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Yemma J. Kibitsuji
Yemma J. Kibitsuji
Stat Page : The Spider
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 5500

Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only] Empty Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only]

Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:25 am
Mission Name: Protest Control
Rank: B
Type: Secure 
Character Requirements: Kumo Nin
Mission Location: Streets of Kumo
Word Count Requirements: 3,000
Challenges: N/A 
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 7 ap, 3,000 ryo
Task: A protest over the new leader of Kumogakure has started on the village streets. You are ordered to go to the area and bring an end to this event as reports are showing that it's beginning to get ugly. Shops are being vandalized and people are getting hurt. Stop the protestors before things get out of hand and seize any who resist.

Hanshi would stir from his slumber as the sun blasted into his room through gaps in the blinds , he would groan as a stray beam of sunlight blasted him in the face. The young Chunin would slowly open his eyes, wincing as he got an eyeful of sunlight , this caused him to throw his pillow at the blind on reflection, making the blinds fall to the floor , flooding his room with sunlight further abusing his retina. “You son of a bitch!” he exclaimed, falling out of his bed onto the hardwood floor cover over his head as he sat there in his undergarments , Hanshi would let out a sigh as he proceeded on all fours to his bathroom.

Once he felt the cold tile of his bathroom floor he would throw the cover off nonchalantly and walk over to the sink rubbing his eyes and yawning , ‘another day another dollar’ he would think to himself as he grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. Hanshi would begin brushing his teeth in a slow rhythmic pattern as if on auto pilot as he stared at his reflection , he didn’t see any signs of his body's mutation spreading today luckily. He covered up as much of his body as possible when outdoors best not to draw prying eyes.

Once he was done brushing he would spit the toothpaste foam into the sink and turn on the faucet lowering his head and catching some of the water in his mouth , he would gargle then swish the liquid around in his mouth before spitting it out along with the toothpaste foam into the running water.  He would wipe his mouth off, tossing his tooth brush into the sink as he swung the shower curtain open stepping into the white shower , it was a small tub shower combo the grout had accumulated mold between the tiles.

Hanshi would lean forward placing his hands on the wall letting the cold water wash over his body waking him up , he would stay like this till the water heated up. “Stupid land lord..” he would mummble beneath his breath as he reached for the bar of soap in his shower’s soap dish , he would proceed to wash yesterdays grim from his body he would then grab hold of the shampoo and begin cleaning his crows nest atop his head the feint smell of blueberries wafting off the suds. Once he was all done he would hop out the shower and pick up the blanket he had left in the bathroom doorway wrapping it around his waist and head back to his room.

Hanshi’s clothes would lay scattered about the floor before he gathered them up and put them on , he would take a moment to look at his room blinds and pillow in a heap on the floor below his window and a single twin bed on the right side of the room. Everything seemed within its proper place until he took notice of a single folded piece of paper on his window sill. “What in the world..” he would say as he dropped to the floor looking under his bed for the not leaver , having his privacy invaded made him on edge even if it was work.

Hanshi would open the folded paper which read as follows:

     A protest over the new leader of Kumogakure has started on the village streets. You are ordered to go to the area and bring an end to this event as reports are showing that it's beginning to get ugly. Shops are being vandalized and people are getting hurt. Stop the protestors before things get out of hand and seize any who resist. Destroy this letter other’s will be joining you on this mission.
-end of letter-

Hanshi would tear the letter up with a sigh before sliding open his window and hopping out onto the street below where he would make his way to the rendezvous point. 

The navy blue haired shinobi would look down at the riot below waiting atop a storage facilities roof , he didn’t like what he was seeing these people where all being ingrates. Did they not have any loyalty to their village being a resident of kumo meant village before all else and at the pinnacle of it all stood the be perfectly honest your better off just getting in the mindset of serving the village it seemed like the land of Lightning was having a ku every other week. “These people are all a bunch of sheep and little dogs that don't know their place” he would mumble to himself walking over to the edge of the building and leaning against the safety fence that had been installed.

TWC: 786
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
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Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only] Empty Re: Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only]

Wed Apr 22, 2020 10:30 am
Another day, another protest. Lately it seemed that more and more people had grown frustrated with how the new Raikage was doing things around the village and they weren't afraid to let their frustration show. A change in leadership was destined to bring with a certain opposition, people who preferred the previous one over the new, who were used to the old way of running things. It was common for mankind to be afraid of change. Once we're used to something we're afraid of losing it. But change was inevitable, this much Ichigo knew. If their village wanted to keep growing it was necessary for them to evolve. The Drunk had arrived at the scene, for some reason the higher ups figured he'd be the right person for the job, god knows how they came up with that idea. 

Nonetheless he still accepted since the rewards were pretty good and who doesn't need money? Immediately upon his arrival Ichigo noticed the mass of people that had gathered around. He was able to understand their concerns but what he couldn't agree with was the way these people were handling their protest. Things were starting to get out of hand. Ichigo would then blend into the crowd, keeping an eye on those who would break any laws or start trouble. Blending in with the people Ichigo had find himself amongst the protestors. Shops were being vandalized and people were getting hurt. Honestly he didn't care much about some shops getting vandalized, but the second they would start hurting other people would be when he'd intervene. 

For now he would concentrate on making sure no innocent bystanders would get caught up in the havoc caused by those imbeciles. Once he got that out of the way he would return and hide amongst the protestors, picking out the ones responsible for wreaking havoc. In order to separate those idiots he wasn't afraid of using his fists to do so. It was up to Ichigo to make sure order would return around the streets of Kumogakure and he didn't plan on holding back since obviously they weren't either. He wondered if reinforcements were about to arrive as the group of protestors kept growing bigger and bigger by the second. Even The Drunk would have a hard time controlling such a large mass of people all by himself, especially if they didn't back down anytime soon. 

(WC: 400)
Yemma J. Kibitsuji
Yemma J. Kibitsuji
Stat Page : The Spider
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 5500

Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only] Empty Re: Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only]

Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:03 am
Hanshi would yawn as he sat down atop the roofs ledge as he witnessed the stupidity of the citizens below , a peaceful protest would have been just as effective as this shit show he was in they both would fail miserably. At Least with a peaceful protest wouldn’t result in possible casualties , this behavior was just giving the state an excuse to put a blade to their throats to silence their cries of outrage. “Tsch...damn sheep” he would say aloud to no one in particular this mission in itself was a tough one as they were just citizens and if he made any aggressive moves  it might escalate the situation from a protest to a riot but then again it seemed like it was on its way into evolving into a riot already. 

In this instance Hanshi had his hands tied. Genjutsu was an option if he knew any ,  and he was pinned when it came actually taking any action in the form of apprehension. “I'm gonna need more hands for this” he say with a sigh while weaving the clone hand seal summoning two replicas of himself who sat either side of him on the ledge. He would stand up on the ledge and begin hopping from rooftop to rooftop sailing above the rioting crowd.

Hanshi would make his way to the edge of the riot with his clones , this area was more loose and less packed but the deeper one went the more like animals they acted. “Please disperse! This protest has gone far enough , those who remain will be deemed guilty of treason in the eye’s of the kage office!! This action is punishable by death” he and his clones would say in unison trying to speak as one loud voice , he would repeat this several times as he pushed deeper into the croud the more soft hearted protester’s leaving the area rather quickly upon hearing his threat.

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only] Empty Re: Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only]

Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:25 pm
Having separated the innocent bystanders from the idiots responsible for instigating and wreaking havoc Ichigo would finally start with his intervention. Of course he'd begin by asking really nice if they could please stop this awful behavior of theirs but if that wouldn't work he would just punch some sense into them. The Drunk was making his way through the mass of people, looking for ones starting trouble. Here and there he could find a couple of loud mouths who were just there to add fuel to the fire by yelling and creating chaos, but when it came down to it they were just some scaredy cats afraid to actually do something. So it wasn't that hard getting them to stop with whatever it was they were doing. 

What would prove to be more difficult to deal with were the ones destroying shops and everything they could find on their path. He doubted he would be able to reason with them as they probably wouldn't listen to any word he'd say. "Here goes nothing" he muttered to himself as he was making his way through the crowd of people. Ichigo would grab a couple of them by the arm or shoulder, signaling them to either stop immediately or suffer the consequences. Due to his size and appearance most people were intimidated and followed his friendly advice. Of course not everyone would listen and some even decided to try and challenge him, but those who were stupid enough to do so were soon met by one of his fists. No mercy for the wicked.

Voices could be heard all over the place but for now he was focused on taking care of the morons in front of him. A punch from the left, a kick from the right, he even threw in a headbutt here and there, he figured he might as well put on a show while he was at it. He noticed some gaps were starting to fall and the group was breaking apart, which meant they started to realize there was no point in keeping up their little protest, but even then there were still a couple of imbeciles trying to stir up some shit. But unfortunately for them Ichigo had his eye on all of them, as he was about to punish those thinking they were standing above the law of Kumogakure. Karma was on its way.

(WC: 400, TWC: 800)
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only] Empty Re: Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only]

Sat Jun 13, 2020 8:19 am
Since Hanshi seems to be inactive I'll make my exit

- 500/500 Hidden Mist Technique
- 4 stats
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only] Empty Re: Unpeacful Protest Mission [inv only]

Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:29 am
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