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Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Mail delivery, because why not? Empty Mail delivery, because why not?

Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:39 am

Kamari Uchiha was tired. He had done more brutal training and woke up a hot mess once again. Sometimes, his training bordered on self-harm, but that was a rare occasion. Kamari had ran through the forest full-blast until he collapsed and then dragged himself back home running on fumes, passing out in his bed. As usual, Kamari are some cereal for breakfast, changed his clothes (into another identical trench coat and combat pants of course), sharpened his kunai, and was out the door.
Looking at the mission board, Kamari saw something that should be easy for him. Mail delivery.
?Why not?,? Kamari said to himself.
Kamari promptly retrieved the scrolls from the post office, and he was on his way. As he was exiting the door, the guy at the desk called out to him.
?Be careful, Kamari. I heard that some guy was stealing scrolls from unsuspecting Genin.?
?I?ll keep that in mind,? Kamari replied. Little did he know he would have to beat someone up.
WC 167

Last edited by Kamari Uchiha on Wed Jan 15, 2020 6:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Kamari Uchiha
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Mail delivery, because why not? Empty Re: Mail delivery, because why not?

Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:35 pm
Kamari was not allowed to open or read the scrolls, but he immediately noticed a trend. All of the scrolls were for his girlfriend Mika’s Jonin team. There were five scrolls, one for each member including Mika herself. Kamari decided to deliver the scrolls in order from closest to furthest delivery area.
The first scroll went to a ninja by the name of Takeshi Hyuuga. Kamari has known him for about a year, but not very well. What he did know was that Takeshi had a very high opinion of Kamari, especially due to his appreciation of his Genjutsu-fueled pranks and the ease with which he could decipher what Kamari’s victims saw in their illusions due to his Byakugan. Kamari reached the door. It was a humble house with no real decorations or noticeable features. Kamari knocked on the door and heard a rough but happy-sounding voice reply.
“I’m coming!”
The door was opened by a tall man with a beard and long, black hair. He wore a standard Konoha Jonin uniform with a do-rag on his head. He was blindfolded, but his legendary eyes allowed him to see through it with no problems. Kamari has yet to understand the logic behind this.
“Hey, Kamari!,” the bearded man, Takeshi, said. “I knew I was getting a delivery today but I didn’t know it would be from you.”
“Well it is,” Kamari replied. “Got a problem with that?,”
“Not at all,” Takeshi said back.
Kamari handed him his scroll. Takeshi thanked Kamari before going on about the scroll thief.
“Hey, I heard there was a scroll thief going around,” he said.
“I know,” Kamari replied.
“Well if you see him...” Takeshi laughed for a bit before pulling himself back together. “Come up with something original.”
Kamari’s smile grew into a grin. If he met this scroll thief, he would give him the craziest Ephemeral trip he could possibly manage.
“Sure thing,” Kamari affirmed.
The two ninja fist-bumped and Kamari was off to his next delivery. This one was for Raisan Uzumaki, Mika’s second in command of her team. Kamari knew him as a no-nonsense individual who only spoke when necessary. He wholeheartedly expected Raisan to simply take the scroll, thank him, and leave. Kamari was in for a long day.
WC 379
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Mail delivery, because why not? Empty Re: Mail delivery, because why not?

Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:21 pm
If Takeshi’s house was considered plain, Raisan’s house was plain by those standards. It was little more than a concrete cube with windows and a door, a testament to brutalist architecture.
“That Raisan,” Kamari thought as he approached the door. “When will he ever learn to have some fun.”
Kamari was about to knock when Raisan opened the door. He was not physically imposing at all, maybe average height with a skinny build, but was built perfectly for speed and stealth. He was very pale and had an inordinate amount of freckles even for a redhead. His hair was put up in a man-ponytail which fell lazily to the side. He wore a plain grey robe with plain grey pants and had his grey headband wrapped around his left arm. Kamari could see a standard Jonin vest neatly hung on the door.
“Kamari,” Raisan greeted extending his hand. Kamari shook it before handing him the scroll.
“Here’s the intel,” he said.
“Be careful out there,” Raisan said. “There’s a scroll thief going around.”
“I know,” Kamari acknowledged. “If I see them, I’ll give them a Genjutsu trip they will never forget.”
Raisan waved his hand once to say goodbye and Kamari was off to his next delivery. So far, so good.
WC 211
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Mail delivery, because why not? Empty Re: Mail delivery, because why not?

Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:53 pm
The next two deliveries were pretty easy: Okami Uchiha, Kamari’s old sensei at the academy; and his younger brother Tora. The two were found at the ramen bar eating lunch. Kamari simply tapped on Okami-sensei’s shoulder and raised his finger as if to perform Ephemeral. Okami-sensei immediately freaked out, worried that Kamari would prank him again, and Tora started laughing. The pair were pretty much indistinguishable from each other. They both had mullets, with Okami having a full beard and Tora sporting a goatee. Okami has a tattoo of a wolf on his left arm and Tora had a wolf on his right. They were both wearing standard Jonin uniforms with do-rags.
Kamari began laughing with Tora. Okami straightened out and looked Kamari in the eye.
“You nearly got me there, Kamari!,” he exclaimed.
“Sure did, Okami-sensei,” Kamari replied.
“Drop the sensei stuff, Kamari,” Okami insisted. “You’re seventeen and that’s old enough to stop calling me that.”
“Okay,” Kamari said. “I totally have you there, Okami.”
The two bumped fists before Kamari handed each brother their respective scroll.
“Watch out for the scroll thief,” Tora said.
“I will,” Kamari answered. “I’ll put him through more in ten minutes than I did Okami in my entire studies at the academy.”
Okami anime-fainted.
Kamari was now on the way to his last client: Mika.
As he was walking through the village, Kamari felt a hand snatch away Mika’s scroll. He turned around to see a figure running away with it: the scroll thief.
Kamari leapt into action, body flickering into a neck chop that sent the thief reeling before showing his hand to the thief as close as he could, putting him under Ephemeral. Kamari, seeing the thief had a striking resemblance to his jerk of a father, had something special in mind for this one. Kamari placed the thief under the illusion that he was fighting Kamari’s mom wielding a massive sword and dressed in plate armor, her Mangekyo Sharingan spinning wildly and Amaterasu flames covering the entire area and burning away at the thief. He screamed in pain from the illusory fire and fell on the ground trying to extinguish it, but Kamari wouldn’t let that happen. It was a matter of minutes before the thief passed out from the pain. Hoisting the unconscious scroll-swiper with his right hand and carrying the scroll with his left, Kamari proceeded to Mika’s house.
Mika Momochi opened the door with am impressed look on her face.
“Wow! That was amazing, Kamari!,” she exclaimed.
“Sure was,” Kamari replies. “Take care of this jerk for me will ya, and by the way, here’s the scroll.”
Kamari dumped the unconscious thief on Mika’s porch and handed her the scroll before kissing her intensely and body-flickering away. Another mission accomplished for one Kamari Uchiha.
On the way home, Kamari could not help but remember his parents. Tears began to well up in his eyes and he felt a burning sensation, followed by realizing he had markedly improved vision. Looking into a window, Kamari realized he had reawakened his Sharingan. One step closer to having the power to protect the ones he loves and crush those who dare hurt the innocent.
WC 533
Total WC: 1290
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Mail delivery, because why not? Empty Re: Mail delivery, because why not?

Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:56 pm
Claims: 610/2000 words towards Sharingan. Have 1390/2000 in it so it will be unlocked.
3 speed, 2 stamina, 1 health
680/1000 words towards Great Fireball Jutsu

Last edited by Kamari Uchiha on Wed Jan 15, 2020 6:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Mail delivery, because why not? Empty Re: Mail delivery, because why not?

Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:15 pm
Please link the thread with the 1390 words towards Sharingan
Kamari Uchiha
Kamari Uchiha
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Mail delivery, because why not? Empty Re: Mail delivery, because why not?

Wed Jan 08, 2020 10:42 pm
Here you go
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