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Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
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Detection Intruder Empty Detection Intruder

Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:31 pm
Intruder Detected:

Ryuzaki Nara:

Ryu was about to leave the village when a familiar face from the admin building came running up to him, apparently, there had been an intrusion signal somewhere near his house, they assumed it was nothing but asked if he would check it out since he was going that way anyway he agreed, even though he had already performed a mission today. Ryu was dressed in his usual attire of a pair of ninja tabi that covered bandages that wound around his feet and up his legs until they went under a pair of long shorts that stopped just below the knee, and met a pair of compression shorts. Strapped around his left leg was a long weapon pouch that housed half his kunai and shuriken, on his back right hip he wore a cloth weapon pouch that housed the rest of his kunai, shuriken, explosive tags, smoke bombs, and military ration pills. A belt wound around his waist, not to keep his shorts in place but to hold the hanging scabbard of his master's family heirloom, a katana. Ryuzaki wore a black, short-sleeved t-shirt, from just below his shoulders more bandages wound around his arms and his hands, doubling as hand wrapping for close-quarters combat. On Ryu's back two holsters crossed each other, both housing a tanto, their hilts pointing out and down from his back, so they could easily be drawn, his weaponry was mostly designed so that in the case of combat he could draw them while his enemy was caught in the shadow imitation jutsu, and if they had similar weapons they would not also draw them. Around his neck he wore a simple silver chain, hanging from it was a simple gold ring with the Nara clan symbol etched into it, the only sign that he ever belonged to the clan. 

Ryu approached the location near the borders and began to scan for any sign of an intruder, or of any chakra signal of note. The location he was currently on was flat ground that was unusual for this part of the borders, it was barren with an occasion boulder breaking up the dusty landscape, a path wound through the landscape and eventually met a bridge, Ryu stood at one side of the bridge and was continuing to search, past this river was the village border, and if he could not find any sign of his quarry here he would have to turn back.

WC: 409

Using Chakra Sensory & Supression
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:11 pm

Misaki Uchiha, a missing ninja who was as beautiful as she was cunning. The woman stood at 5’7” tall and had a slender body. Her skin complexion was pale, and her face was round and shiny as though it was made of porcelain. She had large black eyes and a small, pointed nose. Her neck was longer than usual, and it stuck out of a purple and pink kimono that was adorned with illustrations of cherry blossoms. At first glance, there was nothing threating about this woman at all- but a closer look behind her forehead would reveal the sinister plots that swirled in her brain with hopes of catching her next unsuspecting victim off guard.  
The woman was located near the village boundaries in an area that was completely void of anything other than a few large trees whose bases were large enough to conceal the largest of men. This was not the girls first rodeo as she knew her presence would alert the shinobi within the militarized village which would result in them sending one of their own to investigate the disturbance- which was all apart of her plan of course.
Confident that her plan was is motion, she would begin laying her trap for whoever was unlucky enough to stumble into her path. Long before Ryu would arrive, she would set up a simple log the size of a human body on the floor 10M in front of a large tree that was more than 2 times her body length in width. Misaki would remove her pink kimono and place it over the log so that anyone outside the range of her planned technique would not be able to identify what it was until they got closer. Now that the scene was set, she would quickly run behind said tree which was located furthest from the log and the village meaning that whoever would come her way from the village would first encounter the kimono covered log before the tree.
Now positioned behind the tree and confident no one had saw her place the log, she would quickly perform 5 hand seals: Ram, Monkey, Hare, Ram, Monkey. As she completed the final hand seal, a shroud of chakra, invisible to the normal eye, would expand outwards in every direction creating an invisible 40M diameter field of effect where her genjutsu would work to twist the perception of realty for whoever entered.
Her genjutsu, false surroundings, was her main weapon for fooling the unsuspecting. For anyone who entered her genjutu’s domain, the human sized log before them would appear to be that of an injured beautiful woman who resembled Misaki perfectly. The woman on the ground would appear to be twitching in pain as blood would appear to be pooling around her. Any noble shinobi would rush to the aid of an injured woman without a second thought, providing the real Misaki with an opportunity to strike while her targets guard was down. She waited, all of her senses perfectly in-tune with the silence of the void around her, waiting for someone to come along.

AP: 700 - 40 = 660

Jutsu Used:
False Surroundings Technique
Power: 65
Range: 40M Diameter

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Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Fri Feb 12, 2021 9:19 am
Ryu continued to scan around for any signs of his target, or anything else for that matter, the chakra suppression and sensory still active. The bridge in front of him was 10m in width and arched over a river that sat 5m below it, he pushed over the bridge and as he crested it he spotted something 30m in front of the bridge, if he was any farther away he probably would have been able to see through the ploy, but since he did not see the scene until he was within the range of his unknown adversaries jutsu all he saw was a woman laying on the floor. Ryu started to walk forward at a faster pace, he still scanned the space in front of him, what appeared to be an injured figure in from of him suggested that his threat had been here, however, he would have to investigate further to see how recently.

As Ryu reached 5ms from the women in front he could now take in the situation more clearly, she lay on the floor surrounded by blood, but still moved, 'Good she still alive' Ryu thought to himself "Can you hear me miss?" he called out as he formed two handseals. "I'm going to administer first aid," he said in a calm but loud tone. The two handseals that Ryu had formed were Boar and Rat, his hands then began to glow green as a visible chakra field emanated from them. Ryu knelt next to the woman, he was slightly past her feet, and unbeknownst to him 10m in front of him behind a thick tree his adversary waited. A thought shot through his head as his passive chakra sensory picked up no signal from the women 'She is suppressing her chakra in this state?' he thought it to be weird, but no warning sign went off. Ryu reached out and started to scan the women body for sources of bleeding, he touched her body with his hands and began to pour chakra into her, attempting to fix any damage, however, there were no cuts or wounds to heal. Now, Ryu was alerted to the oddness of the situation, he dropped the medical jutsu and stepped back from the body, his sight shooting upwards as he began to scan for threats around him. Ryu pushed his chakra sensory outward, dropping his chakra suppression, he now was actively trying to sense any chakra signs within 10m of him, he once again got no signal from the women in front of him, but he also had no other signs as he was 11m away from his opponent who resided behind the tree.

WC: 445
TWC: 854

Ap, tings' & math:
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:41 pm
“Can you hear me miss?” the words of a male called out into the void. Unbeknownst to him, the only people in the area were him and her and the woman who he was speaking to on the floor was just a log. She maintained her genjutsu as used.

‘Perfect.’ The cunning girl thought to herself, now sure that the male was in range of her genjutsu, her plan working better than expected. The man would not know, but her genjutsu would begin wearing on his AP reserves. She would waste no time between his sentences as she would perform the following hand seals: Snake > Hare > Boar > Ox > Half-Tiger.

He would now say, "I'm going to administer first aid," Her plan could not be going anymore perfectly. They had sent the most noble shinobi from their village to investigate the concern and he was now planning on administering aid to her trap. She waited a moment before firing off her jutsu to ensure that he was in the most vulnerable state. As his glowing hand touched what he perceived to be the injured woman, her hands would clap against the ground causing a violent quake and the earth 20M in front of her and 10M on both sides as well as underneath (forming a rectangular area of effect in front of her) to break apart the earth beneath them. The intent of the jutsu was to cause the ground beneath her target to shift in such a way to crush the targets legs making them immobile so that she could torture and rob them from that point.

Her jutsu did a good job of messing up the tree in front of her, but it did not entirely split it in half thus providing viable coverage still. There was a crack that was only about 6 inches wide in the middle of the tree that she could now see through to her opponent to perceive whether her jutsu had been successful. If successful, the man would not have had enough time to decipher whether or not the woman was real due to her impeccable timing of launching her jutsu. Would he just let the injured woman die to save himself from a fate of broken legs?

AP: 660-20-30=610

Jutsu Used:
Tearing Earth Palm
Power: 50
Speed: 50

False Surroundings Technique
Power: 65
Range: 40M Diameter
Duration: 2/4 Posts
Claim Hit: 20 AP Reduction from Ryu AP reserves
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Village : Kumogakure
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Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:58 am
Ryu's hands glowed with a slight green aura, as he made contact with the women in front of him, movement in the corner of his vision caught his attention. His vision snapped up and around to the movement, at this time the tree had begun to shake and split apart, the ground in front of it began to shake and violently tear itself into sections. Ryu's mind race with options, in a split second he decided his course of action, the ground tearing itself up was now 5m in front. Ryu pushed chakra through his system to his left hemisphere and activated the Gate of Opening (+50 speed & strength, 1 damage marker). Strength and power flowed through his system, Ryu grabbed the women in front of him in one hand and took a step forward, however, the step was not on the ground but slightly higher, almost like he stepped on an invisible staircase. As he took this first step a strange sound emanated from his feet, the women were now tucked under his arm on his left side, the attacking earth jutsu was only 1m away from him. Ryu took another step up the invisible staircase as both his feet now left the ground, just in time as the earth beneath him began to tear itself apart and sunder. 

Ryu leveled out his steps and began to run forward on a straight line, no longer changing his elevation, he was now 1m off the ground as it ripped itself apart and began to move in different ways, he would, however, be prepared to move up higher if necessary. He could not identify his attacker, but he had an approximate location on them. Ryu reached back into his pouch with his right hand, which was still free. Retrieving two shurikens from his pouch as he ran on the air towards his target (130 speed), by this time he had covered 5m of the 11m between them. Ryu launched the two shurikens at his maximum strength towards the tree in front of him, both looking to impact and cut through the tree at equal points away from either edge, essentially marking the tree into three equal sections (I hope that makes sense). The shuriken will cut through the tree at their respective points, but the tree itself will not break apart entirely, If Ryu's target will be interceeded at either of these points she will take the hit. Continuing forward Ryu brought his right arm up to shoulder height and clenched his fist. At the point where Ryu is half a meter away from the tree, the airwalker maneuver will drop and he will continue with momentum to impact the tree (Lariat, 1 damage marker) 2ms above the ground crashing through it and causing it to topple in a random direction. 

WC: 460


Ap, tings' & math:

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:10 am
In a crouched position with her hands still on the ground, she would activate her sharingan, continuing to observe her target through the crevice in the tree that her jutsu had created. As her jutsu neared, she would observe the mans head ignite with chakra, but she was unsure of what exactly he was up to. He grabbed the false woman with one hand and took a step in the direction towards the tree that she was crouched behind, but his foot did not step into the crushing ground beneath him, but into the air. The girls heart skipped a beat as she realized that the man was effectively by passing her jutsu by walking on air? As the man tucked the log under his arm, Maki would further utilize her genjutsu to distract the man from getting any closer, causing the log to now morph into a wild cluster of what appeared to be at least 50 snakes. The snakes would appear to be crawling up mans arm and across his torso to constrain his other arm as he went to secure his shuriken. She would also cause the tree she was hiding behind to appear to erupt in a giant blaze of flames engulfing it entirely. Surely this would be enough to stop his path as no sane person would willingly fling themselves at a burning tree, or so she hoped.

If he decided to continue his actions of retrieving the shuriken and releasing them towards the tree she was behind, albeit her tricks, she would track the trajectory of the projectiles with her sharingan through the crevice and adjust her body accordingly behind the wide tree so that the shuriken would simply graze her shirt at best if it was capable of passing through the hull of the tree. At the same time, she would remove her hands from the ground, whilst still in a crouching position, and quickly form 3 hand seals to either evade the oncoming attack or to relocate herself from her compromised position if her trick had worked in her favor and stalled him momentarily. The three hand seals performed were Ram -> Tiger -> Boar, and her body in a crouched position being condensed to about 1M off the ground, would merge with the soil beneath her feet at a speed of 40, which would be just enough time for her to avoid being crushed by the toppling tree or her head caught in the arm of the man’s lariat.

If successful, she would travel 5M below the surface and begin heading in the opposite direction of her previous location towards the village and the bridge he had traveled over on his journey to investigate the breach.

AP: 610 - 20

False Surroundings Technique
Power: 65
Range: 40M Diameter
Duration: 3/4 Posts
Claim Hit: 20 AP Reduction from Ryu AP reserves

Hiding Like a Mole
Power: 40
Speed: 40

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Village : Kumogakure
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Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:51 am
As Ryu reached for his weapon pouch on his back right hip the women he was carrying in his left arm suddenly transformed into a nest of snakes and they began to crawl up his arm. The snakes crossed his body and he then saw that he was holding a log, which he immediately dropped, his right arm then looked to be constricted by snakes, however, he felt no actual resistance. 'Genjutsu?' the thought flashed through his mind as he continued his path towards the tree, as he approached it flames blazed from the trunk. The tricks of the women were effective against Ryu as he did not want to test the tree, in case it was actually on fire. Ryu pushed chakra through his mind and into his right hemisphere, opening the Gate of Healing. 

A feeling of rejuvenation flowed through his body as he felt his body releasing spare energy (+100 AP, 1 damage marker). Ryu was now only 2m away from the tree and he stepped upwards and left with his feet and flew past the tree narrowly, as he passed it he saw a flash of his target disappearing into the ground, all he could make out was long, black hair. Ryu then took two steps down, he was now half a meter off the ground and 2m past the tree. The Airwalker technique ceased and Ryu balled his left fist, which was now free from logs and snakes, and smashed it into the ground (1 damage marker). The ground began to split and quake apart, rising and falling, anyone with a strength lower than 80 would be launched into the air by 14m, and the strength and speed of his target would be reduced by 30.

WC: 291
TWC: 1605

Ap, tings' & math:
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Fri Feb 19, 2021 1:45 pm
Maki would now be fully merged with the ground and traveling away from the shinobi by the time he had activated a technique that she could feel, through the vibration in the earth, ripping apart the surface above her. She was relieved that she didn’t get caught up in the mess and was now heading towards the village. She remained 5M under the surface as she traveled. As a parting gift, she would use her genjutsu to erect flames among the surface above her- appearing to the boy that fire was now exploding out of the cracks in the ground that his jutsu had been making.
She would travel approximately 40M underground until she sensed running water with the help of her hiding like a mole jutsu. She would now emerge from the ground underwater, breaching the bottom of the river. This was a perfect tactic instead of simply breaching the ground and risking being caught due to how close she was to where she had just previously been.
Maki held her breath as she began to swim towards the surface. She was in trouble. The person she was dealing with was much faster than her and appeared to be strong- maybe even too strong. She needed a plan and she needed one fast. Her head bobbed out of the water for a moment to gasp for air and back down she went. Now fully submerged, she would produce four hand seals: Ox → Dog → Snake → Boar. Once her last hand seal was completed, her body would appear to disappear within the water. She was utilizing her hiding in the water technique so that she could hopefully launch a final attack on the man as he retreated to the village. She could see perfectly from her hidden state and was ready to strike at any given moment.

AP:  560 - 20AP False Upkeep - 10AP Mole Upkeep - 10AP Sharingan Upkeep - 25 Hiding water activation= 495

False Surroundings Technique
Power: 65
Range: 40M Diameter
Duration: 4/4 Posts (Ends after this post)
Claim Hit: 20 AP Reduction from Ryu AP reserves
Hiding Like a Mole
Power: 40
Speed: 40
Duration: 2/4 (ends this turn)

Hiding in the Water
Speed: 40
Duration: 1/4
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Fri Feb 19, 2021 9:21 pm
Ryu's fist smashed the ground and he expected to see his opponent reappear from the ground, however, she did not. Ryu was unsure whether this was more genjutsu or if his strength had not been enough to affect the earth in the way he wanted. Ryu's arms and legs began to burn, the stress on his muscles beginning to show, he dropped the second gate and reverted to his normal state, flames were erupting around him, but he knew they were fake, they licked at his legs but no burning occurred. He stepped behind the tree, hoping that his opponent was far enough away to not be able to sense his plan, luckily for him she was 20m away at this point. Ryu then formed 3 quick seals and in a puff of smoke a second Ryu appeared, the shadow clone jutsu produced a perfect copy of him. Ryu remained concealed behind the tree, which by now the alterations to the image had faded and he saw a split tree, but one that could cover him enough. The shadow clone moved away from Ryu and headed towards the bridge, if he was uninterrupted he would end up on the bridge itself, the whole time calling out for the opponent to show herself.

WC: 212
TWC: 1817

Ap, tings' & math:
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Detection Intruder Empty Re: Detection Intruder

Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:12 am
The river that Maki hid in was 5M deep and 10M wide. The bridge that connected both sides was made from old red wood that was struggling to maintain its integrity. The bridge was positioned about 1M above the river’s water and was about 2M wide. There was just enough space to two people to walk alongside each other, although it wasn't recommended. Maki waited under the disguise of her jutsu until her target walked onto the bridge. Her crimson eyes watched onwards. Her sharingan filled the murderous girl with a sense of power and importance. She had not met someone who she had not been able to out whit with them... if only she could look her target in the eyes then it would be game over. He was arrogant enough to call out for the attacker to show themselves. This irritated Maki. She gripped the throwing axe that was attached to her right thigh. She gripped it tightly until her knuckles turned white and brought the axe into a position so that it was resting against the top of her right shoulder, her grip and arm making a triangular shape. Ready to silence the insolent boy, she would then partially emerge from the water just 2M away from the right side of the bridge. Once her Torso fully emerged, she would fling her arm forward, throwing her axe towards the Cloud Shinobi’s head. If all went as planned, the axe would impale his head, and this would all be over. Her keen eyes watched as the axe flew threw the air, looking for signs of success of failure. If her plan were foiled, she would emerge with the water once more using her hiding jutsu and position herself on the bottom of the river.
AP: 495 -10 Sharingan -10 Hiding in Water Upkeep = 475 AP
Throwing Axe
Throwing Speed: 82
Sharpness 50
Hiding in Water:
Speed: 40
Duration: 2/4
Cool Downs:
False Surroundings: 4 Left
Hiding Like a Mole: 3 Left
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