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Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Focus : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Guard the Parade Empty Guard the Parade

Tue Sep 24, 2019 12:39 am
Mission specs:

There was a time where Byakura could remember going to events throughout the village with his family beforehand, before he had been a ninja of the village. Since recent events he had focused more on his own goals of becoming stronger and reaching the levels of both his master and his friends that had gone on to greener pastures. Today was a day where the male would have been training, but elected to shirk those duties and go about doing missions for the village. He had caught wind of the village preparing a parade for one of the many Feudal Lords of their nation that was slotted to be today. As luck or fortune would have it a particular mission was placed for those who were aware of it to guard said parade. Looking at the information for it, Byakura would accept this rather easy mission with a smile on his face knowing nothing should go wrong with it. Whether or not it did however was up to the fates to determine. Sliding his hands into his black tracksuit top, he walked out of the mission building and off toward the area where the parade would be handled. One of the perks of the mission was that they (whoever would be doing the mission with him) would be given a headset to communicate with each other while they were on the parade route.

Taking to the rooftops he stood overhead the main parade area adjusting the headset to be comfortable as he slid the mic into the tufts of his collar," Testing. Testing. One, Two Three," giving it a good check to make sure nothing was faulty, he sat on the lip of the building he had been on waiting for those that also undertook this mission to join in and make notice of their presence. From there he would simply go over a small plan with them and watch from above for any disturbances or irregular activities while the Lord was here. He honestly hoped that this would go off without a hitch and be an easy mission, but then again when was anything easy in this village lately?

Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1800

Guard the Parade Empty Re: Guard the Parade

Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:42 pm
The day in Konoha was abuzz with excitement and energy as Konoha's villagers as well as those that lived a ways out of the village had gathered to watch a sizable envoy pass through the Leaf's streets. At least five carts, two of which were driven through by horseback and three carried by manservants, would proceed slowly down the village's most central road on a path towards the Hokage's mansion. The sun bared it's blazing hot rays down from it's high point in the cloudless blue sky, dark shadows forming off of all the nearby buildings onto the villagers and the carts that would pass by, as the people within the carts that were carried off the strong backs of servants would be tended to on a consistent basis with refreshments. These highly spoiled individuals would be people of high importance though none more so than the main star of the parade who happened to be the land of fire's very own feudal lord. This popular attractor of the crowds was being smart in keeping himself safely within his cart as it was carried past everyone that cheered towards it while one individual, a large ragged gray cloak over his head and body, walked past the crowds of people following the convoy while maintaining a safe distance.

A sheathed katana secretly hidden beneath the cloak the cloaked young man known as Vergil would blend himself in with the crowd as he kept a watchful alert among all the civilians he stood within for anyone that could be considered suspicious. Vergil was adjusted to this type of mission assigned to him already but, unlike the last time, he would have help as he blended into the shadows and responded to a test call that would come to him through ear buds he had within his ears.

"I hear you. Currently have eyes on VIP from groundside. No major out of place activity to report."

Keeping along the sides of buildings he continued to walk through the cheering crowd, his pace matching that of the carts which were moving rather slowly as though reveling in the attention they were getting, as Vergil's blue eyes kept peeled upon the scene.
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Guard the Parade Empty Re: Guard the Parade

Wed Sep 25, 2019 5:59 pm
Tanjiro found himself buying a full plate of twelve gyoza with some soy sauce dip with a little wasabi on the side. The sun glaring down on his bald made sweat a constant problem, it made his eyes sting. And this head head kept slipping off, so Tanjiro used his head band to tie it into place while also keeping the sweat of his brow. Tanjiro would find himself scarfing down two to three of the gyoza while chugging down some of the soy sauce to chase. Tanjiro has never tasted something so good before. The delicious pork filling since the fried and steamed casting. It was sublime.    

This was Tanjiro’s first parade and he was kinda pissed that he was stuck working it instead of getting to enjoy it. Dipping the next gyoza into the soy sauce dip then placing it into his mouth Tanjiro would let out a satisfied sigh. This bliss however would be disrupted by a voice buzzing over the headset. It would be answered by an unfamiliar voice assuring that the ground was covered and so far safe. “I guess it is about time I get back to patrol duty.” Tanjiro would think to himself. So he would use the surface walking technique to get to higher ground. 

Once there, Tanjiro would watch the parade go by while keeping an eye on the crowd and floats. Dipping another gyoza into the soy sauce dip and plopping it into his mouth, Tanjiro would wait till most of the food was finished being chewed before giving his report. “I do not see any threats around parade route, will keep an eye around here.”  Tanjiro would go back to eating his gyoza and watching the floats go by. At the monastery they never did things like this. Everything they did was disciplined and highly focused. He never got the chance to just watch flashy carts travel down the street with no care in the world.        

WC 327
Mukuro Ketsua
Mukuro Ketsua
Stat Page : The Mad Medic
Summoning Contract : Aoiryu
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Clan Focus : Iryojutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 150400

Guard the Parade Empty Re: Guard the Parade

Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:12 am
As the other voices began to mingle on the radio, Byakura smiled for a moment kicking his feet on the edge before standing up and stretching. The group for the mission had been assembled and the parade was soon on its way. From the sky he could see many things going on, not the other two since he didn't know what they had on or even facial features so he kept his eyes on the Feudal Lord and their position. As the parade began to get on its hind legs, he moved from building to building keeping a good eye on things until something caught his eye. Squinting for a moment he looked down and to the right seeing a few troublemakers doing something. He could exactly see, but as he brought his left hand to the button of his mic he slowly began to speak," On the right of the parade I'm seeing activity from a small group. No more that two or three people but from here I can't see exactly what they are doing. From what I can see they are putting something in the way of the parade route," of course he moved as fast as he could along the rooftops.

Leaving that up to them, he continued with following the parade route until it had reached its full destination. With the other two hopefully done detaining the small group he would reach out to them," The package has reached the end of the line. Hopefully you two managed to stop that group and can enjoy what is left of the festivities," as if on cue he would leave the area, sliding down from one of the buildings and heading off to get some food. Probably some sleep as well. Whatever the case might have been, he was ready to call it a day. Guarding parades is not so bad.


End wordcount: 674

Claiming 1 stat, 3 AP, 1100 Ryo, 674 words toward putting it at 1,725/2500
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 1800

Guard the Parade Empty Re: Guard the Parade

Thu Sep 26, 2019 3:26 pm
Vergil walked along the crowds with little to no resistance nor any signs of trouble before seeing in the distance two cloaked individuals as he squinted his eyes a bit. The blue within his eyes would brighten before turning to crimson as he walked past the crowd in their direction. He would hear the words spoken to him through his earbuds the acknowledgement of his targets as he looked closely with his Sharingan to see one of them drop something that spilled out into the middle of the road. Stopping a bit of a ways away from them he saw that the two were rushing to pick back up what they had dropped as he saw something white and powdery being shoved back into their packs. He would continue to watch them as they cleared the road and walked off before deactivating his Sharingan and watching the convoy again while speaking.

"Got a look at what was happening. Just a couple of drug traffickers. Nothing detrimental for current mission."

He would continue to walk along the side of the road to watch the parade end before making his way to the mission building to report on a successful mission.


(total WC 568)

(Claiming 1 stat, 3 AP, 1,100 ryo, and Leaf Style Willow)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Guard the Parade Empty Re: Guard the Parade

Thu Sep 26, 2019 3:35 pm
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

Guard the Parade Empty Re: Guard the Parade

Fri Sep 27, 2019 10:04 am
Tanjiro sat on the roof finishing of his gyoza. Dipping the last of the tasty morsels into the soy sauce then placing into his mouth Tanjiro would let out a sigh. He was enjoying the parade from his vantage point looking down on all the scurrying people. “What an interesting event. Why would they hold such a huge event for just some old rich guy?” Tanjrio would think to himself. 

It was not to long after that Tanjrio’s thoughts would be interrupted by a voice on the head set claiming a disturbance. So Tanjiro would make his way to were the disturbance was located. But before he managed to get there a another voice would inform him that it was just a drug mule and does not pertain to the mission at hand. So Tanjiro would just ignore it and press on with this mission. Tanjiro would just continue his mission and report in once its finished. Once done he decided to go back to the gyoza stall, he wanted another batch.   

WC 172 
TWC 499

Exit mission 


1 stat 
3 ap
1,100 ryo

499 WC to Fire element unlock 
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