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Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Tag with a Twist (Open

Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:58 pm
Tag with a Twist (Open C580a010

The red haired kunoichi thought of a wonderful way to train for the day, and she hoped that some of her fellow Konohagakure was gunna be there as well to join in on this sort of training. The she - vixen was seen wearing her usual black crop top that showed off her navel and the black leggings that hugged her blessed hips. Over all she still had a slender build to her, especially since she worked on her body to keep it in shape. Along her shins would be black combate boots with flexible soles that laced up on her legs. She sat upon the dirt at the far corner of the training ground, with a skewer poking from between her soft lips.

Both her and Pyro was enjoying themselves to some skewered plump shrimp that was basted in lovely butter. At this current moment they would be waiting for a few people they knew to show up, and was open for some more to join in. They had a cute little plan of a game that would still train and condition their body and reaction while still having a little fun doing so. Pyro om nomed on her shrimp in glee as Akira stared off into the sky in deep thought. Wondering what had happened between her teammates. . and what was happening to Snjor. Was there anything she could do? Would this sort of game possibly trigger another episode? There was only one way to find out. And deep down, the red haired kunoichi knew that she wanted to find the trigger that called upon his flashbacks.
{WC: 267}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:46 am
Sai couldnt help but admire the beauty of the day, it wasent to hot and had a nice cooling breeze every once in a while. Sai was looking out his window in his home , thinking about what he was going to do on such a fine day. He knew he had to get some shopping in since his fridge was getting slightly empty, but he knew he could put it off for a little while longer. Instead Sai thought it would be a good day to train, and get some built up frustration of his chest. Earlier in the day , he was awoken by the sound of someone arguing in the apartment next door to him. So he was left with a little bit of anger in his , due to not being able to fall back asleep.

Sai went and showered, afterwards getting dress to go train. He left his home shortly after getting ready, but before leaving he would grab his last apple of the counter in his kitchen. Sai greeted his neighbors who were outside as he left the building. It didnt take Sai long before he would reach the grounds. Upon his arrival he had seen that Akira his team mate was there. Sai knew that he and her needed to have a talk, since the third member of their crew is having these crazy outburst. Sai approached her,"Hey Akira, hows it going", Sai would say with a smile as he walked up to her. He was curious to see how she felt about Snows recent behavior.
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Tue Feb 25, 2020 3:38 pm
Akarui didn’t feel satisfied with just doing his daily routine of a jog around the village and a workout on top of the Hokage rocks today. That was when Akarui decided to head towards the training fields that are suitable to practice his Taijutsu techniques for the day. In his missions so far, he had yet to use them so liked to take a day now and again to go let his Taijutsu loose on the trees. Makes a mess but it’s incredibly fun.

On his way, Akarui stopped home to change into his training gear that consisted of his black cargo pants and scuffed boots with plain blue shirt. He left his handwraps on and considered taking his unused Katana but decided against it. Leaving the house he made his way to the training field in hopes to find a good spot to train himself. It didn’t take Akarui long to find 2 others, a wild red haired girl with a fox eating a skewer and a boy with black hair on one of the corners of a training field. After a moment of hesitating, Akarui approached with a smile.

“Hey there, names Akarui. Its nice day for some training right? Oh, Cute fox. What’s it’s name?” He asked while squatting down to coo at the fox while rubbing his fingers to get its attention like a cat. Akarui liked cats but animals in general.
(WC 236)
Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Thu Feb 27, 2020 3:09 am
The pitter patter sounds of approaching footsteps brought the blonde fox's large ears up in curiosity, as the she - vixen continued on her little blank search of wonder. It wasn't until she heard the familiar voice of one of her teammate's, that the kunoichi allowed herself to return to the world around her. Her attention centered onto the dark haired male as he made his way towards her position at the training grounds. "Hmm Sai~ we definitely have some catching up to do. Don't we. . " Her voice spoke out like velvet lace. No doubt Sai would know exactly what she was hinting towards, as Akira allowed her complexion to give off a serious demeanor. Their other teammate has been acting up, so she figured. Not out of spite of course. . but more against his will.

Then her interest would suddenly perk up, as an unfamiliar voice brought her piercing eyes towards another approaching individual. It was starting to surprise her for how often the Kitsune was to come across new faces. Konohagakure was definitely vibing with population, yet it surprised her that she had only once encountered another female. Although even then she was unable to find out if that mysterious woman had been a ninja at all. With an arch of her brow, the she - vixen would began to pursue this new individual. Her piercing ember eyes would look his body over as she began to speak once more. "Well well. . what do we have here~ Akarui is it? It is indeed a pleasurable day for some training, you interested in participating?" Her eyes shifted towards her familiar as the individual turned his attention to Pyro. At first she was hesitant, but after seeing Akira's relaxed form the rather large fox sashyed closer towards the male. First taking her time to sniff his fingers, before gently head butting his hand if he allowed it. "My familiar~ her name is Pyro."
{WC: 321}
{TWC: 588}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:53 am
Sai would of love for the first time him and Akira got a chance to catch up, the conversation would be about more simple things. Instead they had a serious problem on there hands and if nothing is done about it, the situation could eventually lead to their beloved team mate injuring himself or others. Sai could tell by the serious demenir Akira had to her that she was hinting towards Snow. He wasent to sure how they could handle the problem though, since they cant outright kill their team mate. Even though Sai would hate to have to kill his rival , the outburst could really be detrimental to other saftey especially if on a mission. 

"Yeah, its about time we had that talk things arent looking any better", Sai would say with a slight sadness to his voice. He hoped his rival would be able to fight the demons eating away at him, but sometimes its not as easy as you would think. As Sai was about to speak again he notice someone approaching them. It was the first time Sai had seen him around the village surprisingly, the person introduced himself as Akarui. He got Sai attention when he brought up training, since that was the main reason Sai came here in the first place. "Training does sound good about now", Sai said agreeing with what Akarui said. 

As Akira introduced her familiar to Akarui an amazing idea came to Sai head. "How about we get some training in together, the three of us", Sai said hoping they all would agree.
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:09 pm
Akarui calmly let the fox sniff his hand for a bit before it’s head started to rub up and headbutt his hand. Once the fox was used to his scent he started to scratch behind it’s ear which it seemed to enjoy. Smiling at the rather large fox, Akarui mused; “Pyro aye? Cute name. It seems fitting.”

Turning his attention away from the fox while still giving it the scratches it seemed to like, pleasantly smiling, Akarui looked at the pair of Shinobi he had just met. The black headed man seemed nice and the red headed vixon, as he didn’t knew what else to call her as her appearance was all he had to go by, did too. She is dangerous was the thought that struck him. He has trouble saying no to such a pretty smile. He hoped she never found out about this weakness. Both having invited him to join in with their training session today and well, this was what he had hoped. He knew he needed to make friends around his own age and be more social. He may well have to work with any one of them so he should at least start getting to know the other Shinobi and more importantly the other Genin.

“I’d be more than happy to train with you both.” Akarui stood up and stretched a little. “What did you have in mind?”

Akira Kitsune
Akira Kitsune
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Clan Focus : Feral Kitsune
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5300

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Mon Mar 02, 2020 9:40 am
Akira rested a finger upon her cheek as she thought to herself. Both the others was interested in getting some training in, and she didn't blame them. It's been a bit since she's worked herself into a sweat. A little too long. . . so it was about time that the vixen jumped back on track. Her eyes glanced back at the one who possessed the name Akarui, seeing as he kindly scratched her blonde fuzzy familiar behind the ears. By the sound of her excited yips and the presence of enjoyment heavily within Akira's thoughts, she could tell the Pyro was enjoying herself.

"Well~ let's play a new sort of tag?" Akira offered the idea to the other two males. Raising her eyebrow in question as to see how they thought of the idea. "We can focus cornering each other and using maneuvering, agility, and some trickery in the process. I'd like to keep out large range jutsu at least though to avoid a catastrophe." Despite her words the red haired kunoichi would grin at the word fod disaster. Flashing her oddly sharpened fags at the other two. "What you guys say?"
{WC: 192}
{TWC: 780}
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Ryo : 13000

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:16 pm
"Great, always glad to have another shinobi join in on our training", Sai said happily. He never minded having other come and join him when he trains, he feels as though its a better form of training. It not to often that someone you never met before walks up and wants to train and if Sai was lucky the new guy was stronger than he looked. Sai was beggining to think of a training session for the three of them , when Akira had suggested they play tag. At frst Sai was about to laugh at the idea of playing tag as training, but as he thought about it a game of tag could be interesting. 

He listen as Akira broke down what she thought we should work on and Sai shook his head in agreed. The things Akira spoke about working on was the exact same thing Sai was going to work on once they began playing. He just hoped that the two of them would be able to keep up with his speed. Sai wasent sure how fast Akarui was , but he was sure going to find out real soon."Sounds good to me, lets get this game started", Sai said in an excited tone. He was ready to get his training started, he was boiling over with energy to burn.
Stat Page : Shujin Clan Files
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13300

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Fri Mar 13, 2020 12:24 am
Having given the fox sufficient scratches behind the ear, Akarui stood up straight to look at the other two as they decided on the training they were to do. Akira much to Akarui’s surprise suggested they play a game of tag. His surprised expression soon turned to a contemplative one thinking over her suggestion with serious consideration as she laid out her reasoning which he thought was fairly sound. On the surface level, what she was suggesting seemed like a childish game of tag he hadn’t played since he was very young. But thinking deeper, her words made sense. It would be a lot harder to catch or corner an opponent than to out right kill them. Knowing when to hold back or use lethal force was a critical aspect of any decent Shinobi worth their Kunai.

Both Akarui and Sai agreed to the conditions on the game which Akira had purposed for them to do as training. Akarui was interested to see how this training game would turn out. Perhaps he will have some fun he had been lacking for a while. This should be a fun way to let loose. Standing before the two other Shinobi deep in thought, Akarui spoke up in agreement and posed his own condition. “No objections from me with that. Being a Shinobi isn’t all about killing after all. This will be some valuable experience in capturing an enemy target. Let’s try to keep this friendly, shall we? No going for the kill so to speak. Alright, why don’t you take the lead Miss Akira?” A devilish smile appeared as he spoke to the final point while he stealthily surged chakra into his feet before he winked and disappeared in a flash to a space 30 meters from the duo preparing to leap away again.

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Tag with a Twist (Open Empty Re: Tag with a Twist (Open

Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:30 am
Sai was about to get ready to start playing tag with them , but he felt his stomach rumble. It was time to take a shit. He felt slightly embaressed about having to run away like he was about to , but then again everyone has to so it was only natural. The only thing that sucked was that he couldnt wait untill after he was done hanging out with his team mate and the new guy Akauri. He breifly said goodbye to them both as he body flicker out of there.


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