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Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Akki's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Wed Apr 08, 2020 5:32 pm
Akki ran through the dark abandoned area of Konoha. The buildings looked very ominous and scary in the darkness. Many have reported this area haunted. But Akki had one concern on her mind, getting to Megamis lab! She had to contact the girls and seal off the lab from being found! Akki had her blue hair pulled up in a ponytail, and the Senju Clan crest she had tattooed on her neck was very visible. She had on a black cloak over her leather outfit. Her combat boots made no sound as she ran through the abandoned area. A few homes had old ederly retired ninjas in them, they chose this area due to its quietness and because it was void of people.!
Megami rounded a corner into an alley and went to a back door covered by a tin awning. She opened the three locks on the door with a key. As she entered as usual she closed but didn’t lock the door! She forgets way too easily.
She entered the room at the end of the long hallway and tapped her foot on the floor three times. The wall at the left side of the room had a panel pop open.She walked over to it and typed in a four digit code. The panel in the middle of the floor opened up revealing a second door! Akki bent down and typed in a second code, the door opened leading to a set of stairs. Akki walked down the stairs into the lab and began to tinker with the computer. She turned it on waiting for it to load.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Thu Apr 09, 2020 2:40 pm
The Nazar had just finished his rounds of guarding the gate and monitoring the walls protecting Konoha. Now, he was enjoying a nice stroll through the village. More specifically through the Okinaga district. In the years he had moved to Konoha, he could count on a single hand the number of times he passed through or came to this district. There wasn't very much going on here most days. The only reason he found himself here on this cool night was because when his shift ended, passing through was the quickest way to get back to his house. There was't much to see or keep himself occupied while he passed through, so as per usual he decided to enjoy a cigar during his walk while his left metallic hand fiddled with a single kunai. It was during this time he caught a glimpse of a black and blue figure in the corner of his eye on the opposite end of the street running through. As his eyes shifted to get a proper view of the figure, it quickly shifted into a nearby alley. At first he didn't think much of it. Many claimed this district to "strange" to say the least. Although Kinzoku never believed the rumors, he was a little suspicious of the figure running with what seemed like a sense of urgency. 

He eventually reached the alleyway that the Senju had turned into. By then there was no one in the alley, but he could hear the cloaked figure moving. All he had to do was follow it, which lead him to some backdoor of a building. He observed it before doing anything else, seeing it a number of locks. He placed his ear close enough to the door to not touch it, but hear what was happening on the other side. All he could hear were clicks and lots of shifting. He waited until the noise stopped, only then trying his hand at opening the door. May as well try before breaking in. Fortunately for the Nazar the door had been left unlock. The cloaked figure must have truly been in a hurry. Upon entering Kinzoku first spotted an opening leading to what simply looked like black from where he was standing. He slowly made his approach, suppressing his chakra while he advanced. "Stairs?" the Nazar said to himself as he observed them going deep underground. He quickly glanced over to the two panels that had been used. Someone's secret hideout? If there was every going to be a hideout, Okinaga district was the best place to have it.

He slowly began making his way down the stairs, his kunai gripped and ready to use if need be. As silent as can be, the Nazar made it to the bottom step and began observing the room. It seems to be some sort of laboratory, but for what he could not tell. He peered out from behind the wall spotting the cloaked blue-headed female now sitting at a computer waiting for it to boot up. He refrained from making his presence known for the time being. He wanted to see what she was looking for and what could possibly be stored in there. Only after she had gone through it a bit, before she could finish whatever she was trying to accomplish would Kinzoku walk out from the stairs and reveal himself. "Mind telling me what all this is?" he'd ask, "miss Senju?" he'd finish with after she inevitably turned to see who was speaking to her.
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:06 am
Akki Senju turned when she heard the voice. Her lab had been discovered! Damn it, she forgot to lock the door and she had been followed! Her eyes noted the person behind her.
“Shit! Um just checking stuff, everything looks good!” Was all she said as she attempted to stand up and turn off the computer! “Fuck! I know what Yen asked, but you have to understand, I was just making preparations to leave.” Akki said lying through her teeth. Why didn't she make sure she wasn't followed? " Please, please don't tell Yen about this place or what I am doing! I know it looks suspicious...I... I'm in trouble aren't I?"Akki said. She looked towards the back door. Could she make it if she needed to run?
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Fri Apr 10, 2020 3:29 pm
From the moment Kinzoku spoke, the girl was on edge. Quickly turning to see who had interrupted whatever she was doing while also trying to turn off the computer, she began babbling on. Something about Yensung asking her to do something, and all this was simply preparations to leave the village. Kinzoku had absolutely no idea what she was talking about but it all seemed a little too suspicious. Her mannerisms alone were enough for the Nazar to tell she was lying out of her ass. Finally spat the words not to tell Yensung. That alone was enough to inform Kinzoku that whatever she was doing, she was doing something behind the Hokage's back. But as it were, he had no idea what it was she was trying to do. It was time it out.

"Wow now" Kinzoku began, placing his arms out in front of him and motioning them in a manner trying to tell the girl to slow down. "Let's all just take a step back, shall we?" he continued in an attempt to calm the Senju down. "Name's Kinzoku. And you are?" he asked, noting the tattoo on her neck. Now he just needed a first name. Waiting for her to give her name to the Nazar, only then Kinzoku would continue. "Let's not try anything irrational now. I just want to see what you were doing on the computer. Please, don't turn it off." It was obvious to see she had been looking around for an easy escape. She made no attempt whatsoever to hide it. He slowly began approaching the Senju and her computer, showing he meant no harm to her.

If things went smoothly and the computer had not been turned off, Kinzoku would make his way over to the Senju to take a look at it. "Mind explaining to me what is it Yensung ask you to do... and what you were doing?" he asked softly. "I'd rather not disturb the Hokage with this. He has enough on his plate. Also... what exactly is this place?"
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Sun Apr 19, 2020 8:05 pm
Kinzoku? She only knew of one Kinzoku! "Kinzoku Nazar?" Akki asked as she looked up at the man! Finally she could see the facial features, it was him! He had once been the kage! Is this a trend for her? Why is it always the kages seemed to get involved with her in some way or another? She didn't understand this! And why is it they are always as stealth as the ANBU? Damn she has a habit of getting caught! "Im Akki Senju." Akki replied as she looked up at Kinzoku. "Look, yen asked me not to contact the girls in Volcano until I get there. In front of you is every conversation i have had with them. This was my sister Megamis lab and I was about to shut it down since I will be leaving for Volcano soon! There is no longer any purpose for this lab!" Akki added. "Thank you for not turning me in to Yen, I guess i directly disobeyed his orders, but out of all fairness I haven't contacted them since I was asked not to, these are all before he asked me not to! You stopeedme before I could do anything today." Akki sighed. She got up and offered a seat to Kinzoku. "You can sit here." She said as she pointed to the chair. Akki knew the code to the back door., she figured if he was sitting down here she could run out the door and actually could make it of the gates if she tried. "I am going to the bathroom, I will be back." Akki said waiting for his reply before she left the room.
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:26 pm
"The one and only...I think" Kinzoku replied. The Nazar were a very tightly knit community. So as far as he knew, he was the only Kinzoku running around. The young lady kindly introduced herself as Akki Senju, her clan already known due to its symbol tattooed on her. Just like that, she was explaining what was going on like an open book. It didn't seem like she was lying to the Nazar. None of it seemed like an attempt to simply get out of a bind. Although Kinzoku had no idea what she was saying. For one, he had no idea what girls she was referring to. Secondly, in Volcano? Why would there be people in Volcano. The last time Kinzoku had been in the Volcano Country, he was about 18 years old and it was during the Coming of Age Journey all clan members were required to take. But last he had been, there was nothing there. Only the the destruction left behind by the volcanic eruption. Yet here this Senju was, trying to contact people there through a computer which only meant the receiving side had a similar setup on their end. Apparently Yensung was also sending her on a mission there. This was all a little too confusing and would need clarifying. "What exactly was the purpose of this lab?" Kinzoku inquired after she mentioned shutting it down. He refrained from sitting down, instead deciding to observe the computer while remaining standing. After all, this was the first time he was seeing one of these and couldn't be to sure what it may do. "The bathroom can wait" he added before looking over to the Senju beside him, waiting for her to explain to point of this lab.
Akki Senju
Akki Senju
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Clan Specialty : Wood Release
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 600

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Sat Apr 25, 2020 8:33 pm
Akki listened to his question about the lab.
“It was for DNA studies, my sister had it built for the purpose of DNA research. It was to help Sephora Hyuuga in Volcano where the sister lab to this one is located!”Akki explained. “But since I am going to Volcano I no longer need to keep this one open. So I am shutting it down!” Akki said with a sigh. She decided to be honest with him awas the best policy. She printed out every note they had shared and all the Test results. "Here sir, this is everything." Akki said as she handed it all to him. "I have nothing to hide form you. I am in a hurry though sir, I have to leave!" Akki said as she pulled her hood up. "I have a lot to do before I go to Volcano." She added as she walked up the stairs to exit the lab. She didn't care if he was in her lab at this point.

846 words
+8 stats

846/1000 hiding like a mole

Last edited by Akki Senju on Mon May 04, 2020 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 23500

Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Mon May 04, 2020 1:31 pm
For DNA studies apparently. Now this was intriguing. The Nazar began to wonder if Yensung had any idea this lab was even here. He'd need to be told one way or another, not knowing how the Hokage felt by such matters. The young Senju claimed she was shutting the lab down but had already printed out all notes, studies, and results that had ever been done in this lab. All of it in her hands as she readily handed it over to the Nazar. He found it strange how open and forward she were being. In truth Kinzoku was a little hesitant to trust the Genin at the moment, having no way to verify if this in fact was everything the lab had ever produced. But a shutdown lab could always be opened again if need be. He took the stack from the Senju gently brushing one of her singers "accidentally". But he had done so in order to place a tiny mark seal on her hand. One so tiny it would go unnoticed. It was only meant to keep tabs on her, for the moment. Until he could trust and prove anything she was saying to be true. So he provided no resistance when the Senju decided to take her leave. Instead, he placed the stack of files down and began reading through them. "See ya around" he said before she finally departed. Once she had, he formed the seal of confrontation and placed a single Flying Thunder God seal beneath the desk where the computer was located. If Yensung did not know about this, it would be rather efficient to simply take him here.


twc: 1499

all words into Seal of Absorption (1499/2250)
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
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Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Empty Re: Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz)

Mon May 04, 2020 5:35 pm
Hear Me Now (IO/Kinz) Imagee89
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