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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:30 am
Flow was well prepared as be separated himself from the group. Slowly but surely he would look on as to what would happen next. As his eyes looked around the battlefield. The snow would be falling so slow. His eyes truly was something to be behold. This thing they was fighting would not have a chance to beat him nor best him in no way. Plus he had his team mates. Now all he needed was one shot to end this just one. Looking on he would get that very one shot he needed. Being only ten meters away. Flow was a very quick thinker. He took every chance he had with perfect timing. As he looked up he would see. A pair of eyes looking at him. Hook lay and what ever you call it. Flow eyes would quickly do what it does best. Even the smallest of a light would render the target inside his world. 

Flow eyes was just to strong a d to quick for this thing to even think he had the smallest of chances. As his Sharingan justu came about. Placing the poor creature inside of his world and be did not even know it. Right after Flow would be in motion as he placed the beast in his Sharingan GENJUSTU. He would soon break away to not get hit by the incoming tree. As he could see it coming from the side of his left eye. His reflexes where top gear and this fight was over. Jumping back he would be not too far from Azumi as he smiled. " So we got him list his lucky number has been pulled. Now the thing want even know what hit him literally as my Genjustu have him thinking. That I just got hit by what ever he tried to cast. 

Wc 305

(Notes: Starting from when he said 
managed to spot a white haired male with crimson red eyes coming towards him and before the tree was thrown to make eye contact with him as stated with my crimson red eyes.)


Ap -30
Sharingan -10
Flow was well prepared as be separated himself from the group. Slowly but surely he would look on as to what would happen next. As his eyes looked around the battlefield. The snow would be falling so slow. His eyes truly was something to be behold. This thing they was fighting would not have a chance to beat him nor best him in no way. Plus he had his team mates. Now all he needed was one shot to end this just one. Looking on he would get that very one shot he needed. Being only ten meters away. Flow was a very quick thinker. He took every chance he had with perfect timing. As he looked up he would see. A pair of eyes looking at him. Hook lay and what ever you call it. Flow eyes would quickly do what it does best. Even the smallest of a light would render the target inside his world. 

Flow eyes was just to strong a d to quick for this thing to even think he had the smallest of chances. As his Sharingan justu came about. Placing the poor creature inside of his world and be did not even know it. Right after Flow would be in motion as he placed the beast in his Sharingan GENJUSTU. He would soon break away to not get hit by the incoming tree. As he could see it coming from the side of his left eye. His reflexes where top gear and this fight was over. Jumping back he would be not too far from Azumi as he smiled. " So we got him list his lucky number has been pulled. Now the thing want even know what hit him literally as my Genjustu have him thinking. That I just got hit by what ever he tried to cast. 

Wc 305

(Notes: Starting from when he said 
managed to spot a white haired male with crimson red eyes coming towards him and before the tree was thrown to make eye contact with him as stated with my crimson red eyes.)
Kizmaru Senju
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:19 am
The Naughty Kage had crouched down below the window as the white haired male began to look around the battlefield and took notice of how slow the snow fell. If he had looked up and attempted to lock eyes with the Naughty Kage afterwards, he would find the Naughty Kage was no longer in his view as they were currently weaving hand signs in order to attack the white haired male with a water technique. Unfortunately, when he had finished weaving his hand signs and was about to fire his attack at the wooden structure, something large and thick collided into the 'shack'  he currently took residence in. This made the Naughty Kage stumble briefly as the large, twenty-three meter long, six meter thick pine tree collided into the shack and the Naughty Kage altogether, knocking him across the ten meter shack and out of a rear window of the structure and landed in the snow beneath him. Although the force hit him, it was no match for the mirrored dermal scales the Naughty Kage had on his skin when taking the form of one of the participants in this little game. Thankfully, he managed to get away with just a bruise or two when struck. Simultaneously, as these events were taking place, on the opposite side of the house, the white hair male would have been in the middle of attempting to look for the Naughty Kage in the window when a tree collided into the house. 

When he attempted to cast his ocular technique, the tree was in the middle of ripping through the second floor of the shack. The white haired male for some strange reason or another decided to jump backwards, instead of up and over, in an attempt to evade the tree but didn't jump high enough to get over the pine tree's six meters of height, causing him to get smacked by the weight and force of the trunk from his teammate's swing. As soon as it impacted the white haired male, he was teleported out of the snow globe to safety as the Naughty Kage didn't want his life, just a bit of fun with his prank. Landing on his back, the Naughty Kage sat up to perform the hand signs of Ox, Snake, Ram and Tiger at his current maximum speed, releasing a thick mist from his mouth in order to shroud himself and the shack, having it travel and expand at its maximum speed. he wasn't sure how these people could spot him through this powerful blizzard but it was evident to him now, one or maybe both of the other participants have special eyes. Just in case, they did anything else, he would avoid looking directly at them from now on as well. Shrouded in his mist for protection from visual prowess, the Naughty Kage couldn't see anything either as the mist also obscured his vision. Well, at least they couldn't see what he was up to at the moment, or so he assumed. For now, he'd get up and walked towards the shack until he was practically hugging the wall, just remaining crouched on his knees, behind the remainder of the structure, listening out for sounds other than the howling winds of the blizzard.

W.C: 545

AP Used 500/430:

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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Sun Dec 20, 2020 8:07 pm
Okay, and he we are for the next round of "Find The Fuck-Up" with Uncle Kenshin. 

Well, let's get right into it shall we. 

Ghost or Smear?

Okay so, from what I am gathering here I am being asked to determine whether or not our dear Ghost will be splattered by the tree that Hanshi is currently wielding and the answer is... kind of. You see, in a normal situation, Ghostie would be little more than paste on the side of the tree now, but this is the event Hunter that is not death enabled, and it has special circumstances (Ghost gets kicked from the snowglobe and the mission before it hits him).

So, allow me to explain exactly how I came to this conclusion. I will say that everything was actually left very vague, with little said in the way of positioning... but in the end that played a part in what happened. Kizmaru made note of Ghost approaching, and immediately began forming handseals. These 5 handseals were formed, and then Kizmaru was hit by the tree. Ghost was standing in the window, basically between Kizmaru and the tree, and attempted to place a Genjutsu on Kiz before dodging the tree by jumping. The issue is, Ghost did not detail anything about the jump aside from him jumping back... so Kizmaru vagued Ghost into jumping directly into the path of the tree. This vague is perfectly legal given that Ghost did not detail anything about the jump itself, and thus Ghost met tree, and got himself kicked from the mission in the process.


And with that we've come to the end of our latest episode, hope all of you tune in for the next time someone fucks up enough in combat that a battlemod is called 

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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:53 pm
As the tree crashed through the lower levels of the house and glided upward through the structure smacking the hollykage as it passed through , The force and the trajectory of the blow and the sudden rise of the tree would cause the upper portion of the structure to fall backwards crashing into the ground as the naughtykage stood up. Unbeknownst to hojiro the naughtykage would fall through an unseen window , but this also put him in the path of his once standing home that was currently falling due to the tree swing.  Naturally hojiro wouldnt be able to hear the crash of the structure falling apart as he ridded himself of his rather large improvised bat , he would give a tired sigh as regardless of his strength swinging a fucking tree was somthing he didn’t do on a regular basis

He would at his max speed provided run to azumi stopping just short of a foot of her , should she still be on the ground he would attempt to help her up. “Sorry about that but it was the only thing i could think of “ he would say in a low calm tone to the young uchiha lass. They where still within 15 meters of the house so not much had changed position wise say for the piles of splintered wood that lay scattered about.

Daily Chistmas item: Free Custom A-Rank Weapon/Puppet/Armor
-sorry for the short post last minute-
Azumi Uchiha
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:23 am
”Flow!” Azumi said in a panic, stifling the volume of her voice despite the intense amount of concern that she felt upon seeing the boy seemingly get pulled from existence within the snow globe. It seemed as if it had been just as sudden as their summoning into this environment. Her jaw hung open as she attempted to process what her eyes were just witnessing. Narrowing them a bit, Azumi concluded that neither her nor Hojiro were under the influence of genjutsu but still—this was a very strange circumstance. At the very least, Azumi wanted to ensure that she and Hojiro would not meet the same fate that Flow did regardless of what that may have been exactly. 

”No it’s should have worked,” Azumi responded as she took Hojiro’s hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet. Her gleaming crimson eyes never left the direction of the Naughtykage, eyes fixed on his actions following the collapse of the wooden home onto him. Being that he was the only other being in the snow globe, his chakra signature was clear through the current that obscured most vision...but not hers. However, his chakra seemed to be expanding somehow, causing her eyes to widen. “He’s making another move...this time we’ll go with my strategy. Cover me...and don’t inhale my jutsu!” Azumi said in a low voice only those in her vicinity could pick up one. Without wasting another moment, Azumi dashed forward ten meters at her maximum velocity (65) faster than his jutsu’s speed (40) while forming the seals of Monkey > Hare > Rat > Dog > Snake > Tiger at the same speed. Her steps in the snow cushioned any sound of her steps that the flurrying blizzard did not drown out. Due to him being at the epicenter of the widening mass of chakra, pinpointing his location in the globe became as clear as day for Azumi leaving ten meters between her and Hojiro and five between her and the Naughtykage, the epicenter of the mist jutsu. 

By the time she advanced ten meters, his jutsu had expanded to five meters in overall diameter. Her Sharingan was capable of easily monitoring the growth and rate of his jutsu’s expansion. To the point it was clear that her own approach would be shrouded by his own technique due to him being in the epicenter of the expanding thick cloud. It was unlikely that he himself would be able to see past the chakra mist. As his thick mist approached, Azumi would expel a thick purple mist of her own creation. Synthesized in her body with her chakra, the purple mist was composed of deadly toxins. This mist left her mouth in a cone shape with a length of 10 meters and cone width of 5 meters that would expand to an overall circle with a radius of 10 meters with her at the center at maximum jutsu speed (55), significantly faster than the mist of the Naughtykage but overlaying it nonetheless. 

Azumi used her Sharingan to take note of the differences between the chakra of her mist and his. Her crimson orbs remained fixed on the direction of the epicenter of the other jutsu to monitor any re-emergence of this distinct other chakra which could only mean the Naughtykage’s approach. In any case, Azumi weaved Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog. When her fingers folded into the last seal, she held them up to her face as her chakra flowed into blades that formed a blue aura two inches above and around her hands. As she watched her mist spread, she hoped Hojiro who had been ten meters behind her and outside her mist could observe something critical from his vantage.

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Kizmaru Senju
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:53 pm
The howling of the blizzard now being the loudest thing for them, the Naughty Kage decided to give up on his initial idea as he decided to pick himself up from his crouching position. Now standing up right, against the wall of what remained of the structure he was previously in, the Naughty Kage figured he wouldn't be able to hear people coming towards him, even if he listened out for them. Seeing as he was currently hugging the wall, his head was facing the right side of the structure. He hadn't moved from this spot yet until he spotted something peculiar. Changing his plan up a bit, the Naughty Kage decided to 'borrow' an idea from the only one he could imagine having the kind of strength to wield a tremendous tree like some sort of weapon. As he thought this to himself, events of the unknown were occurring to him. It turns out one of them had travelled ten meters towards the house to the point they were five meters away from the ruined structure. Activating some kind of mist like technique, they had blown it out in a cone towards the structure travelling ten meters and expanding at five. 

However, this participant had seemed to neglect one thing in her mission briefing if she was attempting to launch an attack to reach the Naughty Kage. The structure itself she had happened to blow her poison mist towards was ten meters wide as it was long. Seeing as the male participant had destroyed the second floor of the structure, it wasn't as tall anymore and was roughly about five meters tall now. The poison mist had traveled its full length, expanding and covering half of what remained of the structure. The Naughty Kage simply decided to leave his position and travel away from the shack about five or so meters. Once he did, he had spotted a pine massive tree that seems to rival the one he was hit with in length and thickness. Extending both arms outward, he wrapped them around the tree's trunk and pulled it clean out of the ground. Tracing his previous movements back to where the structure was, he walked back to the structure until he was two meters away from it, also putting him seventeen meters away from the girl. The Naughty Kage figured two could play at the improvised weapon game as he prepared to swing this tree.  

The tree he decided to pick was also twenty three meters in height and six meters in thickness. The difference between this tree and the one he was hit by was this one had furnished branches that were four meters long and three meters thick. Swinging the tree from his left to his right at his maximum speed, the Naughty Kage swung the tree under the cover of his now full ranged hidden mist in order to batter whichever opponent he could without them being able to pick up his movements. He made sure to angle the base of the tree ten meters above the ground to get more coverage from the branches as they raked the snow and dirt with the ends of the branches. He'd completely destroy the structure with this swing but it didn't matter to him as he could just build a new one, if he survived this ordeal.

W.C: 560

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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:32 pm
Hojiro would quickly squat down in the snow for a mere few seconds grasping three long jagged pieces of wood from the ground , taking a hand full of snow with them , The three jagged rough pieces of wood being snuggled firmly betwix the fingers on his  left hand and a clumping of snow within his clenched fist. He would follow right behind Azumi making sure to keep her within arms reach of him in case they needed to make a mad dash  for safety. As they approached and Azumi would be kneading chakra in her chest sythasizing her body's natural toxins into a deadly and potent mist attack , Although Hojiro had no idea what she was doing he would wait till he saw physical evidence of her firing off a techniqe.

The shark boy couldnt see beyond the veil of snow as Azumi could , as she witnessed a sudden spike in chakra due to handsighns of hidden mist being weaved. Although due to the collapsing of the house the naughtykage neglected to dodge he would be struck by the sudden weight of the upper portion of his home.It is to be assumed the house carries the same impact force as the tree that caused it to topple in the first place. (the correct math being: 125+51 / 2 = 88 +37.5= 125.5 as the house is made completely out of wood). Seeing as the tree manage to give the naughtykage a few bruises it wouldnt be out of the realm of reason that the impact of the house could deliver a nasty concussion which would result in the naughtykage becoming incapacitated or severely disoreintated.

Seeing as what caused incapacitation would be a direct impact to the skull that jostles the brain , the act of breaking armor wouldn’t be needed as the whole body would be making contact with the house due to non-reaction. Also due to the fact that the naughtykage didn’t react to the falling building it woud be safe to assume he made no efforts to free himself from the rubble making the actions after sitting up and attempting to weave the handseals for hidden mist moot. This of course didnt eliminate the act of him casting hidden mist being performed but the actions after it have been interrupted.

When Azumi would halt hojiro would come to the conclusion that Azumi was about to fire off her jutsu , so he would take a gamble taking in a deep breath holding it as he quickly and fluidly scooped her up , placing the young uchiha upon his shoulder as he would venture forward another six meters at his max speed. placing 4 meters between them and what was left of the house. They were hired to kill this son of a bitch they would need to be a bit more brazen than they had been initially if they wanted to put a dent in this guy. Due to the Naughtykage falling out the window at the back of his house , and not being flung an exorbitant distance and being under the rubble of his once home he would be in range of the poison mist. 

Once hojiro’s underused lungs began to burn from their need of air as he would use his body flicker technique to get back with azumi still in toe upon his shoulder , where upon he would drop to his knees taking deep gasp’s of air replenishing his supply as black dots danced through his vision. Whether azumi went tumbling into the snow or landed gracefully like a sugar plum fairy was solely up to her as all hojiro was concerned with at the moment was breathing. Their initial positioning was fifteen meters from the house , keeping into the account that they moved inward six meters due to hojiro’s intervention they would be nine meters from the house upon Azumi’s jutsu going off. Meaning that the blink that hojiro just performed would place them roughly 24 meters from what would be the remains of the home one meter from the edge of the snow globe.

Claiming: Holiday dice roll III
Kizmaru Senju
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:51 am
Due to the prior events of the Hoshigaki's attack, it would have been quite impossible for the debris of the house to fall directly on the Naughty Kage if the tree swept through the house in a left to right sweep as the debris would have had to land on the ground first before the naughty kage would. Even if he did get hit by the debris, having scales as hard as steel as well as immeasurable strength wouldn't make the debris anymore threatening then a child being hit with a wiffle ball. Swinging the tree in the direction of where his opponent's might be, the Naughty Kage could only feel the resistance of the house in front of him. Well, he gave it his best shot even if he wasn't sure what would happen. He was sure the opponent would have been in range with a technique like that. Either the somebody was thoroughly prepared or somebody had psychic powers that would have foreseen him using the tree as a weapon for them to immediately take their teammate and get out without being able to see through the blizzard in front of them. Either way, they had managed to evade the naughty Kage's blow for the time being. 

Speaking of time, it seems the time for this little skirmish was over. He hadn't truly defeated all of his opponents but defeating one of them was good enough for him. The jutsu that had summoned the three of them into the globe had worn off and it was beginning to send his 'guests' back to their previous location. As for the Naughty Kage, he would go back to the remains of his 'shack' and frown, looking at all the damage done to his abode. Well, he had all the time in the world as it would take a long time to be able to cast such a powerful summoning jutsu again in order to get some entertainment. With that, he'd revert his form and begin to rebuild his house. 


W.C: 339
T.W.C: 2,074 + 750 from Mission reward (2,824)

Claiming 750 WC, 20 AP and 2,000 Ryo.

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Using 1,875 to learn Spiraling Water Dragon
Using 938 words to learn Spirit Gun
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:04 pm
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Thu Feb 18, 2021 11:49 am
TWC: 2,607
[Previosly learned] Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave [1875/1875]
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