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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sat Nov 28, 2020 12:48 am
Mission Name:Visiting Nobles
Character Requirements:Genin, Genin Team +
Mission Location:Konoha Forests
Word Count Requirements:2000
Challenges:Possible hunter
NPC?Ir requested, will be a single bandit that tried to kidnap the royal/royals
Reward:2000 (4000 if hunter applied) Ryo & 5 AP

Task:Nobles were expected to arrive in Konoha early this morning and yet we have received no word. We assume they have just gotten lost, but do be careful for bandits on the road.

Hojiro had recently filled his fridge up with many fine cuts of meet , cleaned his humble abide now there came one very daunting question. “How am i gonna pay rent this month” he would groan aloud as he lay sprawled out on his couch , his shark wallet sitting on the coffee table next to him brimming with ryo. It was true his recent missions had given him quite the pay out but it still wasn’t enough to qualify him for rent , sadly with kiri having it’s boot heel pressed into konoha’s neck the government officials had to raise the dollar on a lot of people sadly hojiro was one of these many people who where suffering.

‘I just did five mission’s back to back , and i still can’t pay for rent?? What the hell is wrong with the world’ he would think to himself as he sat up from the couch. He would grab ahold of his shark shaped coin purse which acted as his wallet flipping into his weapons pouch. “Well i better go to the bank after this , but for now i should probably go see what the mission board has in store for me” he would mumble as he kicked his shoes on making his way for the door. 

Once he was on the street he would make his way to the shinobi academy where the mission board was located , he never understood the purpose of placing ones mission board out in the open on the front wall of the academy. Maybe it was to inspire the youth? Or was the kage’s office that overflowed with files and papers that the officials thought it to be better to just post them in a familiar spot for the upcoming ninja.

Personally Hojiro thought it was rather foolish , considering so many of his upperclassmen had gotten hurt doing missions above their pay grade in an attempt to impress their instructors. Not being a power hungry individual himself he always did the bare minimum in terms of missions but would put his best foot forward when it came to completing those missions , which earned him quite a bit of praise compared to the students who outshined him by a vast margin.

His trip down memory lane was soon put to an end when he came toward the mission board which was picked nearly dry , only three or four missions hung on this board that was normally ripe with request’s. “I guess it makes sense with taxes up for missions to be in short supply..” he would sigh out as he approached the board , his eyes would scan the board he would give a hidden smile as he reached out for the highest paying mission.

He hadnt truly read the mission just the big numbers that said two thousand ryo , all he could see right now was dollar sign’s although his mood would immediately take a downpour as he read  the description of the mission ; which was in short a retrieval/protection mission involving a missing noble who was supposed to have been in konoha several days ago. Hojiro would instantly chock it up to bandits as he slammed his head on the mission board resting his forehead against it as he mumbled “i hate it here”.

‘Things like this would be easier provided the hokage designated teams , then maybe my rent could be payed’ he would pipe off angrily in his mind , beating his head against the mission board not hard enough to hurt him but hard enough to make a thud noise which showed his frustration.


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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:54 am
Located in the still damaged Sarutobi District, you could find Blaisa slouched in a chair at her broken, battered table playing a relaxing game of Shogi with her shadow clone.  In her free time, the young kunoichi occasionally enjoys taking out the Japanese chess styled board game and playing against herself in order to expand her mind as well as critical thinking skills.  Taking a second to ponder out her open window, she took a moment to enjoy the cool, windy breeze as well as the nice and bright weather that followed. 
You’re move.”, the shadow clone eerily spoke in a low, tired voice.  Blaisa ignored her clones’ chatter and instead began to ponder about what she was actually doing with her life.  How she was spending all of her time.  Although it had been a few days since she had last gone out on her first mission, she knew there was still ways to improve.  More ways to push herself.  ‘All I did was save a dog…’, she began to think to herself in disappointment, ‘That was even MORE of my time wasted.’.  Her clone raised her head to analyze Blaisa’s emotion and became overwhelmed with an odd thrill of sudden motivation. 

The mood in the room had suddenly changed.
I already know what you’re thinking!”, she yelled in a louder tone, slamming her fist on the table with a wide smile on her face.  This caught Blaisa’s attention off guard, as she slowly turned to her clone with a puzzled look of confusion.  Smirking, the clone closed her eyes and let out a sigh, leaning back in the old chair, causing it to let out a long croak.  “I’m you.  I know what you want,”, the clone began to say.  Before thinking about it herself for confirmation, the clone once again opened her eyes and quickly stood up in her chair, leaning over at Blaisa with a now solid, confident look on her face.  “And I want it too!”, she finished in a strong, sturdy voice.
Blaisa looked at her clone with a confused face before being overcome with a gigantic smile of happiness after hearing her speak.  Shortly afterwards, the young Sarutobi quickly raised out of her chair as well, slamming both of her hands on the table in return.  Without saying a word, Blaisa nodded her head in acknowledgement towards her counterpart before beginning to form the clone hand seal.  The clone returned a smile, before composing an annoyed expression.  “So go!  What are you waiting fo-!“, the clone spoke until Blaisa unsummoned the clone with a smile of her own, retaining her bright, re-motivated spirit.
Grabbing her vest and ninja pouch, Blaisa made her way out the door and into the streets of Konohagakure, on her way to the Mission Board.  ‘God I love myself’, she began to think, being thankful for her clones’ push of motivation, ‘But god damn I talk too much. It can be annoying sometimes.’, she finished. 
Arriving at the Mission Board located strangely next to the Academy, Blaisa began to approach the stand to see what mission she would be taking today.  Getting closer, she noticed another shinobi also standing at the board, most likely looking for a mission to take as well.  She analyzed him from head to toe, from the Konoha headband and mask, to the light blue attire that he wore.  Confusion struck her curiously as she began to look at his clothing more carefully.  She didn’t recognize it as attire that is usually worn here in the Leaf Village.
Thinking back at her time in the academy when Kirigakure had attacked the village, she remembered that the men who invaded her beloved classroom had worn colors similar.  Being overwhelmed with a sensation of sadness, she looked down at the ground, reminiscing the good times that she had with her mother and brother.  Realizing that she was letting her emotions get to her, Blaisa shook her head and regained a form of confidence before approaching the unknown shinobi.  To her, the leaf headband said enough.  She knew that we were all in this together, that we all have goals that we NEED to accomplish.  ‘For the Leaf.’, she thought to herself silently. 
Blaisa approached the ninja and stopped a few feet away, attempting to making eye contact with him before noticing his head slammed in the mission board itself, with what it seemed to be an expression of intense anger.  Blaisa ignored his anger and returned an expression of her own, spouting a wide, closed smile accompanied by a friendly attitude.  “Hey there!”, she began to speak, “Is uh-everything okay?”, asking with a confused, worried tone.   

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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:10 am
Another day another day another day was all he could think about. As he said it in his head over and over again. Today was no different to say the least as it was time to go back to work. Well that word did not come to mind when it came to what he did best. As it was a new day it was still the same ole same and that was bringing the leaf back to glory. Or at least that is what Solomon would have wanted. But now it was time to continue what he set out and started. The young warrior had a lot to live up to and he planned on doing just that. As he suited up for his day he would grab his sunglasses. Now as he put his head band on he would put his shades on as well. Heading out the door. 

Making his way to the mission board area. He would be tired but still it was require of him. As Flow started to think about how his master was before his fame. Then again he was an out law as was the hokage. But as Solomon put it he did them a favor. Flow would look on as a few moments would pass as he made it to where he needed to be. He would look on to see the shark guy from way before and another person. It appeared as the new person was forcing han to hit himself. How sad was this one but it had to ne stopped. Flow would look on but he truly wanted to stay out of it. But as he looked on he could see that it was not as he first thought. Flow would see this as he made his way over. Not really saying anything but looking on the mission board for something more of a fight. This was going to be a good one. But the only thing he saw was to escort a noble. That was just weak to him. But he had no choice but to do it.


Blaisa Sarutobi and Azumi Uchiha like this post

Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:50 am
A somber haze would cloud Azumi’s overall expression and demeanor as she stared back at herself in the mirror. It had almost felt as if she was staring at someone completely different than she had known. After all, in just a few weeks she had gone from being forced to completely reject the notion of shinobi to operating as a full genin and completing mission after mission. However, this felt like the first time that she had stopped to reflect on her current path. A soft pout formed as she continued to stare at herself. It was almost as if it wasn’t a reflection but another version of herself. Her hand rose softly to press against the glass, feeling how cold it had been. These were the times that she wished that she could completely change places with her reflection.

It seemed that she had remained idle for too long to the point where her existential questioning had returned to permeate her mind. Letting a sigh escape her lips, Azumi quickly headed towards the door, grabbing her purple cloak on her way out. The girl decided to do what she did best when she was being consumed by sadness or questions she didn’t have the answers to. Azumi did what she could actually control and would complete yet another mission. They were good at allowing her to focus on one thing until it was over and most times, she did not have enough space in her mind to focus on other things while in the thick of a mission. At the moment, she craved this distraction as being alone to her own devices for much longer would only plunge her lower into her own sadness.

Azumi couldn’t get to the mission boards quick enough. Landing on the top of a building directly across from it, she’d cross her arms at what seemed to be a group forming. It could have also been that they all arrived at the board at the same time but in any case, the area was much more crowded than she anticipated. The girl usually liked to get in and out with her mission and keep the small talk to a minimum. She hadn’t always been like this though. There was a time when had been the most enthusiastic of leaders in a conversation but so much in her life had changed since then. Rather than an excitement for communication, Azumi had grown anxious as the thought of making conversation.

Deciding to finally bite the bullet, Azumi finally dropped down to the ground level and began walking towards the Mission Board where the other shinobi had shown up. The girl attempted to keep a tunnel vision, keeping only the Board in her focus. However in the very corner of her peripheral, her eyes would scan over the faces of the Shinobi present. Most of their faces rang a nostalgic bell within her, bringing her back to much simpler times before...all of this. Focusing her attention back onto the mission board, her eye was caught by the only mission that hadn’t been completely ridiculous or pointless.

“Tch….a noble huh?” The girl said, voice riddled with irritation as she recalled her past experiences with nobles and how tedious they were capable of being.

[wc: 545]

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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:09 am
Hojiro would stop banging his head against the mission board taking notice of the voice next to him , "hmmm?" Who was that voice that sounded familiar? Or maybe he was just tired. When he stopped banging his head against the mission board he would be resting his forehead against it , he would turn his head slowly to face the girl next to him. His nose would twitch under his mask as his animal like senses began to pick up on the familiar scent the girl exuded, He seemed to be lost in thought for a bit as he tried to place to place her scent and voice, but while he did that he would take a moment to answer the young girls question.

His voice was was very raspy , his tiredness radiated with every word he spoke ; " I've done five missions today back to back and I'm nowhere near paying taxes or rent for the month.." he would say the frustration in his eyes was clear , as they seemed a little moist but he refused to allow his tears to fall. "I could do more with a proper team , but I'm not sure of any of my friends actually survived that invasion from kiri a few years back” he would say removing his head from the resting position against the mission board. He would take a moment to take in the girls features 

Something inside him seemed to click as memories where vague and flowing through his mind some staying other having fallen to the sands of time , a small closed lip smile would form under his mask as he looked at the girl now remembering her name. “Im sorry but , by chance are you interested in splitting the reward money for this mission” he would say as he would reach up with his right hand pulling his mask down to reveal the gill slits in his neck , while his left hand hung at his side clutching the paper he had just torn from the mission board.

“My name is Hojiro Hoshigaki , and your are…” he would pause rolling his right hand infront of her as if to say ‘now it’s your turn. All in all this was said in a very friendly and yet tired tone even someone with lack luster observation skills could tell this ninja was slightly overworked in terms of missions. His attention was yanked away as he noticed flow and another woman take to the scene , he would give flow a nod.

“Are you here to catch up on  rent to? Because if you are this is the only mission that’s paying enough to get even the homeless through the month” he would say with something in between a saddened laugh and sigh. He would take a moment to look around at the group , then lift the paper in his hand to his face giving it a quick read over then directing his attention back to this new small crowd.

“Ok so we all wana do this mission , just to clear things up a noble isn’t looking to be escorted they’re missing” he would say taking notice of the girls dis-dain for nobles with her obvious disgust , if she had mumbled this under her breath he would simply be saying this since he had been holding the paper before the group arrived. “’s most likely the noble has been ambushed by bandits so , may I ask are any of you familiar with tracking mission’s?” he would ask wanting to know what his current team was capable of , last thing he needed was someone deciding to do their own thing and jeopardize his chance at making rent this month.

In the case of the noble , they could go get bent. The rich did not know of his strife so as far as he was concerned they where just a pay check to be had most of them where either political figures or business tycoons that worked the villagers to the bone of their coin purses could stay lained with ryo. If you had to pick a powerful political figure that he could respect ,  Hojiro had to settle on the hokage as he was a man who was previously a criminal who came back to his clans homeland and asserted himself   as a figure head ; this to Hojiro was something he could admire and respect.

Hōjiro, Blaisa Sarutobi and Azumi Uchiha like this post

Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sun Nov 29, 2020 6:06 am
Blaisa watched as the strange shinobi began to bring his attention to herself, becoming slightly intimidated, although beginning to get over it rather quickly.  Taking a closer inspection of him herself, she noticed that something on his face began to twitch under his mask.  Strangely, this brought back strange memories of her time back in the Academy, almost as if she had known this shinobi from somewhere previously.  Regardless, she was unsure of her first impression of him, but one thing she did know was that he did not seem to be hostile, just hazy and tired.  Listening to him speak about his missions and what a hard day it had been for him, she kept quiet and paid close attention with a smile, being able to resonate with someone that seems to work just as hard as she did which also brought her a comforting joy.
As the young Sarutobi continued to listen, the light blue colored shinobi brought up a mention of his old allies.  His friends.  Family and companionships that he had held close to him, only to be taken away, just like she had.  This brought an expression of immense sadness to overbear her face, wishing curses upon the ones who brought this horrible pain and suffering to her beloved village.  Everyone had suffered from the Kirigakure invasion, and it was only until this moment that she realized she did not have to bear this pain alone. 
This realization brought Blaisa a solidifying form of comfort, easing her mind once more and bringing a bright smile to her face.  “I know how you feel,”, she began to say in response to her acquaintance, “I’ve lost everything as well, and for the same reasons too…”, she finished speaking - changing her mood from an overbearingly happy one to a calm, normal toned facial expression.  After speaking, she looked towards the shinobi, witnessing him pull down his mask to reveal a peculiar set of gill slits that seemed to scale his neck – almost like the exotic fish that her and her father used to fish for. 
This took Blaisa in for a shock, as she had never seen or heard of anyone with this physical attribute before.  Attempting to avoid being rude or offensive, she simply stayed quiet and listened to what the shinobi had to say.  After being offered an invite to go on a mission with him as shark skinned shinobi held the mission slip, she was able to get a peek on what the mission details were before accepting or declining.  ‘Nobles, huh?’, she began to silently think to herself, ‘This is the most interesting and challenging mission that I’ve had yet!’, she finished. 
Hmmm…”, she began to speak, pretending to think out loud while pondering with her right hand on her chin in a curious fashion, “I’ll take on this mission with you.  Give me the details on the way.  I am in this for the combat experience, not the ryo.  You can keep my split.”, she would go on to finish.  It was true.  She didn't need the ryo at all, only strength.  On the plus side, this would hopefully be more than enough to help out Hojiro with his rent issues that he had previously mentioned to her.  Before realizing that they had not even introduced themselves to each other, she would go on to finally hear her potential new friend’s name, Hojiro Hoshigaki of the Hoshigaki Clan.  This put Blaisa in an even better mood, as she was always bad at making friends even before their village was pillaged.  Even something as simple as receiving someone's name was a step in the right direction in relation to her social mentality.
Noticing his hand movements indicating a request for the same courteous gesture back, Blaisa could easily read what Hojiro was implying.  “Blaisa Sarutobi!”, she responded light heartedly while closing her eyes and spouting a widely ranged smile that ran across from cheek to cheek.  Shortly afterwards, Blaisa took notice that Hojiros’ attention had quickly gone elsewhere after receiving the information he asked for.  Shortly after noticing this, the young shinobi tracked her attention to match Hojiros’, taking sight of what seemed to be two shinobi whom were approaching the board intending to take on the same mission they had previously discussed relating to the nobles.  Although she did not know who the male shinobi was, she most definitely recognized the female who had approached.  ‘Hey… Isn’t that our old class president, Azumi Uchiha?’, Blaisa began to silently think to herself.  Upon further inspection, Blaisa was certain that she could not have mistaken that kunoichi for a second. 
After letting Hojiro ask the two if they were essentially willing to take on the mission with them as a squad, Blaisa slightly interrupted Hojiro calling out Azumi directly.  “Hey!  Azumi!”, she began to speak to Uchiha kunoichi in a slightly louder but ecstatic friendly tone, “Long time no see… Do you remember me at all?”, she finished off by asking in a hopeful, curious tone, “Regardless, I’m glad to see that you’re safe.”. 
Blaisa’s question would fade into the background as Hojiro began to explain the details of the mission to the squad, seemingly taking the position as the leader.  She was okay with this, as this was the first time the young shinobi would be working alongside others. She acknowledged that she still had much to learn.  As Hojiro continued by asking if the group had been familiar with tracking missions, Blaisa stayed silent but nodded her head in acknowledgement and confirmation.  This was indeed her first tracking mission, but it was something she had studied about during her time in the academy being a familiar topic.  Additionally, Blaisa was always hearing about the different kinds of missions that her brother used to go on when he was still a respected shinobi in the village.

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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sun Nov 29, 2020 4:34 pm
My oh my it seemed these three knew each other once upon a time. Flow remember thrm as well too. He was apart of there class room for like ten days before he and his family left the leaf in disgrace. How odd then as the names were being called out. He would here Hojiro call out to the uchiha by him. But before that he would see the Konichi next to him. She said her last name was Saurtobi. How odd as Solomon gave Glow his last name of Sarutobi. But he was not part of that clan. But he was apart of the Uchiha clan and on top of that. Hojiro knows him as such. Flow would then pull out his note pad to look over it. As he was in quite the pickle here.  But then he remember what his master told him. If worse case comes to light then one mist fight back. Or was it a wide man once said nothing at all. But still how will he get out of such a thing? To be frank it did not matter at all but he could not help but think on it as he looked on. Seeing what the two was talking about he would join in. Although he was the silence type. " You all do realize we do not spilt the reward money. But we each get the sum it has stated. But Ms.Sarutobi if you do not want your sum of it I will gladly suggest what you said. Hojiro rent is due but if he do a C rank or higher that will not be the problem." Looking on he would give off a soft smile as he saw him lift up his mask somewhat. Looking on next to him he would.

See the Uchiha next to him. It can not be explained but an Uchiha would know there own and this one just happen to be his cousin. Who he did not see im years. Since the day he left the leaf and they called her class President. True to heart she was a leader. But he would have to play dumb at least for now. As it was safer that way to say the least. An uchiha who can not defend themselves are nothing more then a duck at hunting season. That is why one must never reveal thier eyes if they can not cast a Genjustu. Looking on at Hojiro he would ask if someone was good at tracking. " I am to say the least although I am still getting used to it. I am a student of the Hokage brother. The one who help him reclaim the leaf. May his soul rest in peace. But he showed me a fee tips and tricks. So if we all on the same page we can get moving and my name is....." He would pause for a second and say." It is Flow just call me Flow for now at least.


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Azumi Uchiha
Azumi Uchiha
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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Sun Nov 29, 2020 10:19 pm
It seemed that Azumi was right and she did indeed know the individuals that had grouped around the mission board. The first she recognized being--

Sarutobi Blaisa.”

Azumi spoke softly, acknowledging the enthusiastic girl in front of her that had called her by her name. The last time Azumi had seen her, she was just as enthusiastic but in a much more youthful way. Azumi could already tell how much stronger that she had gotten since the last time that they saw each other. The Uchiha’s face would fall when the recollection of the other girl’s trauma had resurfaced in her mind. Since the death of her parents, Azumi felt like she had transformed as a person. Most of this was due to the agony and grief that she felt at all times. It was just then that she imagined what this pain would have felt like for a child. She couldn’t help the sympathetic look that formed on her face as her mind raced with possibilities of her experiencing this for herself. Azumi didn’t understand it at the time but she’d heard of how Blaisa had lost her parents during the tragic invasion from Kiri. So much grief and loss seemed to plague the Leaf as of late. It infuriated her. Something had to be done. Azumi simply gave the other girl a small nod of acknowledgment, not even knowing what to say to her that wouldn’t trigger her own grief. 

The other Shinobi in the group had seemed familiar to her as well. Very familiar. In fact, she was certain that she had seen his face before many times. Something about him was very nostalgic and immediately made her remember her childhood in the Uchiha District. Playing with other kids, training, testing each other’s strengths. He was undeniably one of these faces which she remembered. It seemed that he was more familiar to her than she realized. ‘Could he be….maybe’... the girl thought to herself as she snuck glances at his face during the exchange that the group seemed to have with each other. 

Azumi decided to table her thoughts on him for the moment until she could address him more privately. After all, her suspicions were probably right and she herself did not like to reveal her identity, specifically her clan, too haphazardly. The girl figured that he would think the same. The last thing that she wanted to do was put him in any danger. The last individual in the group that made himself known was--

My name is Hojiro Hoshigaki

Said the other boy in the group of Shinobi. The name was familiar and instantly brought her memories of the academy. It was hard to forget the face that belonged to that name--after all his appearance was not something that one typically saw every day. His Shark-like physiology was one of the experiences she could recall with shinobi that fully embodied their clan in appearance. It was to the point where Azumi had first thought it was some kind of ninjutsu before she learned about genetics through her fascination in Biology and Biochemistry. As the memories flooded back, she was able to accurately identify Hojiro as an upperclassmen that attended the academy and graduated before she did. Perhaps that was the reason that he felt he had to lead them but her brow raised at his misunderstanding of how the Ryo division went. The only thing she could think was that he may have been struggling to pay his bills because he has been getting swindled out of correct payment for the missions he had completed. However, Azumi could understand his fatigue. He seemed to be tired from the amount of missions he had completed. She understood this because of the whirlwind of missions she herself had undertaken. However, what she didn’t understand was his aversion to this sensation. Truthfully, she welcomed the idea of being distracted from her own problems long enough to solve someone else’s. Which is why she would join the group on the proposed mission. 

“Do we know the last location of the noble in question?"

Azumi asked the group directly, wishing to communicate the fact that she too would be joining them on this mission. Without realizing it, she had become more excited than ever before for the mission. As she completed her missions in the past it felt as if she was missing a crucial part of experience in the field. This missing part was teamwork. This facet of being a ninja was one of the most important. The quality of a squad’s teamwork completely determines the success or failure of this mission. Even though she had experienced so much loss that made her want to shut the world out, Azumi fundamentally yearned to connect and lead others. It seemed like this would be the perfect time to practice working with others. It was the first time in so long that she had even spoken much less worked with others but she was beginning to have a good feeling about the outcome.

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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:23 am
Hojiro would give a small acknowledging nod when Blasian mentioned her own losses from the kiri attack a few years ago , he’d lost so many friends in the attack one might call the sand sof time washing many faces from his memory as a mercy it softened the blows to his physique allowing him to sleep soundly at night. Life was never easy for Hojiro , he had always managed to keep his head above water somehow ,someway hoping for the light of the coming dawn. Everyday seemed to be a series of sad and unfortunate events which he needed to make his way through ; life was like a rough and wild ocean and he would keep swimming till he could swim no more.

His ears seemingly twitched upon Blasia mentioning that she would hand him her portion of the reward for this mission , just as he was about to speak his companion flow would speak up pertaining to the correct payment method and being told he should do a C-Rank mission to eliminate his money problems. “Im sorry it seems im suffering from mental fatigue as well right now…” he would say taking his right hand and scratching behind his head a nervous and tired smile on his face as he did so. He would then direct his attention toward flow “it’s nice to see you again flow hopefully you’ve been well…” Hojiro would cock and eyebrow up as the ghost began to say he was a student of the hokage’s brother.

“Would it be too much to see if you could get me an audience with the hokage?” hojiro would say rather inquisitively , he did know much about flow except his name but if this was true his rent problems might just be over. Prominent or extremely helpful clans in the leaf where given designated districts in which they and their kin could live rent free and in peace , hojiro himself felt this was a little unfair as it allowed largely represented clans to stack their ryo and control many political situations in the leaf. In this instance he didn't care as long as he didn’t have to keep busting his wallet maintaining a house that was falling apart.

It was true his home had sentimental value , not because he grew up there as he spent a good portion of his life in the orphanage. No he valued the house because his father had given it to him and entrusted it’s content to him on his deathbed , it would be a rough transition should he ever be allowed to move but as long as he had his fathers ashe’s it was still home. After he finished addressing flow his red cat like eyes would lock onto the young raven haired girl who had recently descended from the rooftops.

She didn’t talk much which lead to Hojiro becoming a little nervous , ‘maybe the gills are a bit much , why did i even bother taking this thing off’ he would think to himself re-adjusting his mask , he would take a moment to clear his throat as she asked her question.  He would give a small closed lip smile , hidden behind his mask as the uchiha questioned him “Do we know the last location of the noble in question?" naturally they didn’t but the possibilities where very few in terms of places the noble could be in terms of general locations.

He would close his eyes for a minute leaning against the mission board, a few stables piercing through his outfit scraping his skin as he did so , although thanks to his skin being as tough as it was his back wasn’t reduced to a bloody mess. It was clear that this mission wasn’t going to be lead by hojiro but how would he pass the reigns , between the location of the noble and this ; how he would pass the baton was the hardest question seeing as Azumi carried far more authority and clarity than Hojiro did at this moment it would makes sense for her to be leading this rescue mission.

“You see that’s the thing other than they left their home, we have no information on the nobles whereabouts but you're all spry genine , tell me something where you would wager a hostage would be...?” he would say raising his right hand as if to display his digits but it was in a closed fist position palm facing the small group. “’s very possible they where ambushed mid travel and all that's between here and that nobles home is farmland and forest” he would say holding up two fingers. He wanted to gauge the deduction skills of the small group. Either answer they gave could be correct but which was more logical when put under a microscope and examined.

If you look at the idea that the noble was ambushed near the farmland it’s very possible that they where hiding out on one of the farms preparing to make demands , but that might leave an obvious trail not to mention they would need to silence the farmers as well and the surrounding farmers though they would be hidden the unattended to crops would give away their location rather easily as it would either be over grown or dieing. It didnt make the most sense but some individuals might be that bold.

Then there was the miles upon miles of forest which was filled with poisonous and or venomous creatures looking for their next victim , it providided ample cover and a multitude of hidy holes for them to store their quarry or even have a nearby base of operations. This would be a bit harder to find but signs of human life ini the forest would be easy enough to find as anyone who kidnaps a noble and lets the news get out couldnt truly be that subtle about not disturbing the local wild life when setting up a base of operations.

Or maybe they would surprise him with a third option? The day was full of surprise’s , hopefully no one would try to outshine the other or the operation could go terribly wrong.  It was rather funny in a way how this interaction played out , hojiro felt like a big brother almost in this situation.

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Visiting noble [C-Rank] Empty Re: Visiting noble [C-Rank]

Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:11 pm
Blaisa listened as the unbeknownst male shinobi explained to the group that everyone would be receiving ryo upon mission completion.  She had never done a mission with others before, so this was music to her ears.  Although the circumstances had changed, the young shinobi kept a note in her head mentally to speak with Hojiro after the mission had been completed to see if he still needed financial assistance.  Listening to the unknown shinobi and Hojiro interact, she began to eavesdrop on their conversation, taking note that the two had known each other from somewhere previously.  ‘Flow…’, she began to think as Hojiro revealed the once unknown shinobi’s identity out loud.  As they continued, she continued to listen – ‘Hokage?’, she thought, shocked that anyone in this group of shinobi knew the Hokage on a personal level.  Or at least enough to publicly ask for an audience with him with such ease.  Pretending to not have even heard it, Blaisa did not acknowledge this fact at all and simply continued to mind her own business. 
After inquiring to Azumi about their history, the silent Uchiha simply returned a small nod of acknowledgement before being seemingly distracted by the individual next to her.  ‘Seems just like her,’ Blaisa silently began to think to herself, ‘She hasn’t changed one bit.  Although, when this mission starts to pick up I expect her to be a lot more vocal...’, she finished.  The Sarutobi simply continued to keep a widened closed off smile on her face before bringing her attention back to Hojiro, who had asked if they had ever gone on a tracking mission before. 
As everyone finished giving off their responses to his question about mission experience, the young Sarutobi took notice that Azumi began to speak, seemingly to gather information about where the nobles in relation to the mission had gone.  'Now that's more like it....', Blaisa thought to herself, taking note of Azumi's natural leadership skills that seemingly started to kick in.  Not having a clue about the target’s whereabouts, she simply stayed silent and looked around at the faces of her leaf shinobi companions, waiting to see if any of them had any idea where the nobles may have gone.  A moment of silence came to pass as Hojiro was the first one to speak up afterwards. 
The Hoshigaki shinobi finished speaking, giving his two cents on the situation while asking the group about their opinion in response.  Gaining the courage to speak up and offer an idea of rebuttal, she replied to Hojiro’s deduction with “That may be true.  It would be impractical to count the idea of ambush out.”.  After taking a short second to ponder on the idea of where they could have gone, another idea began to fill within Blaisa’s mind.  “But let’s think about who and what a noble of the Land of Fire truly is,” she continued, “Most are greedy, selfish, and love to spend their free time gambling their riches, with not a care in the world about deadlines and where they’re supposed to be.”.  Taking a short breath before continuing to speak, a possible location spurted out of Blaisa’s mouth.
Tanzaku Town.  The city of privilege.”, she uttered in a tone of vileness and disgust.  To think that highly praised nobles would be in a place that partook in such activity would not surprise the young shinobi in the slightest.  She closed her eyes and nodded her head to look down at the ground, gritting her teeth thinking about how little the nobles cared about their own village, especially with the current condition that it was in.  Opening her eyes with a reinstated sense of her true nature, she looked back at the group in order to address all of them at once, “What do you guys think?”, she asked in a non-overly friendly tone. 

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