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Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Cookie Time! [With Ghost] Empty Cookie Time! [With Ghost]

Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:14 pm

It was late afternoon. It was winter, it got dark pretty soon. Benji's mother was already worried about where her son might be, as he had to go home at dusk. She was just working in the kitchen when the boy entered the door. The boy had just returned home from a workout. The boy usually trained 3x a week if he didn’t have missions right now. he was quite dirty, dirty, and sweaty, stinky. He wiped his muddy shoes off well on the doormat, then threw them off himself, shouted a Sia to everyone, and was already running up to the bathroom. He began to pour himself a tub of hot water and began to throw away his dirty clothes. When the water was done, he immediately went in and lay down in the tub. He loved to take long baths, especially when he was tired. He just lay down in the warm tub and made himself comfortable. He closed his eyes and just immersed himself in his thoughts. He had been sitting in the tub for hours as delicate scents rose into the bathroom. He also shouted what this delicate scent was.
- MOOOOOOM! - he shouted
- Say it son! - answered his mom
- What is this scent? - asked the boy
- Ohh it is the diner. You already hungry sure? Hurry up, before it cools down! - warned him the mother
- Okay! I'll hurry then.
The boy then washed thoroughly with soap. He washed off the foam, then got out and wiped himself thoroughly. He then got dressed and ran down to dinner. He had already seen the delicious feast. It was fried chicken breast with rice. He took himself to a plate and poured himself a soft drink. He then went up to his room to eat his dinner. He usually liked to eat alone, he didn’t like to be disturbed while eating. For him, it was a ceremony. He started his dinner too. After a 5 minute, they were just the tastiest bites he always leaves last. He ate them too, then drank the whole glass of soft drink. Then he lived pretty well. He lay down on the bed and pulled the blanket over himself. He was tired anyway, but this feast made him even more drowsy. His eyes slowly closed and he was already asleep. He slept peacefully when he heard an interesting ringing sound. He already knew in advance that Holly Kage wanted something from him again. But he's been pretty calm lately, so it didn't bother him either. He just opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a strange room and sleeping in an armchair. The fireplace in front of it crackled, it was a very pleasant, warm weather in the room. When he looked at him, he saw Holly Kage in the armchair next to him. Holly Kage noticed that the boy had woken up and greeted him.
- Ho-ho-ho! So are you awake finally! I have a big surprise for you and your village. Because you all were very helpfully. My elves cooked a lot of cookie, and you have to hand it out of all Village, until the sack is empty. You will have help of course, but he is lating, so you have to start this now.  - informed the boy
- Ohh Hello! It sounds very good. It is the first good thing from you - laughed the boy - I'll do this with happiness. Just send me back to my village, and give me the sack. - accepted the mission the boy
- Okay, have fun with this mission! Goodbye! - said goodbye the Holly Kage
Then he snapped his fingers and the boy was already gone. Only smoke remained in place. The boy found himself at the Konohai gate, along with the bag. He looked like he was Santa and was carrying presents. It was a bit of a cool weather as it was pretty late in the village. It may have been early in the evening, but it was already very dark. The boy focused his chakra on the area of ​​his chest and shaped the clone’s hand seal, then created 15 clones. There was a huge popping sound and smoke. As the smoke slowly faded away, the clones began to appear. Then the clones spoke at the same time.
- Hello our boss! What is our task today! - asked the all 15 shadow clones at the same time
- We have this huge bag, with full of cookies. We have to hand out in this village! We should split the cookie among ourselves and split up. - answered the boy 
- Okay sir! - answered the all clone at the same time
The cake was then distributed in 15 bags and began to scatter separately into the village. They knocked everywhere and politely offered the residents of the houses cake. After about half an hour, all the cakes ran out. Their share was successfully distributed. They then gathered at the gate and showed that everyone's bag was empty. Benji praised everyone and then recalled the clones. He was proud to be able to perform such a pleasant task. The boy headed home proudly. He also got home after about a 15-minute walk. He walked into the house and walked carefully, softly up to his room.

WC: 900 

EXIT POST, my claims: later

Last edited by Benji on Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Cookie Time! [With Ghost] Empty Re: Cookie Time! [With Ghost]

Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:34 pm
He would dash to each door and as fast he could. This was a very easy mission to do and boy was he happy about that. His day started off quite lovely compared to the last few weeks but still it could not be helped that he was so well requested and what not. Flow would look on as he kept reading the note the Hollykage had given him. Along with the Bag of Cookies to hand out. It was a very good thing to do tod help around the village. Flow would look on as he was nearly done amd would laugh his way to victory. As he climb up on a roof top. He would see Benji not knowing it was one of his shadow clones. Looking on he would see a few more of him as well. " He most be working the mission I am working. This seems find. I wonder how much more do he have to go?" Soon Flow would hand out the last remaining cookies and be well done with every thing. He would look on as it was a job well done amd smile to himself. Flow would make it home and call it a day. 

Wc 200

Claiming wc for sharingan genjustu S rank

Claiming 2,000k ryo Leathrt and 20 Ap
Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Cookie Time! [With Ghost] Empty Re: Cookie Time! [With Ghost]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:20 am
Rewards from Mission:

Word Bank:

End of Topic:
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Cookie Time! [With Ghost] Empty Re: Cookie Time! [With Ghost]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:25 am
Benji, approved. 

Ghost, please edit your wc distribution due to the fact that you are not permitted to put wc towards S rank techs of any sort until you are C rank, thank you.
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