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Snjor Yuki
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:19 pm
Snow had been doing a lot of training with the remainder of the village, and he honestly loved it. He never thought that he would have had so many people to interact with among the village, whether it was training here in the training grounds, or it was chatting and shooting the breeze with others at Ichiraku’s ramen shop, there was always someone for Snow to be with and it felt nice. He had his own team, Team Zero as Sai decided to call it, and he enjoyed their company. The only issue that he had with the team was just how different Akira and Sai were to Snow in regards to the elements that they used and their fighting styles. While they could work really well in the context of a mission or even a battle, when it came to training it was slightly difficult unless they would all spar together. Akir and Sai could both learn techniques from either each other or other fire users, while Snow was a little more hard pressed to find someone that would be able to teach him any techniques that use the Wind and Water elements. 

Snow knew that this was going to be an issue when he became a part of team Zero, but he also knew that he was good at training by himself also. He could spend hours at the library or even at home, researching different techniques and other ways that he could refine his skills with Water and Wind and even his Ice release. Today was going to be one of those days that he was going to be spending on his own training and trying to refine and hone his skills. Maybe then he would be able to meet up with the new Kage that had just been crowned. This new kage did seem to be an interesting shift from the previous kage. This new one, Yensung, was a name that he had heard a handful of times when he was in the academy and for a little while after he got out. He was supposed to be quite the warrior and smart to boot. This was going to be very helpful during these trying times throughout the ninja world. 

Snow didn’t know much about the outside world for he rarely went very far from the village gates, but he had heard plenty of stories of horrible people and places that populated the world. He knew about Sunagakure no Sato and how it was allegedly filled with criminals and evil people, while he hadn’t been there himself, he heard a lot of horror stories from that place. He did want to visit that place when he got stronger, just so he could see what the place is really like when it becomes full of the vile that populates the world. He had also heard about a place called Fang Island. The mountain set in the middle of the island is said to look like fangs sticking out of the ground, how fascinating would that be to see first-hand!? His dreams were full of thoughts like this, about the rest of the world and how he wanted to see it all. He did know, however, that he was far too weak to sustain that type of trip on his own. He was going to need to work harder and harder every single day until he became a force to be reckoned with. One that would terrify the very people that walked the Earth when they saw him walking by. If he was anything short of that, then he would worry about his well-being while out in the remainder of the world. 

The ice chakra that flowed through his body felt comfortable, keeping his body cool and preventing him from overheating. His thoughts shifted in his sleep from all the places that he would one day be able to visit, to the horrible images of his mother demise. He couldn’t stop his mind from wandering, seeing the gruesome sight that was his mother’s death. The man standing over her corpse, holding her entrails in his hand. The laughs from the man filling the air, even within the very room he was sleeping in in the present. Her blood as it covered the dirt that she was lying in. Her eyes were the hardest part to look at, one of them completely fell out of her skull, which was being bashed in with the man’s weapon, a weapon that looked like a rather large hammer. Her other eye had been squashed completely. The sound of the hammer slamming into the woman’s already destroyed skull, the squelching the sound of the metal made when it slammed into the pool of brain matter that was spread out across the dirt. Snow wished that he would have been able to do something, but he couldn’t. He was far too weak to be able to do anything, and that was the fuel that pushed him through his pains in training, the fuel that kept him going when he felt that he was unable to get any farther. He wanted to keep pushing his body, so the next time someone tried to hurt anyone he cared about, he would be able to stop them. 

His mind wandered once more, from the death of his mother, to his father. His father had always been there for him before his mother’s death. He was the village’s blacksmith so that did take a lot of time away from the family, but he would always be home at night and that was all Snow could have ever wanted, to have a family. When his mother was murdered, he changed. Snow remembered the days after his mother’s death. His father tried to act like he was normal, like he wasn’t completely destroyed by the news of his wife’s murder. Snow knew better than to believe this facade.

Snow felt it best to hide away his own devastation so he could be there for his father. Even though his own psyche was a battlefield in and of itself, he knew that he was going to need to quell all of his inner turmoil so he could push his father through the hard times that they were going through. For years after the murder of his mother, Snow weeped in silence, stifling every emotion that he ever had about his mother’s murder, he just pushed himself to be kind and sweet to everyone, hoping that the anger and sadness would fall away and never return. For a while, he thought he was right, while he still did cut himself, he still was not angry like he was when he first found out about his mother being mutilated by the bastard from Kirigakure no Sato.

His anger and frustration through those years built up, they built up enough to drive him crazy on the night that he was told the story from Akira and her past at Ichiraku’s. Since that day he had no clue what had happened or why he blacked out, but by the time he had snapped out of his darkness, both of his friends Sai and Akira were both beaten and bloody. He was confused on that night, he had no clue what was happening and why his body was in so much pain, or really anything about that night. Things just weren’t right and his teammates didn’t actually tell him what had happened or why he blacked out, they just kept him in the dark, to figure it out for himself. So he spent the next few days and interactions with his teammates trying to figure out just what had happened that night, and this is when he came to the conclusion that his blacking out led him to fighting both of his teammates, and nearly coming out on top. This was very concerning for Snow, mainly because he knew that he was getting stronger and he wasn’t entirely certain that his friends were or weren’t. This wasn’t because he didn’t have faith in his teammates, but it was simply he hadn’t faced them in combat. This was where he knew he needed to change something about his and his teammates life, they needed to see combat, even if it was just sparring among themselves. 

Combat was such an integral part of their lives, that they were going to need to have repetition in using their techniques and trying to find ways to chain their techniques together so they would be able to perform combinations that would leave their opponent’s unable to dodge or even block. He knew that a lot of his techniques were able to flow together, but he wasn’t sure how well Taijutsu for Akira or Fire and Lightning for Sai would work together, because he hadn’t seen them in action quite yet. Snow was beginning to stir again in his bed, his eyes were no longer shifting from side to side as they do when he was in the deepest stages of his sleep, at this point they were beginning to open. 

He thought more on the idea of them all sparring together, they needed to practice their combat or they were never going to be ready to take on anyone in combat. Not for the Chuunin Exams that would be taking place next year, not for any missions that required any level or form of combat. They would be completely useless if a fight were to actually break out, or worse they would be in the way of those who actually knew what they were doing. If they were to die, that wouldn’t be an issue, but if they were in the way to the point of getting the higher ups killed, that is when they would be doing a disservice to the village and to their fellow Kono nins. The last thing he ever wanted was to be useless, especially to those who are far more important than he was. 

His mind continued to wander as he began thinking about the new Kage. The new kage Yensung had been talked about lately in the village. He was allegedly a great warrior, while Snow had never actually seen the new Kage fight, he was sure that if the previous Kage felt it necessary to give him the title, then he would have to be a strong guy to deserve such a title. He wanted to prove that he was worthy of being a guardian of the village, but what was it going to take for him to prove himself? Was he going to kill an enemy of the village? Two? Twenty? He didn’t know for certain, but he did know for a fact that he was going to need to get stronger, much stronger. His strength was going to depend strongly on how much he trained and how disciplined he was each and every day, trying his best to push his body past its own limits and then some. Always trying to improve his body and his abilities. 

Snow’s mind roamed back to the night with his teammates, the night that he tried to kill them both. Why did he lose it? What did he see that made him actively attack both of his teammates? He knew that he was going to need to search in his soul and mind to see what it was that was haunting him. Was it his mother? Or was it the fact that he had to give up his own depression and anger so he would have been able to support his father instead of the other way around? He didn’t know these answers either, that was becoming more commonplace, him not knowing the answers to the questions that he had about himself. 

Finally his eyes shot open and he frantically looked wall to wall in his bedroom, checking for any dangers in the room. Heart and head pounding. His breath gradually slowed and he threw his legs over the edge of the bed. He sat up in his bed and he began stretching out his neck and shoulders. When he felt up to it, he stood up and he got his balance before moving into the bathroom. He looked out of the window and he saw that the sun had not risen yet, so he knew that he had at least another hour until he was going to be heading out to the training grounds once again so he would be able to prove to himself that he could indeed improve on what he had already completed so far at this point in his journey. 

He walked into the bathroom and he stared at his hair in the mirror, it was going in every direction, as if it had no rhyme or reason as to why it was on his head. He turned toward the shower and he slowly placed his feet onto the cold tile. When he reached the shower, he turned the water on as hot as it could go, until the steam began bellowing out of the top of the shower. He turned the water down slightly and then he stepped into the stall. He washed his body, but his mind was still focusing on the night he tried to kill his teammates. He peered down towards his waistline and saw the X’s that he had carved into his sides, he grew angry at himself for succumbing to such ridiculous urges. He knew that it wasn’t healthy and he knew that he was addicted to the pain that it caused him, the pain felt far better than the emptiness that he felt when the anger and frustration that welled up within him and did not allow him to breathe. He felt utterly empty and numb when the anger and frustration grew to a certain amount.

When he was finished with his  shower, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed his towel, quickly drying his body off and most importantly his hair. He dried off his hair and he rubbed his fingers quickly through his hair to allow his hair to fall in place, as it did naturally most of the time. He then grabbed his green beanie and threw it on his head. He tried his best not to think about the knife on the counter. He wanted so badly to stop himself from giving into the urge to cut, he wanted to keep himself from hurting himself again. 

Snow, doing his best to resist the urge, just left the bathroom. He hurried out of his bedroom to try and solidify his decision. He went out into the living room and saw that his dad was cooking breakfast for them both. Snow bid his father good morning, which his father reciprocated and handed him a breakfast burrito. He thanked his father and the two Yuki’s began talking about what Snow was going to train that day. 

Snow was not entirely sure what he was going to train, but he did know that he wanted nothing more than to begin training even harder than he was before. There was a new Kage, horrifying stories of powerful sections of the continent becoming more hostile, the world in and of itself was becoming more and more worrisome to those who were still just learning and beginning their journeys of becoming a shinobi. 

He explained to his father his concern of the world, and his father responded with an answer that he would have expected from his father. His father decided to tell his son that the new kage was going to protect them and not to worry too much about the world at hand. Snow nodded his head as to agree with his father, but he couldn’t do anything but disagree with him. He knew the Kage would do what he could, but at the end of the day, he knew there was always the chance of death, like with his mother. When Kiri had invaded the Leaf Village, his parents both had confidence in the Kage, but they were failed by the very person they put their never wavering faith. Snow and his father concluded their conversation and he Snow began running out into the village, thinking and racking his brain as to what he was going to train and work on that day. 

As he walked by the academy, he began thinking about the recent months that he had been having since his graduation from the academy. He had been through so much in such short time it was almost unexplainable. He thought about his first meeting with Akira, the “vixen” as she called herself. She was a very interesting individual, she tried her best to seem like she cared nothing for anyone else, but Snow knew deep down, she had a heart of gold. The only thing he needed to figure out was how he was going to bring that out of her. 

He continued on past the academy and he walked over by the library that sat right next to the academy, thinking about how many times his mother had brought him to the library each day when he was younger, allowing him all the time in the day to grab all the books on the shelves and learn from them. He would bring the books to his mother and she would spend hours teaching him to read and reading him every book he would drop onto her lap. He loved his mother, so very much. He could feel the tears begin to well up in his eyes, it was only after a few tears fell from his face that he shook his head, reminding himself to keep moving, to stop focusing on the past and try to keep his mind on the present, and future. 

The path that he took was a very unfortunate one. He hadn’t even realized which path he was on, he just chose this one subconsciously. The path he was on was going to force him to turn around and go a different way, or to walk directly across the exact spot in which his mother was mutilated. Snow’s mind was pushed, forced even, to think about the day that Kiri had invaded, the very day that his mother was killed. He couldn’t help but to relive that day in his mind. 

He remembered waking up that morning, his father and mother both ran into his room, waking him up and telling him that they needed to run off to the evacuation point because they were being invaded by the Island country’s ninja village, Kirigakure no Sato. Snow quickly jumped out of bed and he threw on his green outfit. He parted his reddish orange hair away from his eyes and threw on his green cap. His mother and father were scrambling through the house gathering their necessities and they all ran out of the house together. 

Snow’s family were sprinting through the village, doing their best not to be seen by the Kiri ninjas that were beginning to flood their village. While passing the market, Snow and his family heard a woman calling out for help. Snow’s father told his wife and son to keep running towards the evacuation point, and he would catch up to them both. Reluctantly, Snow’s mother accepted and kissed her husband. Sadly, she didn’t know that this was going to be the last time they would ever see each other while both of them were alive. 

Snow’s mother grabbed his hand and they both began running through the village again. They bobbed and weaved around the village’s buildings and just as they were passing the training grounds, this is when Snow’s life was ripped away from him and ruined, forever. One of the members of the Kiri invasion force grabbed his mother by the arm and instantly put his boot to her lower spine. Snow’s mother let out a guttural scream as she fell down to the ground. Snow immediately turned around and lunged at the invader. With a quick boot to the throat, the large man stopped in his tracks and took a second to catch his breath. He began to cackle at the actions of the little academy student. 

The invader grabbed Snow and tied him up, beginning to kick Snow directly in his face. Snow felt the blood begin to trickle down his face, watching as his mother screamed in pain and in agony of seeing her boy be brutalized by the massive man from the land of water. Snow tried to free himself, but he was unable to move. He hoped his father would come in to save his mother, but he was nowhere to be found. Snow tried to scream out, but the man had stuffed his green cap into his mouth, so he was unable to yell. 

The invader then turned his attention back on Snow’s mother. He slowly walked up, thinking about what he was going to do to the woman that was completely defenseless. He kneeled down behind Snow’s mother, looking at Snow with a devilish grin as he pulled out his long knife from his waist sheathe. Snow’s mother tried to look at Snow, her vision becoming blurry due to the pain that she was feeling from her spine being injured. She tried to reassure Snow that he was going to be okay. Snow tried to respond to her, trying to tell her that he loved her, but he couldn’t say anything. 

As Snow’s mother was reassuring Snow, the man behind her had used his knife to cut the top that his mother was wearing, exposing her midsection. The man then grabbed his knife and slowly sliced open Snow’s mother's stomach. The screams coming from Snow’s mother was something he would never be able to forget. Her intestines began falling out of her abdomen, the screams began to dull and the man began to laugh when he saw Snow cry helplessly after he finally freed his mouth from the cap that was crammed in there. Snow screamed for help, screamed for someone to stop him, but there was no one around. 

Snow’s mother’s head finally fell the floor, she had finally died from obvious causes. Snow prayed the man was done, but he was not quite finished with tormenting Snow at this point. The large man stood to his feet, and he walked up to the dead woman’s head. He let out a few more cackles as he began stomping in the back of the woman’s head. After the third or fourth kick, both of Snow’s mothers eyes popped out of her head. Snow was completely lost in his emotions at this point, he couldn’t help but to scream in pain as he saw his mother’s corpse be desecrated in such a way, to show such disrespect for no reason to someone that you have never met, it was something that Snow could not quite comprehend. 

As the second eyeball fell out of her head, the invader then continued to kick the woman’s head in, beginning to have the brain matter spill out of the back of her head. The squelching sounds that came from each kick were to always be imprinted into Snow’s mind, and the sounds were still as crisp as they were in the present day, as they were the day he watched his mother’s corpse be disrespected and mutilated. Snow finally freed his hands as the man was far too busy mutilating Snow’s mother to notice. Snow stil tried one more time to attack the invader, but he was stopped by a higher up of the village who swooped in and took him to the evacuation area so he would be “safe” from the invading Kiri forces. 

Snow, being completely traumatized, he just sat in the corner of the room that he was placed in and he said nothing. He was unable to put words together to explain how he felt, or even what he saw. He could only sit there in the corner of the room and rock himself in a counterclockwise circle, just staring into the void that stood there in front of him. The room he was in was full of people, but he didn’t see any of them, he only saw his mother’s corpse. Eyes popped out of her skull, being half naked with her guts spilled out onto the floor. 

Snow could not use his words, even when he was asked by a higher up of the Leaf village to tell him what had happened before they were caught. Snow could only mutter, no words would describe the events sufficiently, it was simply something you would have to be there to understand. Snow was then reunited with his father. His father had just got the news that his wife had been killed, but even he was not given the exact details of what had happened to his wife, the disrespect that she was shown, even after being murdered. 

Snow stood there, only inches away from where his mother laid, blood pooling into the dirt that surrounded her and the invader from Kirigakure no Sato. He hated the village, any place that would grow such heartless bastards did not deserve to breathe the same air that the rest of the world did. To torment a small child for no reason and to mutilate someone even after killing them in cold blood, it was something that Snow could not justify. His anger grew, his pain filled his body. The memories were far too much for him to handle all at once. Snow fell to one knee, his breath hastened, and he began hyperventilating on the ground. 

His tears evaporated as it sizzled off of the Yuki's skin. His vision grew blurry, his eyes widened. Snow hadn’t felt this way since the day that he tried to kill his teammates. Snow threw his hands to the floor, trying to get a grip back onto his consciousness, he did not want to allow himself to be seduced by the anger and pain that he was being bombarded with. Snow then past out on the floor of the village, just off of the road. 

A few moments past and Snow’s lifeless body began to twitch and move once again. His breath had slowed, he was no longer panicking, now there was no kindness in his voice or in his mind. Snjor stood up and slowly began walking to the training grounds. He walked onto the grounds and he saw no one else was using the grounds at this time, it was a completely empty field at this point. He walked to the very end of the grounds and he stood at the river that ran down the middle of this section of the training grounds. He set down his backpack and he scanned the area. The scowl on his face was something Snow would never have on his face, but Snjor would have little issue producing this face. 

The visual of his mother’s gruesome death plastered into his mind, he saw a training dummy towards the other side of the 50 meter circle. Snjor was 35 meters away from the figure in the distance, he didn’t see a training dummy. He saw the massive man that brutalized his mother. Snjor sprinted towards the man, performing the hand seals to create a shuriken made up completely of ice. He launched the shurikens directly for the man on the other side of the circle. As the shuriken left Snjor’s position, he performed both the Shadow Shuriken Jutsu and the Shuriken giant body techniques, one in each hand. He then completed the hand seals with a sign of confrontation to activate both techniques on the ice shuriken at the same time. 

The Ice shuriken went into a large cloud of smoke, then emerged on the other side of the cloud of smoke being one hundred times larger and duplicated one thousand times. The gigantic wall of ice shurikens obliterated the entire other side of the training grounds section that he was in. The smoke settled and the destruction was obvious on the other side of the training grounds. Snjor stood there, breathing heavily as the memories blinded him from his obvious rage. 

WC: 4723
(Mid-Thread claim)
+23 stats
+2850 towards Freezing Aura (A rank) (Completed)[Overwriting Icy Mist]
+1000 towards Ice Fist (Completed)
+500 towards Ice Sword (Completed)
+373 towards Snowman (373/500)
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:50 pm
Yoi was walking to the training grounds when he heard some loud noises. He saw Snjor training, executing some massive jutsu. Yoi, of course, saw the whole process, and thanks to his book he had purchased the other day and his own knowledge, could break down the whole process and each jutsu used easily. It was the combination of Weapons of Ice, Shuriken Giant Body and Shuriken Shadow Clone. Yoi walked over to him and said, "Hey Snjor, might not wanna do that again. That's some pretty dangerous training you're doing there." Yoi had done the math. Snjor's attack, if he wanted to maximize its power, probably could have destroyed a decent chunk of the village. Yoi didn't want that to happen, so, you know, it would be a good idea to warn Snjor against it.

WC: 136
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:08 pm
Snjor had just finished performing his wall of ice shuriken technique when he looked over at the sound of a voice that he couldn't recognize. Snjor looked over to the individual and what he saw dumbfounded him. "You were just killed by my Ice wall! How the hell did you get there!?" Snow screamed as he lunged backwards, performing the hand seals for Hollow Ice Bullets, launching them directly towards the Kiri nin, the very bastard that brutally murdered his mother. His anger was blinding Snow, so even if this wasn't the real guy, Snow would not know it. 

Providing this bastard would most likely dodge the bullets, he would immediately create an Ice dome to try and block any counter attack that would be sent his way. The moment he finished the hand seals for the dome, he would then create himself two shadow clones next to himself. Once done with the creation of the clones. All three Snow's would pull out a kunai knife, looking in all directions for a sighting of the Kiri nin.

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:36 pm
Yoi was walking towards Snjor when some balls made of ice were shot towards Yoi. Yoi easily sidestepped them, while performing the handseals for Hyoton Blast. It would freeze Snjor in his tracks, no matter what obstacles he tried to put up. It shattered Snow's defenses and it would freeze Snow. Yoi wished he hadn't have had to do it, but, you know, he was being attacked by Snjor. Yoi said to him, "Yo, Snow, you didn't kill me with an Ice Wall, you never attacked me. It's me, Yoi Yuki." Yoi really didn't want to know what was going on inside Snjor's head. Yoi, as a shinobi, had seen enough people in emotional distress already, and he was kinda getting tired of it. But it was Yoi's job. Being a shinobi certainly had its cons. Yoi, of course, was doing his best to remain calm.

WC: 146
TWC: 282
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 6:57 pm
The defenses that Snow had put up wasn't worth much when going against the man blast of Ice. He was blown away with the realization that the man who killed his mother, was also a Yuki, just like them both. Snow was nearly frozen in his place due to the blast of ice from the Kiri invader. But one of the Shadow clones jumped in the way of the blast the moment it was shot out. Snow and his clones all knew that this was going to be a powerful opponent if he was from Kiri and somehow came into the village without anyone noticing him. When the clone jumped in front of Snow and the dome was destroyed, just as there was an opening, Snow sprinted out of the direct view of the assailant. He sprinted directly into the hidden mist that the second clone was already creating, which spread the moment the dome was destroyed.

Immediately upon entering the hidden mist, which would be just as the first clone was getting hit with Ice blast. He would perform the hand seals necessary for the Rain Tiger at Will technique. This would allow Snow and his clones to sense wherever the man would be within the hidden mist. The first clone was frozen stiff and the second clone would be finished producing the mist from its mouth when the clone would shoot out of the destroyed dome and begin closing the gap slightly and moving the right, using the hidden mist as a cover. The second clone would be 15 meters away from the Kiri invader's position, to the front and to the right of him. At the same time, the real Snow would perform the Hiding in the rain technique, allowing him to close the gap between him and the Kiri invader without him noticing. The second clone would sprint to the left of his previous position, he would be performing the hand seals for the Great Snake's mouth as he ran. Unleashing it as fast as possible. 

When he was 20 meters away from the Kiri invader, he would perform the technique Freezing Aura. This would create an aura that would spread from Snow's position, which was currently 20 meters to the right and behind the Kiri invaders shoulder. Should the jutsu catch the Kiri invader, his speed would be greatly decreased. If the Freezing Aura slowed the Kiri invader down, then the Water snake produced by the second clone would have a much higher chance of getting a hit.

Should the great Snake's mouth miss, then the second clone would have the kunai in hand and would ready himself to defend any kind of counter attack after distancing himself to be 31 meters away from the Kiri invader's previous position. Should the Freezing Aura not catch the Kiri invader's in the beginning, then he would also distance himself 31 meters away from the Kiri invader, getting himself out of the range of most attacks, and he would be ready for any counter attack.

Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:27 pm
Yoi was interested in Snow in this situation. Yoi was shattering everything that Snow threw at him. The Yuki internally asked himself, was he really that strong. He could see that Snow had been making great progress, increasing his power at the same rate as Yoi had been. And even someone as strong as Tadashi considered him a prodigy. Yoi, let out a deep sigh. He thought to himself, "Well, it seemed as if this boy wants me to go full power." Yoi yelled out, "Hey Snow. If you keep up these ridiculous attacks, I won't hold back!"

And lo and behold, Snow didn't give up his backs. Yoi realized that it was time to go all in. Yoi activated Mind's Eye of the Kagura. Yoi knew every move Snow was making. Hidden Mist. Rain Tiger at Will. Everything. Every piece of the battle would be remembered by Yoi. The white-haired boy activated Freezing Aura. Yoi noticed Snow's chakra signature fuse into every single raindrop created by Rain Tiger at Will. Yoi knew that Snow had the advantage with sensory jutsu, but Yoi had the offensive advantage. Information was everything in a battle. Yoi noticed a clone moving. The clone used the snake's mouth jutsu. Yoi, let it come. He knew the power of Snow's clone chakra signature. It was nowhere near strong enough to break through Freezing Aura. The jutsu would be destroyed by Freezing Aura. Yoi, not knowing where his opponent was, assumed the obvious, that Snow was coming for a frontal assault. Yoi stepped back, moving 10 meters back in total. Unbeknownst to Yoi, his Freezing Aura would collide with Snow's and destroy Snow's. Yoi was calm and collected, waiting for Snow to make his move.

WC: 289
TWC: 571
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:43 pm
All of Snjor's attacks fell short and proved to be ineffectual. Snjor knew that he needed to come up with a plan, but this bastard was far stronger than he was. What he knew about the Kiri invader was he was a Yuki like himself, and was much stronger than Snjor was, not to mention much larger. Snjor was currently 41 meters away from the Kiri invader, so was his clone. This was going to be a hard battle to fight, but it seemed to him that he was the only one to fight it. 

Snjor thought of a plan in the split second that he had to react to the lull in attacks, and he realized that he had only one option that had any chance of getting through. Due to this Kiri nin's ability with Ice release, his ice weapons and jutsu were already proving to have no effect and weren't even making him worry, based on the calm and slowed movements from the invader. Snjor reached behind his back quickly and grabbed himself one of his kunai knives from his weapon pouch and he threw it as hard as he could, then in a fluid motion went from throwing the shuriken to performing the hand seals for Shuriken Giant Body and Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu, one in each hand, giant body finishing just before Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu. Snjor then completed the seal of confrontation to activate both techniques at the same time. The one shuriken that he sent towards the Kiri bastard, would then enter a puff of smoke, and emerge on the other side of the cloud of smoke, being both expanded to being one hundred times its original size, then duplicated one thousand times. Creating a wall of sharpened steel heading directly for the Kiri invader. Snjor did know that the only thing behind the invader was the vast forest, so he was not concerned with the collateral damage. 

Snjor knew that the clone was useless if he was unable to use any of his Ice release moves, so Snjor had his clone to close in the gap so he would be able to strike in the case of any opening that may arise for the remainder of the battle. Snjor would then be thirty five meters away from the Kiri invader's location, and the clone would be twenty five. Snjor and his clone would both have a kunai in hand, waiting for any kind of counterattack.

WC: 413
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:39 pm
Approved Mid Claim for Snjor
Yoi Yuki
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:07 pm
As Yoi saw Snow perform the same attack as earlier, Yoi knew what his best defense was. Based on the kunai's speed, Yoi could roughly estimate their sharpness. He activated Icing Over. Even though it would take a significant chunk of his chakra, the barrier it created would be enough to defend himself against the barrage of weapons. As the weapons sailed towards him, Yoi's Icing Over activated. A thin layer of ice formed across his skin, allowing him to defend against the attack. The Yuki, with a new burst of speed, ran straight towards Snow. His Freezing Aura was still active, so he was capable of an offensive. As Yoi collided with an enlarged shuriken, it simply bounced off Yoi. The shuriken fell a few meters to Yoi's left. Yoi charged at Snjor, but he would stop in case anything forced him to.

WC: 144
TWC: 715
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN) Empty Re: Grinding Ice into Powder (OPEN)

Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:43 pm
Snjor watched in fury as he saw every one of his kunai glance off of the Kiri invader's skin. He dropped his hands, and his head soon followed. Dropping to his knees, he began to sob. He heard the Kiri invader's footsteps begin to get closer and closer, Snow knew that he must have come back to finish the job that he started. First the mother, then the son. His tears falling to the grass, he accepted his fate, he knew that if his strongest attack did nothing to this opponent, then he was far to strong for Snjor to be able to stop him. His rage was still roaring within his mind, his heart pounding, trying to break its way free of Snjor's chest. Snjor took a few deep breaths as the footsteps got even closer, knowing that his time had come. 

Little to Snjor's knowledge, his second clone had come back into the picture. The clone ran directly into the path between the invader and Snjor, being 20 meters away from Snjor himself, but 10 meters away from the invader. The clone created a massive shockwave of water, a tidal wave would surge out in every direction from the clone. Should the invader be hit with the shockwave, then the invader would likely be knocked backwards with the strength of the water. 

If the invader was swept backwards, the clone would capitalize by using hiding in the rain to close the gap between the knocked over invader and the clone. The clone would slip out of the water with a kunai in hand, thrusting the knife directly for the invader's torso.

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