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Hikaru Renkaio
Hikaru Renkaio
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Sun Dec 22, 2019 5:30 pm
The musky smell of aged scrolls and books filled the air within kumogakure’s public library , so much history laid within the scrolls of this building.Every clan,every battle,every achievement,every single notable member and astronomical feat was stored in this library , Hikaru loved the library it was like a second battlefield to him a place where intellectuals blossom.

Hikaru himself had invested himself in a scroll that referred to the great ninja war in vivid detail , a drawback being it was lord killer bee who wrote it so the whole thing was in a lyrical rap annoying but readable. Several scrolls on biju sat in his lap as he read his current scroll , hikaru himself wanted to become a host to a biju as he saw that there was no way that having a biju would negatively affect his swordsmanship.

Hikaru would place his current scroll down and swap it out for one of the scroll in his lap , he would gaze deeply into the scrolls depiction of the tailed beast dubbed “the two-tails”. He had a slightly unhealthy obsession with the two tails as possessing it would mean he could apply it’s fire to his blade but at the same time the eight tales belonged to his long since dead idol. “If only i could find a tailed beast but for that i need a hokage at least to perform the sealing” he would say trailing off into his happy little daydream

Last edited by Hikaru Renkaio on Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:55 pm
Ikigai had been sitting out in her usual spot in her backyard, the back door still open in case her mother called her for something - being the main caretaker since her father had been her one of her main focuses in life, aside from the bottomless pit that was medical practice. Resting her chin on her right palm she shut the book she had been reading for what felt like the 5th time - she had exhausted the books in her posession and it seemed as if a trip to the library was in order. Gathering her things up she packed them in an over the shoulder bag she used when it was library day - taking her large pile of books back for a new set to delve over for a week. Swinging it over her shoulder she would go inside to check on her mother, seeing if there was anything she could do before heading out - some 20 minutes later she was on her way.

Pushing the doors of the familiar building was like stepping into the home of a loving grandparent - the familiar scent of aging scrolls and books mingled with the almost complete silence to give a strong sense of unearthly knowledge. Taking a deep breath she would close her golden eyes, a glowing smile spreading her petite face as she took in the library. Coming back to the present she would walk up to the front desk and return the books she had returned last week - The Anatomy of Life, Dream Interpretation and some others. She liked to keep her range wide as it helped stimulate her mind. 

Waving at the librarian she would begin paroosing the shelves, allowing her fingertips to graze the spines of the books as her eyes searched for something to spark her curiosity-  Chi Blocking - Her hand paused over the book for a moment before she snatched it off the shelf and began raptly reading the introduction. OH! This is…wow there is so many applications! Iki’s mind was already racing and her fingers were itching to begin documenting her thoughts, her usual journals tied to her hip at the ready. Snapping the book shut she would walk confidently towards one of her favorite spots in the library - a small nook like area with a pair of tables and a few chairs with oil lanterns adoring each table giving it a quaint and peaceful reading environment.

Oh. Ikigai paused in her approach as she noticed another person sitting against the wall next to one of the tables, surrounded by multiple scrolls with a sizable pile in his lap as well -Iki couldn’t help but let out a small burst of laughter as she took him in. He was his own entity, she had never seen someone who looks quite like him and couldnt help but wonder how she had never noticed him before - his clothes alone were enough to stand out; dressed in snowy white samurai attire,without the top armor, classic samurai shoes and a cloak with an intricate medallion depicting a golden phoenix with spread wings - he was a shocking and still welcome change. His white head was bent down, completely engrossed in whatever was on that scroll in his hands, the long tendrils of silver hair creating a sheet covering his face. Or… was it a HER?

Approaching him she would squat down, the book in her hands resting under her elbows as she balanced them on her knees as well - “You know there are plenty comfortable chairs like… 3 feet from here right?”, her tone was obviously joking and jovial, ending her sentence with an earnest smile as her eyes scanned the scroll in interest. “The two-tails huh? Oh Matatabi! He has to be the most polite of the Bijuu… hmm I personally prefer Gyūki, his tough and serious manner paired with his known analytical ability its like a match made in heaven! Oh…”, she looked sheepishly at the boy, noting finally she had invaded his space in a very ‘extroverted’ manner, “I am so sorry… I should have been more polite in my approach uh… I’m Ikigai Horaana-”, jutting out her right hand energetically to shake his if he were to reply, “- I have read a lot about the tailed beasts… gotta keep the mind sharp right?”, she would laugh a little at her own question, hoping he would respond in kind.

[WC 734]
Hikaru Renkaio
Hikaru Renkaio
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a day of study with a buddy [inv only] Empty Re: a day of study with a buddy [inv only]

Sun Dec 22, 2019 9:03 pm
Hikaru would be brought from his daze by a pleasant female voice , he would shift his gaze from the enticing scroll to the woman that stood before him. As he raised his head the shadow over his upper face would part way and reveal his face which held very soft and feminine features yet at the same time if one where to look closely they would see the Adam's apple he was sporting , his Golden yellow eyes would meet with hers as he established eye contact he would allow a soft smile to grace his face.Normally most people find his smile unreaving because of his pale complexion and eye color some people even intimidated by it but he was just expressing the joy of being in their presence it was because of this he learned to present a closed eye smile. “I’m sorry if im disturbing you down here , it’s just i like to sit close to the shelves so I can put them back in the right place right away when I've finished reading them” he would say re-rolling the scroll in one fluid motion and placing it in his lap with the other biju information scrolls.

The white clad samurai would begin making a pyramid of scrolls as she spoke , once his lap was free he would stand his full height of five nine and dust himself off , He would then be able to get a proper look at her and to say the least he was stunned at first spending about fifty percent of one's time training or at home this was his first time seeing a girl his age let alone talking to one ; well not since his school days. His eyes would lock onto her facial feature’s her pillowy lips and doe like eyes mesmerized him for a moment a light pink tint would spread across the bridge of his nose all the more apparent with his pale skin. He would extend his right hand out to her as a gesture of good faith “it’s nice to meet you Ikigai Horaana my name is Hikaru Renkaio i'm a Genine of the village and as you can see..” he would step back to display his uniform “...a self taught rising samurai although i can attest over half my progress to the teachings left behind in these scrolls” he would say with a light laugh scratching the back of his head.

Hikaru would then begin picking up a majority of the scrolls he had and placing them back on their respective shelf while at the same time talking to his new acquaintance , “And im really impressed you know the tailed beast’s by name most just refer to them as beast’s and forget what's beneath the surface..” he would trail off as he picked up the scroll of the eight tails “as a swordsman the two-tails Matatabi’s flames would increase my destructive power many times over and it’s practical combat use are as amazing as Matatabi herself but….” he would pause for a moment before continuing “they say the mind is the mightiest of all muscles and with the eight tails you might as well have two brains working simultaneously to help you steam roll ahead” he would finish placing all but the two biju info scroll they just talked about back.

“I’m sorry if I prattle on.. It’s just that I've always wanted to be a jinjuriki of the two tails and the eight tails jinjuriki killer bee is kinda my idol annoying poems and all” he would say with a nervous laugh.
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:44 pm
Golden eyes. It was almost like looking in the mirror first thing in the morning - to this day her own eye color still took her by surprise some mornings, their intensity and largeness made them hard to look away from - as the boys’ pair now did to her. She had never met someone with such striking eyes as hers - cat like in their luminosity, especially in contrast with his pale complexion. His intense eyes gave such a strong first impression that when he then gave her a soft smile she felt… cheated somehow, as though he wasn’t truly being himself and was for some reason holding his own spirit back. His face was soft and feminine but it aided his personality in a way she couldn’t quiet place as of yet but was sure she could learn. Having never having to hold herself back form expression she would let out a bit of laughter again, watching him re roll the scroll she has just mentioned. “How very considerate of you, the librarians must love you. Though I don’t see how you could ever be done reading them, what if you learn something new and need to read it again from a different perspective.” She rose with him once his pyramid of scrolls was constructed, neat and orderly, though as he got to his full height she seemed to fall … short. Raising her eyebrows in polite surprise she would grip his hand, still in larger proportion to hers, noting as she greeted him, that a small blush had grown apparent over his upper cheeks and nose. Hikaru Renkaio- even the name didn’t ring any bells upon hearing it - where had he been this whole time…

As he stepped back to show off his full outfit in his explanation she couldn’t help but admire how the attire really lent itself to his frame, making him more imposing that his frame would normally dictate in tighter clothing. Tilting her head slightly in interest at his comment, “The teachings in these scrolls are the very teachings that bring new inspiration for new discoveries, thoughts, and collaborations-”, leaning down she would gather some of the leftover scrolls as well, straightening again while examining each to see where they might belong opting to simply following him around so he could put the ones she was holding in her arms away instead, “- home grown medical ninja myself, can’t say I’ve heard of a samurai in awhile. You’re already so interesting!” 

Her own cheeks would burn with a small burst of heat as he complimented her knowledge of two tails - most just referred to her as a know-it-all at times, and while she was fun to be around many people could usually only take her in bursts. Luckily for Ikigai though her complexion was better suited to hide the heat rising in her cheeks and could mostly go unnoticed. “So Matatabi is the one you have your heart set on huh? You don’t have to explain, I can see it in you when you were reading his scroll before I approached… you looked transfixed and content- whatever it is you were reading about him he seemed to resonate with you.”, laughing a bit as she thought about the most famous host of Matatabi ‘Killer Bee’, “Yeah he was… a character but he did amazing things when combined with him, imagine having a diverse wealth of knowledge linked with his, you could get anywhere.” Shrugging slightly she would meet his eyes again, So if you are a samurai wanting a bijuu… you must also know some ninjutsu I would hope? Cause… to be fair with you here, I really need someone to train with and bounce ideas off of and you seem to have a pretty sharp mind. Study buddies?”

[WC 631]

[TWC 1365]
Hikaru Renkaio
Hikaru Renkaio
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Wed Dec 25, 2019 11:55 am
Hikaru’s blush would intensify as she asked him about ninjutsu , the light pink on his face becoming a deep crimson color. He would turn his head to the side in embarrassment “well you see i'm a Genine and so my skills are limited…” he would pause and turn to face her with determination in his eyes smile still present “ my ninjutsu is what you’d expect at this level” he would face Ikigai with a rather determined look in his eye , “but I can promise you this im natural when it comes to formulating a training plan , I was actually going to begin my strength in a couple of days” he would say playfully raising his right arm flexing patting the bicep hidden by his clothes , this action would initially look goofy due to his very petite frame but those that knew him knew not to underestimate those little noodle arms.

He would then give a heartfelt laugh enjoying the freedom of acting goofy , “you’ll have to forgive me , my father is rather smothering i don't get to have much free time aside from my duties..” he would sigh out with a weary smile plastered on his face as he gazed into her eyes. “I don't have the heart to put him in a home...pluss he keeps me on my toes” he would say with a hint of sadness in his voice. It was clear he was masking his emotions he would never admit his father was a burden to him in his feeble age , one could see this as child like and would be right as this attitude did not fit his “profession”.

A ninja needed to be able to be decisive cold and calculated on the battlefield , tenderness and love had very few if almost no place on the battlefield. Most ninjas are like this fresh out on the academy but not for long , and it was clear to see he had not yet been blooded which was a form of conditioning to get him used to taking a life and the sight of blood.

“Tell you what , i need help honing my ninjutsu woulld you be up for helping me find my chakra nature?” he would saychipperly excited at the prospect , “im sure we could make a killer techniqe if we train together” he would say as he walked back over to the shelves and began walking along them eyeing the shelves “im looking for a scroll labled “chakra natures” or somthing of the sort im very excited”
TWC: 1265

Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:38 pm
Letting a smirk form on her face she would watch in amusement as he patted his flexed bicep, he was thin but there was no telling the strength he possessed - never underestimate someone that's something Iki lived by. Watching his expression turn from genuine joy to a hollowed out version of joy was heart wrenching - she was naturally attuned to others’ emotions and had a hard time not empathizing with others. Hearing him say he didn’t want to put his father in a home reminded her strikingly of her own duty to her mother-  who had it not been for her medically soaked upbringing would be very hard to care for. Her eyes softened as she fully understood his weary smile, how many days had she carried that same look on her own face. Ikigai had been patronized by teachers about this quality of hers - always telling her that she was going to be taken advantage of with a heart like hers, but she never agreed arguing back at them that when you can emotionally resonate with someone you have more power over them than even they believe possible - how you use it is what makes you a great shinobi.

Following him over to the shelves she scanned opposite him, looking for key phrases that might lead her to a scroll detailing what they hoped to learn about, “You have a very positive outlook on your life you know that? That's an admirable quality to have.” Another thing Ikigai was known to do was point out things in a blunt matter of fact way, noticing things about people that they might not realize they possess. Sometimes it made people feel uncomfortable but Iki knew the power words carried. “Of course we could! I’m water nature by the way-”, she made an ‘oh’ sound as her hand clasped on the scroll she was looking for, “Here, this scroll was what I used to research it a couple weeks ago actually.”, walking back over to him she unfurled the scroll revealing a web like diagram with the basic chakra natures displayed in symbol form - beneath it were paragraphs explaining in more detail.

Clearing her throat she would begin to recite some of the more crucial points, “‘In general, every person's chakra has an affinity towards one of the five basic nature transformations. Affinity can at times be genetic, or at least common to a particular family…. Hmmm, One's affinity can be determined using pieces of paper made from a special type of tree that is grown and fed with chakra. Fire: the paper will ignite and turn to ash.; Wind: the paper will split in two. ;Lightning: the paper will wrinkle.;Earth: the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away.;Water: the paper will become wet/damp.”, nodding in agreement to the words she would look back up at him, determination from his look earlier mirrored back to him, “Guess we have to get some "Chakra Induction Paper", any ideas Hik?”, she was trying out a nickname for her friend, hopefully he liked it.

[WC 513]

[TWC 1878]
Hikaru Renkaio
Hikaru Renkaio
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Wed Jan 01, 2020 1:13 pm
Hikaru would put both his hands behind his head and closed his eyes as if to take a moment to think , “Well lets see first we need to get our hands on some of this paper , i don't have any due to my father runs a smithing shop…” he would then give a sigh hanging his head in defeat “...i imagine that type of paper would cost a pretty penny as well  , but aside from that we have the matter of training at hand” he would say thinking out loud.

He would turn his attention back to the bookshelf with a happy glint in his eyes , the most known use of training ones chakra nature was the eighth hokage naruto uzumaki. Sadly, it didn't seem like many people actually took the time to jot down there finding when it came to training in such an area.

“I have to ask Iki what would you say a good training method for you and me would be? I know of the training for wind but water? How do we hone that ability” he would question as he scrolled through the scrolls on the shelves.

“And I know this may be a little forward but...would you like to train with me sometime?” he would ask the pink flush raising its ugly head once more , it was clear he had no experience with women.

Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:17 pm
A small smile crept over her lips as she watched him, the posture he possessed when thinking was cute to say the least - and his immediate reaction to ‘defeat’ childlike in nature but funny nonetheless. “My parents used to run a non-commercial medical shop, stuff along the lines of alternative medicine. We might have some back in the attic… for some reason I remember playing with it as a kid so that might be a good possibility.” She conveniently skipped over the details of why she used a past tense in her explanation.

Leaning back against the bookshelf opposite Hik she would look off the side, giving a thought to his question, especially the training of her element; her base knowledge was mostly held in the medicinal practice but there were plenty other applications she knew of… though the Kumo libraries had been bare on the subject, her own research and experimenting combined with basic knowledge of chakra natures she had some ideas. Gripping her journal - one of the two she always kept tied around her hip - she would return his gaze again having not been able to answer before being asked a new question. Blushing pink again he was still able to ask to be training partners. Smiling earnestly she would nod, “I’d love to be your training partner… and to be honest wind and water move in similar ways, the only difference is their physical attributes. In combination together you could make mist entrapment's, poison minefields… uh really its endless. Training should start with base levels to see where our weaknesses lie and where our strengths hold - maybe even seeing how our fighting styles in conjuncture with each other would better cover the holes the other would have.”


[TWC 2168]
Ikigai Horaana
Ikigai Horaana
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Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:09 pm
Mid Claim threads since Im not sure if he is returning - 
10 Stats - 5 to stamina 5 to speed.

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1000 words to Manipulating Attack Blades [1000/1000]
668 words to Poison Mist [668/1500]
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

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Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:45 pm
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