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Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Sun Oct 27, 2019 1:12 pm

The young white-haired Yuki was running through the training grounds his lungs burning. As he placed one foot in front of the other, he continued to hear the words ringing through his head. “Good afternoon little Konoha ninja. Give me your money, your shinobi ID’s, and...your headbands, and I won’t kill the three of you. You have my word on that…

“Set them all down, along with your weapons, and items, all of them. Then back up a few paces. I’ll come collect them all, conclude our business and then be on my way, and you three can leave with your lives.


“Very good. Very good indeed, now then. We’re going to play a game.

“Eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Step forward boy, Chuta, Kizaru, do not move, and do not look away, or I’ll kill whoever does as an example. You will watch, and soon enough it will be your turn. I will keep my word, all of you will leave here alive.

“I am going to physically torture you. I am going to cut off limbs, and cause untold amounts of pain to you. You will live, and you will remember the pain, and you will use it as a motivator to never be so weak as to let yourself be caught out like this again. Your friends, should they follow orders. Will watch as I do, and then will take their turn as well. Should they fail to follow my directions, I will kill them in front of you. If you try to stop me, I’ll kill you too, and make them watch. No one is out here to save you boy. I’d think twice next time before stepping foot the gates of your precious village. There are monsters out here.

“Yes, look upon your comrades as they lay there, in such pain that it cannot be described. Look upon them and their crucible, as they are either forged into something stronger, or broken and tossed aside for the world to forget. You all have potential boy, but it does not lay within the safety of a village. The world is a harsh place, yes, but it so out of necessity. Yet the villages put up large walls to defend against the brutality of it. They hide from it’s lessons, and therefore learn nothing of true pain. How many in your village can you say have felt this sort of agony? Have had such tests thrust upon them? One? Maybe two? How many have suffered as your friends here have? Have you suffered as they are now? Have you felt the pain necessary to rise to new heights? You’re about to young Kizaru, and you’ll scream, and you’ll feel as if you’re about to die. You’ll wish you would die, wish it would all be over. However, it won’t end, you’ll wake up, and have to face your world. Have to build yourself stronger in order to be ready to face such agony in the future. Yoi and Chuta are facing their crucibles now. My name is Calin Uesugi, and as I have done with your friends. I will now force you into yours. Use this moment, embrace this pain, use it to guide you. Use the fires of your will to help elevate yourselves to heights you have yet to imagine. Allow me to show you some of the fire within mine.”

As Yoi’s exhausted legs started to falter, the words that rang through his head pushed him even harder. He ran faster, faster and faster until there was nowhere else to run. He would keep getting stronger, protecting the ninja of his village and seeking out vengeance against the man who wronged him.

The young Yuki went home and fell asleep in his bed.

As he woke up, the sun was starting to rise. A hawk angrily flew straight into his window as it carried a letter to the young Yuki. The white-haired boy opened the window, accidentally letting the hawk fly all around his room. He eventually managed to calm it down and take the letter from it before it flew away. The Yuki unrolled the letter given to him, reading the contents.

Konoha Shinobi, you are to perform an S-rank mission (OOC note: got OOC permission from Kinzoku to do this). The team you are working in, including you, is comprised of Yoi Y, Tadashi N and Kizaru K. You are all genin. You are assigned to take down the leader of a group of criminals, which are called “The Black Ones.”

You have two objectives. The first, follow a merchant back to their home base and make sure they never set foot in Konohagakure again. Your second objective is to gather intel, as their network may reach farther than Konohagakure.

Konohagakure Missions Department

The young Yuki sat there, shocked. He was surprised that he would be working with Chuta and Kizaru again, and he was doubly surprised that he was assigned to an S-rank mission. Well, no matter. It was his job to take them out and he would follow through on it. The Yuki made his way to the center of Konoha, as the would be a good meeting place.

WC: 870
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Re: Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:45 am
The sporadic breeze of the once sun-filled village of Konohagakure would flow through the translucent window curtains attached authenticly to a gray wall bar. The silent yet fierce winds slowly plaguing the Fire Country's autumn blew ominously through the once feared village. The winds were cold, almost freezing in fact, reflecting the state of the ninja world at that moment. Not even the false comfort of the tan blankets that lied haphazardly on the repaired maroon bed bought from the multi-purpose Konoha thrift shop could lift the bleak ambiance of the village. Such an environment leads to introspective pondering among the residing souls of Konohagakure. No one was outside, despite being a Friday and early morning where it was the norm for civilians to roam around rushing for work. There were the vagabond merchants from other villages, some were respectable souls trying to make a living while there were others who sold rather dubious things. Yet, the village felt like a ghost town, resembling the minor villages that suffered a dreadful fate such as Yukigakure that was reduced to an unrepairable dilapidation years ago. The Ninja World made sure to tell its inhabitants that it was a dog-eat-dog world. The weak perish and the strong prosper.

Tadashi suddenly rose from his shadow-tinted slumber, the thought of the Sunagakure invasion still plagued him to this day. He swore not to kill someone again after his bout with the Rogue Ninja, Oda. He vomited internally when vividly remembering that faded day. The sound of his sharpened katana merging with foreign skin, piercing the man's throat in an instant, then swiftly pulling his weaponized steel out of his throat. It killed him instantly as Oda fell onto the blood-drenched ground as his body drifted through his crimson red fluids with a plop...The rancid smell of the man's blood violated and proliferated the Namikaze's nostrils, forcing the young teen to drop down and gag heavily as tears streamed down his eye sockets, clouding his vision. Though he wasn't the one who killed the lavender haired traveler during the Sunagakure Invasion courtesy of the mysterious swordsman clad in Kirian armor, the lifeless eyes of Senhime bore into Tadashi's after he used his Temporary Paralysis technique to bind her in invisible chains of chakra. The ginger knew that someone was bound to die since it was war, which meant killing all semblance of emotion to victory. The pang of assisting in killing someone didn't shackle the young Namikaze until months after the ordeal when he transplanted her sacred eyes into his body to attain more power. It was then, where the ginger subliminally merged with the last lingering thoughts of the tragic traveler.

"Why did she have to die?" Was the thought that rang through the conflicted teen's occluded encephalon. The most evident answer would have been, "Because she was in the way of Konoha's objective." However, said answer opened an endless myriad of questions expanding outwards. This...didn't follow the Will of Fire everyone knew and loved, the rose-tinted dogma in which Academy Students were taught to be positive shinobi who cared for their comrades and fought for their country valiantly. To what extent they would fight for their country, was dubious and could be easily attributed to any enemy, to the point of using excessive force on anyone in their vicinity.  He had been looking at his village in rose-tinted memories.

It began to dawn on the young boy what the "Will of Fire" truly meant, "I've killed so many people for this country to the point of killing this...stranger." A small chuckle escaped Tadashi's mouth before tears streamed down, "We're no different than Kirigakure. We've been brainwashed to think that we're actually in the right..." On his window porched lied a steel engraving of the Will of Fire symbol. "DAMN IT ALL!" Blinded by rage incarnate, his hand clenched itself before punching the steel sheet of engraving with all of his force. Like a rose-tinted in sporadic thorns, the rose would shatter, but the sharpened thorns would retaliate. An explosion of blood from the fist splattered all across his hand in a horrific sight. A long drip of bright, heated crimson blood traveled throughout the origin of the wound, the ginger's knuckle to his finger for a splatter of blood to land on the broken engraving.

"Such a metaphor." A call from the inner workings of the teen's mind jested. An outline of a gleaming Silver Dragon emanated through the blank abyss of the Namikaze. "Have you finally understood your hypocrisy of yourself and your village, host? Since the beginning of the birth of Konoha, Konohagakure's 'inspiring' dogma of the Will of Fire causes bright shinobi to become mindless killing machines, husks of their former selves. This is further exemplified through your esteemed previous 'god', Viper Uchiha who caused mutual suffering throughout the Ninja World with the 'Will of Fire' masqueraded as propaganda for imperialism. The Ninja World is still licking its wounds from his tyranny YEARS after his reign. Because of his reign, thousands of the Pendragons DIED as well as other weak humans killed by his imperialism. You are nothing more than a product to be controlled anyway your "great" village sees fit. You are nothing to them, so why should they mean anything to you? Are you prepared to keep living as a mindless puppet, forced to slay even your bretheren of the Pendragon clan to complete your objective, or free yourself from a conquerer? The choice is all yours, but maybe this will make you ponder on your current predicament." Within the spectrum of his thoughts, Tadashi could feel his body being forced to relive a past facet of his memory.

An ominous breeze ran through the cobblestone passageway, carrying the solemn and sorrowful souls of the piles of the rotting deceased that failed to escape the brutal assault of the invading Konoha forces that entered the River Country. The dead bodies of many civilians proliferated and saturated said passageway as their bodies limped on top of each other like a horrific twist on a massacre. They were owned by crude stab wounds, bloody lacerations, and broken bones turned hollow from the exposure of damp oxygen. The smell of iron-like scarlet fluids spilled by the crowd of corpses infused with the air easily, forcibly infiltrating the noses of those who were still conscious. The corpses' lifeless glares bore into their perpetrator's eyes. Beyond the valley of human carcasses were a small group, surviving Konoha shinobi reporting back from the invasion, all sporting the dried blood deriving from the corpses and ripped up armor caused by the now deceased's frantic attacks for their lives. Tadashi stood in the middle of the group with his sword bloody, appearing that Yurai had claim tens of lives that twilight period.

Wiping a smudge of blood from his cheek as it impeded his current vision essentially if it wasn't already nightfall, Tadashi would witness the atrocities he and his comrades had committed. From the putrid, rotten corpses of young adults, mothers, and even young children, a sudden urge to gag and vomit resurfaced on the young teen as dropped his knees on the crimson earth. Yurai would fall on a dried splatter of blood, nearly sinking in the vermillion puddle if it wasn't for the crudely made cobblestone patterns absorbing the liquid. A churning feeling escaped through Tadashi's stomach as the unnatural, rising awareness of vomiting exploded outwards with a pained grunt. Coated in a yellow tint, the Namikaze's broken down lunch spewed out of him, merging with the dried blood which created an unbearable pungent smell to those within the vicinity of the ginger. "Stand up." A hoarse voice above the recovering teen spoke. Wiping off the remainder of his saliva, the Ace stared upwards with a hazed vision. Amber eyes and stark black hair, it was no mistaking that it was Kalis Shimada, a notable and favored Jounin in the Konoha military. He was also one of the few shinobi who fought alongside Kinzoku in the Sunagakure Invasion against Kenshin Uzumaki. Despite the ginger's silent stubbornness to his superior, the man would simply drag him across the valley of dead carcasses.  It was a stark contrast to what Kalis regularly behaved; he was usually a nonchalant man who didn't take many things seriously due to not wanting to over encumber his lifestyle. However, Tadashi's previous interpretations of the man betrayed him, now witnessing a cold-blooded killer. Within minutes, after seeing the hundreds of corpses throughout the area, the Namikaze would start feeling numb to the number of corpses. His submissive, meek expression downplayed the utter chaos in the River Country village. 

If he could recall correctly, the Konoha shinobi group had just traveled through most of the River Country in the fastest route possible. The location they were at now was referred to as Dorei, or "Servitude." Dorei held a town, housing no more than about 500 people if they were lucky to live more than thirty years of age. From years of suffering, Dorei Town was shackled by tax escaping from neighboring nations, an enormous amount of debt that would take a lifetime to pay off, drastically high crime rates, poverty, and lack of proper medical supplies. Morale was low since their average lifespan was about thirty, and it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for your son or daughter to be in a brutal quarrel for money and their lives to be taken. This resorted breadwinners and other members of the family to engage in criminal activities to gain money, for a CHANCE to bribe border patrol to enter other countries and possibly their hidden villages. Money laundering, black market investing, organ trafficking, and underground death battles were the norm in Dorei Town. From what Tadashi could recall, Dorei Town wasn't like this many years prior, but there was never once a non-obfuscated reason for the River Country town's downfall.

Nevertheless, time would still not allow the ginger's introspection as a barbed arrow, aimed at Kalis' head would be shot towards him at lightning-fast speeds. The force of the bow launching the arrow created a tiny slipstream of wind surrounding the projectile. The Jounin's ear peculiarly wiggled in retaliation to the sound of the arrow cutting through the wind as he would drop quickly onto the bloodied group with a "THUD!" "Experienced Fighter?" Tadashi thought in the split-second before he was knocked to the ground when seeing Kalis' ear move to the arrow. He had heard Jounin being able to sense, hear, and detect objects that could prove fatal to them, said ability was attributed to the secret skill called Experienced Fighter. The Ace would witness Kalis' catching the arrow with his bare hands before redirecting the projectile with the simple flick of a finger back at the direction of the arrow.

3 seconds passed...

A horrifying scream of agony echoed through the interior of Dorei Town, forcing the preying vultures that munched on rotting corpses to soar upwards in animalistic-fear. Within the scream held a carnal growl of sheer anger towards Kalis'. A figure illuminated through the shining, plasmic stars as it strode in a horror-inducing pattern. Tadashi gulped. It held an angered man, adorning peasant clothes, a crudely made crossbow held on his left hand, and a large number of scratches. What was most noticeable, was the arrow redirected landed on his eye, destroying it immediately. Blood periodically dripped across his eye socket to the right side of his face. An even more dreadful atmosphere would surface across the twilight gleaming Dorei Town. The man's blood would seemingly curdle and boil in sheer anger and heat emanating from himself as his crossbow aimed and bore towards the Konoha shinobi squad,

"FUCKING KONOHA VERMIN, I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE FOR KILLING MY FAMILY!!!" Another one of his crossbow bolts would shoot towards the group, uncaring to who it hit, just so he could reel in the euphoria that he had slain a Konoha ninja. In a fluid motion, Tadashi would react in sheer instinct towards the harmful arrow bolt. Activating Raijin as an aura of chakra would surface around him, empowering his body to superhuman-like capabilities, the arrow would wrinkle to nothingness once it came in contact with the aura. Before the man could react, Tadashi would already be in front of him once he reopened his eyes from the shocking blinking. Suddenly, all cells in his body would be attacked by lightning currents as he dropped to the ground instantly, writhing in paralysis by the aura. "Come on then! KILL ME, BOY!" The peasant-man spat at Tadashi. 

"Or? Would you rather hear the truth of how this village came to be, by you wretched vermin, and why you self-proclaimed "protectors" had the "decency" to commit genocide on Dorei Town?" The man licked in lips in satisfaction, enjoying every second of Tadashi's hyperventilation and internal struggle. "Don't listen to him, Namikaze!" Kalis attempted to reel Tadashi back in, but you should never underestimate the curiosity of Tadashi Namikaze.


"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Tadashi screamed to himself internally while walking towards the center of Konoha. The Silver Dragon played the horrific flashback while the ginger was getting ready for his first S-rank mission, but Tadashi wanted to ignore and forget the last segment of the flashback which was the most crucial aspect; the Silver Dragon said it related to his current mission, but the Namikaze didn't believe it. The Dragon merely shrugged and reverted to the steel tablet it was in the abyss of the Namikaze's mind. The Namikaze would adorn his regular tracksuit outfit with Yurai sheathed on his left hip. With a few deep breaths, the Ace regained himself as he focused on his mission objective. "I'm going to be working with Yoi and Kizaru eh?" The young teen pondered to himself as he reached the rendezvous point. He saw Yoi, most likely waiting for the mission to start so he walked towards the snowy-haired kid.

"Yo, Yaoi." The ginger would nonchalantly say, with a casual voice, yet with a little bit of a snarky smirk due to intentionally incorrectly pronouncing the Yuki's name the wrong way. Yaoi could also mean an assertion and an attack on Yoi's sexuality, but Tadashi wouldn't delve deeper into the subject since it was just a snarky quip, nothing more. The Ace would patiently wait for Kizaru to arrive at the rendezvous point.

WC: 2511
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Ryo : 13400

Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Re: Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:47 pm
Kizaru looked at his mission assignment. He couldn't believe he was going on an S rank mission so soon after his last mission's lesson. Luckily he wouldn't be out in the open where the real monsters lurked. He much preferred the company of his fake monster puppets.

Kimchi was still recovering from his burns and was in no shape to be leaving for a mission. He would be staying home with a large bowl of fruit. "Please don't eat it all at once. It was expensive." He'd sigh to the little ape.

He got dressed in his typical hoodie and black pants outfit and grabbed the cases for Alucard and Rake. He needed a better means of transporting his puppets, but for now he just had to hand carry them. With that he was all kitted up and ready to go.

He headed out the door and went to the rendezvous point. He was nervous about having to deal with merchants. A merchant's son himself he felt a connection to the plight of the common trader, but these people were deemed criminals by the leaf and he would obey his orders. As he arrived he would see his two teammates for this mission, Yoi and Tadashi, already waiting for him.

"Sorry guys. Didn't mean to be late." He'd call out as he walked up.

(WC 224)
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
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Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Re: Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:31 pm
The young Yuki calmly waited on the cobblestone streets of the shinobi village of Konohagakure, the village hidden in the leaves. The white haired boy noticed the red haired Genin known as Tadashi near, as Tadashi greeted him with a, well, odd comment. Yoi knowing he had to reply back with something equally insulting. Of course, this presumably all just for fun, but it was fun to take jabs at each other. “Hey tadpole, how you doing?”

As Kizaru arrived and apologized for being late, Yoi gave a small dismissive wave. “It’s fine Kizaru. How are you doing?”

“How have your guy’s Chunnin Exam matches gone so far?”

Yoi quickly recalled some information about the mission at hand, “So guys, do any of you know anything about the group were supposed to be tracking down? They’re called the Black Ones or something?”

WC: 142

TWC: 1012
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Re: Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:47 am
The Ace smirked once he heard Yoi's retort, it seemed that Tadashi taught the boy well in terms of insults. It also appeared that the young Yuki's chakra had gotten more potent when Tadashi sensed it. The crimson haired Genin was impressed, realizing that the snow haired boy had been progressing far faster than most of his peers. Hell, Tadashi would have been still learning the intricacies of his affinity, Lightning Release if he was in Yoi's place. Before the Namikaze could reply with an equivalent amount of force, he sensed another great mass of chakra walking towards their area. He could only suspect that it was their third and most likely final teammate of the S-rank mission. The puppeteer would apologize for his tardiness, which Tadashi could sympathize with. Early missions were always the hardest missions from his perspective.

"It's no big deal, you deserve a peaceful slumber, especially after all of the work you've done over the past few days. Besides, missions done early in the morning are a drag, aren't they?" The ginger mused to Kizaru, alluding to his success in the Chuunin Exams. He heard there would be redemption rounds for those who lost, so it would be something the ginger would be looking forward to in the upcoming days.  

The young Yuki would ask the two boys about their success in the Chuunin Exams, odd question, considering that every participant must have seen at least one Chuunin Exam battle on the stands. Tadashi would sigh softly, giving himself a more quizzical tone. "That's a funny question. Everyone saw each other's fights in the exams." The ginger would chuckle before continuing, "Though, I have to congratulate both of you guys on your successes. You guys both did great out there!" The Namikaze truly meant what he said; the snow haired Yuki seemed to have used a mixture of Wind and Water release to create an advanced element during his fight which was truly commendable in Tadashi's opinion. The Namikaze needed to activate his Sharingan on the stands to even comprehend what was going on during Yoi's battle. His three-way battle seemed to be very interesting and chaotic due to Fuyo using two energy enhancing techniques to bolster his power. Unfortunately, the Uchiha's body couldn't sustain the pressure of two alternate forces boosting his body. 

Kizaru's battle was very tactical and interesting, seeing as the puppeteer had many tricks up his sleeve, using a type of adhesive tar to slow down Tadashi's close friend, Suzume. It seemed that Suzume got the upper hand in the end though, but both sides performed an excellent battle. Kizaru was an excellent puppeteer of Konoha, so the Namikaze wanted to keep a close eye on him, praying that he doesn't turn out like Shinoskay...

Now Yoi would start talking about the mission, to Tadashi's delight. "The Black Ones...The Black Ones... Where have I heard that name before?" Tadashi pondered in deep thought. Suddenly, an idea came bursting to his mind. "In the aftermath of the Sunagakure Invasion, the Hokage ordered me as the leader of the Konohagakure faction momentarily to traverse the River Country and arrive in Konoha. Whilst in the River Country, our faction came across an impoverished area named Dorei Town. They blamed their poverty on Konoha, for not being able to defeat the Black Ones who were the "cause" of their suffering. One of the men in Dorei Town said that the Black Ones reside in the Fire Country borders and wear darkened clothing." The ginger clenched his fists, "Subhuman rats..." He seethed in anger. Tadashi held a strong rage for those who would hurt others to gain an advantage to live. Those are the same type of people who killed his mother and left the Pendragon Clan to ruin... "We should get to the country borders before sundown unless you guys want to make some last-minute objections?" If there were no qualms, Tadashi would promptly exit the Konoha with all of his equipment, Yurai and Tsukomogami equipped. Hopefully, Yoi and Kizaru were with him, if not, he would wait. 

"I told you the information would come in handy." The Silver Dragon smirked in Tadashi's mind.

"Shut up. Go to hell." Tadashi responded mentally, dryly. 

"I'm already in hell when I have to listen to you." 

"I'll make it a purgatory if you don't shut your mouth."

"What made you so salty?"

"Having to hear from you."


WC: 745
TWC: 3256/1666

No claims until the mission is done.
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 13400

Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Re: Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:03 am
Kizaru's two partners for this mission had both also taken part in the chunin exams, but they faired much better than the puppeteer. Yoi managed to win on his three way bout, and Tadashi showed incredible skill in his fight. Proving he was leagues above most genin in konoha at the moment. "My fight was pretty rough. Over before I could even really react." He would say with a sigh, "At least the mist covered the field so nobody really saw me embarrass myself out there." He wouldnt have wanted anyone to see him flailing like an animal as he lost blood.

Yoi shifted the topic back to the mission at hand with a question about who they were after. Kizaru didnt recall the name 'the Black Ones' but Tadashi did. He described them like a group of bandits who pillage towns on the outskirts of the countries.

"Stealing from the poor and defenseless is something only cowards would do. If they're so skilled they should take on bigger fish." Kiz couldnt help but compare them to the man who had attacked him and Yoi not long ago. Whatever justification they may have, bullying the defenseless is something humans with dignity wouldnt do. But outside the walls, dignity gets thrown to the wayside, and humans become monsters like Calin.

With newfound resolve to end these cowards acts of violence the puppeteer would follow Tadashi out of the gates, both puppet cases in hand. This time he wouldn't be defenseless.
(EXIT to fire country borders)
(WC 249)
(TWC 473)
No claims until mission end
Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Re: Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:49 pm
Actually, I should take my claims back lol

Mid-thread claims:

3000 WC towards and to finish off This, using 25% Max Stats Discount (3000/3000)
256 WC Towards Iai Beheading, using 25% Max Stats Discount (256/1125)
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Empty Re: Taking Down the Boss (p, nk)

Sun Dec 08, 2019 6:12 pm
Taking Down the Boss (p, nk) Approv19
For Tadashi Mid Thread Claims
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