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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Tue Oct 22, 2019 8:06 pm
The fall breeze blew through the village, bring arise many collections of leaves that had scattered the ground. The air was just the right temperature, not too cold and not too hot. A perfect day for many store's vendors to sell the goods to willing customers. Many last minute flower vendors were open, selling their last of the summer stalk. Some were of restaurants that were nearby that would give people a taste of their food. Tsubaki's had a vendor box open as well, selling tea. Her family would always sell tea so they could support their gardening lifestyles. 

When Tsubaki was little, she would help sell with her parents. She would learn everything about the outside world through it and even would meet some interesting people. Now, she would use it for the same thing. Information. Its purpose was to seem like a harmless area for her to sell her tea, but it was to spy on the village for information. You never realize how much you learn about people in just one interaction. Plus, with how charismatic and attractive she was, people would just spill their guts to her perky ears. 

Her goods were being sold quickly, and even though she brought extra, she was about to run out. That meant she about ready to pack up the site and count her earnings. She'd give it about 30 more minutes.

WC: 232
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:06 am
The temperature was normal today. Things didn't go as Sakuragi planned today. He was suppose to learn an hyuuga clan jutsu today but his grandma got him occupied with a lot of work. He had worked tirelessly for almost five hours and was now getting really tired. He had no choice but to help his grandma. Life as an orphan wasn't  easy for sakuragi. His grandma had been the one taking care of him since his parent died. Though she was not rich, she was caring and did the best she could for sakuragi. Most times, she's doing the dishes. Today happened be a house cleaning day. Sakuragi had sweeped the floor, moped it, clear the cobwebs. He had done a lot of things that could get a boy of fourteen tired in five hours. His grandma being old, can't do much work and sakuragi understands that. He would help her in every where he could. 

Even though sakuragi was trying not to be rude to his grandma, he was getting really tired. Though, the chores are almost done, he wasn't sure he would be able to finish it all today. An hour  later, he walked into his grandma's room “ Grandma, I'm through with the chores, I think I'm gonna take a walk to relax myself” he . His grandma who was sitting on the bed thanked him and agreed he should take a walk. 

Sakuragi sure missed training today. He would always planned his week, two weeks before. Today was a day he was suppose to learn a very powerful jutsu. There's a special place where he always learn  stuffs like that so he wouldn't damage things. Unfortunately for me, that was scrapped. He walk past some vendors,  some of them sell tea, some flowers, some cookies and several other thing.  The brown skin hyuuga was in his usual attire : a black long hand jacket, white inner v neck shirt, black short, black shinobi sandals  and his village forehead protector sat on his head. He saw a beautiful young girl. He wasn't sure if she was older or younger than he was. But if there was anything that attracted sakuragi to the girl, that would be her beauty. 

He walked up to her, “Hello, can I have some tea please?” he said with a bright smile on his face . He definitely haven't seen her before or perhaps she was one of those random faces he sees everyday and never took notice. Well, whoever she is or was, Sakuragi was about to meet and know her. He would expect the girl to give him some tea after which he would converse more with her, trying to know as much as possible about her. 

WC : 456
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:28 pm
Tsubaki was about to pack up the rest of her tea when a voice came from passed the counter. “Hello, can I have some tea please?” The Senju would turn her head to the stranger's voice, whipping her long black hair to the other side of her shoulder. The stranger was a young boy, she'd guess about 15-16. The boy had dramatic short spikey hair while his eyes were as white as the snow that would plague the ground in the coming months. However, after she noticed the eyes, she noticed the headband. A fellow shinobi of Hoshi. Both a Hyuuga and a shinobi could be an interesting character. 

Tsubaki would reopen the crate containing her tea leaves. "Sure kid, what would you like?" She would lean her elbow against the stand while waiting for an answer from the boy. There wasn't apparent that there was an alternative motive. Tsubaki just saw that this young shinobi needed a way to relax. What's a better way to relax than tea?

TWC: 401
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:23 am
Sakuragi never thought at the beginning of  his day that he would take a walk, let alone thought he would meet a beautiful lady like the one standing right in front of him, let alone thought she'd be the one to sell him. He told grandma he wanted to take a walk, but sometimes things you don't plan for just pop up. Again and again, if there was anything that attracted sakuragi to this beautiful lady here , that would be her beautiful. Mere seeing her from distance tells very much about her. She's not the chubby type as sakuragi does not like fat girls.  

It seems as though the girl was about to pack her things when sakuragi interrupted her,  she would whip her long hair to the other side of her should to look at sakuragi . Sakuragi marvel at such long hair she had or was she using a hair length increasing jutsu or something?  He couldn't be sure. Also he wasn't sure if she's older or younger than  he was. Just because she seem taller doesn't mean that she was older. Well, sakuragi never cared about  age matters anyway, so it wouldn't bother him if he finds out she was older than he was. 

Just when the lady asked what Sakuragi want, the brown skin spiky haired boy would let out a smile,  “Just gimme whatever you've got, a cup of tea, whatever stuff you have here , mix it all together and add some cubes or tea spoon of sugar ” Sakuragi knew he wasnt even close to sounding like a gentleman to the lady. He was not even a man yet, he was a boy, a kid of fourteen years. Just right after he said what he just said, he would pause for a second or two “ You have such a long hair and lovely eyes” he said with a smile . Sakuragi doesn't impress people, he's as blunt as much as possible. He was not trying to flatter the girl, he was sure the girl may be looking down on him because of his height or because he's pretty much  a kid. Those words are true and were  super true, right from sakuragi heart, not from vain lust toward the lady. He would await for the lady to serve him his cup of tea with sugar. The real conversation is just about to begin, Sakuragi wouldn't mind to follow Tsubaki everywhere she goes today just to get intimate with her. 

TWC: 874
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:38 am
Predicably, and almost obvious, the boy had found the older woman to be attractive. Was it strange? Yes. Was it flattering? No. But he was of still of some interest and also a customer so she had to treat him nicely and politely. He requested for anything along with some sugar cubes. Tsubaki took off the pot of hot water and poured it into a nice, disposable and biodegradable cup. She would put the cubes of sugar alongside the cup of hot tea. Tsu would then give the cup to the boy. "Careful, it's hot." She would add if it weren't obvious. 

After serving the tea, Tsubaki would chuckle and shake her head while putting away the supplies away like she was doing before. "So, what your name, kid?" She would stand up again to face the boy. "I've never seen you before. And from the look of your eyes, you seem to be a Hyuuga." Tsubaki would never forget a user of a kekki genki like the Hyuugas, so she was telling the truth about never seeing him before.

WC: 180
TWC: 581
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:08 pm
Everything about the girl was pretty attractive. She may be older than Sakuragi, but age wouldn't be a barrier to their getting intimate.  Sakuragi would watch as the  lady prepared the tea and would give him a cup of tea. The tea appeared to be hot as one could see the fading steam coming out of the tea. Sakuragi would take the cup gently from her, he would blow the cup gently to cool the tea a bit for drinking and also being careful not to spill the hot tea on himself. 

The lady would stand up to talk to the brown haired. Sakuragi wasn't sure how she recognise that he was an hyuuga, it seems he has a well-known  dojutsu like the uchihas. Once the lady told me that he was hyuuga, Sakuragi would slowly take a sip being careful not to burn his tongue with the hot te. The brown haired would smile an respond “ Well, it seems I have a well known dojutsu. Yes, you're right. I am a member of the Hyuuga clan, my name is sakuragi ” he would pause for a second or two to take another sip of hot tea before he talked again,  “ may I know your name please? ” he said expecting a response from her.   

Sakuragi was very certain that he had met a lady worthy of being met. He need to know as much as he could about her, as possibly share some things about himself to her. Whatever today brings, he was ready to face it. He had forgotten that his grandma was home alone and that what he told her was that he wanted to take a walk. This walk is now becoming a talk with a beautiful lady. But whatever the case may be, he has to settle things here first before going back home. 

TWC: 1185
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Fri Nov 01, 2019 11:34 pm
It had seemed the Tsubaki had grasped the attention of the young boy. Whether it was her beauty or her charisma, it didn't quite matter, Tsu seemed to have the trust of the boy. Which is all she needed to get any kind of information out of him. If there was anything worth looking into that is. 

The Hyuuga seemed to be surprised that the Senju knew the commonly know Hyuuga's dojutsu. It made Tsubaki chuckle that the kid didn't think that people wouldn't notice. He gave his name, and in return, he asked for hers. "My name is Tsubaki Senju. I'm from the Senju clan of Konohagakure. Although, I'm not from there myself." Tsu chuckled again after introducing herself and shook her head in disbelief. "Did you seriously think that your clan's unique eyes wouldn't get noticed by the public?" They were plain white eyes that looked nothing like normal shinobi's. They stand out like a sore thumb. 

Although his eyes were strange, they were very attractive to Tsubaki. Not the boy. His unique abilities of the eyes were of legends. But legends are always based on some fact. The curiosity would make Tsubaki want to test it. After answering the first question, Tsubaki would ask another one. "Do you know how to use your eyes? I imagine it takes a lot of training to get those under skill list."

WC: 231
TWC: 812
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:25 pm
It was very certain what attracted Sakuragi to Tsubaki, nothing more nothing less. His proposed take a walk was now a lemme get to know you Tsubaki thing. 

Sakuragi was surprised at Tsu’S words. He knew the byakugan is a popular dojutsu, but he knew it was this popular to the extent that the girl could tell how powerful his dojutsu is. 

The lady asked Sakuragi if he could activate his byakugan. A smirk would appear on the face of the black spiky haired “ I've learned that a very long time ago” he said as he activated his byakugan and took the last drink of the hot tea. “So what do you know about the byakugan”  he asked in a low tone.  The girl was from Senju Clan. Sakuragi knew very little of the clan, he would have asked her about her clan but the black spiky haired was more interested in knowing more about Tsu than  her clan, so he wouldn’t bother. His white pupiless eyes are fixed on the girl's charming body and as he drank his tea.  He eventually  finished drinking and would return the cup to the lady “ Thank you, how much am I paying for the cup of tea? ” he said with a smile.  He wasn't expecting a high amount, it was just a cup of tea anyway. 

Sakuragi was starting to run out of words to spark up a deep conversation with the girl. “ Where are you heading to after leaving here?” he would asked with the hope of getting a response from the girl. This konoha hoshi hybrid girl seem to be packing her stuffs already when sakuragi came here. She probably hadn't left here about sakuragi. He wouldn't want to delay her any further, more so, Sakuragi would like to give himself the impression that the long haired lady was enjoying their little chat which is even yet to commence. The black spiky haired might stick around like glue to the long haired lady as long as she doesn't refuse his company. 

TWC: 1529
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Sun Nov 03, 2019 4:00 pm
The boy seemed surprised by Tsubaki. Perhaps it was the constant questions and comments but most people don't seem to get that bothered by them. However, he seemed flattered as well, as he smirked and explained that he learned how to use the dojutsu at a young age a long time ago. Tsu was relieved to find that it was simple enough to learn that even a young student could handle it. His eagerness to answer the questions made her even happier. 

At that moment, Sakuragi would show off his abilities by activating the dojutsu in question. His eyes would seem to focus, despite the lack of pupils. In fact, the pupils seemed to be more apparent with them activated. The veins that would appear around his eyes also added to the intensity of his ability. It made the younger, formally softer looking, appear more furious and intimidating. 

The Hyuuga asked her what she knew about the Byakugan. "Well, my knowledge only comes from fables about the clan that spread around the village." She first stated, wrapping up the closing of the stand. "Like how they can peer into the souls of their opponent. Sounds almost impossible right?"   

He asked about the price of the tea but Tsubaki would raise her hand up to stop him, "Don't worry about it. It's on the house." This was a common move Tsubaki would pull just to get the trust and respect of the person she finds to have interesting information. She would also sometimes throw something cheezy in the mix, "Your conversation was payment enough." 

Finally, the genin would ask what her plan were after work. It seemed that he wanted to hang out with her for a bit longer. "I was thinking about hitting the training grounds, get some late but much-needed training in. Care to join me?" Tsubaki wanted to learn more about these young boys abilities. So her asking was only natural as it was an easy way to test one's abilities 

TWC: 1145
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

Tea (Sakuragi) (NK) Empty Re: Tea (Sakuragi) (NK)

Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:28 am
The atmosphere couldn't get better than this, a hot tea, a cute hyuuga boy and a beautiful senju lady. The certainty that his conversion with the senju was the beginning of a close bond, even the strongest of bonds was above sky limit. The black spiky hyuuga was a fresh genin who graduated from the academy few months ago. Making friends was one thing he didn't know how to do. Because he had lived his life so far all alone,  He had gotten used or addicted to being alone. Making friends is something Sakuragi is learning and he never stops learning.  How he initiated a conversation with the beautiful senju lady remained a mystery to him, , as it  wasn't something he could do on a normal day. 

Sakuragi had his dojutsu activated, the veins around his eyes budged out instensly which made him look furious. The senju lady only know basic things about his byakugan, the brown skin black spiky hyuuga presumed. “ yeah, you're right, but these eyes can do more than piercing into the souls for those who can explore it's powers. Its all a matter of how hard how can train” he said with a warm smile to the senju lady who seems to be getting ready to  leave this spot, probably for someplace better than here. 

It seems the Hyuuga had a free to tea today , The Senju seems to be more interested in conversing with the boy she is with her surroundings. “ Thank you ” The black spiky haired would say to the senju lady who wouldn't collect a penny from him. 

Sakuragi was excited, though he tried not to show it. The boy would deactivate his byakugan.  “ That would be great  Tsubaki. Do you need me to help you carry something? ” Sakuragi asked, not sure if she would be needing his help. “ So which way are we going?” He asked and then paused for her to respond before he talked again, “ do all senju have long hairs like yours” he asked and would stop talking, not wanting the bombard the senju with too many questions. Hopefully, the two would walk to the training ground together. 

TWC: 1897
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