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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Thu Dec 17, 2020 10:33 pm
Mission Name: Hunting Strange Beasts: Salamander's Antidote
Rank: C
Type: Search and Capture
Character Requirements: -
Mission Location: Konoha Forest
Word Count Requirements: 2,000
Challenges: -
Repeatable? Yes

Reward: 2,000 Ryo and increased favor amongst Salamander summons (respekt on your name)

Task: A mission has been posted by a traveling doctor to track down a very illusive and rare Salamander who's poison is crucial for creating an antidote for a country far, far, away... the only problem is the salamander only resides deep in the forest of Konoha.

This special type of salamander is approximately 1 foot in length and has the ability to turn invisible for short periods of time which make catching them tricky.

They are attracted to water and have a fond desire for blueberries, information that is listed in the mission itself. There is also a picture.
Hojiro would sigh as he lay beneath a tree , the sounds of migrating cicadas humming along the evening air as birds chirps echoed throughout the forest of death. Hojiro currently was on a mission witha fumbling old man , he claimed to be a researcher of exotic animals. The old bat mentioned somthing about blue salamanders , this immediately put hoji off as anything colorful in nature was sending you a sign in big bold letters ‘NOT TO FUCK WITH IT’ but i guess some people had to learn the hard way luckily hojiro had acquired some latex gloves for this unfortunate mission.

“Umm excuse me young man” a weary shaky voice would address from beyond the darkness of hojiro’s closed eyes , Hojiro would sit up stretching his arms upward letting out a sleepy yawn as he sat up , “im sorry sir , did you need something?” he would ask rather drowsilily , he would take both his hands  and rub his eyes. “Umm yess young man i’ve procured your bait and set up camp , came to ask if you yourself where ready” hojiro would stand from his sitting position and he began stretching.

“Well im waiting on a friend as we both where looking for a few easy jobs” he would say as he walked over to a near by rock taking a seat deciding to wait for benji before they began the mission.

WC: 231
claiming christmas daily:
2 travel tickets
2 Enhanced soldier pill
Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:13 pm
An average winter morning dawned on Konoha. It was a little cool, but its sunbeams warmed people. The sun was already shining on Benji's belly in his bed. It was a bit windy. The people in the Uchiha district were already in full swing. They went up and down, everyone's business. The noise of the people and the sound of the wind filtered through the boy's window. He had been invited to the Hokage residence the day before. He was given a mission. Plus, he’s going to be his partner, none other than Hojiro Hoshigaki. They had met a few times ago, the boy knew Hojiro. One of the prominent Shinobi of the infamous Hoshigaki clan. This clan has terribly dangerous techniques, Benji admired the boy very much. Benji slept very deeply, into his most beautiful dreams, when the alarm clock rang. The boy slowly held out his hand toward the alarm clock, then pressed it down with a firm motion. He sat up slowly in his bed and stretched out well, accompanied by a yawn. He slowly got out of bed and walked toward the bathroom. There he washed his face with cold water to wake up and brushed his teeth as well. After he was done with that, he put his toothbrush back in place and headed back to his room. He got dressed, then embedded, and headed for the kitchen. The whole house "slept" yet. Only her mother was drinking tea sleepily in the kitchen. His mother, sipping steaming tea, spotted the boy. She also greeted his son.
- Good morning!
- Morning Mom. - answered Benji sleeply
- How did you sleep? - asked his mom politely
- Good, thank you. 
- Where are you going? - asked his mom curiously
- I have a mission mommy, so now I make some sandwich to myself, and I'm going. - walked toward the kitchen shelf
- Ohhh, okay son!
The boy then took out the bread, butter and salami. He then quickly made the sandwich for himself. As soon as he was done, he packed the ingredients back into place. He took out the napkin and packed the sandwiches, grabbed a bottle, and let in cold water. As soon as the water bottle was full, the boy turned off the water. He rolled the cap onto the bottle and put it in his bag along with the sandwiches. When he was done with everything, he said goodbye to his mother softly so as not to wake his brothers.
- Bye Mommy! 
- Goodbye son, take care of yourself! - warned his mom
- Okay mom!
Then the boy stepped out of the house and closed the door behind him. He also set off for the village forest. After a walk of about 10-15 minutes, he arrived at the beginning of the Death Forest, where his companion, Hojiro, was already waiting for him. As soon as the boy saw him, his mouth tilted into a smile. He raised his hand and waved at him from afar and shouted. 
- Hello brother! Sorry for my late! Have you been waiting for me for a long time? - asked him Benji
When he got close, he greeted him again and held out his hand toward him, inviting him to a handshake. After the greeting, Benji told him.
- I think let's start. We have to find this Salamander. I had a hard time distinguishing such animals from each other. To me, they look the same to be honestly. - laughed the boy
Then the two set off deep into the forest of death. When they walk deep enough, the boy will use his Sharingan, as he has reached the maximum degree with which he can already distinguish all kinds of chakras.

WC: 631
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:15 pm
The old man would extend his wrinkled hand out to shake benjy's hand , returning the boys kinda gesture with a soft warm smile. A sign of his appreciation for the young lad and his enthusiasm twoard the pursuit of knowledge, the only man would chuckle as the boy claimed to want to get to work , and asked for assistance in the matter pertaining to his targets as he openly admitted to knot knowing what to look for. "One second my boy…" the old man would say turning on his heal heading toward his research tent he had set up , upon entering his tent he would begin rummaging through his many belongings  the sound of glass jars clinking together along with the sound of many metallic tools clanging together would create several light 'tinging' noises.

Once the old man would return he would be holding a jar of what appeared  to massive blueberries, each about the size of a person's eyeball. "The salamander you'll be looking for my young hero is the same color as these blue berries, plz take them as the lizards seem to enjoy this fruit the most.." he would say holding out the jar a warm tender smile on his soft wrinkled face "...these should make excellent bait just take your time and don't touch it with your bare hands son" he would say as he headed back into his research tent.
Claiming Christmas: get outta jail free
Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:36 pm
After shaking hands, he headed deep into the woods. Benji stated that he may not recognize Salamandra. Then his companion began to smile. He tore off a small blueberry and handed it to the boy. He said he should look for an animal of this color. The boy grabbed the blueberries and put them in his pocket. He asked for a description of the mission. He started reading and became aware that this Salamander was able to become invisible. The boy was happy about that, because that's what was going to bring down the cunning animal. After all, Benji is able to see a chakra with the Sharingan, but if he doesn't see a body for him, he will know that that is the Salamander he needs. They've been walking for quite some time now. The boy was deeply busy with his thoughts. He didn't really talk. After about a 20-30 minute walk, the boy broke the silence for the first time. He thought they had reached the distance where they could find the habitat of the rare Salamander. Then Benji outlined his plan.
- Okay. We will have to find this little animal here. Let’s split up to make things easier. My Sharinganom makes it easier for me to stab. But if you find it first, let me know. If I find it, I will signal it too, as we have to go for sure. - the boy said of the idea - Now let's work!
Then the boy set off on his way. He closed his eyes slowly, and when he suddenly opened them, crimson eyes were there with 3 black tomoe. He watched the forest all the way. He looked around. There were plenty of creatures there, but not exactly who he needed. Then he observed a larger chakra. And this chakra approached the boy at high speed. This chakra belonged to a giant snake who was just about to attack the boy. When the snake got close enough, Benji just looked deep into the snake's eyes and it immediately lay down. He became a victim of the Sharingan Genjutsu. After being easily disposed of by the boy, he just smiled and walked on. After a 10-minute search, he spotted a Salamandra. He ran there quickly and grabbed her. After holding it, he took the blueberries out of his pocket. Then he was disappointed to see that the color did not match and let go of the Salamander. However, after a 5-minute search, he saw a chakra that did not have a body. Then the boy carefully scouted and grabbed him suddenly. As he grabbed, the Salamander became colorful again. The boy excitedly took out the blueberries and saw that they were the same color. The boy happily grabbed the Salamander and then spoke.
- I got you buddy! I catch this Salamandra! - told it the boy
The boy then whistles loudly to his companion, signaling that he has caught the Salamander

WC: 496

TWC: 1127

Exit post, my claims later
Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:58 pm
Rewards from Mission:

Word Bank:

End of Topic:
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:20 pm
Approved Benji
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:49 pm
Hojiro would sigh as he sat down upon a rock , a giant wriggling burlap sack slung over his shoulder filled to the brimm with blue salamanders he had just caught. He had to admit with benji this job was much easier that he’d like to admit but hey a job is a job and he wasn’t going to complain. The old man would walk over to each of the boys with a small wad of ryo , he would place the ryo within their hands as if driven by an insatiable lust that had suddenly taken him over.

“Why thank you boys for your help there is the ryo you where promised” he would say in a rather rushed and shaky voice , hojiro could see the means obvious eagerness to be left alone with his work so he would sling the sack from over his back and begin tying anot in the lip of the bag before handing them to the old man.

“It was nice doing business with ya enjoy your salamanders old man” he would say grabbing his hard earned ryo turning on his heels heading back to the village so he could get some much needed beauty sleep.

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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:57 pm
Christmas Daily: C-rank hunter skip

2,000 ryo respect of salamander summons

25% Max stat Discount Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave [666/1875]
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Salmander Hunting [C-Rank] Empty Re: Salmander Hunting [C-Rank]

Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:43 am
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