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Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)  Empty A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)

Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:04 pm
Kuniko walked alone through the streets of Hoshigakure. It was in the afternoon and many other people were milling about. The young Hyuuga was wearing an elegant, freshly ironed, purple Hakama. He had his long black hair up in a ponytail today, and wore a confused look on his face. He had spent the past few weeks getting used to life as a busy shinobi again. This was his first day off with nothing to do since he returned to the village. He had his training with Tsubaki and his missions with Sakuragi and Takeshi, but none of that was on his schedule today. 

And so, the young genin found himself in the city square. He walked over to a small tea ship that was open to the street and took a seat. Kuniko ordered a small cup, and turned around in his seat to look out into the street. He sat up straight, as was usual, and his pale eyes cast a gentle gaze of the people going bout their business in the street. It was relaxing to just sit and watch the city going on about its way that time seemed to speed by. In such a relaxed state, Kuniko looked completely serene as his tea got cold on the counter behind him. 

WC: 215
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A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)  Empty Re: A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)

Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:20 pm
Ko had been training all day, at the training grounds abusing his hands and feet honing them into weapons. After that he had gone and picked his brother up from school, taking him back home and treating the wounds he had inflicted onto himself. He showered, the scalding water pouring through his tight mess of hair, and down his aching shoulders and forearms. He popped his knuckles, and arms washing his hair and conditioning it. He dried himself off, and walked into his room placing on a pair of gray joggers and a red lifeguard sweatshirt. He left the house looking like a Russian lifeguard smoking a cigarette and loafing his way towards the center of town. By the time he approached the town center he threw his butt into a container making sure it was our and roughing his hair up so it was out of his face. He stopped by a omelette vendor.

"Hey man, whats up? Can i get a large omelette, extra sauce extra scallions." the vendor started making it, frying the onion and peppering the oil. He dumped the egg in and started folding it on itself making a beautiful omelette putting it on a stick and pouring some sauce on it. "Here you go, have a great night."

Ko took it, handing the man the money and a bit extra for tip. He walked over to a bench and took a seat next to some random man, across the street was a small tea shop. Ko snacked, loving the delicious treat. After he was finished, he threw the paper plate it had come on and went to the tea shop. He ordered a taro bubble tea and sat down, inches away from an oddly pale man.

Kuniko Hyuuga
Kuniko Hyuuga
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 21445

A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)  Empty Re: A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)

Wed Nov 13, 2019 12:14 am
Kuniko's spell was finally broken when he noticed someone sitting down next to him at the tea shop. Kuniko lifted an eyebrow as he stared the kid up and down. The boy was a few years younger than him, but he was considerably taller. Then again, Kuniko was also just short. The boy was dressed and acted like a commoner. Kuniko could tell just from his demeanor that he was probably a fighter of some sort. He seemed confident and full of life. The young Hyuuga was wearing an elegant, freshly ironed, purple Hakama. He had his long black hair up in a ponytail today, and wore a confused look on his face. He had spent the past few weeks getting used to life as a busy shinobi again. 

Since Kuniko had not much else to do, he might as well start up conversation. "Hey man, whats up? Can i get a large omelette, extra sauce extra scallions." The boy was speaking to the vendor at the moment but Kuniko knew that the iron was hot and now as the time to strike if he were to start up a conversation. Continuing to look over his shoulder, he said in a calm, even tone "Hello there, friend. It's a pleasant evening, isn't it?" He then looked back out to the City Square as vendors began turning on the lights of their street signs. The sky was beginning to go violet. 

Kuniko widened his eyes suddenly. "Oh no!" The young genin exclaimed to himself. He turned towards the stranger and said, "I've forgotten that I was supposed to meet with my mentor today. If I'm late again then I'm going to get in trouble. Forgive me sir. You seem like an excellent human being worthy of much company, but I am afraid I must leave at once! Forgive me please sir!" What else was he to do? Just stay around and disappoint his mentor? No, that wouldn't do. 

Kuniko then stood up and slid in his chair. He made a nice orderly station of the place he was relaxing with his tea. He changed out the napkins that were nearby so that the server wouldn't have to work extra hard on his account. After that, Knuko slid in his chair and gave a final bow to both the stranger and the tea server. He then turned around and began walking back towards the center of the market area. It was time for him to move out and look for his mentor. 

Good ol' Tsubaki. Kuniko truly admired his mentor. She was there for his what Ayato was too busy to waste his time on sucha pathetic weak wretch like Kuniko. Who was he to think that the head of the Hyuuga clan would waste time on a lowly branch family member? Especially one as weak and hopeless as Kuniko. But then there was Tsubaki. She was a glorious combatant, but she spent her time on Kuniko as well. Kuniko began thinking as to why he was bothered by wasting her time. Was it because she just wasn't a member of the Hyuuga clan?

Kuniko shook his head. No, that couldn't be the reason why. Just because he had no obligation asides from his personal reasons to to listen to her, didn't mean that her time was any less valuable. Perhaps it was because Kuniko was so terrified of appearing weak and worthless in front of Ayato, meanwhile his mentor was there to train Kuniko up from a weak genin to a ... slightly less useless genin. He was nobody before he was in Team Summer, and now things were just difficult with the village and everything going on. With Takeshi dead, the team wasn't the same. 

At least he still had Sakuragi and Tsubaki. Tsu was in charge of the team now and Sakuragi seemed to have calmed down. Well, hopefully he was starting to calm down. Sakurgai used to be very violent and hot headed. Even now he still went real hard on missions and even spars. He was not afraid to kill someone. It made Kuniko worried for his soul. Kuniko was extremely religious. He was terrified of ghosts, but he was also scared for the souls of his teammates. He knew that Takeshi died violently in a suicidal attack, his heart was probably filled with hatred or fear to do such a feat.

Kuniko, while walking towards Tsubaki's house for her tea session, began praying for Takeshi's soul. Hopefully it had found peace and wouldn't randomly attack him in the woods and super suck half the power out of Kuniko, leaving him a weak and useless member of Team Summer. 

But that just encouraged Kuniko to work even harder to get his strength back up. Training in the fields with the other members of Team Summer, Tsubaki Senju, Sakuragi Hyuuga, and Kiryu... Hikari? Kuniko was still not overly familiar with the newest member of the team, it made Kuniko nervous. He hoped that Kiryu would stay on. He was a good lad, and a great team mate, and Kuniko hoped that he would be able to continue fighting alongside all the members of Hoshigakure. His pale eyes cast a gentle gaze of the people going bout their business in the street. It was relaxing to just sit and watch the city going on about its way that time seemed to speed by. In such a relaxed state, Kuniko looked completely serene. 

But that didn't matter so much at the moment. Kuniko had to hurry along to that wonderful tea time! Kuniko finished his prayer and started to pick up his pace to hurry along on to Tsubaki, his mentor's house. Or her apartment, Kuniko was not sure the exact specifics of her living conditions. Kuniko hurried along. It was time to have his date with destiny, and his hot mentor. Oh no! He should of not of had such thoughts. He was a lowly young lad after all and she was a beautiful and mischievous ninja. 

WC: 1005
TWC: 1,220



247+1503=  1750/1750    Hyuuga: Air Sphere Projection
973+800 =   1773/2750    Eight Trigrams: Vacuum Wall Palm
Stat Page : Icey Healy Boi
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 9850

A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)  Empty Re: A Night of Leisure. (OPEN, NK)

Sat May 30, 2020 8:24 pm
You're good, Kuniko. 

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