual attire. Which was a purple pleated, flower-patterned skirt; black boots; a black spaghetti-string camisole under a white sash that wraps around her neck and over her chest; and a yellow patterned belt. Two separate, kimono-like pink and white sleeves secured by purple cords complete the outfit. Once she was dressed she would comb her hair, ensure that her headband was tied around her arm as it should be and take up the scroll that contained Aaliyah, her puppet.

Aaliyah was a puppet that stood about two inches taller than she herself did and weighed about fifty pounds heavier. It was a humanoid puppet that allowed her to fight with much more versatility than normal. Not only that but she was working on a way to increase her own personal versatility with it and others she would be creating. It would hopefully allow her to utilize her puppets without even needing to engage her hands in the task. Thus freeing up her hands for other tasks that would otherwise be more difficult to manage. Dressed properly and armed with her puppet scroll clipped to her belt. The white eyed girl left her home and traveled to the training ground. She would leave ten minutes prior to the scheduled time since the training ground that was being used wasn’t particularly far from her home. Unbeknownst to her, her lightning teacher would actually have been there for twenty minutes at that time. Upon arrival she would see others sitting and more arriving to watch and take a place apart from others. She was not entirely comfortable around people in such large groups and so the girl stood aside a bit, watching the man who was there to give them a crash course in lightning release.

The man was a bit over half a foot taller than her with pale skin, long white hair, with two clumps of it falling to frame his face and the end of those clumps black, seemingly covered in ink. He wore a white flowing robe with long sleeves, similar to hers; actually only his were white with blue trim while her long sleeves were pink and white instead. He instructed them on what the lightning element was. The ins and outs of the element and even went so far as to talk about the bioelectricity of the human body a bit too. She listened, with a notepad out and writing on it in a neat, scrawling script. Given her weak heart growing up, she had spent a great deal of time writing and studying and as such her handwriting was neat, precise, and elegant. Many would consider it ‘girlie’ but that did not bother the girl at all. She could read what she wrote, and more importantly, so could everyone else. Her notes were detailed, and she wrote quickly, and notated in some of her own thoughts as well. Things to consider and try on her own time. She would not try to ask questions about them now. It would disrupt the lecture too much, for now she just wanted to get the information, get the notes. Format her notes on how to apply the element, and perhaps even figure out some interesting ways to incorporate it into her puppets.

As she wrote she listened, being careful not to fall behind and eventually when he finished she would put her pen away and look over her notes. She would read them carefully, and quickly, nodding to herself as she double checked it all before closing the notepad and then steepling her fingers together, palms apart to make a space between them. She began to focus her chakra carefully, working on forming the proper alignment for elemental chakra that was not that of water. It was tempting to try to do that, it was actually almost too easy to fall into that trap actually as it was all but muscle memory now to channel chakra in that fashion and she focused intently on intentionally not channeling chakra in that way. If anything Lightning was quite a bit different than water, and she had to focus it differently in order to get the desired effect. As she focused she began to think of other things, and trying to let her body naturally do what she wanted it to do. To channel chakra into the lightning element. She was wanting to have two small streams of lightning come from each of her palms and meet in the middle. Which would show that she had channeled the element properly. From there she could work on bigger things and progress.

The other things she thought about were things that brought emotions to her. Emotions she did not fully understand or know how to deal with. One of the first things she thought of was her mother and the sacrifice the woman had chosen to make for her. Elliryana was born with a weak heart. To the point where her parents were told that she would be lucky to make it to her teens. All of her life however she had been told that she simply had a weak constitution. That she simply got sick easily and therefore had to rest more often. None of which were untrue. However her parents had never once told her of the underlying cause of those effects. The cause of them if you will. So she had grown without knowing, without understanding fully what was wrong with her. She had been lied to for years by the individuals that she was supposed to be able to trust beyond any shadow of a doubt. The day she had found out about what was really wrong with her. Was when she was sixteen, the day after she had suddenly blacked out. It was the day after her mother had chosen to give her life, to donate her own heart to her daughter. It was the day after her mother had chosen to give her life for her daughter. All without telling Elli anything at all.

The only reason the transplant could have happened was because they shared the same blood type, and since they were of a size the heart was about the proper size as well. Elliryana learned of what medical condition plagued her the day she found out her mother died, the day she learned that her mother and father had lied to her for over sixteen years. She found out only after she learned that she would never get to say goodbye to her mother. Never see her again, never hug her again, never talk to her about boys, or about life, or ask for her womanly advice. A large part of her, a part of her she did not like, resented her mother for that. She could not help it. The emotions of those memories welled up within her, her eyes closed as she focused on them and instinctively what she was doing. She was met with the sudden sound of crackling and she looked down, opening her eyes to see twin streams of lightning between her hands. Meeting in the middle of the space between her palms and creating a spark in the middle. She noted how her chakra felt, how she was channeling it and nodded. Then dropped the minor effort of chakra usage before doing it again. This time with full knowledge of what she was doing. It worked, and that should have made her happy. She had added a new element to her repertoire, and could now expand upon what she could do with her puppets with the properties of lightning at her disposal.

But all she felt was numb, as the memories she dredged up always made her feel. She did not feel like celebrating her accomplishment. Instead she just felt like curling up into a ball and crying. She almost did too, but she stopped herself. She would not allow herself to fall apart in the open. Instead she would school her face in passivity before taking up her notepad and pen, and standing. Then would give a polite, waist deep bow to the man who had taught the lecture to begin with before turning and leaving. She had already successfully channeled the element now and the intent of the lecture from what she understood was not even to make that happen. It was simply to educate people on the lightning element itself and if that progressed into learning the element then great. If not at least one had more information on hand. Information was the most important weapon of all after all. Knowledge was the antithesis of fear itself. With her new element learned however she would return home. She had planned to go out and get another mission today but she found herself simply not in the mood to do so at all and it brought her mood down considerably. She debated going out to her workshop and working on a new puppet design with the lightning element incorporated somehow. However she decided against the idea simply because of the fact that she just was not in the mood to do it. Memories the likes of which she had accidentally summoned up depressed her. She felt like she had no energy anymore and in the end her decision for what to do with the rest of her day was to go upstairs, dress back into her otter pajamas and curl up into bed and go back to sleep. As she lay in bed she finally let herself start to cry, tears welling up in her white eyes before falling down her cheeks. Eventually she would fall asleep, the day was productive enough considering and she could work more on her puppets tomorrow. For now, she just needed rest and to hopefully feel better when she awoke.


WC: 2,011

Claiming 20 stats all to speed which will put me at 100 counting my bloodline boost. This puts my stats at 200/250
Putting the words towards Lightning Element obviously, since Keita taught it the required words should be 2,000.
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Teaching Lightning[Open] Empty Re: Teaching Lightning[Open]

Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:58 pm
Keita had finished up with his lecture and looked around, and it seemed he had either done a great job, or a terrible job, because nearly no one had any questions to ask him. He really hoped it was the former, as he had written out this lesson as best as he could for a few days before this actually happened, proofread it far too many times, and finally decided that it was good, all encompassing, but still leaving bits and pieces for people to ask questions about or explore for themselves. He was hoping that they were all excited to go out and try their hand at the lightning element, or at least this would give them some information that they would find useful later on in their ninja careers.

Keita waited, and answered a few minor questions that people had that were not going to use the lightning element, mainly on ways to counter it and such, which got quite a few unfriendly stares from most of the crowd, as they were here to learn the element, so the others blatantly asking how to counter it was a bit, uncouth at the time. Keita just sort of chuckled and then patiently answered their questions, much to the chagrin of the majority of people. Keita then told the people that were actually practicing to use the element that it was great to know the ins and outs of your element if you wanted to master it, so learning the weaknesses of the element would also give you inspirations on how to mitigate the weaknesses and drawbacks somewhat. Keita waited, and there were no more questions, so he kindly thanked everyone for coming and then bid them farewell, leaving so they could talk amongst themselves if they wanted to. It was good to have a foil to bounce your ideas off of.
WC: 312
Total WC: 734

Putting all the words towards Supercell with 25% discount 734/3750

Last edited by Keita on Wed Apr 28, 2021 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Teaching Lightning[Open] Empty Re: Teaching Lightning[Open]

Wed Apr 28, 2021 6:03 pm
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