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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Village : Kumogakure
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:22 pm
The red iris of Volt Uchiha’s eye absorbed the photons as they bounced and reflected off of the world surrounding them, allowing Kaito to enjoy the spoils of his deed and the blessings of the bloodline. He had noticed out of the corner of his eye Katsumi’s motions had halted; she sat perfectly still. He rolled his eye quickly towards her, and her stillness left a small sensation of dread creeping about the pit of his stomach… he paid no mind to it and rolled his eye back towards Ichigo. Funny thing is, when the eye is flickering about, it doesn’t capture information as well… and so he was completely blindsided by Katsumi’s pounce.

Perhaps a tackle would’ve been a more accurate description of the action, however her small frame didn’t land itself to such an expression, and yet it did land squarely on Kaito’s lower abdomen, throwing his superior weight off his balance. Her hand clutched his wrist, grasping for the scroll he held away from her; he tried to keep it further away by extending his longer arm away from her, her electrifying touch coursing through every muscle fiber of the limb. As she raged and inched herself closer, Kaito’s left arm got trapped between their two bodies, which he powered away from that trap and tried to grasp at her other arm which surely tried to clutch something deadly to slide between his ribs.

Even with the close interaction between the two, Kaito could only focus on her eyes.

Her eyes.

The hatred expressed in them… and a deep hurt.

Kaito fumbled with her lower back, trying to grab her wrist, but as soon as it had started, it ended. A look of defeat befell Katsumi’s face, and now Kaito realized his heart pumped madly within his chest. His head raced, scroll still tightly clutched in his hand, and Katsumi’s delicate frame resting upon his waist. He tried to reign in his breathing, looking at her with his crimson eye trying to catch her mirroring sight, yet she avoided his sight as she apologized and addressed Ichigo. When she rolled off of him, her sentence struck a chord within him. He… hadn’t given it that much thought. Truthfully he didn’t even consider that she would be that upset at the concept. If not for their contact he wasn’t sure he would be this calm, yet as she rolled off, the anger bubbled within him.

Between gritted teeth, he explained himself. “When I brought this kid to his parents, they wanted nothing to do with him. A traitor would not be buried alongside their ancestors, they said. All I’m doing is keeping the weapons of the Kumogakure within the Kumogakure. We’re ninja. We’re nothing but weapons in service of the village, and of the country. You should keep that in mind, Katsumi. It never leaves mine.” He felt now was not the time to go on his tirades against the born-gifted, even though it was the perfect follow up. She would never know what it was like to be the runt among the gifted.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:18 pm
To say Katsumi wasn't taking the news all too well would be quite the understatement. Whereas the young lady first sat there completely stoic, almost if she didn't hear the conversation going on, only to launch herself at Kaito within the next moment she got. The female Uchiha was filled with rage, anger, hurt before she finally seemed to have calmed down and directed herself towards Ichigo. The Drunk would be spouting utter bullshit if he said he saw it all coming. No, that would simply be too much honor for a pathetic man like himself. But he understood. Although not part of a prominent clan like Katsumi, Ichigo was aware how it must have felt for the kunoichi to hear how the two of them were talking about her genetics as if it was just merchandise, or a deal they were discussing. "My apologies, it didn't really cross my mind how you'd feel about all of this. I should have been more careful and less insensitive about the subject." For now that was the best he could offer, a sincere apology. 

Once things had settled down, the red haired Kaito would take the word as he explained how he came into the possession of said DNA. Ichigo listened attentively to the side of his companion's story. When the redhead was done talking, the Drunk allowed for a silence to fall over their conversation as he would take this moment to think about what both sides had to say about the matter at hand. While he understood both their point of view, at the end of the day Ichigo knew he had to go with what's best for him. "I know this isn't easy for you, but I need to get stronger. Kumogakure needs to get stronger. And for what it's worth, I'll treat it with the utmost respect" he said to Katsumi before looking to Kaito, implying he planned on accepting the offer.

(WC: 324, TWC: 1897)
Katsumi Nakiri
Katsumi Nakiri
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:43 pm
The words slid down her spine like ice and she too became a pot of simmering rage again - matching Kaito’s tone perfectly as she gave him a hard glare; finally meeting his eyes again. “He was a *person* first Kaito. You think so little of yourself to degrade yourself to a tool used by greater men for their own ploys but don’t you dare apply that to others… some of us still value ourselves above the archaic shinobi way.” The strangest shiver wracked her lithe frame as she continued to hold his gaze, fierce lion in a brief moment. While she was still seething she found that this was nothing compared to the lingering  fire she had ignored when they touched. Usually dull today was different.. Maybe it was the drink playing tricks on her but where his hands had grabbed at her lower back she could still feel the ghost of his fingers. 

The fire dulled as she pulled her gaze away finally, focusing on Ichi again as he spoke, instantly she began to soften at his words - was she happy of course not.. But if it were going to anyone she was at least more okay with it being Ichi. Pressing her lips together until they turned white she would nod and get to her feet, dusting her pants off before staring for a long intense moment at Ichi… and his eyes. Without further hesitation she would crouch again and brush her thumb across the bottom of his eye socket - a new look of sadness crossing her face now. How she would miss those dark grey eyes and the innocent fierceness they held… now one would be blood red. Giving a sigh she would straighten up again, grabbing the bottle as she did so, she would take a deep swig - willing the alcohol to burn the memory of this day and everything she was feeling. Stoppering the bottle she would drop it back to the grass with a soft thud.

Taking an initial wobbly step she gathered her balanced and began walking the way she had come, which put her path passing Kaito. If she was asked to explain why she did what she did she wouldn’t have an explanation… but as she passed the man her fingers stretched out and slid themselves into his hair at his right temple and gently slid out. As she passed him she would whisper in the most heartbroken tone of voice, “I’m sorry.” Then simply walking off for the night, there was a time and place for explanations- not tonight.

Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:35 pm
Ichigo responded kindly, as might’ve been expected if Kaito had bothered to get to know the man more. That was perhaps his fault, for they had gotten along easy, yet didn’t delve into their relationship a whole lot. Comradery and booze held their bond together. Katsumi, on the other hand, retorted violently once again, her tone matching Kaito’s in both held back rage and a poignant sharp point to be addressed. However, it appeared Katsumi’s point had a greater edge; when she spoke, Kaito found himself flabbergasted, taken aback by the implication that the redhead not only thought little of himself, he was willing to treat others badly due to this. Moreover, the underlining that Kaito just allowed himself to be a tool of greater men for their ploys… in what she considered an archaic way of living. The hypocrisy was so strong he almost laughed, yet he couldn’t do so through the tensed muscles in his face, gaze trained straight at Katsumi.

She got up, and got the bottle to her lips. Kaito observed her with the dark eye of her kin as she drank longingly and stoppered the bottle before letting it fall to the grass, then making her way toward him. Still lounging back after their little exercise, he prepared for a possible attack, yet none came. Instead, she ran her fingers through his red hair, and something about it lightened the mood of Kaito, the touch not damning as it had been earlier, but instead comforting and reinvigorating, deconstructing his stressed posture into a relaxed sensation that travelled through a shiver through his body. When the tips of her fingers parted away from him, his head instinctively turned towards her, seeking once again the touch of her fingers, yet nothing was found. He allowed his head to hang for a moment, coursing chakra through to his now out of sight byakugan, and he stalked her exit for a moment.

He would then disable his byakugan and turn towards Ichigo, scroll still in hand. He flicked it towards the man. “Take it”, he said in a dry tone. “The body won’t be of much use without the eye anyway, you can do whatever you want to the rest of it.” He did really think little of others, but whether that was because he thought little of himself was a different story. After all, in his search for power, he had snatched an eye out of his former student’s skull just before killing him. He still burned the body, and ground the bones to dust. No evidence, no problem. The area in which it had happened, Kaito planted a sapling, so his student could look over the village even after death. Willful as his student was though, the tree would one day fall on some villagers just out of spite. He looked at Ichigo. “Don’t let her little speech get to you. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, she has no idea what it is like to be looked at as just fodder.” He sniffled to clear his nose, then pushed air out of his nose. He reached for the bottle, and had a drink out of it. When he lowered it, the notion that Katsumi’s lips had touched the bottle’s mouth. He didn’t know whether to lick his lips or spit, so he did neither, instead wiping his mouth with the bandaging wraps on his wrist. “Power for power’s sake is a fool’s game, but without power, we can’t affect the world around us. I would rather be a great man with my own ploys, yet without power, I’m just a man.” Why was he justifying himself? Why did she have this effect on him? He rose his eyebrows, putting the bottle down. “You can pay me whenever you want. If you want me to accompany you in missions to make payday come sooner, I can do just that. And, if you want to train with your new eye, I can also do that.”
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Tue Nov 10, 2020 8:04 am
Clouds began to form over Kumogakure, quite the addition considering they were in the Land of Lightning, simultaneously with the shift in the current atmosphere hanging around the conversation, if it could still be called one. Whereas it all started as a relaxing afternoon, sharing a glass, or by now, multiple glasses of alcohol, the day had completely taken a turn for the worst. From Ichigo's perspective, it was rather good news when Kaito explained he was willing to sell the famous dojutsu and some Uchiha DNA to go along with, but The Drunk, now sobered up from the recent turn of events, could understand Katsumi's point of view when he took into consideration how difficult this all had to be for the kunoichi as part of said clan. 

Ichigo witnessed as the young woman had trouble standing up and remaining balance as she first made her way over to where he was sitting. No clue what was going on he felt her touch on his face, not knowing if it was simply the influence of alcohol that caused her to act this way, or if there was more to it. For a couple of seconds Ichigo simply remained still, waiting for the Jounin to let go as it seemed she was about to take her leave, but not before she'd pass by Kaito once more. Once the moment had passed, Katsumi simply walked away, making her exit after what turned out to be an emotional afternoon and in the process leaving the two men by themselves. Now that it was just Kaito and Ichigo again, the conversation could return to how it was before it had quite the effect on Katsumi, the Sharingan and more precisely, Ichigo becoming part Uchiha.

His red haired friend would toss the scroll he mentioned earlier towards him with the note that he was free to do with the body however he pleased. The Drunk Doctor wasn't sure what exactly he planned on using it for, the only thing he was certain of, was the fact that he'd take this chance to experiment and gain knowledge of the human body, all the while coming in the possession of valuable DNA such as the dojutsu known as the Sharingan. So to say he was happy to accept the scroll would be an understatement. Perhaps he could take the opportunity to get a fresh start, one he talked so much about and one which Kaito knew of from the first time they met. Maybe it was why the redhead would give Ichigo the chance to improve through attaining new powers given by the transplants.

Some time had passed, a temporary silence fell above the two of them, allowed mainly due to the fact that Ichigo got speechless. "I don't know what to say, I'm at a loss for words. You have my eternal thanks, Kaito. And although I'm not sure I'll ever be able to pay you back, you have my word that I'll do anything in my power, old or new, that I'll do everything to compensate you for your gift." Ichigo listened as his friend mentioned he was more than willing to partake in some missions in order to gather enough money for him to pay back what he owed, with a suggestion of helping him get used to his new power once he attained them. "Sounds like a plan to me" the Drunk would say with a genuine smile on his no longer troubled face. With the scroll in his hand he wondered where to go from here. "I'm sure today took its toll on all of us, I assume with the evening getting near we're about to finish these bottles before we head home?" Truth be told, Ichigo couldn't wait to get started on getting his new powers, but with the state he was in, it was probably best to wait before trying his hands at the transplant. 

(WC: 656, TWC: 2553)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Sun Nov 15, 2020 5:47 pm
Kaito waved his hand at Ichigo. “Spare me the words of kindness. This was just a business transaction. I’ll be expecting the money.” Harsh as he may sound, especially considering how salty he now was over the Katsumi situation (half angry at himself, half angry at the short round), he did have a soft spot for Ichigo. Both of them were clanless, nobody wanted them for the inherent powers they were born with, and in this world, they were nothing more than fodder, and anything they could accomplish must be out of their own resolve. That was why Kaito had brought up the Sharingan to sell even though Ichigo hadn’t asked. He wanted him to have it. Between the two of them, the redhead kind of saw a part of himself in the black haired kid. He was a perfect recipient for the Sharingan.

The Byakugan, on another hand, was something Kaito had gripes with exchanging inside of the village. Only two people knew of its existence, Gidyne and Maximillian. He would keep it like that. A ninja’s tools are their most prized possessions, and a tool anyone knows about is a tool anyone can counter. No, the Sharingan almost everyone knew, given that Kaito was not able to activate the Uchiha genetics immediately. But the Byakugan was a different story.

The two would stay and drink for a while as the weather soured, the dark clouds allowing for the winds to steal the heat from the grounds and quickly turning the field into a cold slab of heat thievery. Even with cookies and alcohol it was becoming difficult to stay. Eventually both the cookies and alcohol ran out, and the ninjas said their goodbyes and parted ways.
WC: 288
TWC: 3166 with two posts counting as double from August event for a total of 4567
Spending 4000 to augment Darkened Skies armor with 2 Senju Wood and 2 Titanium.
567 towards Searing Migraine
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:20 pm
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:02 pm

(TWC: 3081 ; 1056 from August event, 2025 at regular count)
- 2500/2500 Mystical Palm
- 500 towards Chakra Scalpel
- 30 stats
- Corpse Storage Scroll from Kaito containing Volt Uchiha's body; no liver, 1 Two Tomoe Sharingan
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
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Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:40 pm
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Kumo's Finest - Page 2 Empty Re: Kumo's Finest

Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:11 am
Small edit to claims to include Chakra Signatures of Katsumi Nakiri and Ichigo Sato.
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