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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Rare Animal [C-Rank] Empty Rare Animal [C-Rank]

Mon Dec 07, 2020 9:37 pm
Mission Name: Rare Animals
Rank: C
Type: Find
Character Requirements: Be an NRPG Character
Mission Location: Land of Iron
Word Count Requirements: 2000
Challenges: -
Repeatable? Yes
NPC? -
Reward: Choose Two: 3000 Ryo, 30 AP, Chameleon Scales, Rabbit Fur
Somewhere deep within the land of Iron is said to be a mysterious grove. This eden appears to be an oasis in the snow with fresh water and stunning beautiful animals. Walk through the forests in the land of iron and find this hidden grove.

The light chirping of birds would echo throught the snow covered forest as a lone shinobi strode through the snow , each step creating a light imprint in the snow that was quickly covered and filled in by the falling snow. This shinobi was adorned in a snow white cloak that offered them a semblance of camouflage as they traveled along the forest floor weaving inbetween tree’s in an attempt to throw off anything that may be following them in this world painted black and white by the now setting harsh winter. The shinobi had been walking for what felt like hours now each winding turn through the forest felt longer than the last , and with time he was sure he had lost his way.

‘What am i doing with my life right now’ the cloaked figure would think to himself leaning against a tree , pushing a hand beyond the confort of his cloak to reach up an dlside his hood back revealing his face to the forest.The young Hojiro Hoshigaki would let out a tired sigh as he thought of the hot coco waiting for him at home once this mission was over and hopefully soon or else the hollykage was gonna get a stocking stuffer up the ass.


Claiming Christmas Daily Reward:2,000 WC
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Rare Animal [C-Rank] Empty Re: Rare Animal [C-Rank]

Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:10 pm
Hojiro would huff as he pushed off the tree donning his cloak once more as he pushed forward , the mission the Hollykage had imparted to him lay fresh in his mind. With each step came a new foot print in the snow , as quickly as these indicators of his presence came they would be snuffed out by the falling snow that came. Hojiro had been wandering aimlessly looking for a place he wasn’t sure even existed yet her persisted ‘The Hollykage wouldn’t send him on a wild goose chase would he?’ the question would ring out in his mind for hours as he searched through the forest looking for any signs of abnormality allowing his mind to wander as he searched his body on autopilot. His thoughts would wander back to the group of genine he had encountered furing his rump to training board , an odd bunch but their teamwork was impeccable.

As he walked he would come to a small clearing which had a few tree’s scattered here and there throught the clearing , The young hoshigaki would sigh as he examined the expanse of space his nose twitching as a sickly sweet smell wafted upon the cool crisp winter breeze.
Claiming christmas event:3000 ryo
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Rare Animal [C-Rank] Empty Re: Rare Animal [C-Rank]

Fri Dec 11, 2020 2:32 pm
Undertones of sharp iron lay upon the breeze as hojiro sniffed the air , ‘what is that scent? It’s so strong’ he would think to himself dropping onto his hands and knees. He would close his eyes as he took in a deep wiff of the air his lungs filling with as much air as possible , the young hoshigaki could feel his mouth begin to water as the sweet mystery aroma flooded his system. He would slowly begin to prowl on all fours like an animal tracking it’s prey , his eyes would stay closed the whole while he sniffed at the forest’s snow covered floor. The scent making him ignore the loss of feeling in his hands and knee’s as if driven by a primal instinct to find what was producing this smell , Soon hojiro was prowling through the snow like a mad man his eyes now open as he darted through the snow as if hyped up on some sort of drug then he saw it. All in a mix of disgust , elation and fear as he noticed red splotches in the snow instinctively he would lower himself down sticking out his tongue touching the tip of his tongue to the frozen blood in the snow lines of drool faling from his mouth onto the snow as he did so.

-flash back- 

“Calm down son!” a very eldery man shouted at a very tiny and rabid hojiro , Splintered wood and toppled over chairs and the dinner table lay strewn across the kitchen floor which was covered in deep gash marks that seemed to have come from some wild animal. At the epicenter of this all stood a young hojiro no older than seven in a shark onzie snarling and foaming at the mouth like a simple minded beat , blood from the meat his father had prepared staining his fingers. Hojiro’s father would saigh as he leaned against the kitchen wall pinching the bridge of his nose giving a hearty sigh and a little chuckle as he eyed his rabid son , “your always so full of surprises” he would sigh out placing his right hand on the slab of rib he had resting on the counter top the soft supple meat of the rib was near ice cold under his palm but wet covered in the blood of the thawing meat.

He would slowly  slide the meat onto the ravaged tile floor of the kitchen while maintaining a solid gaze upon hojiro , he couldn’t quite grasp why his little boy had suddenly become so violent and agitated , ‘maybe it’s his because of his parent’s those kiri nin where always so vicious’ he would think staring down at hojiro who was currently tearing into the raw steak like a starved animal you couldve sworn his father wasn’t feeding him with how hard the bot is frenzying. He would let out a shallow laugh as he turned away from the bot to tend to the counter top. He would grab a dirty dish cloth in the sing and a bottle of dish soap and begin cleaning off the counter top throwing side glances at little hoji as he didn’t wana be the next thing the boy mauled.

He had really taken a gamble adopting the boy but a part of him hoped that one day hojiro would grow up and return to kiri , not as a conqueror or a soldier but as a simple man coming to visit the land that his family had sprung up from. It was a far cry to hope the boy would ever bring about peace between the two nations ,  but even an old man was allowed to dream every know and then afterall dreams are what push the world forward complacency causes it to die..

-flash back end-

Hojiro would stop short of the blood his tounge mere centimeters away , his once hungry eyes had faded as he retracted his tongue back into his mouth , ‘ugh i have gotte get a reign on that one of these days ! going into a frenzied state everytime i see blood is a real pain in the ass’ hojiro would think to himself as he stood back on his feet snmacking the snow from his knees as he did so attempting to look even somewhat presentable. “Lets find this grove the hollykage was talking about” he would say aloud to no one in particular his voice sounding exacerbated a bit as if that little bout had drained him slightly. The young Bluete wi=ould follow the trail of blood the splotches becoming more and more prominent as  he followed based off the odor of the blood he could tell whatever was sounded wasn’t human maybe a small rabbit or a fox?

The sun would slowly begin to set casting an orange and pink spray of colors into the evening sky that danced upon the snow covered forest almost like something out of a fairytail , the beauty of the scene would elude hojiro as to him this simply meant that night time was fast approaching and he needed to get his hustle on if he intended to find anything before nightfall although it was of little concern to him truly as hoshigaki clanmembers had excellent night vision , ‘i better get a real good christmas gift for all this shit im doing’ he would think to himself. Somthing just wasn’t adding up about the hollykage , This man had the ability to travel the whole earth in a day , unlimited resources and a vast clan of magical midget that did his bidding. One had to wonder if the jolly exterior was simply a facade , was he putting up a front so no one would know of his criminal empire? You can’t grow senju wood! He had to have senju elves in his workshop? Or maybe group of senju slaves in his basement? But there where no tree’s in the north pole so maybe he was forcing the senju to grow tree’s underground? Hojiro would angrily begin tugging at his hair as he walked “HOW IN CAN THAT FAT MAN DO ALL THIS IT MAKES NO SENSE!!” he would yell at the top of his lungs

Claiming daily christmas reward: 3,000 Wc 4,000 ryo
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Rare Animal [C-Rank] Empty Re: Rare Animal [C-Rank]

Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:10 pm
After his little hissy fit was through hojiro would begin making his way through the forest once more , examining the snow as he walked. He was looking for some form of animal tracks which was becoming slightly easier as their was less snow and a few splatters of blood to go along with the tracks. Based off the shape and size of the print one could assume the animal inquisition was canine in origin and possibly wounded. The thought of some poor animal being wounded saddened the young hoshigaki as he himself was an avid animal lover , though ironically he was more inclined to want to take care of fish as they required the least maintenance in his over all opinion.

All you had to do was maintain their tank and all was good , keep a water filter clean , put some algee eaters in the tank and sprinkle in some food let the water filter do the rest. Hojiro’s thoughts would change rather quickly as he had followed the foot print’s and blood splatters a rather large tree ‘the trail of blood ends hear..’ he would think to himself as his eyes scanned the base of the tree trunk intently.

Claiming Christmas daily: Enhanced soldier Pill
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Clan Focus : Shark Physiology
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 19813

Rare Animal [C-Rank] Empty Re: Rare Animal [C-Rank]

Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:55 pm
Hojiro’s right eyebrow would rise in confusion as his eyes locked on a perfectly circular hole in the base of the tree trunk where the tree met the earth , ‘a burrow maybe?’ he would think to himself dropping to his knees crawling over to the whole to get a better look on the inside of the hole. His nose would twitch lightly as he picked up the scent of moist earth and a very feint sweet smell it smelled almost floral in nature sweet like honey and soft. Hojiro would take his right hand wave it in front of the hole.

A light breeze would brush against his hand as he did so , it was peculiar as it meant the hole lead somewhere at lower elevation considering the breeze wasn’t a pushing one but a sucking one. ‘Is this another one of the hollykage’s mystical tricks? Or just a simple fox hole?’ he would think to himself sadly there was only way one way to find out. Hojiro would thrust his hand into the fox whole closing his eyes as he prayed for the best. The young Hoshigaki’s suspicions would soon be confirmed as his eyes clicked open as he felt his body begin to distort . the world around him became a chaotic soup as he was sucked into the whole.

“Ahhhhhhhh i hate thiiiss plaaaace” he would yell at the top of his lungs as he was sucked through the small tunell the hole compressing his dimensions through some form of space time jutsu , normally he would ponder how the hollykage was capable of such jutsu but now all he wanted to do was take a stocking stuffer and make the fat man choke on it to see if he likes being screwed with because this was just ridculos.

When the world settled and all was calm hojiro would open his eyes to a beautiful opening in a snow covered forest , the ground from end to end was covered in beautiful green vibrant grass , in the middle seemed to be a rather  large pond which hojiro would hovel over to dropping to his knees slamming his face into the water chugging as much of the water a possible ignoring the many coi fish swimming by his face just happy he found the place he was looking for.

TWC : [2.030 /2,000]
+20 stats
christmas Daily: Specialty Swap
3000 Ryo, 30 AP

Great Vortex Technique [2750/2750] [previously learned]

Storage Displacement [85/500]

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