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Madrigal Kaguya
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Morning Flames (IO) Empty Morning Flames (IO)

Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:00 pm
Mission Name: Storm That Building!
Rank: C
Type: Infiltration/Rescue
Character Requirements: Genin/Genin Team/Higher
Mission Location: Hoshigakure City Square
Challenges: N/A
Word Count Requirements: 2, 000
Repeatable? Not by the same person
NPC? -
Reward: 2, 000 Ryo, 5 AP, an NPC’s undying gratitude


A fire has broken out in one of the shops of the city. As the first response team, your task is to (1) Extract any unfortunate civilians that may still be trapped within the shop and (2) Ensure the fire does not spread to other shops or cause damage to any more people or property. Once you’ve completed the mission, report to the relevant authorities and collect your reward.


Today was going to be a peaceful day, or at least a day off for Madrigal. He had planned it to be one for a week now and on this day he had no intention of doing any training or missions. It was simply a rest day where he did very minor movements that included making breakfast, showering, and going to the grocery store. As a matter of fact he was showering at this precise moment. He stood within the shower, hot water sluicing over his form as he contemplated the day's upcoming events. It was fairly early, the sun up but not overly high in the sky. He had let himself sleep in a bit and he let out a fairly large yawn as the last dregs of sleepiness left his system. Once that was done he completed his shower routine, soap, rinse, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, rinse. Then he stepped out and dried off before getting dressed. He’d wear his usual attire, black muscle shirt, black shinobi combat pants, and black combat boots. His tattoo could be easily seen, at least partially. The bird of prey was mainly on his back but it also took up both of his arms and the head of the avian rested upon his chest, coming off the left arm with the beak resting on his heart. The feathers of the tattoo were intricately detailed. 

Once he had finished dressing, his wild black hair kept at bay with a loose tail at the nape of the neck, he would head out toward the shops of the village. They would be opening up fairly shortly if they weren’t already and the earlier he got there the better quality produce and other such items he could obtain. As he moved through the early morning air, his hair still partially damp from the shower he would turn his amber eyes to the road ahead. Moving down it at a sedate pace. Before long he would reach the shops of the village and move into one. A grocer, within he would meander around, picking out fruits and vegetables and other such items. Once he had paid for them he would move toward the butcher and get a few cuts of meat, some sausage links, and other items that he would freeze and thaw later. The hectic schedule of a shinobi required such things, or spending an inordinate amount of money on fast food. Once he had those items he would begin to leave before deciding to pick up a light snack at a restaurant and sit down and enjoy the morning a bit more. He had time before he had to get the meat home after all. He could spare a half hour or so. 

Stepping into a restaurant just off the square he would move within to find a girl at the door with an apron and a cheerful, inviting smile on her features. “Good morning and welcome! Can I get you a seat?” She would ask, prompting the 6’5 man to nod “By a window if it’s not too much trouble.” He would say, prompting a smile from her “Not a problem, please follow me!” She would say before leading him up a flight of the stairs to a second story seating area. Within he would be seated at a window and he would set his two bags in the two chairs across from him. He didn’t have any guests with him so it’s not like anyone was going to sit in them. The second floor of the establishment had a spackling of people throughout it, just a light morning crowd really and many were already leaving. Instinctively he kept aware of his surroundings and before long it was him, a young woman at the table two down from him. A family of four across the room, and two men in a meeting of some kind near the stairs where they could easily leave and go about their day when it was time. Madrigal waited idly for his waiter or waitress when a distinctive, all alarming scent filled his nose. His nostrils flared as he took a bigger whiff and nodded. Fire, but where was it? He looked out the window at nearby buildings to see if he could spot the one on fire and before long realized that many people were looking at the restaurant he himself was in. Eyes widening in that sudden realization the first cries of “FIRE!!” would come up from the downstairs. 

WC: 751
Taichi Uchiha
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Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:09 am
Taichi had passed out again heading back for the inn, right in the middle of one of the alleyways within the village. His eyes slowly opened, just enough to let some of the light in from the outside world, then as he rubbed his eyes, he was able to open them all of the way to see just where he was and what time it was. The sun was still young so it couldn't have been that late in the day, but as to where he was, he could not remember a thing about the night before. He stumbled to his feet, before falling back down to his knees, head still spinning from the binge that he had undergone the night before. Praying to the gods, he formed a few hand seals to cure his hangover with his chakra. With his eyes being able to see straight again, he walked out of the alleyway so he could get a better idea for just where he was within the village. 

Turned out he hadn't gotten far, being that he was directly next to the tavern that he was the night before, and for every night of the time he had been visiting in Hoshi. He rubbed his eyes once more, trying to get them to open all the way, but his body was far too tired to be alert at this time. He turned the corner and began walking down the side of the street, watching several people give him an unapproving look and turning their noses away from him as he left the alleyway. Taichi was none too surprised, he hadn't showered and he likely smelled of all the whiskey that that tavern had in it's stocks. He was deciding how he was going to get back to the inn so he could clean up when he saw a mass of shinobi begin to rush around the corner. 

Before he was given the chance to think about what to do next, he began hearing the screams of multiple sources coming from around the corner. He decided to forego the shower for now and see just what on Earth was going on. As he turned the corner, he saw a plume of smoke beginning to exit a rather large building that had just began to catch fire. Taichi tried his best to sprint in a straight line, still being slightly drunk from the night before, but ultimately succeeding in reaching the building, seeming to be before anyone else that cared to try and put the fire out. Taichi knew he didn't want to try something too strong, as it would likely knock the building down along with his Exploding Wave. He formed a few hand seals to create two wood clones, identical to himself. Each of the clones and the original Taichi would surround the building and they would all three begin their own avenue of controlling the fire. 

The original would create a giant cloud in the sky to begin a torrential downpour of rain onto the building, beginning to dampen the remainder of the building, causing it to be harder to catch fire. The two clones would each form their own hand seals and perform Water Shark bullet, and water wall respectively. Having the water wall dissipate and flood the surrounding area with the water, putting out the fire that would be starting to catch on the ground floor. The water shark bullets would collide with the fire that was beginning to catch on the higher levels of the building. The clones would keep this up until the fire would be put out completely.

As the rain would come down, Taichi would shift his attention to ensuring the people that were trapped within the building would still have an avenue to escape the flooding and the water shark bullets. Taichi would form a few hand seals and place his hands against the ground, causing trees to form, forming walls out the front door to split the water that was flooding the area, and to create a stronger foundation for the failing part of the building, aiding the escape attempt by anyone left inside by holding the building up and preventing a total collapse. Taichi would keep his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan activated, being sure to scan the entire building and see if there was anything that Taichi needed to do to help those inside the building, or to see if there was another bit of fire that would try and spark within the building.

Madrigal Kaguya
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Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:46 pm
After the initial cry of fire, Madrigal would begin to move. Flames would begin to gut their way through the floor of the second floor starting at one end of the floor, the end that was beneath the kitchen. The fire would ignite a support beam that Madrigal knew would shortly weaken and possibly cause the building to collapse on their heads. Which was obviously a bad thing. Looking around he saw the young woman who was a few tables down was starting to panic, the family and was looking around in fear in confusion and the two businessmen were making their way down the stairs already. The broad shouldered genin stood, leaving his groceries in the chairs, they didn’t matter anymore. First the man would move over to the panicking woman and pull her to her feet and start pulling her along toward the family of four. She resisted for a second before realizing what was going on. Madrigal didn’t blame her, fire was scary, the pain and damage they could inflict could last for years if one wasn’t lucky if you simply didn’t die outright. However she quickly got herself under control as they approached the family of four in the corner.

Turning toward the parents he would speak. “We have to go, we can’t stay here.” He would say, wooden planks from the ceiling above falling to the floor to emphasize his point. Both parents would nod their head and with that Madrigal would lift up the two children, both around five or six. He’d effectively carry each them like a sack of potatoes for a few minutes but it wouldn’t overtly hurt them. “Let’s go, everyone downstairs, now!” He’d call out, Having the group take the lead with him following close behind. As they moved down the stairs heavy impacts could be heard along the building and Madrigal would note the presence of water slamming into the windows at high speed. ‘Someone’s containing the fire, good.’ At the same time he would see rain begin to fall outside, only around the building and he would nod as well as his little group moved outside. Once outside he would pass the children to their parents before turning toward the building. He almost contemplated going in for his groceries but decided against it. He had to be the responsible shinobi after all. He had his headband on and everything.

Looking around in curiosity he would see three of the same man around, most probably the originator of the water techniques that put out the fire. Not wanting to get in the way of the man’s firefighting Madrigal would wait until the fire was out before approaching one of them, hopefully the original. “Good work getting that put out. I’m Madrigal, nice to meetcha.” He would say by way of greeting. His hair would be matted to his head now due to the rain coming from on high but that was alright, far better than the alternative in this case. Besides, a little water never hurt anyone.

WC: 508
TWC: 1,259
Taichi Uchiha
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Ryo : 0

Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:18 pm
The flames were nearly extinguished, only a little more and the building would have been saved, minus whatever damage the insurmountable amount of water damage that he had afflicted onto the building, that is. Taichi thought about the damage for a moment, but he figured that the fact that he had contained a fire of this magnitude to only one building and hopefully very few casualties would keep him from too much criticism. Finally through the front doors he saw a flood of people, some being partially drenched with water, running out of the building. Some thanked him as they ran passed, which Taichi would acknowledge with a nod, and others simply sprinted by him thanking their gods that they were alive. There was one individual however that did neither of these things, he instead stood there as Taichi finished off the fire. He seemed to be waiting to speak with Taichi, which he was not opposed to. The fire now turned to nothing but white smoke and Taichi dispelled his clones. 

Feeling slightly exhausted, Taichi pulled the flask from his vest pocket and took a swig of whiskey. Feeling that warm amber liquid go down his throat refreshed him enough for the conversation that was to follow. The individual bid Taichi a good job with the fire, which Taichi nodded his head in appreciation. Then the individual offered up his name. "Many thanks and it's good to meet you Madrigal. My name is Taichi, Taichi Uchiha at your service." Taking one more swig of whiskey, he decided to ask a little bit about the area that he was in. Being that Taichi was still not too sure about the village's location, he figured it would have been a good idea for him to know just what kind of building he had just put out, and what the cause of the fire may have been. He wasn't sure if this particular individual would have any clue as to what had happened, but he figured it would be a nice conversation piece to have anyways.

"Say Madrigal, what kind of building was this place? Seemed to have a lot of people in it. Also, did you by chance see how the fire started?" Taichi would allow Madrigal to speak, being curious as to what he may know.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Ryo : 0

Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Sat Apr 10, 2021 3:43 am
The man would remove a flask from a vest pocket and take a swig before Madrigal could speak but the dark haired genin had no real issues with that. So long as he was competent, and given that he had put out the fire he clearly was lucid enough to be so. Besides, what could Madrigal really do as a genin of all things? Nothing, that’s what. Regardless, the morning drinker would nod his head in appreciation before thanking him verbally and introducing himself as ‘Taichi, Taichi Uchiha. Then he would take another swig of what smelled like whiskey from where Madrigal was before asking if he knew what that building had been or how the fire started. Madrigal would consider that second one for a few moments. He knew the building had been a restaurant. So it was entirely possible, and plausible for it to be a simple kitchen fire that had gotten out of control from the staff. The fire had originated from that part of the restaurant after all and the kitchen was of course on the ground floor. So that all seemed to check out in Madrigal’s mind. Of course he hadn’t had a chance to confirm what had happened himself so he was only playing on assumption.

“It’s a restaurant, and I think perhaps it started as a kitchen fire that got out of control.” He would say in response to the man. He would look around for a bit before spotting a member of the kitchen staff to the side and beckon them over. The man would look around for a moment before pointing at himself as he looked back to Madrigal, which would prompt the black haired genin to nod at the man. The kitchen staffer would approach the two before speaking. “Y-Yes shinobi-san?” He would ask, his nerves frayed from the fire. Madrigal would simply say two words, a question that had been asked many a time in the past and would be asked many a time in the future. “What happened?” He would say, his amber eyes looking into the man’s brown. The staff member would gulp before explaining. “I-It was an accident sir. A new employee left a can of pan spray too close to a burner that was turned on. The open flame heated the spray and caused it to burst. The fire from it caught the wood paneling and started to spread before we could understand what was happening.” He would say, Madrigal would simply nod. “Thank you.” He would say the words a dismissal before turning back to Taichi. “There we have it, simple accident." He would say, looking toward the building now. The fires had been put out but damage was still obvious and smoke was slowly radiating out of the windows and doors. His groceries would be ruined from the smoke, but that was alright. He’d just pick up more.

WC: 485
TWC: 1,744
Taichi Uchiha
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Ryo : 0

Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Thu Apr 15, 2021 3:35 pm
Taichi was still staring up at the smoke that was bellowing from the building. It was white, so he knew that the bulk of the fire was gone, and now there was just the matter of cleaning up the mess that had been made from the fire in the first place. As Madrigal asked a gentleman just what had happened, the man gave them a brief story as to what caused the fire. The individual walked away and Madrigal seemed to be pleased with the explanation, being that it was just an accident. Taichi wasn't too concerned, especially if the fire wasn't arson, as that would absolutely require further investigation. 

The two shinobi stood there, before the building and Taichi watched as there were more and more shinobi arriving at the scene, albeit a little bit late for the party. The water began to flow down the street and into the sewer system, so the clean up was not as hard as it could have been. He turned to Madrigal and he simply asked, "Hey, are you thirsty? I know a great place for a couple of men like us to go and get a drink." Taichi would grin from ear to ear as he welcomed the idea of a nice tall drink set in front of him, and some great conversation to come soon. That is, if his newfound companion would accept his invitation.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Ryo : 0

Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Tue Apr 20, 2021 4:00 pm
Taichi would be quiet as the man explained what had happened in regards to the fire and continue to be so after the fact. Not really commenting one way or another on the fire any longer. More member’s of the shinobi corps arrived to begin to help and organize although it did not appear that anyone was hurt and the smoke from the fire had turned from the dark smoke of burning to the white smoke of filtering. That meant that the smoke no longer had a fire fueling it and it was just the residual smoke left within. It would dissipate with a little time thanks to the windows. They had all been opened due to the lovely day and that meant the smoke would find plenty of escape out into the sky where it would dissipate harmlessly to anyone. Still though, due to the fact that his groceries were still inside of the building and would be within the smoke they would probably be worthless now. Sighing to himself at the fact that he would now have to go buy more groceries he looked around for another member of the restaurant staff. After a moment or two he would find one. In particular he would be a dapper man dressed well and neat, and he would be talking to a few of the other restaurant workers. His entire demeanor screamed ‘manager’.

Madrigal would move over to the man for a moment as he heard the end of the conversation. The manager was talking to a particular member of the staff. A young man who looked absolutely ghostly pale and a little green. His breathing came in heavy spurts as he nearly hyperventilated however Madrigal was surprised to hear the manager's words. “-stay out here and get some fresh air. Again Heijiro, it is alright. Accidents happen. Next time though, don’t put the pan spray so close to the burner. Or anywhere near it for that matter. Take the next couple of days and get some rest then come back into work. Honestly we’ll probably be closed for at least that long just to get cleaners in here to get the smoke smell out and a contractor to come out and handle any damages so it will work out nicely.” The man would say, patting the young man who looked like he was about to be absolutely sick with guilt. That was more accepting than Madrigal would expect the manager to be given the circumstances. The young man had started a fire within his restaurant kitchen that had in fact spread to the point where it had caused damage. The place even had to be evacuated and shinobi had to get involved in the fighting of the fire. Yet the man had forgiven the kid who in reality, had only really made a mistake. It turned out to be a spectacular one sure, but it was still a mistake nonetheless.

It was also purely preventable, a fire extinguisher, hell even a low level water technique that an academy student could perform would have done wonders to put out that fire before it spread to cause an issue. However none of those things had been in evidence and it had caused the entire situation to spiral out of control in a bad way. Luckily there was a shinobi nearby who could in fact put the fire out and had done so before the damage became severe. However that had been a stroke of luck and nothing more. The manager was probably counting his blessings as it was. With that thought done though Madrigal would wave the manager down. The man would turn to him, he had short cut and neatly trimmed brown hair and green eyes. He had a friendly face and carried himself well. When he turned to Madrigal he would assume and air of professional calm before speaking. “Yes, how may I help you?” He would ask, prompting Madrigal to give him a brief smile in greeting. “Sorry to be a bother, I was eating on the second floor and had groceries up there. I doubt anyone can go in at the moment and the groceries are probably trash anyway because of the smoke. Can I ask that you throw them out for me?” The dark haired man would ask, prompting the manager to nod. “Certainly.” He would say. It was the only real answer he could give given that Madrigal really couldn’t go back in yet until the place was ensured to be safe so he could not throw them away himself. Nodding at the man Madrigal would speak again “Thank you, I appreciate it. Sorry to be a bother.” He would say, before turning and moving back over to Taichi.

When he arrived the man would ask Madrigal if he wanted to grab a drink with him and the mildly wild looking man would actually consider it for a moment before eventually shaking his head in the negative. “No thanks, I gotta go buy more groceries now. Mine were inside and are most definitely trash now thanks to the smoke. Thanks for the offer though, with that though I must bid you farewell. I have training to do this afternoon and I’ll have to get my shopping done again before getting to it. It was nice to meet you Taichi. I look forward to seeing you again.” He would say in farewell, nodding his head at the man before moving away and heading back to the market. It would not take him very long to repurchase all of his items and then head home to put them away. Once that was done he would screw off his ‘day off’ and go train. The more quickly he progressed to better of he would be in the long run and he needed to progress as quickly as possible if he wanted to move up within the shinobi ranks. Honestly, if there was one thing he was insecure about it was his rank at his age. He would feel much more comfortable as a Chuunin and for that he needed to put his nose to the grindstone and work for it.


WC: 1,033
TWC: 2,777

Claiming Mission Completion, 4,100 Ryo (4000 for C rank Mission, 100 for Genin bonus.), 20 AP
This will put me at 10,0600 Ryo, and 300 AP.
Claiming 27 stats which puts me at 157/250 putting 20 into Strength to make it 75 before bloodline boosts.
The last 7 will go into speed, putting it at 32.
Putting 764 into Clan Pureblood which finishes it with the words from Teacher For a Day Putting the boost toward Speed
Putting 2,000 toward Gate of Opening putting me at 2,000/2,500.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Tue Apr 20, 2021 11:51 pm
Taichi Uchiha
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Ryo : 0

Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Sat Apr 24, 2021 2:00 pm
As the White haired shinobi had offered the fellow fire survivor a drink, Madrigal thought about it for a few moments but ultimately rejected the offer. He said that he had other tasks that he needed to accomplish and Taichi was not one to pry or to inquire further. The man simply nodded and shrugged it off, he knew that no matter what Madrigal had said, he was going to be going to the tavern for a few hours before he was going to, for the first time in a while, go to the training grounds and actually try to further his own abilities. He had been spending so much time in the taverns since he had arrived in the village that he was sure his fighting skills would have been impacted by the time of laziness and he wanted to try to see just where he was in regards to his stamina and quick thinking, maybe he would find someone there worth his time and actually spar with. 

Madrigal had told someone about the groceries that had been caught in the fire, which Taichi thought was odd for a moment. "Why would anyone care about the guys' groceries? They will obviously toss them if the entire building might possibly need to come down depending on how bad the damage was to structure to the building." He thought to himself as Madrigal's attention was focused on talking to the other people that were gathering around the damaged building. Once he had rejected the offer to go to the tavern, he bid his farewell and he began walking away from the drenched building and he began walking towards the grocery store he imagined. 

Taichi decided to go his own way, deciding whether or not he was going to go the tavern first, then the training grounds. Or if he was going to do that in the opposite order. He didn't exactly want to be too wasted when he was in the training grounds to try and better himself. So he decided that he was going to instead go to the training grounds first, then when he was done with some training, then he would head to the tavern afterwards, as a means of rewarding himself for a job well done. He turned away from the building and he began walking towards the training grounds. Who knows, maybe he'd find himself to spar with, it had been quite a while since the old man had been able to do some training, and for once, he was looking forward to it. 

TWC: 1802
+4, 000 Ryo
+20 AP
+1802 towards  Vidar's Grace (1802/3750) [Max stat discount]
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Morning Flames (IO) Empty Re: Morning Flames (IO)

Sun Apr 25, 2021 8:12 am
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