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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:03 pm
Mission Name: The Naughtykage’s Snowglobe.
Rank: -
Type: Holiday Event
Character Requirements: Must be an NRPG character.
Mission Location: Land of Iron
Word Count Requirements: -
Challenges: Hunter
Repeatable? Yes
NPC? Yes, See Below
D Rank: 750 WC, 20 AP, 2,000 Ryo

The blistering cold wind would whistle in hojiro’s ear canals as he stood still and unmoving in this frozen hell that was the naughtykage’s domain , how was such a thing possible what where the upper limits of the Hollykages powers? He had created a subdiamension within a snow globe! A fucking snow GLOBE!! The amount of chakra control needed for such a feat was astronomical to say the least. Hojiro would would squint his eyes as he gazed out into the vast snow storm , his eyes unable to pierce the viel beyond the tree he  was stationed at. The young hoshigaki had come into the globe with two other leaf shinobi Flow and Azumi Uchiha both weilders of the legendary sharingan. Personally hojiro couldn’t get a read on either one Azumi was a good looking woman but she was “cold” thinking back on it the only display of emotion he saw from her was back in the cave when he came out the water.

Then came flow , he was very similar as well always preach about death and the ninja world him and hojiro didn’t get along very well ; in fact hojiro was thinking of a way to get back at the ninja for his little snide comment back in the cave earlier as it was anything but the truth. Sadly that would have to wait for another day he would deal with flow’s antics at a more “apropriate time” for now he would focus on the task at hand. He would keep his eyes scanning the blizzard as he spoke referring to his comrades that had situated themselves in the branches of the tree above him about five meters off the snowy hard ground. As they all wished to remain within each other’s field of vision.

“Hey zumi flow what you guys see up there?” he would call out while scanning outward for what his field of vision could see hopefully the chakra vision of the uchiha would fair better than his own inferior eyes.


Claiming Christmas daily: Dice Roll
Azumi Uchiha
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:47 pm
Azumi had learned her lesson from the last mission that this ‘Hollykage’ had sent them on. In fact, even if she tried she would not be able to forget how freezing she had been when she returned from the last mission. This time Azumi was fully prepared, her cloak and tunic lined with fur while her typical miniskirt became long pants met by thigh high gogo boots instead of stockings and open toe sandals. It was more than a cosmetic choice but a choice that would keep her from practically freezing to death before they finished their mission. After all, the last thing Azumi wanted to be was a weak link on any team that she had been on. Out of another necessity, her deep crimson Sharingan had been activated in response to the dark and obscure night that the trio found themselves in. Truthfully, she was not sure if she would be able to see at all without her kekkei genkai, in fact she was beginning to wonder how Hojiro had been holding up. Her vivid red orbs slid to the side to steal a glance of the boy before instantly turning back forward. Why did she care how he was doing? Since when? 

Luckily, he seemed to take the pressure off this internal question himself by asking her one of his own. Bringing the Seal of Confrontation to her face, Azumi would inhale deeply before focusing more of her chakra towards her eyes, bringing a bright glow to her Sharingan. The girl would then squint, using her kinetic vision to gain more insight on their surroundings. For the most part, the biggest difference that she saw was the slowed rate in which the snow fell. For a moment, she was able to focus on a singular snowflake, soon becoming beside herself as she became overwhelmed in its intricate natural beauty. However, what she had been mostly searching for was any forms of chakra besides their own within the snow. Given the vague and downright strange description of their target, the trio did not have much to go off of. The girl soon turned to face Flow, realizing that his more developed eyes could likely give a different insight. 

“I can barely see a thing through this snow even with my Sharingan….” Azumi began, her voice riddled with insecurity and concern, most likely due to a sudden underconfidence in her own abilities. For the most part she had been thinking out loud, coming to the conclusion that her eyes were not as strong as she would like them to be. However, she would simply need to keep training. Regardless, she faced Flow out of curiosity, waiting to see if he had a different answer.

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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:34 am
Finally a mission like no other. It was a mission to hunt down a strange being. The trio of him Hoshi Azumi and himself. Each one was strong in thier own right but not everyone could do it alone and that is why this team was made. It was yet another strange dream. Flow would hold out his hand as the snow fell on it. So much of it was coming down that a light blizzard was nearly incoming. Looking on he would smile as he could in fact make out who they was to take down. With a smile that came over his face he would hear his cousin and Hoshi exchange a few words. The matter of a fact was could they see what was in front of them. To which he would take notice of Azumi comments." Listen up you two the person will task to deal with. Was in front of us for like five minutes. I can not tell you if it was a humanoid or a summon. But it was red with horns and really dark green eyes. It's chakra will was nothing to laugh at. But I do believe it was laughing at us. As if it could attack us at any given time if it wanted to. This could only mean one thing we mist trend lightly as it must have long range type skills. Azumi Of The Sharingan you was lable captain. We will fellow your orders. But be warn this guy no this thing chakra greatly out weights are own."

As he said that his Sharingan would be ready for combat as he pulled out his ninja weapon kunai. Flow was ready to go on the attack. " Up a head is a shack. It is about two stories. He went inside and we need him to come out."


Kizmaru Senju
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:53 am

Somewhere near the unlikely trio, the Naughty Kage had been watching them for quite some time now before bringing them into his little domain. Playing pranks was his specialty and he wanted to give these three a good shake up before sending them back to their original locations. Currently, he was hiding behind a shack that was about four meters in radius and seven meters tall between both floors, having a durability of seventy-five as it was made from wood. He had been taking shelter in it for a while before his 'guests' had arrived with two snowmen in front of the entrance to the shack about five meters away. The two snowmen were also five meters away from each other. Hiding in the artificial snowstorm of the snow globe they were in, at the back of the shack, The Naughty Kage took the form of the Hoshigaki. The Naughty Kage had rounded the corner at his current maximum speed, heading to the front of the shack before entering it, traveling up some steps and looking out the only window to where he could assume the trio was approaching from. Aside from that, the shack itself was fairly empty with nothing inside of it. All he could do now was hope they would entertain him for a little while once they had come within range. 

W.C: 225
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:02 pm
The young navy blue haired shinobi would look on from his position into the snowy veil before them , he remained unmoving and stoic snow beginning to cake against his clothes around the shoulder and shin area’s his toes growing numb from being exposed in the snow. He would remain unchararistly silent as he was listening for any sounds beyond the whistling wind rushing past his ear’s into the beyond , He wanted to be ready for anything that was thrown at them sadly with his lacking arsenal he couldnt afford to be anything but vigilant at the moment.  He give a little ‘hmph’ that would be carried away with the wind as both flow and Azumi seemingly gave him different reports , Azumi seemingly couldnt see any better with her sharingan activated while flow claimed to have seen a green scaled humanoid figure that when broken down sounded like a demon right from the pits of hell. A small naught was forming in the boy's stomach as his imagination took hold of him , though his face nor body launge showed such traits as he was completely masking his emotions.

Something wasn’t sitting right about flow either , he claimed to have seen the beast and claimed it was standing infront of them for five minutes? Why hadn’t the uchiha struck a blow? Why hadnt he alerted his team , did he not care for the life of his cousin and his comrad ? did he plan on sacrificing one of them to land a decisive blow on the creature , was flow truly the type of man to use the bodies of his comrads as stepping stones to a goal? A small wisp of doubt had slipped in his mind as flow spoke of sensing a serious and powerful amount of chakra , last he knew flow wasn’t a sensory type but then again he’d never seen flow in combat so he very well could be but after much internal deliberation he had come to the conclusion that flow was talking out the side of his mouth again. He would let out a small sigh looking out over his small ten meters of vision.

With the whole sphere being a fifty meter dome and the tree that the group was situated at being twenty meters from the snow globes edge , this combined with the house’s exact location of being in the center of the globe meant they were fifteen meters from the house. Sadly this information was of little value as each individual here including the Naughtykage had a limited field of vision  , From their bumbling about earlier he had come to the conclusion that there were three other tree’s in the globe , each tree including the one they were at being a cardinal point in this twisted icey hell the Naughtykage called home. Each tree being twenty three meters tall with about a twenty foot base trunk hojiro had considered climbing one for a better view but it was most likely the snow storm was all consuming.

‘What a time to not have any ninja tools’ he would think to himself as he staired into the distance a little harder , his eyes adjusting to the darkness of night rather quickly as for him things were still lit justa bit dim. Through the snowy mailstor he could make out what looked like light. ‘How the hell does he have electricity in here?!’ the young hoshigaki would think to himself he couldnt properly make it out due to the snow but there appeared to be two humanoid silhoutes just beyond his vision but illuminated by the light of the house. If hojiro could see these then Flow and azumi should be able to see these as well , the only problem here was hojiro couldn’t tell if they where decoys or people as he lacked chakra vision unlike his two companions.

“Im to assume you can both see those feint silhouette’s , they’ve been there for awhile but based off flows earlier analysis i assume their simple snow men meant to draw in fire…” he would take a pause his gaze unwavering as he gazed out at the snow storm  , he would make sure to keep his voice low as you never know who's listening in such a blizzard“...what should we do azumi? Based off our positioning he’s probably expecting us and if what flow said about a two story is true , he’s far more likely to see us before we see him” he would state in a calm monotone voice not wishing to insight panic but inspire his comrads ingenuity. In truth this snowstorm was rather bothersome  as almost all of hojiro’s jutsu required him to have some for of line of sight to effectively do anything and the fact it was a two story also hurt his chance if he launched an attack at the wrong section of the house he’d waste chakra and give away their position.

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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:20 pm
Upon hearing Flow’s description of the assailant that they faced, Azumi would narrow her eyes further, attempting to visualize what he meant. It seemed likely that if this being was made from chakra, the two of them would be able to see it. Given that Flow’s eyes were further along in their evolution then hers were, it made sense that he would be able to make out the chakra signature of their target. However, his realization of it caused her to focus her vision even further with the knowledge that there was indeed something there, she simply needed to focus her eyes more carefully. Azumi took a deep breath as she consciously flowed chakra to her crimson irises. 

Slowly but surely, a mass of chakra soon made itself visible before her eyes. Part of this was due to how quickly it seemed to be traveling around and up the building. The speed at which it moved caused her eyes to widen as she fixated on his movements, particularly his trajectory and final destination. Of course she could not see through the home so she was not sure what to expect in it, but she was able to see where their target seemed to stop running. He was surely on the second floor of the building, confirming what Flow had assumed about him waiting them out or being cocky enough to anticipate their attack and have some kind of counter for it already. In any case, his location within the building soon became clear to her. ’There.’

Hearing both Ghost and Hojiro appoint her as Team Leader was certainly reassuring. After all in the academy she prided herself on her love for leading and helping others. Even if it may have come off as cynical at times, it was always for the betterment of them and their abilities. This is why Azumi began to instantly formulate a course of action for this situation. The girl took her current role quite seriously, knowing that besides teamwork, a Team Captain was directly responsible for the success of the mission. Many scenarios began to whiz through her head but the disappointment in them was present on her face as she considered them thoroughly. They all contained a fundamental error and that would have been disastrous if the plans were executed. The common factor in all of them was the fact that they could not predict what was in the house or any defenses. 

“Okay here’s the plan. We’re going to flush him out of that building by any means necessary. From what I can tell he's on the upper level of it. There seem to be snowmen of sorts outside the building but given the strange nature of this entire situation we have to assume they're supplementary and destroy them. After we force him out, you guys engage him while I try to analyze his movement patterns in order to thoroughly exploit them. Flow, I of course will be relying on your visual prowess as well.” Azumi explained in a low voice to her cousin before turning to Hojiro, eyes fixated on his build a bit to confirm what she had already thought. “So--are those big muscles of yours just for show or do you think you’re actually capable of damaging the house from a reasonable distance?” Azumi asked the azure haired boy, teasing him slightly as a smile form while she spoke.


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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:30 am
Flow eyes could see it all and damn he was not ok with what he just saw. As he looked on the snow was the only thing that kept him and his team from that thing he just saw. Looking on he would start to hear his cousin speak. As he knew she was better suited to lead a team then he was. As he looked on at what she had to say about the beast that ran inside of the shack he would fellow suit. " That thing was taunting us as if it wanted us to come at him. Maybe it's style of fighting is to counter such as our grandfather was Azumi. Well captain Uchiha." Flow as he said captain uchiha he nearly let out a laughter as he tried to hide the fact. Looking on as he looked to Hojiro who was clearly the power of the trio he would say. " So you will throw yourself at him huh. Then those big muscle of yours have to make up for something right." Flow would say this as it was a inside joke between the two. But he tends to say this to get his team mate a little mad as Hojiro in an anger state is not one to be triffle with even Flow knows of this. Flow would look on as he was given the task to fight the beast head on. He would be teaming up with Hojiro to say the least. Flow would look on as he knew what had to be done. He would jump down out of the tree. He had to make room for his team mate to lunch himself out of the area. Flow would ready himself by moving over being 15 meters away from the duo. He was going to attack the moment it came time. 

With his eyes active it was time to do what he do best. As he started to make a certain sign at max speed. Flow was ready to follow the plan. Rather he live or not. The mission must be completed by any means necessary. 


Sharingan -10 Ap
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:06 am
Awaiting his potential foes, the Naughty Kage continued to hang around the second floor of the structure he was in as he didn't want to make the first move. Despite being able to mimic a strong body, the body didn't really have strong Ninjutsu despite being skilled at it. He wondered why this person spent all of their time working on their physical strength knowing their main specialty would be their Ninjutsu. Well, it didn't matter to the naughty Kage as the form he took still knows some pretty powerful techniques in its own right. For now, he'd continue to look out the window of his grand shack and hoped for the best. Eventually, the naughty Kage began to spot something in the distance around ten meters of his view. Although he couldn't see any further, he managed to spot a white haired male with crimson red eyes coming towards him. He was performing a single hand sign he had seen before but it was only a single one so he doubted it was anything dangerous. Either way, he was excited one of his guests was running towards him away from his comrades even though he couldn't determine how far he was away from them. Seeing as the Naughty Kage can currently see him, he would automatically deduce he was at least ten meters away from the house.

The Naughty Kage then performed his next set of actions at the maximum speed this form afforded him. Placing both hands together and crouching down a bit below the window to conceal what hand signs he was currently doing, he performed the hand signs of Dragon, Tiger, Hare and Ram and placing his right hand on his chest. Upon completing the hand signs, the Naughty Kage had released a powerful stream of water from his mouth towards the white haired male's direction in an attempt to flatten him with the powerful water pressure. As the water soar soared through the air, the stream began to expand into a five meter radius in the shape of a cone, attempting to knock him off of his body and crushing the male's body. He had hoped this served as a warning or dealt a simulated fatal blow, resulting in him being teleported out of the snow globe. He wondered how his young friend would deal with such an attack although he wasn't exactly aiming to eliminate the kid just yet.

W.C: 405

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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:54 pm
Hojiro’s face would remain emotionless for the most part as the two uchiha before him called his strength into question , now that he thought about it he had never truly had a fight in front of anyone. Then again he never trained with anyone either so no one had a true gauge of his strength , “you want to know if my muscles are for show?....” he would aks in a rather drawl voice as if confused and amused by the notion that the muscles he had trained had no mode of use in this situation. Yes it was true he had yet to learn any taijutsu , but that didn’t mean his combat prowess was any more hindered than the two shinobi he came to this mission with.

Hojiro personally had no intentions of wasting chakra or getting unecasarily close to the enemy but with no ninja tools on his person . he would need to…..improvise…..As Flow would run forward into the whistling blizzard Hojiro would turn around and seemingly embrace the tree in a hug , his fingers boring through the hard bark and wood of the tree like a hot butter through knife. The young Hoshigaki would flex the muscles in calves and seemingly stiffen his back as he grunted out single word loud enough for Azumi to hear as flow was long gone “” a single word warning that based on what he was doing spoke for itself.

There would be several loud snapping noise’s that would be muffled out by the mighty roar of the blizzard , as the tree began to splinter in the area Hojiro was holding it. With a mighty huff he would free the upper section of the tree from the trunk leaving a four foot tall stump in it’s place. As soon as this was done he would spin on his heel swinging the trree like a makeshift bat the maximum speed that his body would output the tree creaking as it passed through the air at great speed the blizzard deafening the sound of the incoming tree.

The tree itself would be swung at an angle so to speak as the house was fifteen meters away and the tree itself was twenty three meters tall , meaning the tree itself had more than enough range on it to strike the house and snowmen. Seeing as the two story ‘shack’ had a window from which the light was emanating from on the second storie , he would angle his swing to be an upward diagonal swing from left to righ as he assumed the resident of the home was in the room where the light was emanating through. The tree itself would make contact with the house around the same time naughtykage would finish his hand signs and begin the use of water trumpet.

As the tree would smash through the house it would also collide with one of the snowmen causing it to fall upon it’s twin both becoming useless mounds of snow upon the ground. Once the tree had made a full pass through he would allow the weight of the tree to carry his next movement tossing it to the side allowing it sail into the dome wall opposite of where he was facing allowing the tree to splinter into many many smaller pieces some the size of wood chips others the size of his leg some the size finger.

Claiming Christmas Daily: Dice Roll ll
Swinging Tree at House: impact Force of 88 as tree is considered a blunt weapon at this time
it should be noted you are all in the path of my tree swing

Last edited by Hōjiro on Wed Dec 16, 2020 7:41 pm; edited 3 times in total
Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter] Empty Re: Exacution Of The Naughty Kage [D-Rank /Hunter]

Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:47 am
Azumi’s eyes widened as she saw Flow launch himself towards the location of the Naughtykage. It seemed to be quite the rash and abrupt decision but she hoped that he had thought it through enough for it to be effective. Azumi figured that she would keep her eyes trained on the presence of the Naughtykage for any changes that she should have been aware of. Azumi hoped that the two of them could somehow make him busy enough for her to track his movements and hopefully get a good reading on his movements. Through the snow she could make out the house and specifically the man in it but he seemed to be unwavering in his decision to wait them out. 

Taking a deep breath, she tried to relax herself from the anxiety that manifested following Flow’s decision. It would take all three of them to take him down, that was for sure but she was not sure how secure she was in that he had gone on ahead. It seemed that he had confidence in his own abilities to embark on such an action and maybe that was enough for her. At least it would certainly have to be. 

Azumi’s attention would soon be taken away from Flow as she heard Hojiro’s voice. Azumi would somewhat stumble backwards as she saw what he had been doing while she looked to Flow. He seemed to be proving firsthand how great his strength was. Witnessing him lift the tree was truly an eye opening moment. It was when she was able to see that he was much stronger than she may have initially realized. The girl did not have much time to marvel at the feat due to her quickly following his instruction and throwing herself forward onto the ground to avoid the swing of the tree. Not only watching Hojiro’s trajectory of the tree, Azumi would also return her focus towards their target in the house. 

Azumi fixed her eyes carefully in order to see anything that would have occurred following the tree connecting with the house. Azumi would soon figure that in any case their target would have been drawn out of his current position. It was only a matter if by the tree that crushed through its structure or the massive amount of chakra that seemed to flood the level in which he had been on. From what she could determine with her Sharingan, the target positioned themselves below the window in order to hide themselves but their jutsu did not make it through the opening of the window and instead had collided with the stronger structure of the wooden house, causing it to misfire back towards the user. Between this mishap and the much stronger tree Hojiro wielded, the target would have surely been drawn out...or flushed.

"Placing both hands together and crouching down a bit below the window to conceal what hand signs he was currently doing, he performed the hand signs of Dragon, Tiger, Hare and Ram and placing his right hand on his chest." (No indication of rising back above the window to fire)


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