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Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Sharingan training ( P | Ghost) Empty Sharingan training ( P | Ghost)

Sun Dec 06, 2020 8:17 pm
Sharingan training ( P | Ghost) 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f756942395445394d5958534756513d3d2d3634313231313637312e313535633832386630613462653237373139383133333930353832372e706e67?s=fit&w=720&h=720

It was a sunny Saturday morning. The soft rays of the sun woke Benji seductively. There was no need for an alarm clock as the sun was a great replacement. And anyway. Benji was so excited that his eyes immediately popped out. Because the day before, he had been promised a coaching partner in the Hokage’s office to help him improve his Sharingan. Because of this excitement, he could barely fall asleep in the evening. He had been thinking all night about who this person might be. How strong can it be? He must be strong, as he is also a member of the Uchiha clan, which, although he has lived better days, is still a prestigious clan today. The young Uchiha also jumped out of bed and, after bedding, headed for the bathroom. After completing his usual morning habits, brushing his teeth, washing, etc ... He returned to his room and got dressed. He didn't have time to have breakfast anymore, because he was afraid that his partner was already waiting for him, so he only caught an apple and set off. He was just walking and immersed in his thoughts as he ran into his grandmother.
"Oh no... I was afraid of that..." - the boy thought in frustration
He loved his grandmother very much, but well ... The truth is, she talked a lot. It was impossible to shake it off, and the boy still felt late. He turned his head and tried to avoid his grandmother, but it was impossible to get around her. She would spot her grandson from a crowd of up to 100 people.
- Ohh my heart! My little grandson! I'm here! Hello, can't you see? - adressed her grandson
"Damn ... She noticed ... It's like having an ANBU, it's unbelievable what ability she has to do that ..." - thought it Uchiha Benji - Ohh hello granny! I sorry, I didn't notice you! But I'm in late, so I'm in hurry! - he tried to short it out
- Wait a minute dear! Where are you going? - surprised the Grandmother
- I have to training today, and I get a training partner, who is probably waiting for me, so now I have to go, sorry! Maybe in the next time granny! - Benji hurried away
He then gave him two kisses and also ran towards the training ground. He then got there after a 5 minute jog. A large stone fell from his heart when he saw that no one was there yet. 
" Ohh thank God!" - Thought it Benji
He then walked to the training ground, dropped his bag and decided to warm up alone by then. He formed the hand seal of the shadow lone, began to focus his chakra toward his chest, just as he had learned from Blasia, and then created a shadow clone. A shadow clone appeared from the smoke, and he spoke at once:
- What is my task boss? - asked the clone
Benji just closed his eyes and started smiling. Then he opened his eyes and they were bloody red. Yes, he has activated sharingan. That's all he said:
- Fight against me. We have to train up our Sharingan - answered Benji
The clone also smiled and then he activated his sharingan as well. He then ran to Benji and they started making serious punch changes. Where one or the other received dangerous blows. The boy started to get into a pretty sweaty warm-up while he waited for the traning's partner Ghost.

WC: 593
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

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Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:05 pm
What a day what day it was. Flow Ghost Uchiha had one of the villages strongest pair of true bleed Sharingans to his name. He was task today with helping another do the same. A task to which is would not be hard per say. But to be quite frank a fun one. For someone to have these eyes. It just does not end there. But also it start to unlock a power play. What type of eyes would come out of the Sharingan? Will it be one where Genjustu reign king or ninjustu? Or even a whole nother type at that. These things must come to mind when it hit them. Because to have the eyes of the Uchiha but not the power that comes with it is a hard thing to do. Flow will have to tell this young boy that very thing. As it is all that will be needed of him. As he was walking he would make it closer to the field in which they would train it today. Flow never had a student so this should be fun. After all not everyone get to be train by Flow Uchiha. He would think this as he smiled. 

Looking on he would see two people over in the distance. Thinking to himself that they look a like and must be twins. But then as he got closer he could tell that they was more then twins but one was a clone. As He closed his eyes be would open them back up. As his Sharingan was now activated. Flow would look on as he walked towards the boy and his clone. Looking at the two fight he would give a smile. As he was happy to see the duo knowing a thing or too about taijustu. " I see you know how to throw a punch. This is good it really is. But tell me is there more too you Ben of the Uchiha? I myself do not go down the right of taijustu. As I know most of my skills comes from my eyes. As they are a key to my victory. Today I will show you how to advance your eyes. As it and will be a key to you unlocking your full power as well. You indeed will not be sad at this new found power my dear boy. As of eight now I will be your sensei"

Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

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Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:47 am
The sweaty workout was in full swing. The young Uchiha gave his all to improve his taijutsu and exercise the Sharingan's load. Ever since he awake it up, he had used it often enough to get used to it. There were times when he used it for ordinary things as well to train himself with it. Although there was no warm weather, the strong rays of the sun and the intense exercise made the boy feel quite warm. Then the boy stopped his clone. He pulled off the sweater he was wearing because of the cool weather, wiped the drops of sweat from his forehead, and dropped the sweater on the floor. He then motioned for his clone to continue. They continued the fight for about 5-10 minutes, but then the boy spotted someone around him. He also looked to the side, and because of that he got a pretty big punch from the clone. He also slid back a few feet on the ground.
- Damm it... That wasn't fair you damn, I didn't pay attention - he shouted at the clone as he slid on the ground
The boy then jumped up quickly and wiped himself. He hoped the coach’s partner didn’t see this little moment, but there wasn’t much chance of that. He recalled his clone and turned off his Sharingan. He then gestured to his partner from afar and called to him. When the boy approached him, he wanted to show himself, but he had already told Benji's name. 
- Yes, my name is Benji from the Uchiha clan! I am son of the notorious Kagawa Uchiha of ANBU. And who is you? Nobody told me who will my training partner. - the boy inquired
" I myself do not go down the right of taijustu" - told it Ghost
- Yeah, I'm not good at taijutsu either. I usually use my ninjutsu, maybe this is my stronges ability. As you can see, I woke up my Sharingan and I want to develop that further. I hope you can help with that! - said the boy excitedly
Once the dialogue is closed, the boy will listen to everything about Ghost and listen carefully to his advice / explanation. As they get to practice training, the boy will be using his Sharingan again, as this is the main task of their training today. The boy's mood soon changed for the better. After so many years without sparring partners, he now finally get training partners quite often. He very much hopes that in the near future they will reach their level and will go on missions together

WC: 439
TWC: 1032
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 500

Sharingan training ( P | Ghost) Empty Re: Sharingan training ( P | Ghost)

Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:38 pm
Flow would smile as he saw the young boy out away his clone." I see you did do a little bit of s work out with your clone. But when it comes to using our eye's. It is a battle of the mind and not just the eyes. I came here to help you to get a better understanding of that. But once you do unlock your final form. You have two things ti think about. Either you want to use your eyes to be more of a ninjustu weapon or ge justu wespon. This is one of the most important thk gs you could learn and need to know. As you could see I myself main the genjustu way of life. It gets the job done and fast. But that does not mean I do not know how to use ninjustu. It simply means. I choose to use Genjustu over the said type of fighting. You must remember this. Your foes will not dare look you in the eyes if they can not handle you. So right off back you are winning. Now then I will teach you how to unlock your next tomoe. But it is as I said a game of the mine."

Flow would sit down and get into a meditation like form. "First do what I am doing. As not only do you have to use your eyes. But you must also open up your mind. Your imagination will play a very big part of how. Your Sharingan will work." Looking on he would wait for Benji to do the same thing and waited for Benji to close his eyes. Once he did that he would began to help him opening up his next stage into his tomoe. Which would be level two to it.


700 Wc towards my MS 700/8000

7 chakra stats

Last edited by Ghost on Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

Sharingan training ( P | Ghost) Empty Re: Sharingan training ( P | Ghost)

Wed Dec 09, 2020 7:19 pm
Benji had trained his eyes quite a bit, but so far they were all in vain. It was as if something in his head, mentally, was hindering him from further developing his Sharingan. He used day lengths for just about everything in everyday life. He trained hard, using techniques while his Sharingan was active. But unfortunately all in vain. There have often been doubts in his mind as to what if he is genetically defective and this is the max level he can reach. His father kept asking him when he was home to show him how to stand on the Sharingan, and although he didn’t say words, his eyes betrayed that he was so dissapointed. This kept him sad and angry Benji. He trained even harder at this time and tried even more methods. He has also used eye drops many times. It was a hopeless situation, but then Ghost was sent to help him, whose sharingan was already masterful. By the time he arrived, Benji was already quite tired, but only physically. Ghost started teaching right away. Benji could learn that Ghost's primary weapon was genjutsu. He suggested to the boy a new technique that Uchiha Benji had not yet tried. He told them to sit down and start meditating while the Sharingan is active. Benji was a little weird at first, but would have been willing to do almost anything to make progress. Then Benji closed his eyes and then when he opened them they were red.His sharingan has been released, with 1-1 black tomoes. Then the boy sat down and followed Ghost's example, starting to meditate. This is the time Benji, he always delves into his thoughts unfortunately, but now he was trying to rule out those thoughts. He focused only on chakra control and his eyes. Then a huge Sharingan eye appeared in front of him with 2 black tomoe. There were grids in front of it. "What the hell?..." - thought it Benji. It was strange for him this situation, but he began to realize that this grid could be the barrier that hinders his development. He then took out a pair of shuriken and tossed them specifically at the bars but they just bounced off it. This made Benji very angry, he was not of a calm nature anyway. With a force full of rage, he ran to the bars and began to punch him frantically. But unfortunately it was not successful. He had to sit because he was very tired. He was just panting when he saw a keyhole. In vain he looked around, it was an empty room, he saw no key anywhere. Then he focused on his eyes and turned on his sharingan. He was very strongly focused, and then the earth suddenly opened before him. A small box came up from the ground. Benji walked slowly over, then opened the box and saw a key inside. He grabbed it and hurried to the keyhole, then inserted it and the key was good into it. He opened the door. Then he suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed:
- Sharingan!
He had a completely different vision, he felt something change. Then he looked at Ghost, who just smiled and said he had succeeded. Benji was very happy and grateful to Ghost at the time.
- Thank you! Thank you very much! Finally I got this!!
As this meditation lasted for hours, the sun was already beginning to calm down. Benji had to get home before dark, so he said goodbye to Ghost.
- Now I have to go, because my Mom gonna kill me! If I can help you with anything, just please, let me know! I hope we will train together more time, good evening! - said goodbye Benji
Benji then packs up his stuff and goes home quickly if Ghost doesn't need any more help. It was a very good day for Benji. He was able to develop again. If he goes that way, he’s on a very good path to following in his father’s footsteps at ANBU.

WC: 679
TWC: 1711

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Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:15 am
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