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Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Empty A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji)

Fri Dec 04, 2020 6:31 pm
A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Traini10

Basking in the glory of the sunlight that shined upon Blaisa’s face, the young Sarutobi could be found in Konohagakure’s infamous Training Grounds 11 - refining her skill with some of her most iconic abilities.  “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”, she would exclaim, forming two shadow clones on both her left and right sides, 2 meters away from the original caster.  “What did you even call us in here for?”, the left shadow clone would ask in a condescending, annoyed tone.  “Yeah, we just learned the Rasengan the other day – can’t we take ONE day off?”, the right shadow clone would speak in rebuttal.
Blaisa simply shrugged off her shadow clones boring vibes and returned a smile towards them both.  “Relax, okay?”, she would begin to respond to them, “I’m just making sure that I am doing my due diligence of being passed down this infamous jutsu to, by making sure you guys are in tip top shape when I need you most!”, she would go on to finish sticking her right thumb out to give a reassuring thumbs up.  The two shadow clones looked at each other in emotional dread and shrugged, although still accepting the original Blaisa’s reasoning.  “Great!”, the original would exclaim in excitement.
Blaisa nodded for her clones to follow her as the trio of them made their way over towards the three training logs.  Flimsy but sturdy, the three logs poked out of the ground in 2 meters in distance from each other, standing tall at 2 meters in height.  As each shadow clone began to stand at each one of the logs, Blaisa intended to refine her Shadow Clone ability by improving the control of the clones’ movements while still focusing on her own.  Usually when she uses this jutsu, there is a slight delay in Blaisa telling the clone what to do, and then actually doing it.
As each of them prepared to begin hitting the logs, Blaisa first wanted to master the control of the two of them while she was standing idly by, focusing one hundred percent of her attention towards the clones’ movements.  The trio of them spent fifteen minutes controlling and performing before Blaisa was to fully understand the requirements of chakra and the amount of focus for each clones’ individual action.  It almost reminded her of controlling puppets, but without the strings.  Moving on, the young Sarutobi now wanted to practice the three of them working in sync.
Controlling her chakra and dividing her focus up as evenly as she could, the trio of Blaisa began to all simultaneously hit each of their logs, landing their strikes at a near perfect synchronization.  Starting out strong, the left clone began to kick her log slower than the other two.  Noticing this, Blaisa took a little amount of focus off towards her right clone in order to distribute it to the left clone, completely taking away this minor issue in a matter of seconds. 
Blaisa would continue mastering both the control of her clones’ movements as well as her own for the next long while.

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Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Empty Re: A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji)

Fri Dec 04, 2020 7:05 pm
It was a bright, sunny saturday morning. Benji was still asleep, but this was the alarmclock that he had set the night before. He has to set it up even on the weekends, otherwise he would fall asleep all day. The reason for the "early" got up was now that he was determined to train today. He sat up slowly in his bed, then stretched out well accompanied by a yawn or two. He then got out of bed, embedded, and prepared. He even skipped breakfast, as he thought he was already late, though he didn't go anywhere to time. After a short quick walk of about 10-15 minutes, he arrived at the Training Grounds 11. To his amazement, he noticed that a young girl was training right there. But she was not alone, there were three in all. Although they all looked the same. Then he closed his eyes and then..
- Sharingan! - he said softly but firmly
Then his dark brown eyes and blood turned red. After that he saw that all 3 persons had their own chakras.
"So these are not simple clones.. I learned about it in Academy, it is the Shadow Clone jutsu. It is a pretty hard technique, but he is so young. Do she has that strength, so young?" - Benji thought in amazement - "Maybe she could teach me this technique"
He then studied the technique from afar for a long time. Most of the time, when Uchiha Benji sees a technique, he starts analyzing it from the outside, it’s easier for him to learn. He just pulls in silence and watches. He tried to understand from the outside how it works. After watching her long enough, he decided to go to the girl. Then he closed his eyes and by the time he opened them they turned back to normal. He walked slowly toward her, then addressed her.
- Hello! Shadow Clones, sure? It is a very strong jutsu, you would be so strong. I also train here, but I’ve never seen you here before. What is your name? - asked it curiously the young Uchiha - Ohh sorry... I am so indecent. Mom always tells me to be polite to the ladies. My name is Uchiha Benji, nice to meet you - holding out his hand for a handshake, smiling - Can we train together? I rarely has training mates. Unfortenately... Maybe could you teach me this technique? It is very cool, I would be happy, if I could learn it. - the boy pleaded politely.
After that, he will just stand and wait for an answer. If the girl says yes and starts explaining it to him, he will watch with full concentration.

WC: 455
Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Blaisa
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 11000

A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Empty Re: A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji)

Fri Dec 04, 2020 7:48 pm
Continuing her training, Blaisa could feel another presence begin to approach her from not too far away.  Not wanting to stick her nose in someone else’s business too much, she peeked her head behind her as the two shadow clones beside her continued with beating the crap out of their respective logs.  Noticing what seemed to be another fellow Konoha shinobi, she began to be overcome with a face of slight fluster as he approached her closer and closer.  As the mysterious shinobi began to speak to her, asking if the jutsu she was using were actual shadow clones, Blaisa simply chuckled and scratched the back of her head with her right hand. 
They are shadow clones indeed!  I’m surprised you’ve heard of them, as far as I’ve seen this is a rare technique nowadays…”, she began to say in response to the shinobi.  As the male shinobi continued to talk, he mentioned that he spends a lot of time at Training Grounds 11 but has never seen Blaisa there before, followed by the question of what her name was.  “Blaisa Sarutobi!”, she would exclaim with a sense of pride.  “What’s yours?”, she would go on to ask in rebuttal, curious on who this ninja was as he was a stranger to her as well.
The mysterious shinobi was therefore known as Benji Uchiha, as Benji apologized before telling Blaisa what his name was.  After their exchange of names, Blaisa looked down towards Benji’s hand as he extended it for a handshake, following up by asking her if she would be willing to teach him the technique that she had just been displaying.  Blaisa simply closed her eyes and smiled, extending her hand out in return of Benji’s handshake, pondering on if she would be willing to do it or not.
Uchiha….’, she began to think to herself in a state of deep thought.  ‘The clan who contains the infamous Sharingan technique?”, she would go on to think, ‘That’s the same clan our class president, Azumi Uchiha is from.’, she would finish.  Having very fond memories of her old class president, Blaisa had come to make her decision.  “It’s nice to meet you, Benji!”, she would exclaim in a roar of kind ferocity.  “As a member of the Uchiha Clan, it would be impossible for me to decline your request.”, she would go on to say with Azumi in mind. 
Forming the clone hand seal, the two shadow clones that she already had beside her disappeared in a puff of smoke as she unsummoned the two of them for demonstration purposes.  “It’s actually rather simple, really.”, the young Sarutobi began to say, crossing her arms while poking her head up high in an egotistical, but teaching manner.  “If a shinobi were to learn the Shadow Clone Technique, there are a few pre-requisites…”, she continued to explain, “One – chakra control.  Being able to focus your chakra to the center point in your body is key.  This is how the shadow clone will actually be brought into this world.”. 
Blaisa closed her eyes and began to visually demonstrate this mechanic to Benji as she formed the clone hand seal herself.  She began to generate a moderate amount of chakra, focusing it all to go towards her chest, emitting a large blue hue of chakra that surrounded her.  Anyone with visual prowess, such as the Sharingan, would be able to see the flow of chakra beginning to amass around the chest area, where she had directed all her chakra to go towards.  Opening her eyes once the first step of doing the Shadow Clone Technique was complete, she looked at Benji with a fierce look of confidence.
Once you’ve generated the correct amount of chakra, you will form the clone hand seal.”, she began to explain, looking down at her hands to indicate to Benji that she had already begun the clone hand seal, and has held it since the very start of the demonstration.  “Once you’ve done those two things…”, she continued as she looked to her right, spawning in a shadow clone of her own, “You can then, create a shadow clone!”, she finished.  “The chakra NEEDS to be focused into your chest area, solely for the reason of that’s the chakra that your shadow clone will take in order to be able to walk, climb, and perform jutsu for you.”, she would go on to explain, “Kinda like…. Giving birth.”, she would finish in a disgusted, embarrassing tone.
Overcoming her disgust of the thought of birth, a warm smile once again reappeared on her face.  Blaisa looked at her shadow clone, as her shadow clone looked at her back with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Now, Benji….”, both the shadow clone and the original Blaisa began to say, “It’s your turn to try it out!”. 

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Uchiha Benji
Uchiha Benji
Stat Page : Uchiha Benji
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Clan Focus : Sharingan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 27000

A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Empty Re: A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji)

Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:08 pm
The boy was waiting curiously for an answer, but he didn't have to wait long for it, because she reacted well.
- They are shadow clones indeed!  I’m surprised you’ve heard of them, as far as I’ve seen this is a rare technique nowadays…
- Of course I am heard of them. It is a legendary jutsu, I really like it. It used to be a forbidden technique, it was so strong - he reacted proudly to his knowledge.
From her introduction, he learned that she was a member of the famous Sarutobi family. 
- Don't do it. I've heard and learned a lot about your clan. It's full of lots of great shinobi. I’m no wonder now that you’re so strong at such a young age. - declared Uchiha Benji.
She fell silent. You could see on his face that she was just thinking about the request. The boy was quite worried about the silence, very afraid he would get a negative response.
"Cmon.... Just say yes please... Why so much time to decide? Okay, I see now... She won't teach me.. She must hate the Uchihas.. Why did I tell which clan I belonged to? I'm so idiotic - Benji began to whip himself
- As a member of the Uchiha Clan, it would be impossible for me to decline your request. - answered Blaisa
The boy was very surprised by the response. He had completely given up hope, but then a miracle happened. Surprise was visible on his face, but almost immediately the joy replaced that feeling. 
- Thank you, thank you, thank you very much! - said gratefully Benji
After that the young girl formed the clone hand seal, and the two clones behind her suddenly disappeared into the smoke. She says it is a very easy technique, but it may just be easy for her to believe in a genius. She then began to recount the operation of jutsu in incredible detail. She broke it down step by step, with as much thoroughness as if an academic teacher had just explained it.
- One – chakra control.  Being able to focus your chakra to the center point in your body is key.  This is how the shadow clone will actually be brought into this world - started the explanation the young girl
She then closed her eyes, shaped the clone's hand seal, and began to concentrate. This suddenly occurred to Benji to make the learning process easier. Slowly, the boy closed his eyes and then opened them bloody red with one black tomoe. This jutsu was the infamous Sharingan. There were plenty of shinobi already who were the last ones they saw were those reddish eyes. There were plenty of shinobi already who were the last ones they saw were those reddish eyes. Altough with Sharingan in this stage, he couldn't see the Chakra network, but he was able to see where the chakra mass was going. And it was crystal clear to see the chakra begin to accumulate in the chest area.
- Ohh I see now. So this is how to control the chakra for this jutsu - throught it Benji.
After successfully creating the technique, she looked at Benji with incredible fiery eyes. It was clear that they were not on one level. Benji was quite behind her. She then went on to explain. She also gave a rather disgusting example for Benji to understand even better.
"Like a birth?? The seniors had already told me about this at the academy.. It is so disgusting thing.." - he thought in horror.
After that, both the clones and the original Blaisa began to encourage Benji. The young boy felt he understood the technique, thanks to the great explanation and Sharingan.
- Okay. Then let me a try. My chakra control was one of the best in my class in the Academy. So I hope, I can do this.
He then closed his eyes, shaped the clone's hand signal, and began to concentrate. He began to focus his chakra on the area of ​​his chest. After he felt that his chakra was in the right place, he opened his eyes and shouted with fiery confidence:
- Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Then a huge smoke appeared next to Benji. From this huge amount of smoke, nothing could be seen. They all waited anxiously and curiously for the smoke to fly away and see how the construction was done. Of course, especially Benji. This anticipation was nerve-wracking for the boy, but then the smoke flew away and a perfect replica stood there.
- What is your order Sir? - the clone adressed Uchiha Benji
- Yes! Yes! For the first try! You are the best teacher ever! I am very grateful, thank you very much! - the boy thanked - I have to hurry home now, I have to tell you what I learned! Unless you need any help from me. - Benji offered to help
If the girl doesn't need help, Benji shapes the clone's hand seall and disappears it, then starts rush toward home.

WC: 849
TWC: 1304

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A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Empty Re: A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji)

Sat Dec 05, 2020 1:30 pm
Approved @ benji
Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
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Ryo : 11000

A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Empty Re: A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji)

Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:58 pm
Blaisa took a few steps back in order to observe Benji’s progress after she finished her explanation.  A wide smile spanned across her face as she genuinely believed that the young Uchiha would pick up this technique quickly.  The Sharingan was renowned for being a copycat eye, allowing one who possesses this ability to be able to learn jutsu at twice the speed if given a thorough explanation on how to perform it.  ‘C’mon Benji….’, she would begin to think to herself in anticipation, waiting for her fellow leaf comrade to take a crack at it himself, ‘I KNOW you can do this.’. 
The Sarutobi spectated her comrade as he began to close his eyes and form the clone hand seal himself.  Taking a few moments to analyze what he was doing; an expression of shock began to form on her face as she could feel the energy that Benji began to pent up within himself.  ‘Yes… That’s it – maybe a little too much chakra, but you’ll find the balance.’, she would think to herself in silence.  Still watching, she chuckled after watching Benji – she did not have to have a special eye such as the Sharingan to understand that he was getting the hang of the technique rather quickly. 
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”, Benji would yell as a puff of smoke began to arise to the side of him.  Watching with a immense feeling of anxiety, both of the two shinobi waited patiently for the smoke to clear in order to see if it was a success, or a complete failure.  As the smoke finally began to clear, Blaisa gazed upon Benji’s clone in complete and utter shock as he perfectly mimicked the ability, forming a shadow clone that was perfect in size, weight, and most importantly – capability. 
Shortly after formation, the clone began to speak to Benji, asking him what his command was.  ‘Wow…’, Blaisa began to think in a look of disappointment of herself, ‘His shadow clones obey him better than MINE do….’.  This look of disappointment quickly faded away from her face as Benji began to cheer, seemingly having all his anxiety disappear from his body.  Blaisa could not help but return another wide smile in return, showing a sense of pride in her own teaching ability as well as being impressed that he was able to learn the technique on his first try. 
Blaisa closed her eyes and itched the back of head with a smile as the Uchiha began to thank and praise her for teaching him such a technique.  As Benji seemed to be adamant about returning home, the Sarutobi waved goodbye to her new friend as he ran back home with a look of happiness.  To Blaisa, that is all that mattered – spreading smiles and joy across all the shinobi within Konoha was something that she had strived to do ever since the village was put under the Mist’s subjugation.  It was refreshing to her, seeing that she was able to make even the smallest change within this accursed shinobi world. 
The young shinobi turned away from Benji as he began to leave her line of sight, forming the clone hand seal in order to spawn two more shadow clones of her own.  ‘Now….’, she would begin to think to herself, ‘It’s time for US to gain some progression with our combat ability.’, she finished as both of her shadow clones contained a look of determination towards achieving this goal.  Blaisa would continue to train until nightfall before finally heading back to her home in the Sarutobi District. 

On the way home, a pigeon with a note landed on Blaisa’s right shoulder.  Accepting the note, she began to read it before the pigeon took off in flight away from her shoulder, returning to where it came from.  ‘The Hokage is requesting my audience?’, she thought to herself walking down the reconstructed pathway, ‘Oh boy……’. 


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Last edited by Blaisa Sarutobi on Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
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A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji) Empty Re: A Passing of Knowledge (P | Benji)

Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:49 pm
Approved for Blaisa for everything but the WC Bank for Stats.

As discussed in discord, there are no WC banks that can be held for stats or jutsu.
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