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Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13000

Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira) Empty Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira)

Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:07 pm

Sai was waiting at the center of town. It was mid day and he found a mission for him and his team to complete earlier that morning. .He was excited to start the mission, but when he had first accepted it, it was to early to start knocking on his team mates door. Instead he left notes in both of their door describing the mission details and where to meet him at. Today they would be capturing a prankster, who had been running around the village painting on people homes and stores.

Normally Sai would of taken care of something like this himself, but he couldnt help but start to grow fond of the people he considered team mates. The time they was spending together only made him appreciate them more. As he stood their he though about how they would complete this mission as quickly as possible, but after a couple of moments he thought it would be best just to wing it. Sai thought it was kind of weird to be trying hard over something like this, a opportunity like this was more for having fun with his friends while doing some good.

Mission to Sai were important, it was a way to test his growth after all the training time he puts in. He knew mission like this were just the stepping stones to get him and his team into positions that would give them the fame they would soon deserve.

Last edited by Saizou Uchiha on Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:16 am; edited 1 time in total
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira) Empty Re: Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira)

Mon Feb 03, 2020 11:53 pm
Snow was already in the training grounds, spending the hours of the day in the hot sun burning his body through extreme exercises and workouts. He was near the river down in the training grounds, training for hours on end the new elemental chakra transformation that he had learned only days ago in these very training grounds. He was practicing placing his hands on the river, watching as the flowing water, would come to a complete halt with the introduction of the ice from his chakra. The entire river would freeze into a thick ice that you could skate on, even in the middle of summer in Konoha.

After he was done practicing with the basic introduction and application of his chakra, he would move toward his next phase of training, his actual techniques. Snow focused on his chakra, starting with the water, applying the wind, creating the ice chakra that he was so fond of. He performed the hand signs in what seemed like a flash of light. Then he would open his mouth and spew out a arctic mist of sorts, watching it spread around him, going twenty five meters in total in all directions. Snow felt the cold brush against his skin, and as his cheeks began to redden, he felt more and more comfortable as the mist reached its max range.

While within this mist, being that it was thick enough to eliminate all hopes of clear sight, he would weave the hand signs for his next technique performed within the mist, the creating of his ice weapon. 
He created a small projectile that was sharp at every inch of its spherical mass, having small protrusions of ice coming out that were extremely sharp. He would then have the ball launched with the strength of his chakra. The moment the ball would leave his position, he would perform the hand seals for both the Giant body technique, then quickly into the shadow shuriken jutsu. The ball would go into a massive cloud of smoke, then on the other side of the cloud of smoke, one thousand perfect copies of the giant spike balls would explode out of the smoke and slam into the other side of the training grounds, completely obliterating the trees that the balls came into contact with. Snow grinned when he heard the carnage that happened outside of the icy mist. Feeling confident, and slightly exhausted at the work he had put into his workout, he decided that it was time that he went and took a break at Ichiraku Ramen.

On his way to the legendary ramen shop, he saw his father waiting for him within the restaurante. He walked into the ramen shop with his father and the two sat at the ramen counter and spoke for a little while. He handed Snow a note that had turned up at their house. Snow read the note and saw that it was from Saizou, asking for his assistance in a mission to catch a prankster. Snow saw the meeting time was still in a little less than an hour, so he and his father finished their ramen before Snow would say his salutations and meet his teammate at the notice board so they could disembark on their mission to catch the prankster.

Upon arriving Saizou was the only one at the notice boards, he waved hello to his friend and teammate. When he arrived at the notice board, he asked Saizou just where exactly this prankster might be.

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Ryo : 13000

Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira) Empty Re: Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira)

Tue Feb 04, 2020 8:15 am
As Sai stood there waiting for his teammates, the heat from the sun wore down on him. The village was normally hot and humid but today felt like a little extra. Sai must of looked hot because a traveling merchant had walked passed and offered him a drink, Sai normally wasent one to accept charity but today he made an exception. The water was extreamly refreshing for Sai, he didnt realize how dehydrated he was. He thank the man and offered to pay but the guy refused the money, saying how he was just doing his part to help the village in his own way.

Shortly after the man walked away Snow had approached Sai, Snow was waving as he approached. Sai returned his friend kind gesture and waved back, when Snow had gotten close enough he had asked Sai where might the prankster be at. "The person were suppose to capture normally hits the Shopping area around the corner from here. were lucky because this area is more out in the open than other parts of the village", Sai said before stopping to put his arm over his face, so he could Sneeze. To the best of Sai knowledge he wasent allergic to anything, he was told once as a child that when you sneeze someone is talking about you. As he grew older he actually thought it was true.

Sai continued talking," Sorry about that, as i was saying. If we both creates a Clone we could cover enough ground to capture him", Sai said as he looked as his partner. Sai didnt want to spend any more time on this than he had to. He wanted to get this over so he could move on to more challenging mission than this. He knew with Snow's help they would be able to get this over in no time at all. Sai just hoped that they could surprise the prankster without having to chase him. 

Sai waited for Snow's response so that they could hurry and get this over with.
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 20100

Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira) Empty Re: Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira)

Tue Feb 04, 2020 2:02 pm
Snow agreed with Sai's plan to create clones to find and capture the prankster. Snow created two shadow clones of himself and the three began combing the market for the prankster. He and Sai both would search the market, until they found a certain child begin to paint one of the walls, and by the looks of the beginnings of the child's artwork, they were sure it was going to be a piece of work that was nott so family friendly. Snow and his two clones sprinted up to the prankster and yelled at him to stop. The prankster dropped the bucket and brush and ran off, but he was not nearly as fast as Snow was, so it made the chase rather short. 

Snow tied up the pranksters hands and asked Sai if he would like to accompany him to the Kage office to turn the prankster in. He would wait for Sai's response. Assuming that Sai would go with him, he would escort the prankster all the way across the village to the Kage's office so they would be able to turn in the prankster to the authorities of the village so they could handle him from there. When Sai and Snow would arrive at the Kage estate. They would be given their reward and the two ninjas would be on their way.

TWC: 811
Claims: +1000 Ryo & 2 stats
+811 towards Hollow Ice Bullets (1926/3250) (Previous Progress)
Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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Ryo : 13000

Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira) Empty Re: Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira)

Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:33 pm
Sai was glad that Snow had agreed to his plan. They both had very good speed for this mission so it would be over sooner than later. Sai watched as Snow made copies of himself and Sai did the same and together they search every inch of that part of the village looking for the prankster. Snow and his clones was the first ones to spot the prankster. Just as Sai had predicted the boy had took off. Snow was able to quickly catch the boy and end the chase shortly after it starting. Sai was happy he had brought someone else along with him , because he didnt even have to life a finger to get the job done.

Snow had looked at Sai and ask would he like to go to the Kage building to receive their prize. Sai agreed and left with Snow. Snow and Sai quickly made their way to get their payment and report a job well done. Once arrived Snow and Sai had the prankster off and received their gifts and left, Job well done. Sai knew that this was only the beginning of coming to the kage office to report a good job, he couldnt wait untill the mission were of more importance. He had to be patient though and not be to quick to rush things.


Claimes: 1000 ryo, 2 stats, 808 towards Hiding in the Ash (1,846/2500)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira) Empty Re: Capturing The Prankster(Snow,Akira)

Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:37 pm
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