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Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:13 pm
As Yoi ran towards Snow faint sobs. As the clone entered Freezing Aura's area, it froze and fell to the ground. Yoi would then deactivate Freezing Aura and slowly approach Snow. The Yuki said to him, "Yo, Snow, calm down. Take deep breaths. Let yourself be at peace with its self. And when you're ready, look at me." Yoi prayed that this worked. He had on other ideas to calm Snjor down, but he hoped this worked.

WC: 77
TWC: 792
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:40 pm
The clone froze in place, he could not complete his combination. The only thing that remained of the clone was the smoke that he disappeared within. All that was left was Snjor and the one that would take his life. Snjor fought his hardest, he was just not equipped well enough to handle such a strong opponent. Snjor's body was in the same excruciating pain the often came with these breakdowns. He did his best, but he readied himself for the death that was soon to come. 

As the Kiri invader stood over Snjor, Snjor heard a completely different voice speaking to him. The voice was from a fellow Yuki, Yoi Yuki. Snjor's head shot up. "Yoi how did you get here?! Where the hell did the bastard from Kiri go? What is going on!?" Snow fell to his hands hyperventilating. His eyes felt as though they were about to pop out of his skull. Yoi tried to calm Snow down, speaking with a calm voice. Snow did his best to slow his voice, his throat felt as if it was on fire. His fingers gripped into the dirt, trying to slow his breath until his vision began to blur. 

Snow attempted to look up at his ally, but his vision cut completely as he fell to the floor unconcious.

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:28 pm
Yoi heard Snow talking. Yoi let Snow unleash all his thoughts before Yoi would try to talk again. But sadly, Snow fell unconscious by the time he had expressed his thoughts. Yoi, let out a deep sigh. He sat down next to Snow and tore off some of his bandages. Yoi channeled his Water Release into it, creating a damp cloth. He laid it over Snow's forehead. Yoi would stand a few feet away practicing. He noticed the effects of Snjor's jutsu on the shuriken release, so Yoi picked up the shuriken and slipped it into Snow's weapon pouch. Yoi continued practicing, working his butt off. He waited for Snjor to wake up, and when Snjor did, Yoi would sit down beside him.

WC: 123
TWC: 915
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:01 pm
Snow laid on the ground, a sweaty and drenched mess from the rain. His body stayed like a stone for an hour or so. When he finally began to gain consciousness again, he would let out a grunt and a groan from the pain that would be overwhelming his body as a result from the massive psychological break that he had just went through. He was barely able to lift his head just enough to see the Yuki that taught him the Wind and Ice elements. "Hey Yoi. How you doing man?" While Snow was not able to lift his body enough to sit up, he was able to turn his head to face his fellow clansman. 

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:18 pm
Yoi noticed Snow wake up. Yoi, using Weapons of Ice, created two crystal clear glasses. He filled them with water by channeling his Water Release chakra into them. He handed a glass to Snow and asked, “You thirsty?”

It didn’t matter if Snow accepted or didn’t accept Yoi’s glass of water. Yoi would continue talking, and said, “I’m doing pretty good myself. How about you? You didn’t seem to be doing that well earlier.”

WC: 74
TWC: 989
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:28 pm
Snow would slowly gain his consciousness, then even more slowly would he gain his vision back completely. As he slowly came back to the planet he saw a glass of water being handed to him by a fellow clansman, Yoi Yuki. Snow gradually worked his way to leaning up on his hands, and then to sitting up straight. He accepted the cup of water offered to him, with a nod as an acknowledgement to Yoi for the kind gesture. He took a big gulp of the water and he thanked Yoi properly. "Thank you, Yoi. I blacked out again... did you by chance see if I hurt anyone? I have already tried to hurt several people while in that state and I have no way of fixing it about myself. They just happen and I have no real control over it." Snow's head would drop, looking at the floor in front of him. 

He then decided to look around the training grounds and see if there was any evidence of his destruction surrounding him. For the most part it looked okay, except for the fencing and a few trees being practically disintegrated on the outside of the training grounds. He was sure that he had done that, there would be no reason to think otherwise. He would then wait for Yoi to answer his question, hoping the answer was he hadn't hurt anyone, just a few trees and fence posts, and due to the fact that he was no being apprehended, he had his hopes up.

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:56 pm
Mid-thread claim:
9 stats (9 stamina)
Stat Page : Howl's Fat Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Wed Feb 26, 2020 11:14 pm
Approved @ Yoi
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:29 pm
"Thank you, Yoi. I blacked out again... did you by chance see if I hurt anyone? I have already tried to hurt several people while in that state and I have no way of fixing it about myself. They just happen and I have no real control over it." 

Yoi slowly nodded, before saying, "Hate to inform you, bet yep, you did try to attack someone. The only person I know you tried to attack was me, but I don't know about anyone else. Don't worry about me though. You're gonna have to get stronger to damage me. I'm fine, not a scratch on me. But hey, if you don't mind, some of the jutsu you used were really impressive. Could you teach me that jutsu, Shuriken Shadow Clone?"

WC: 129
TWC: 1118
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) - Page 2 Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:54 pm
Snow did indeed have another freak out, another episode, another incident. Luckily the one that caught him in this state was one of the stronger Genins in the village. "Well I guess that is a relief of sorts. I'm glad I hadn't hurt you at least. I am getting stronger and the episodes are becoming more commonplace. I still haven't been able to figure out how snap myself out of it before I fly into a rage." Snow would be looking toward the ground, unsure as to how he should feel at the moment. He hear Yoi continue to speak again.

He asked if Snow would be able to teach him the Shuriken Shadow Clone technique. "I can do that, certainly." Snow would switch his demeanor from being sad and depressed about going into another rage like that, to being more of an instructor like he would generally be with Asahi and Sai. He stood up and he created a shuriken made of his ice chakra. He would then look at Yoi and speak about his process when it came to performing that technique. "Have you mastered the art of the one handed hand seal?" This question would change how he taught the technique, so he figured he would ask that question before he would begin teaching the technique.

Should he know the skill, then he would explain how to perform the technique one handed, the same if he didn't know the skill, but with both hands. He would explain what he always envisioned when it came to performing the technique. "So with the shadow clones that we use as ninjas, we literally split our chakra into separate beings that resemble us in every way. It is the same idea with shadow shuriken jutsu. You picture the shuriken splitting evenly into a thousand different replicas of the item you are attempting to launch or throw. 

He would then launch the ice shuriken toward the open piece of the fencing into the forests that sat around the village. Performing in one hand that Shuriken Giant body technique, and in the other hand performing the shadow clone technique. Finishing both of them off with the seal of confrontation, the ice shuriken would enter a cloud of smoke and exit expanded and duplicated. Each shuriken being one hundred times the size of the original shuriken, and duplicated one thousand times. Snow then turned to face Yoi and motioned for him to try and do the same thing that he had just done, reminding him about the visualization.

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