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Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Training a New Squad  Empty Training a New Squad

Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:40 pm
Arc was told to show up to the Training facility to meet his new squad precisely at noon.  So Arc stepped through the doorway as the hour changed over, as it was in his nature to be on time.  He wondered what kind of students would show up.  Today’s lesson plan was mainly to see what he was dealing with.  He was absolutely fine with training the kids and getting them on their feet.  He after all was once a young inexperienced kid too.  A long time ago.

Today he had arrived in some work out clothes.  He had brought an old test along with him to the facility which he would work into their training.  His attire was comfortable but not excessively loose.  He wore black sweats that were incredibly flexible,  he liked that because he was quite flexible himself and he liked to move unhindered.  He was wearing a black tank that showed off his lean but not bulky arms.  His strength, though considerable, didn’t come strictly from muscle mass.  His spikey hair and outfit might give him the appearance of an 18 or 19 year old.  Along with the test he had brought he had another fun work out item, in the form of a leather-covered sphere.  He spun the ball on the tip of his index finger and waited to be approached by his student.  He was told that they were informed that he was going to be there.  Though he had no idea if they even knew what he looked like.  Eh, test one information gathering.

Rook was in the facility as well.  He wore completely different clothes than Arc and though he was a clone of Arc, he had some training to do as well.  And with arc taking on a group of new genin it made sense for him to tag along for the experience.  Rook was wearing baggy cargo pants of a pale green color, and an unfastened vest that matched over a white shirt.  Training clothes were there to get dirty but they needed to be functional as well.  Both him and Arc shared the same size foot so it usually made sense for the two of them to have similar footwear.  The two of them prefer closed-toed lightweight shoes.

WC: 379
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:11 pm
So he was finally going to get to be squaded up with some another Genin and a Chunin who was going to, hopefully, be able to teach him and help him to improve himself as a shinobi. Despite the rather unexcited look on his face, Furozan was extremely excited; it was a nice change of pace from the constant low ranked missions he had been forced to do. Cleaning was not exactly the most exciting thing in the world, but, he had been earning quite a bit of Ryo which was nice. He was eye balling a new Katana that he had not quite pulled the trigger on. Mostly because he was not sure how well he could wield the weapon. He guessed practice would help him and he was not sure why he had been putting it off for so long. After all, he could afford it, but he guessed the frugality was passed down from his father. 

He was dressed for the occasion, lightweight clothing including a simple black t-shirt that was skin tight, and matching black pants that offered better mobility. The skin tight shirt was not exactly flattering on the youths appearance as he was quite fragile. He lacked muscle and it showed. He looked even smaller than he normally did with baggier clothing but he did not care. What he lacked in strength he made up for with speed and jutsu. Or so he thought. He had been coming to realize that he was nowhere near where he wanted to be when it came to his skills which was why he was excited about the prospect of getting training from someone who had more experience. 

Walking into the training facility, which he was more than accustomed to by now, he looked around for his trainer. Arcanis was his name and he had a brief description of the man. His eyes darted around the training area for someone who looked to match the description. A man was spinning some sort of leather ball on his finger and Furozan noted that he looked to be who he was after. The bright white, spikey haired, genin approached him and bowed as a sign of respect to the man. 

“Arcanis?” He said in both a question and a statement. “Furozan Yuki. It is an honor to train under you.” He lifted from his bow and took a step back and placed his hands behind his back. He kept his gaze forward and awaited further instruction. Furozan was many things but patient was one of the top. He rarely found himself uncomfortable waiting around or having to be quiet. In fact, deep down, he kind of enjoyed it. 

WC: 448
Tenshi Duro
Tenshi Duro
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Village : Kirigakure
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Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:23 pm
An average 15 year old boy swung the door open, the dreary Kiri sky not changing the light level at all for the time the door was open.  The brown haired kid was clad in normal dark combat pants, a tight combat tshirt, and a loose padded vest.  He slung the backpack he was wearing off and set it to the left of the door, reading the room in front of him.  He wasn't sure what type of training this was to be so he had come prepared, but it seemed the others were in a more athletic setup right now.  He shrugged off the padded vest, tossing it on the bag, and jogged over.

As he did, the short white haired person turned a bit from his greeting to the other, taller ninja.  Tenshi recognized him!  This was that other genin! The one he had seen in the courtyard!

"Yo! Yuki!   I see you made it onto my team!  Congrats, we're gonna be the top squad in all of Kiri, so thats a lucky break!" Tenshi grinned and gave a thumbs up as he jogged over, greeting the older boy perhaps a little more familiarly than was called for.   After the niceities, as he arrive to where both figures were standing and came to a halt, his grin turned to a quizzical look as he gave the taller dark haired ninja a scan from top to bottom.   "Hmmmm...... and you're joining us too?  Lets see......"

Tenshi took a combat stance, not threatening a strike, just a balanced martial stance one might take before a match.  "Yuki, did you test him yet, make sure he's ok?"

WC 276
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:49 am
Arc hadn’t said anything as the first boy showed up he didn’t make him feel bad for bowing nor gave him many indications that he was correct in guessing that he was Arcanis.  He did exchange a look with Rook who was also standing nearby.  The young man hadn’t greeted him though.  As the second young man ran it in, Arc caught his spinning ball and tucked it under his arm and against his hip.  The ball was still on his rights side if anybody was curious.

The two boys seemed to know each other which was nice.  It was good for a squad to be on good terms to promote teamwork.  Then Tenshi took up a combat stance immediately.  And that amused Arc.  a smile spread across his face, and he even chuckled a bit.

“Yes, that is why we are here.  To test each other a bit.  But neither of you noticed your other team member.  This is Rook.”  Arc gestured at Rook and science this was the first time they had looked at him they would notice that he looked exactly like Arc.  Like, could be twins.  “Rook will be your third team mate.  Now that you are properly introduced to the team we should probably head into one of the training rooms so we don’t break stuff.  Grab your stuff.”

Arc waved the three of them to follow him and he stopped outside a room with a computer next to the door.  Tapping a few keys he entered some settings and a time frame.  “Alright” Arc opened the door and stepped inside.  The interior was a well lit gymnasium there wasn’t any equipment but there was a second spectators level on the long sides of the room.  Otherwise, the room was empty except for a few lockers next to the door which Arc pointed out.  

“Alright you three do your tests and I’ll do mine.  Don’t worry about the room through the whole thing is a simulation.”  Arc smiled and Spun the ball on his finger again.

Rook knew Arc was going to put him on the team but he wasn’t sure how he was going to compete with Arcanis.  Not just on a skill level but on the fact that the two of them thought so much alike that Arc was certain to know what he was thinking.  Maybe the goal was to be supportive of the others and help them accomplish their goals.  That was the best Rook had he would roll with that for now.  Fortunately, he knew the secret about that ball.  Unfortunately, he was sure Arc wanted him to keep it to himself.

wc: 442
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:10 pm
His eyes glanced over to Tenshi as he appeared in the room. Appeared was an understatement as he swung the door open and almost immediately started yapping away. For a moment, Furo felt a tinge of impatience wash over him, but at the same time it was calming in a way. He could not quite put his finger on it but he guessed it was the boy’s youthful excitement. Something Furo had lost long ago and not because he did not want it. There was something about it that he wished he could embrace and yet something inside of him held back. 

The prospect of being the top squad in Kirigakure had not crossed his mind. He wondered just exactly what his ambitions were. Did he want that? Did he wish to be part of the top squad or did he want to blend into the background and barely be noticed? He was still unsure of himself and what he wanted out of this whole shinobi thing. “Figured I would wait on you,” Furo said in response to whether he had tested the man or not. “Teamwork makes the dream work, right?” Really, he had no interest in testing the Chunin. He had already been tested by the village and given the appropriate rank. No reason to question it. 

His eyes turned to the man referred to as Rook and his eyes scanned him over and widened a bit. It was nearly like looking into a mirror and he mentally scolded himself for not even seeing the man as he approached. That was the kind of stuff that would end up in ones death if they were not careful. He tried to hide the shame in his face as their leader ushered them to the training room. He had not properly utilized this room and was interested when Arc noted that it was all a simulation. 

As they walked in, the man continued to hold the leather ball in his hand, Furo wondered if there was significance to it. He doubted he was carrying it around because he genuinely enjoyed having it but he pushed it off for now. He mentioned that it was time to test him and Furo wondered just exactly what Tenshi was intending. Did he want to attack him and test his mettle as a shinobi? Well, they were in the stuff now, so he guessed he might as well create a distraction and hope that Tenshi took advantage of it.

Furozan looked to Tenshi and he nodded his head, indicating that he was ready to test their new leader. Without saying a word, Furozan jumped backwards, and he reached into his weapon pouch and pulled out one of his kunai. While he was leaping backwards he threw it at Arc. He felt a tinge of guilt as he threw it as hard as he could, but, if he was truly a Chunin then dodging a kunai should be of little difficulty. Besides, the tossed kunai was more of a chance opening for Tenshi to do whatever he wanted to do. 

WC: 515
TWC: 963

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Tenshi Duro
Tenshi Duro
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kirigakure
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Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:52 pm
Furo and the new guy both acknowledged his comment, but neither physically acknowledged his stance, which stung a bit.  People should be scared when a proper ninja gets serious.  Tenshi slowly shifted back to standing while Arcanis continued to talk.

Rook will be the THIRD teammate, hmmm? Tenshi thought, his brow furrowing just a bit.   Then this guy doesn't just think of himself as leader, he doesn't even see himself as part of the team.

Tenshi was a bit annoyed at having to grab all the stuff he just set down, but easily threw the vest on over his head and grabbed the pack, jogging back over, even attempting to fistbump Rook as a greeting the first time they got in range of each other.

They all stepped into the room and Arcanis explained himself.  Tenshi looked at Furozan to see if he understood, but Furozan just nodded, no help there.  Tenshi gazed around the empty arena again and then his hand shot up.  "Umm, what test *exactly* are we supposed to be..."

He never got to finish the sentence as a kunai whizzed past him, from the short serious Yuki to Acrcanis.  Tenshi took an involuntary, off balance step backward from the close projectile. "Woooah...WHAT" He stammered as he finally caught his balance after another step.

217 WC
493 twc
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:54 pm
The last to arrive gave Rook a friendly fist bump before they went into the training room.  Rook thought maybe the young man wasn’t up to pace with everyone so far.  But what Arc had in store should be able to help them get better acquainted.  In the training room Rook took up a position next to Arc which he was sure didn’t go unnoticed but he knew what was coming.  

The ball on the tip of Arc’s finger spun rapidly. As he waited for his students to get prepared, though one of them started immediately.  A single kunai in a frontal attack.  Impressive to be sure.  Arc shifted his hand a little more toward the middle and dropped it lower by a bit.  The kunai that had been thrown at him hit the ball with a low thud.  The kunai however didn’t burst the ball it stuck into it and actually increased the spin of the ball on Arcanis’ finger due to where he had let it hit.  The kunai still stuck in the ball spun with it.  But Arc knew he was far from out of the woods.  Releasing the ball Arc moved his hand up as the spinning kunai came around and the ring on the kunai perfectly slid over Arc's thumb.  The ball swung down pivoting around the ring as the kick that Rook tried to catch Arc with fell right into his outstretched hand.  Rook kicked out with his other foot as he flipped backward away from Arc.  This was avoided by simply stepping away from Rook.

“Good okay, tenacity.  Trickery.  timidness? Looks like today's letter is T '' Arc smiled. He missed having some good honest fun.  “Don’t worry I don’t send people back to the academy.  This is merely a get to know you exercise.  Let loose and show me what you got.  Oh and the first one to steal this ball from me gets dinner paid for tonight how about?”  the ball came to rest in Arc’s outstretched hand, Kunai still stuck in it, the handle pointing up toward the ceiling.

WC: 348
TWC: 1173
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:37 pm
His shoulders slumped and he let out a sigh as he realized that his head nodding to Tenshi had not been enough to get him to react. He was, however, surprised to see that Arc had easily blocked the attack with his leather ball and was even more mesmerized to see that the kunai had essentially done nothing. In fact, it seemed to make the ball spin even faster, which was curious to Furo. There was something up with that ball he could tell. Rook did seem to take his hint and kicked out at Arc but his foot was caught followed up by an immediate flip backwards. 

This man was far superior to the three in the room. 

He spoke to them about the letter T. He wondered which one he was. Trickery, perhaps? He was the one who had thrown the kunai at him. Ah, so stealing the ball from him was the goal. A goal that none of the three would be able to accomplish on their own. It was going to require teamwork, which he guessed, was the point of the drill. He assumed that most people would want to get the ball on their own for their own personal glory, but, Furo cared little of personal glory. He had a mission, it was to get the ball, and he would figure out how he could accomplish it. 

Furo moved backwards a little bit and tried to formulate a plan. He stood about 15 meters away from Arc and his eyes glanced around the room. There was nothing that would benefit him here. He was a water user and there was nothing he could source from. All of his jutsu was going to have to be created himself which would wear him down quicker. But, maybe he did not have to use jutsu, maybe there was a trickier way to get the ball. He guessed it was appropriate to lean into the trickery nickname. 

“Rook, Tenshi, come on lets game plan!” He motioned for the two of them to join him towards the back of the training area. Once they arrived, if they came, he would lower his voice to a whisper. “We will have to work together to get the ball. First question is, who wants their dinner paid for tonight?” He would look at the two and see who would volunteer. Furozan had his own money and he could afford his own. “I will pay for dinner for whoever doesn’t get their hand on it. Deal?” 

WC: 422
TWC: 1,385
Tenshi Duro
Tenshi Duro
Stat Page : Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kirigakure
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Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:40 pm
Just as he finally caught on to what was happening and prepared to rush forward, it was over, and Furo was becoming him away from the instructor.  Tenshi dropped is pack and begrudingly headed over, keeping on eye warily on Arc.

"Aww no one cares about that stuff, Yuki."  Tenshi blew off the idea.  "what we need to do is go out there and embarass the heck out of him.   Now I say I he doesn't look so tough, I run at him and keep him occupied with my taijutsu might and you two grab the ball while he's got his hands full.  Ready?  Break on three."

TWC 600
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Training a New Squad  Empty Re: Training a New Squad

Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:07 pm
As the three of his students moved off to speak secretly Arc pulled the kunai out of the surface of his ball.  He didn’t much worry about the surface of the ball as it’s intention was to be trained with.  He dropped the kunai to his feet and spun the ball around again.  He batted the ball back and forth between his hands and tossed it behind his back.  Normal things one would do with a ball.  He stood there and waited for his students to develop a plan.

Rook joined the two other guys off to the side and listened to their ideas.  “So I wouldn’t get caught up on the dinner things.. Arcanis is a trickster.  He would honor a deal as simple as the winner ordering dinner for everyone. The problem here though is getting the ball from him.  You guys are aware of the surface walking technique, right?  Getting the ball from him isn’t going to be a walk in the park.  Additionally, there is something weird about the ball.  You noticed how your kunai didn’t pop the ball right?  But it’s not just that.  The kunai didn’t even knock the ball off Arc’s finger.”  Rook knew what he was saying wouldn’t give away all the details of the training.  

“But the direct approach is probably a good idea.  Get him overwhelmed and we might have a shot.”  Rook nodded to Tenshi.  Contributing to the morale boost on three.

WC 243
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