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Kizmaru Senju
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The Final Tempest  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Final Tempest

Thu Jun 11, 2020 4:52 am
As Romp threw the boy's body over his shoulder, a corpse sealing scroll had fallen out of his person Romp had picked it up as if he could save himself from continuing to see the site of a the deceased child solider on his shoulder. Unraveling the scroll, Romp placed it onto the ground before using a bit of his chakra to seal the boy's body in. It was a little ironic as if a sick joke was being played along the lines of 'the boy had brought his own coffin'. Even Romp didn't think that joke was funny and he was normally one for dark humor. Letting a sigh escape his lips, Romp has picked up the scroll and began a rather slow walk from the three hundred meter distabce from the shore to the gate. For what seemed like an eternity, Romp walked until he made it back to his station before calling one of the gate guards to have them deliver corpse scroll to the Mizukage along with the full report of what transpired here in front of the gates. Assuming he knew the Mizukage as well as he thought he did, he knew he would not be happy at all about this turn of events and would most likely do something to retaliate. 

Well, that wasn't his problem now nor would it be until another incident takes place. he could only hope this wouldn't be the start of something happening in the near future. Who knows maybe the kid could be a different kind of hero in the end. For Romp, didn't feel like doing anything from his normal antics. He kind of just wanted to sleep the rest of this week off and even though he knows its impossible or his higher ups would have his ass, he could damn well try, What puzzled him most was what that other strange shinobi was doing near the fight. Was he there in cause Romp needed back-up, was he there for his own personal agenda or did he just happen to be coming back from a mission he was sent out on. He figured he would ask him but he didn't feel like doing his job at the moment now that recalled for sure that man was a member of the village hidden in the mist. With that, Romp slumps back into his chair before covering his face with one of the usual books before nodding off to sleep.

W.C: 412
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Claiming the body of Tadashi Namikaze and his possessions for Kizmaru Senju

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Using 2,500 words to drop Speed by 25 for Kizmaru Senju
Using 2,000 words to increase Health by 20 for Kizmaru Senju

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Using 2,600 words for Earth Element for Kizmaru Senju
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Ichigo Sato
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Ryo : 230150

The Final Tempest  - Page 3 Empty Re: The Final Tempest

Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:36 pm
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