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Mazoku Momochi
Mazoku Momochi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 14000

Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo Empty Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo

Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:19 pm
Nagare finally reaches the giant gates of Kumo ready and waiting to be confronted by someone to talk to.Nagare is unsure what will happen he might be pushed away killed on the spot or maybe even welcomed into the village hopefully

WC= 41

Last edited by Nagare Momochi on Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Mazoku Momochi
Mazoku Momochi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 14000

Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo Empty Re: Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo

Mon Dec 23, 2019 6:58 pm
Nagare sits there on the ground blood dripping from his head thinking to him self "How could i take a hit like this"..Nagare Looks at the guy and remembers that its the same one from the village that he tried to steal kids from... Nagare was asked what he was doing here and he says "Im here in search of my old master the one who told me to steal those kids where we met the first time" Nagare cant believe that its the game ninja from back then.. Nagare says "I have no intention of stealing kids ever again or committing crime in the matter i just want to find my old master and kill him" Though nagare knows hes no where near strong enough to beat his old master..

Nagare starts thinking of a way out of this mess and a way to get past this guy..Nagare comes up with nothing.nagare thinks to him self "is there where i die?" Nagare gets back on his feet and stands before this Rayul.. Nagare asks rayul "Now what are you going to do with me? are we going to fight?"
Nagare thinks "Im really not wanting to fight this guy" Nagare knows he would lose the fight but maybe he can give him a run for his money..Nagare stands waiting for Rayuls response


Last edited by Nagare Momochi on Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Mazoku Momochi
Mazoku Momochi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 14000

Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo Empty Re: Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo

Tue Dec 24, 2019 12:13 am
Nagare listened to everything Rayul said and agreed with most of it..Nagare could tell just by speaking to Rayul he liked him, Rayul has a style of talking to people and seemed very confident..He said Nagare beared a path that holds no honor.. and its true nagare felt ashamed of the killing he has done for no cause of then his own..Nagare was asked what his background was and what he has accomplished..
Nagare responded with "I have killed many bandits and took contract work, some of it not always clean"
Nagare told rayul that he was practicing jutsu and many techniques thought he dose not have a summon pact yet he intends on getting one of the Water nature.

Nagare was pleased that rayul could understand the pain and shame that has happened to him over the years..Nagare did understand the views of rayuls life and agreed with most of them.Nagare thought that if he was to work with rayul and follow his lead he could become much stronger with rayul by his side,, this is what nagare needs and is what he wants.. Nagare knows this is where fate has took him, to work with rayul and become stronger together..

(Nagare enters into Kumogakure)


Last edited by Nagare Momochi on Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo Empty Re: Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo

Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:01 am
"Hold your step!"

From within the glorious double gate porticus of the Kumogakure boomed the voice, followed by the shifting step of the redheaded ninja as he stepped out of the shadow of the doors, to greet the sunlight that cast from behind him and extended his shadow forwards, to meet the missing ninja who tried stepping into the village.

Under the white flak vest with one shoulder strap characteristically kumogakurian, the jounin sported his leather jacket, one of the maned snake skulls peering into the word with empty eyes, unlike the jounin's brown eyes which gazed intensively at the greyed out eyes of the approaching figure. Holding his fake jeans was a dark roped belt, which held the weapon pouches at the back, full of edged danger, as well as the two swords Kaito always had with him.

Kaito menacingly grasped the scabbard of his katana, adjusting it's angle at his hip for a smooth draw if the need arose, but let his right hand rest at his hip, his back straight and his shoulders rolled back, chest pumped in defiance.

"State your identity and business."

While he had eavesdropped on the exchange very briefly between the newcomer and Rayul, he couldn't trust Rayul's reasoning for allowing an outsider into the Kumogakure. He barred the entrance, chakra flowing smoothly through him to empower his muscles, the locks of his inner gates ready to burst the structures open if the newcomer -- or Rayul -- made any funny movements.

WC: 247
(Entrance barred)

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Mazoku Momochi
Mazoku Momochi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 14000

Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo Empty Re: Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo

Tue Dec 24, 2019 2:13 pm
Nagare got finished dealing with Rayul when he heard "Hold your step!" Nagare took not another step forward and sees a man in a Vest With Red hair that looks very confident and ready for a fight..Nagare knows for sure he cannot fight this man.. Nagare thinks to himself "man now theres 2 of them" nagare is unsure of what he should do... The man says to Identify himself and state his Business..Nagare simply tells them, man, I have come a long way in search of my old master.. he has done terrible things to me" Nagare explains.. Nagare says "i want no trouble. rayul even made me see that i walk a path of no honor"  Nagare was a little Nervous he has killed bandits and thieves before but never took on a real ninja..Nagare hopes it does not come down to a fight..

Nagare tells the man "my name is Nagare Momochi and i want to do no harm to your village and people i know that you probably do not trust me due to me being a missing ninja but i do wish to give up my old ways"

Nagare started to pull his sword out and throws it on the ground along with all his other ninja equipment. trying to show this man he wants no trouble.. Nagare watches Rayul walk away from the group and go lean up against a tree.. nagare thinks "man that guy has no care in the world"

Nagare stands there looking at the man in the Vest  and waits for his respond

WC=262 (688)
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo Empty Re: Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo

Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:48 am
An old master who’d done terrible things to the missing ninja. The imagery of a blond vampire, a remnant of the redhead’s past, flashed briefly before Kaito’s eyes. It appeared the Lightning Country’s mountainous territory allowed for plenty of fucked up people to collect subjects and test on them with impunity. There was no way for the Kumogakure’s current forces to survey the entirety of the country, not while trying to advance their own military efforts.

Without taking his eyes off the missing ninja in front of him, he listened to what Rayul had to say, before the ninja himself repeated it: he walked the path of no honor, looking now only to better his skills and relinquish the old ways.

Eventually, the ninja disposed of his weaponry onto the floor in between the two. Another flashback came rushing in of the fastidious night of conquering, in which Kaito carefully laid down his own weaponry so as to appease the conqueror and indicate he meant no trouble. “A man after my own heart”, he thought.

“Nagare Momochi”, repeated Kaito in a stern voice, as though he was about to sentence the ninja.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“I do not trust you. I do not like you. And I could care less for you.”

All the while, his eyes remained firmly locked on the missing ninja, while his focus roamed the periphery of his vision, attending the scenery to make sure he was not caught by surprise by some action or another.

“Yet, Rayul here appears to be vouching for you, in some manner. So be it.”

The Raikage was a missing ninja, most likely. No one murders so wantonly, or occupies the highest ranking a village has to offer, without first severing ties with wherever they came from. At the same time, he was in no position to deny the Kumogakure of another soul willing to bring out more potential.

“Since that is the case,” he spoke loudly without shouting, projecting his voice from his solar plexus rather than booming it with his throat, as though he were an experienced actor playing for the people in the back of the auditorium, purposefully making sure Rayul himself would hear the speech, “Rayul will now become your liason. Rayul will be responsible for every action you take, every look you give, and every word you speak. And, from the shadows from where I will be forever watching, if I find you take one wrong step, say the wrong thing, or think the wrong though, I will decorate the Black Forest with as much of your insides as your fading consciousness is able to perceive before everything fades to black. Are we understood?”

WC: 455
TWC: 702
Mazoku Momochi
Mazoku Momochi
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 14000

Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo Empty Re: Nagare Momochi Reaches Kumo

Thu Dec 26, 2019 4:39 pm
Nagare stands there listening to this man and what he has to say,Rayul was Nagares guide,guard,and watcher.. Nagare couldnt help but me a little happy that he has someone now..Nagare says "i dont intend to harm anyone or anything in the village i will try to protect it as long as i am here"

Nagare picks up his items that were on the ground and looks over at rayul..Nagare starts walking inside of kumo excitedly..

+3 chakra
claiming:Water Release:Water Prison Technique 766/1500

Last edited by Nagare Momochi on Thu Dec 26, 2019 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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