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Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:13 pm
Mission Details:

Snow came home late from a hard day of training, exhausted and to the point of collapsing. When he walked into his home, he saw his father sitting in the living room, frantically talking on the phone. Snow, seeing his father's terrified expression, he decided to sit in the living room with him to see what was going on. His father continued on the phone, there was a woman on the other side of the line, speaking loud enough for Snow to barely make out what she was saying. 

One of Snow's father's blacksmith colleagues didn't show up at home after work and his wife was terrified. Snow's father did his best to calm the wife down, but he was not to sure himself about the well-being of his friend and colleague. The phone call finally concluded and Snow's father looked over to his son, Snow. "What's going on, dad?" Snow's father worried face was all the answer that Snow needed. 

Snow struggled to get himself to his feet, but then he did his best to shake off the pain that he was feeling from the long day of training. He assured his father that his friend was okay and that he was going to find him. A small glint of relief went over his father's face as he thanked Snow for being willing to find his friend. 

Snow's father gave Snow the blacksmith's address and told Snow that he would call the blacksmith's wife to let her know that he was coming over to ask a few questions and to take a look around. Snow thanked his father and then he headed out the door, praying that he would run into a few of his friends on the way, he knew that if he was to run into any opposition he would rather have his friends at his side. 

wC: 310
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:48 pm
Kamari Uchiha was bored. He had done a series of missions lately but none of them involved fighting. He really wanted to knock some heads. He dragged himself out of bed, threw on his trench coat, and began eating his breakfast. Ramen. It was always ramen. Kamari liked ramen more then the legendary Naruto Uzumaki he had read about in the academy. The original Seventh Hokage who had unified the Ninja world and defeated Kaguya Otsutsuki, the creator of chakra herself. Kamari didn’t care about being Hokage though. He just wanted to be the strongest ninja in the world so he could crush Kiri once and for all.
Kamari left his house and went to the mission board. Something immediately peaked his interest. A blacksmith had gone missing and was presumed kidnapped. Kamari wondered why anybody would kidnap a blacksmith but he came to the conclusion immediately that they needed weapons, and people that kidnap people to get weapons are the kind of people that would definitely abuse the power those weapons gave them. Kamari was disgusted by this, even more disgusted than when Kiri took over Konoha. They had massacred innocent civilians and Kamari hated that. Kamari checked his kunai and shuriken, making sure they were all up to par, and made sure he still had his paper bombs and smoke bombs. Kamari began leaping across rooftops to get to the mission meeting area and activated his Sharingan to see who would be there. Kamari saw Snow. This made him happy. He stood on the rooftop next to Snow, carefully positioning himself so the sun was right behind him, and said “Hey Snow! Kidnapping is so messed up am I right?”
WC 282
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 14850

B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:57 pm
It was well past his normal bedtime but Asahi didn't seem to be able to catch any sleep. Didn't he get enough exercise in during the day, or was he just not tired yet? Or maybe he was afraid of the nightmares he would have once he'd close his eyes. Dreams of the past that were still haunting him. Memories of the day his trauma had begun. It was something he finally wanted to leave behind. To let go, to move on. In order to achieve this far away dream he had thrown himself at stuff to keep him busy. Whether it be missions, housework, training,.. Anything would suffice as long as it would take his mind off of those memories from the past.

Another thirty minutes or so had passed and he still wasn't able to fall asleep. Getting frustrated he decided to put his shirt back on and to go out for a late night stroll. Careful not to wake up his grandfather he didn't make a single noise as he opened and closed the door on his way out. It would be his first time walking around the village this late, so part of him was excited while the other half was feeling the nerves since you never knew what could happen this late at night. Nevertheless he continued his walk through the streets of Konoha while reminiscing about the last couple of days and how we was getting back into things.

It was almost as if someone was able to look inside Asahi's mind and found out he was rather nervous of running into someone this late at night. As he was walking further and further inside the village he thought he could see something, or someone, in the distance. His nerves started to get even worse than they were before but he knew he had to take a look to see who it was. After all he was a shinobi of Konoha and had to protect it at all costs and at all times. Getting closer and closer he started to get a feeling he recognized the silhouette of the person not too far from him. "Snow, is that you?"

(WC: 365)
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:30 am
It had been a long day for Sai. He had done everything on his personal to do list.He was able to get some good training in today, and was close to learning a new jutsu. He had been working on it for quite some time now, and was almost ready to use it actual combat. It had been a while since had gotten everything he wanted to do done, normally he would be putting things off until the next day or so forth. Today was diffeent though, Sai had this quickness and motiation to him, that he normally doent have. As he made his way home, he could see people start getting ready to close some of their bussniess down for the day. Sai didnt expect to have this kind of free time left.

Once he got home he took a shower and tried to relax for a little while. He read a book he had and he was able to make himself a meal as well. He wanted to get as much relaxing in before he had to leave back out shortly. Sai had a mission to go on today and he had almost forgot, if it wasent for the scroll he had left on his table with some of the mission details. It said it had the possbilty of other joining him on the mission, something Sai was no stranger to. Most of the mission Sai had been on had atleast two or more people with him, a cool but tiring thing. Sai wasent big on comuniation and that wasent good for big grouped missions like some of the ones he been on. Luckily for him it didnt stop or hinder him from completing it.

As he left his home it was night time, and it looked beautiful. The moon was full and it was nice and warm. Sai made his way to the spot that he might find others at, but before Sai could get there he had noticed Asahi and Snow on the street. As he looked around befor approaching them he could see Kamari on the roof top above. Sai took a deep breath, knowing he was in for a long night. He walked over to his two team mates that were on the street. "Snow .. Asahi , you guys ready to take this mission on", He said with a smile. He wasent sure if they were going on the mission as well but they were heading in the direction of the meeting spot, so Sai just assumed they were. He was going to speak to Kamari but he didnt feel like wasting his breath to yell at someone.
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:01 am
Snow joined not only his fellow shinobi Kamari, but he also was lucky enough to run into Saizou, and even Asahi. Ever since first meeting Asahi, he felt like there was something about the child, something that was similar to himself, something that could very well grow into something significant. Whether that would be a good or a bad thing, that was going to be completely up to him. Asahi was being faced with the same decision as the Yuki himself when it came to dealing with his past. Snow made the decision to stuff it all away for the sake of his father, which was proving to be an extremely hard obstacle to now overcome due to his inability to handle his past earlier in his life. He hoped that if this scarred shinobi needed to speak to someone about their past, that he would be the one to do so. He didn't understand why, but he felt a certain feeling towards him, almost as if he was a brother in this horrid game that they all called life. Someone who could actually understand the way that Snow felt when he thought about the downfalls of his life, about his failures to not only protect the ones he loved, but to hurt himself in the process. 

He first answered Kamari's quesiton. "Yes kidnapping is a terrible thing. But we don't know for sure if that is what is happening. Hopefully that is not the case, but there are certainly no guarantees as of right now. We need to get over to the wife's house to see what we can find out from her and get an idea as to where the Blacksmith may be." Hoping Kamari felt sufficiently acknowledged, he moved over to the next question sent to him, the one from Asahi. 

"Yes Asahi, you need not worry for it is only me." Snow would then wave to his friend and teammate. "I am very glad to have run into you, I could use your help in this mission. There is a Blacksmith that is missing and we need to go to his wife's home so we can get any kind of information that we can out of her. Would you be willling to join us?" Snow would motion to Kamari as he proposed joining the mission with Kamari and himself. 

Sai then walked up as he was asking Asahi if he would like to join the mission. Sai would ask if the remaindre of the group was ready for the mission, which Snow would answer yes as he turned around and started leading the others of the group. They would all head towards the Blacksmith's wife's home. Snow would then begin thinking about what questions he would ask the wife, trying to figure out just what he could ask to get the kind of leads that he was looking for. Does he like to drink after work? Does he like to pray after work? It would have been so much easier if he actually asked his father about his coworker before actually leaving the house.

They turned around the corner and were about to hit the last stretch until they reached the wife's house. When Snow had turned the corner, he saw that there was a man with the Blacksmith's wife over his shoulder screaming for help, taking her away from the house. Snow sprinted toward the man and he immediately performed the flash freeze technique the moment he got into range. The man and the blacksmith's wife would freeze completely and Snow would then yell out to his teammates, "Run around back and see if there are any other bastards near the house. If you find them, catch them, we need to see what they know about the Blacksmith." His words would not come across like the velvety soft notes that they generally came across. 

He would stop his team with one more instruction, "Make sure to at least catch one, I'll handle getting the information out of him." His words as ominous as they were sinister. He would run up to the man carrying the Blacksmith's wife, he grabbed the woman off of the man's shoulder and set her gently on the floor. He then kicked the back of the man knee, bringing him down to floor. Down on both knees. Snow placed his hands on the man's wrists, binding his hands with a solid block of ice made form his chakra. Snow then dragged the man inside the blacksmith's house for his interrogation. Upon entering the house, Snow threw the man onto a chair, freezing him to the surface. 

Snow then placed his hands on the counter that was next to him, creating several different types of tools that would be used to interrogate the man. The tools would include a blunt ice spike and a hammer that would allow him to slowly push the blunted nail through the man's hand. The pain would be more than excruciating, but it would also be a long process. Snow was done creating his tools and he placed his hands over the man's mouth, creating a ice gag that would cover the man's mouth, so he would not have to concern himself with anyone hearing the screams that would soon be coming from the kidnapper. 

Snow would then begin spilling the details that flowed through his mind about what he was going to do the man, then once he was finished detailing out all of his thoughts, he released his frozen culprit and began hearing the severely muffled screams from the man in the chair. Snow told him it was going to be a long night, for him. He grabbed his blunted ice spike and hammer and placed the spike onto the man's right hand. He brought the hammer up, listening to man's muffled screams become more and more intense and terrified. Snow paid little attention as he finally had brought the hammer to the highest point, being just before the culprits eyes. Snow paused for a moment, looking into the terrified eyes that were housed within the culprit's skull. Snow's face would be one of indifference, revealing his true feelings honestly caring not for the man's well being, and not even truly caring about the location of blacksmith. This was not Snow, he did not feel like himself. He felt as though a shadow that had been following Snow all of his life was finally being allowed to control his mind for a moment. Snow fought himself for a moment, trying to regain his sense. Would one of his newfound comrades stop him? He didn't know. If he was not stopped at this point, Snow would ultimately lose his internal struggle with his darker side. He would bring the hammer down on the blnunted spike and watch as the blood began to pour out of the man's hand, creating a small pool on the floor. Snow would catch this blood by freezing it as it fell, so he would not create a mess in the blacksmith's house. 

The spike would only break the bones in the hand and would not puncture through, just yet. Depending on how long until he was stopped, he would continue to pound the spike into the man's hand until it would puncture through the other side of the man's hand, breaking many of the bones in the hand, and ripping many of the muscles and tendons that held the hand together, ruining the man's hand for good. 

WC: 1256
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:37 am
Yes kidnapping is a terrible thing. But we don't know for sure if that is what is happening. Hopefully that is not the case, but there are certainly no guarantees as of right now. We need to get over to the wife's house to see what we can find out from her and get an idea as to where the Blacksmith may be,” Snow answered Kamari’s rhetorical question.
“Sounds like a good idea,” Kamari answered.
By this point, Sai and one other ninja he didn’t know had arrived to the mission. Kamari thought it would be a great opportunity to make friends, but he needed to get work done at the moment. Snow had a conversation with the newcomer before the four headed off to the blacksmith’s house. As they approached, they saw a large man in the process of kidnapping the blacksmith’s wife and she was screaming for help. Snow immediately used his paralysis technique and drug the man off to a nearby building.
"Make sure to at least catch one, I'll handle getting the information out of him."
Snow’s tone of voice had went from a friendly one to a purely sadistic one. Kamari immediately knew what was about to go down. He followed Snow to the building and looked through the window. Kamari watched in half disgust half humor as Snow tied the man up, explained how he was going to drive an icicle through his hand, and then proceeded to begin doing it. While Kamari didn’t have anything against torture, provided it was applied to the evil and was used for good, he really didn’t like Snow’s methods.
“Snow,” Kamari said as he entered the building. “Let me show you the proper way to do this.”
Kamari immediately placed the man under his Ephemeral Genjutsu and subjected him to the worst torture he could think of: the blood eagle. In the illusion, Kamari would go behind the man, slice his back open, and break his ribs one by one before bending them out. The pain would be mind breaking and the man would most definitely confess. Kamari would pause the torture upon getting a confession and resume afterwards to punish the man for his evil deeds. All the while, he would feel somewhat wrong inside, but held together by the fact he was doing this for the greater good.
WC 393
TWC 675
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 14850

B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:42 pm
To his own relief Asahi received confirmation that it was indeed Snow who was walking around at this time of day, or rather night. At the exact moment as the Meijin knew it was his Yuki friend they were joined by someone he had never seen before. Contrary to Asahi, it seemed like Snow already knew the individual as he addressed him as Kamari. A polite nod directed towards the stranger Asahi would greet him. He completely fell from the sky when he heard the other two shinobi mention something about a rather serious topic. "Kidnapping? Did I miss something? Better keep quiet for now." The Meijin decided to let the others finish their conversation before he would join the topic at hand. Maybe they would get him up to speed once they were done talking.

After Snow finished his talk with Kamari he informed Asahi about the current situation and the reason why they were out there. Listening closely to the Yuki explaining the state of affairs, the scarred shinobi found out there was a blacksmith who had gone missing. Snow explained he was on his way to the missing person's house to talk to the wife and hopefully find out more about it. "Sounds serious. You can count on me." Of course he would help out. Not only because of his duty as a shinobi of Konoha, but also to aid his comrades whenever they needed him. Asahi would have their back no matter what. Regardless of lacking in strength and skill, it wouldn't mean anything since he had already decided to become someone others could lean on.

The moment Snow was done explaining the mission the three of them were joined by another familiar face, Sai. Asking the others if they were ready to take on the mission he walked over as he greeted everyone. "Nice to see you again, Sai." Now that there were 4 of them it was time to begin the task they were assigned. They had no time to waste since no one knew exactly what happened to the blacksmith and how he went missing. All the more reason for them to commence their quest. Snow was leading the way and Kamari, Sai and Asahi were following suit.

Upon their arrival at the blacksmith's house they would notice something suspicious going on. Immediately after turning around the corner the 4 shinobi encountered a man trying to take away a woman who seemed to be the missing blacksmith's wife. Snow was the first to react as he sprinted towards the duo and activated one of his freezing techniques, rendering the pair unable to move. Ordering the other three shinobi to run around back to see if there were any other culprits in the area, the Yuki would then drag the man inside the blacksmith's house for his interrogation.

Not wasting any time Asahi would move around to the back making as little noise as possible so any other criminal woudln't be notified of the shinobi's presence. By now his heart rate was going through the roof, adrenaline rushing throughout his entire body. Suddenly he stopped his breathing and halted his movements as he noticed a figure sneaking around the back of the house. Waiting for the moment the unknown individual was getting closer and closer to the Meijin's position. Once he was in Asahi's reach he would use the element of surprise to jump the culprit and pin him down with all his might.

Dragging the individual into the house with him they would enter a scene Asahi didn't expect to witness. The earlier man who got caught by Snow was pinned down to a chair, drops of blood surrounding the spot he was sitting in. The Yuki next to him, ready to inflict pain on the culprit once more. "Snow, you have to fight the urge. You're better than this. You're strong, don't let yourself get absorbed by something as weak as the anger for someone as low as that bastard." Asahi would try to talk his comrade out of torturing the man, even though how much he would deserve it. Not long after the Meijin spoke his words, Kamari stepped up and told Snow he would take it from there. Inflicting mental pain this time, hoping the man would confess. Screams were filling up the room as the torture went on.

"You better start talking if you don't want to be next. Oh, and that's not a threat, just some friendly advice." Asahi would tell the individual as he winked at him in a slightly sadistic way. All means justified the end in this case, as long as they would be able to find out what happened here. And the scarred one didn't mind playing the bad guy if it meant achieving their goal. 

(WC: 802, TWC: 1167)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:06 am
As the hammer fell, the dulled spike would break through several of the top bones of the hand. The bones would crack and the man's screams would begin filling the room that they resided in. Snow was far to focused on his interrogation, or what could be seen as just a torture session. Snow heard a voice, a voice that was stuck between being recognizable, and not. He whipped his head around, and he saw him again. The Kiri invader, the bastard who killed his mother, brutalizing her body while forcing a young Snow to watch. Snow lunged at the Kiri invader, wrapping his large hands around the neck of the murderer. This was when his mind corrected itself. 

He shook his head violently and he saw it was Asahi that he was attempting to strangle. Snow quickly let go of Asahi's neck, apologizing profusely. Snow saw that the interrogation had been taken over by Kamari. Something that Snow should have had as his plan originally due to his ability with Genjutsu. Snow knew that he was losing his grip on reality and he needed to get his mind right. "Sorry guys. Kamari I know you will get the information. I am leaving the rest up to you men." Snow then looked over to Asahi, eyes beginning to well up with tears. Snow did his best to hide them so the others would not see. "I apologize again Asahi. I should have never placed my hands on you like that outside of a combat situation. I do hope you would accept my humblest apologies." Snow then ran out of the building, unsure if he would be followed. 

The rest of the team would be able to handle the mission on their own, they didn't need Snow to simply follow instructions. If they did end up needing him, then he was sure that Sai would know exactly where to find Snow, at Ichiraku's Ramen. He didn't know what to do with himself, his mind was falling apart and he could find no escape from his own thoughts. The images of his mother constantly on repeat, the visuals of her eyes popping out of her skull, the screams, her guts as they were spilled onto the dirt next to her. 

When he arrived in Ichiraku's, there was already a huge bowl of ramen waiting for him. He thanked the cooks behind the counter, figuring one of them must have seen him coming and started cooking immediately. He sat down at the counter and he thought for a long while. He thought about his impulses, they were happening all of the time now. It all started that night when he sat in the very seat he sat in now. His guilt weighed heavy on his shoulders, feeling terrible for Asahi and what he had done to him. Snow just sat there at the counter, staring at the bottom of the bowl, thinking about what he was going to do. He couldn't continue to live like this, but he didn't know how to fix it either. So wallowing was the only option he was left with.


Claims: +3000 Ryo and 7 AP and 7 stats
+2088 towards Flash Freeze (2844/4000) (Previous Progress)
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:17 am
While Kamari was busy torturing the man for information using his Genjutsu, Snow had a mental breakdown and immediately began choking out the guy Kamari didn’t know, who had just entered the room to see what was going on. Kamari watched as Snow realized who he was choking and stopped before apologizing a lot, almost begging for forgiveness. Snow then turned to Kamari.
"Sorry guys. Kamari I know you will get the information. I am leaving the rest up to you men."
Kamari knew exactly what Snow was going through. He must have had a dark past just like Kamari. He really needed someone to talk to. While still torturing the man, Kamari turned to Snow and said “I know how you feel. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me whenever.”
The effect was kinda lost over the screams of Kamari’s victim but he hoped it would at least get his point across.
"I apologize again Asahi. I should have never placed my hands on you like that outside of a combat situation. I do hope you would accept my humblest apologies,” Snow said again. He then left the building, ditching his team. Kamari understood completely. He would have done the same thing. Kamari continued the torture, saying to the man “I can make this a whole lot worse. Spill the beans.”
Kamari wasn’t really sure he could make it worse. The man was already under the illusion that his back had been sliced open and his ribs broken and bent out. If it was real, he would have probably passed out from shock almost immediately, but since it was an illusion, Kamari could make it go for as long as he wanted. He added to the illusion that the man was having his intestines slowly pulled out and hoped that would get him to talk. The man began screaming for mercy, spilling the beans about where the blacksmith was.
“He’s in the building beside the ramen shop!,” he screamed. “That’s where our hideout is!”
Kamari now had the information he needed. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?,” Kamari said, before forming a one handed seal, causing the man to pass out.
Kamari then turned to the new guy.
“I believe we’ve never properly introduced. My name’s Kamari Uchiha. Let’s get Sai and go rescue that guy.”
Kamari would then head in the direction of the ramen shop and motion for Asahi to follow.
When Kamari got to the alley, he would see a door guarded by two guys with swords. He would walk up the walls of the ramen shop where the guys couldn’t see him before jumping down with a kunai in each hand and stabbing them both Assasin’s Creed style. Kamari would then activate his false surroundings technique and smash in the door with his great strength, using the technique to both make himself invisible and give the illusion that nothing happened, the door was still there, and there was no sound. Kamari would then search the building, silently stabbing at least ten guys as he went through, before entering the room with the blacksmith in it. There were three guys in the room with the blacksmith, who was tied to a chair and being interrogated via Chinese Water Tourture. Kamari would activate his Sharingan and deactivate his false surroundings, rendering himself visible, before throwing the two kunai in his hands at the two guys guarding him. The kunai would strike both of them in the neck and kill them instantly. Kamari would then pick the interrogator up by the neck, slam him against the wall Itachi style, staring him in the eyes with his sharingan activated, before using Ephemeral to place him under the illusion that shuriken were inside his body shredding his flesh from the inside out. The man screamed in pain before Kamari used his genjutsu to knock him out. Kamari would then retrieve his kunai and cut the blacksmith free before taking him to his team.
“Never mind guys,” Kamari would say. “I had it handled. Killed fifteen guys in there and they didn’t even know until they were all dead. Genjutsu works wonders, doesn’t it.”
WC 701
TWC 1376
Claims: 3,000 Ryo and mission completion,
2 speed, 1 chakra
998 words towards Lightning Illusion Flash Pillar from the royals mission (link to jutsu is in that thread) resulting in jutsu completion, 378 towards three tomoe sharingan from total 2490/6000
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

B Rank: The missing Blacksmith Empty Re: B Rank: The missing Blacksmith

Thu Feb 20, 2020 7:09 pm
Sai was able to hear Asahi agree to join them on the mission, which was something Sai was happy about. He had been around Asahi a couple times now but he had yet been on a mission with him, or so Sai could remember. He sometimes had a slip in memory or a "Brain Fart" is what Sai likes to call it. He pushed those thoughts from his head, trying not to get to distracted from the task at hand. Sai smiled as he looked at Asahi,"Likewise friend , we should hang out more sometime", Sai said with happily. He was alwasy down to go hang out with new friends and finding stuff to get into, but today they would have to focus on the mission until it was over with.

Kamari would meet up with the group as Snow answered his question. Snow wasted no time in making sure that everyone wanted to and was ready to go on this mission. They quickly made their way to the blacksmith's house to look for any signs of the attackers. Upon arrival Snow acted just as he normally acted, something that slightly annoyed Sai. He wasent big on having the spot light, but he never get a chance with Snow always springing into action first. He did appreciate his team mates quick and precise judging skills, something most ninja his age do not have. Snow had asked Sai and the other to check around back for anyone else, something he did not listen to. In Sai mind nobody died and made Snow the leader and besides things were starting to get more interesting to watch for Sai.

Sai was always watching Snow, as a friend and rival it was just something you do. Sai wouldnt be saitsyed calling himself stronger, if he didnt know his opponents limits. It was not only about strength, watching a person movements and tendency played a huge role in winning a fight. So when ever Snow has a change in personality Sai can easily tell. Sai watched as Snow dragged the man into the room for interrogation through a slightly opened window on the opposite side of the house. Sai knew that the dark side of Snow was about to show it face again, and Sai couldnt be more excited to see it. "Snow my friend, imm enjoying this dark side more and more", Sai would whisper to himself with a smile on his face. He enjoyed seeing this side of Snow from a far, especially after all the talk of love and peace.

Sai could only imagine how dangerous Snow could be though for those who didnt expect it, like the team mates on the mission. Sai watched as kamari comes into the integration and suggest to use his genjutsu on the man, not showing any notice os Snow sudden change in personality. It was Asahi though who slightly surprised Sai, by telling Snow to snap out of it. Sai couldnt help but laugh, knowing words might not be enough to snap Snow out of his crazed state. Sai himself had tried to use words to snap Snow out of the state of mind and it failed miserably. Sai would make sure to never make that mistake again, if Snow was to ever go berserk on him again. Sai wouldnt want to fight his friend like that, if they were to fight Sai wanted it to be clean. He wouldnt be satisfied if he was lucky enough to beat Snow when he is like that.

Just as Sai thought, words probably only made thigs worse for Asahi. Snow had attempted to strangle Asahi, something that didnt surprise Sai in the slightest. Sai knew Snow couldnt differentiate between friend or for in that state of mind. A part of Sai wanted to go and try to save Asahi but Snow was able to snap out of crazed state just in time. He knew his friend would be disgusted with himself after realizing what he had done. The Snow that Sai knew could never hurt or attempt to hurt an ally, and even his interrogation methods to extreme for his type of personality. Snow was to soft on people, Sai doubted that Snow would of came close to that type of interrogation if he was in his normal state of mind. 

Sai watched as Snow left, leaving the mission up to the rest of them. Sai knew he had to go check on his friend though. Sai would have a clone go explain that Sai will be following after Snow, and for Asahi and Kamari to complete the mission. He knew he couldnt just let Snow wander off like that, even if he knew where he was going. Sai would feel bad if Snow was to hurt a civilian for no reason. He also knew that Snow wouldnt be able to live with himself if he was to go around hurting people for no reason, so Sai followed him to the ramen shop for both of their sakes.



Claims: 3+ stats, 3k ryo , 7 ap , 1248 towards A rank Soul Explosion (1248/2500)

Last edited by Saizou Uchiha on Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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