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Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Welcome to the Parade Empty Welcome to the Parade

Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:51 pm
Mission specs:

Minato couldn't remember the last time when a feudal lord came to visit Konohagakure no Sato. As always the village had to put on a show trying to please the Daimyō. The raven haired Uchiha never thought highly of them, but he was loyal to Konohagakure and therefore loyal to the feudal lords as well. Politics never really were Minato's thing and for that reason he wouldn't get himself involved. As the political leader of a country the Daimyō are responsible for all decisions concerning their country, and are therefore one of the single most important individuals in the entire country and hold the highest degree of political power. So it didn't came as a surprise that a lot of people were out on the streets, hoping to catch a glimpse of the feudal lord. 

Normally the young Uchiha would be amongst those enjoying the spectacular parade, if it wasn't for the fact that he was one of the people assigned to guarding the whole event. Those on duty had to guard the parade route and apprehend anyone looking suspicious or trying to harm the feudal lord. Something completely different than the previous missions Minato was assigned to, so part of him was rather ecstatic that he finally might see some action. After all, those lower ranked missions could turn out quite boring.

As he was waiting on the other shinobi to arrive the raven haired Uchiha started scouting the surroundings in case he would spot something or someone suspicious. Regardless of the fact that he was feeling excited he had to keep his cool. If he wanted to do more of these type of missions he had to prove that he could handle these kind of situations. Once he was able to successfully finish this mission he might be assigned higher ranked ones. There's only one way to the top, and that was up. All that was left now was to wait for the other shinobi to join him so the parade could really begin.

(WC: 336)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Welcome to the Parade Empty Re: Welcome to the Parade

Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:43 am
Fu reported to mission headquarters to collect her reward for catching that not so clever thief. She quickly snatched up her reward and added it to the rest of her savings. She was getting closer to be able to purchase the sword she desired, but she still had a long way to go.

If only I could get better missions, then I could make more money…

Fu thought to herself. Along with her pay, Fu also received documents containing her next mission.

“It looks like one of the Feudal lords are coming to town today and they are throwing a big parade.”

The woman that handed her the documents behind the desk would say. Fu exited the building with her orders and opened them just as she did several times before. The mission was D rank and she was going to get to work with the same guys she worked with on the last mission- along with an additional new member. Shark man, baldy, and Minato. Fu figure Tanjiro and fish man were still nearby since they had just completed their mission, so it was only a matter of time before this one started. Reading the document, the parade was scheduled to begin any minute and their addition to the security team was done last minute.

At this rate, Fu was ready to get this thing over with so she could collect her pay and move onto something a little bit more interesting. Fu continued to wait outside the HQ for the rest of her group to show up. Fu was wearing a tan top and black pants along with her ninja weapon pouches that were attached to her tool belt and her leaf headband that was facined to her left arm- her normal attire shinobi attire. Fu was lacking in the department of weapons and armor so the faster their mission ended, the quicker she could get her funds up.

Whilst waiting outside, the girl picked out another person standing nearby with jet black hair. Based on where he was waiting, Fu figured he may be the new person assigned to the same mission to her that she hadn’t met before. Fu would approach the boy and inquire:

“Hey what are the odds your name is Minato?”

Fu would ask in an upbeat manner, hoping that she was correct. If he confirmed he was indeed who she thought he was, the kunoichi would proceed to introducing herself.

“I’m Fu we’ll be working together. Shark-man and baldy should be here any minute and then we can get this thing over with.”

wc: 431
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Welcome to the Parade Empty Re: Welcome to the Parade

Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:29 am
Making his way to the headquarters, Kaito expected to be paid for his efforts, even if they had to have caught the dumbest thief known to mankind. Tanjiro was right, who robs a store right in front of where a bunch of shinobi are going to be? What an IDIOT! Still, easy work for decent pay wasn’t all bad in the eyes of the shark man.  He would enter in, gathering his pay and being given a new assignment. WAIT A SECOND! This couldn’t be right? He had to do guard duty? 
HELL YEAH! The ecstatic shark man would nearly be happy enough to jump up and click his heels together. REAL WORK! Something better than looking for a missing dog, or cutting grass, or some other crap assignment. He was protecting a parade, keeping the Fire Nation’s Feudal Lord safe from any would be attackers. Stepping outside he would see two familiar faces. “Hey Fu! Hey Minato!” He’d say loudly as he approached, making sure to move with haste. “You guy’s ready for some REAL WORK? I am gonna protect this guy like he has never been protected before! This is our time to shine! We don’t mess this up and maybe we will start getting higher rank assignments.” The shark man was clearly thrilled, as could be seen by the large grin plastered on his face. He would refrain from showing his teeth, as that had the tendency to unnerve some people.
“How do you guys want to divide this up? We go separate ways to cover the most ground? Or should we move together in case some sort of attack breaks out? Minato, you are probably the most experienced Genin here. What do you think?” Kaito would ask this with his hand placed on his chin. This was his first mission that actually felt like something that DIDN’T COMPLETELY SUCK, and so he would let the decision on what to do be up to the more seasoned shinobi. 

WC: 331

Last edited by Kaito Hoshigake on Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:07 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Didn't C/P the whole thing. My bad)
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Welcome to the Parade Empty Re: Welcome to the Parade

Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:01 am
It wouldn't take long for the other shinobi to arrive at the scene. While he was waiting for the others Minato could suddenly hear his name being called out. As he looked over to the direction the voice came from he would notice a young tanned girl with a shade of blue and green hair. Judging from the fact that she knew his name even though they had never met before, Minato figured she might be one of the other people who got assigned to guarding the parade. After inquiring if he was who she thought he would be the young girl introduced herself as Fu. "That's right, I'm Minato. Nice to meet you, looking forward to working together."

The second person to arrive and join them sounded rather familiar to say the least. An energy level that could only belong to one person and one person alone, Kaito the shark like individual Minato had already met before. A striking voice as if he was one of those motivational speakers, followed by some sentences as if he was ready to change the whole world. The raven haired Uchiha was glad to see that Kaito was doing these kind of missions as well, it would only help him gain experience. "Happy you could join us Kaito, I see you left baldy behind this time?" Minato would refer to Tanjiro who usually was hanging around the shark. 

"Alright, I guess we're all here. Let's see how we are going to handle this shall we?" Minato took the word as he probably was the one with the most experience. Kaito asked for his opinion on handling this so he might as well take the lead, but without putting himself above the others as they were all equals. Since there were three of them it would be wise to each take a side and cover the most ground in case someone planned on attacking the parade. "The safety of the feudal lord is our top priority, we can't and will not let anything happen to him. He is our responsibility so we have to make sure everything goes as planned. Fu and Kaito, you two each take a side while I keep close to the Daimyō. That way we have eyes everywhere while also having one person guarding the lord as well. Sounds good?" If any of them had a different suggestion they were welcome to share it, if they agreed to this approach he would give them both a sign to start the mission.

(WC: 421, TWC: 757)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Welcome to the Parade Empty Re: Welcome to the Parade

Wed Sep 18, 2019 4:27 am
Minato would confirm his identity and introduce himself to Fu. Moments later Katio would show up as energetic as ever. He was clearly excited about the mission- almost too excited. Instead of bashing on the fish guy, Fu would match his energy when she realized that he was right. If we did a good job hopefully, we’d get better missions and that meant more money! After putting two and two together Fu would yell:


“Yeah let’s do this!”


Minato would have a lot on his hands with these two however, at least it wasn’t going to be boring. Kaito would give the decision on whether or not we should split up into groups to cover more ground or stick together incase of an attack due to his experience as a Genin. Fu didn’t disagree nor did she care on which tactic they went with anyways.


Minato suggested that Kaito and her each take on side and he would stay close to the Daimyo. It did make pretty good sense so Fu would agree. Now that everyone was on the same page and knew their roles; they would set up for the parade to begin.


Meeting at the start of the parade, Fu would get in position to the right side of the cart. The street was currently completely empty and blocked off to allow for the parade to pass through smoothly and interrupted. On the other side of the barriers were lively patrons packed on both sides ready for the parade to begin.


There was a loud horn and the parade would start. There were many floats in the parade, but Fu made sure to stick next to the one with the actual VIP aboard- that was her mission after all. The parade also consisted of festive live music and vibrant colors and displays. The parade would last about one hour long and once the float they were guarding had got to the end, the Dainmyo would exit and rejoin his personal security. The group had now completed their mission and Fu was ready to head back to receive her reward. She was another successful mission closer to being eligible for better missions and with the Chuunin exams around the corner, she would need to continue to work hard and grind training and missions to get stronger.


Wc: 388

Twc: 819

Mission complete + exit

819 + 389(prev bal) = 1208/2k towards Wind Release

2 stats

3 bonus ap

1,100 ryo
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Welcome to the Parade Empty Re: Welcome to the Parade

Wed Sep 18, 2019 7:49 am
Upon hearing Minato refer to Tanjiro, Kaito would reply with, “I never know with that guy. He always just seems to be around.” Kaito didn’t want to admit it, but deep down he didn’t really mind the angry little bald man that seemed to follow him around. He was… entertaining.
Kaito would listen to the experienced shinobi, agreeing with the things that he said. “Yeah, keeping the target safe is our aim first and foremost.” Kaito would say, reiterating Minato’s statement mostly for his own benefit. He can have issues with focusing on the important things and allowing vital things to slip through “the cracks”. He would place his hands in his pockets, casually strolling along with the others as they made their way to the float that would have the high value target on it. “I wonder if we will see any action.” He would mutter mostly to himself, though anyone near him would hear it.
Kaito was honestly a bit surprised that such an important figure was being protected by only a handful of genin, but then it occurred to him that they were basically here to keep him from being rushed by commoners either out of anger or adoration. The parade was in the middle of the Hidden Leaf Village, and so therefore it would be highly unlikely for any real threat to make it beyond the countless defenses and patrols of the Leaf shinobi to even get to this place to try an attack. That is when everything really ‘clicked’ together in the shark man’s brain…THIS WAS NOT GUARD DUTY! THIS WAS BABY SITTING! There was practically no chance for him to really shine and bring any honor or glory to his clan despite this mission seeming important at first glance. Once this all dawned on him his demeanor would noticeably change, an unpleasant look on his face coupled with what seemed like a frown.
The music and colors of the parade were drowned out by the melancholy of the shark man. This was supposed to be his big break, but it turned out to be just a really big disappointment. His soured mood did not prevent him from performing his role in the team to protect the Fire Daimyo. Of course, as expected nothing really came of it. Maybe his helping such a high ranking official would help in his ascent, but he did not count on such a thing to occur.
Once everything was said and done and the target was now in the safe hands of his personal assortment of guards Kaito would return with the team towards the mission assignment headquarters. “Any of you guys think that this mission sounded WAY cooler on the briefing than it turned out to be?” Kaito would of course still collect his payment, but this mission did little to showcase his skill to the village superiors in order for him to get better assignments.

twc: 819 [mission completed]

Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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Welcome to the Parade Empty Re: Welcome to the Parade

Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:46 pm
The raven haired Uchiha was glad to hear they were all in full agreement on how to best approach this mission. Fu and Kaito would each handle a side while Minato would remain close to the feudal lord. That way every direction was covered and they would be able to react when need be. Of course the chances of something going wrong were very little as the parade was taking place in the middle of the village but that didn't mean Minato would allow for his focus to weaken. So he would keep on high alert in case he would have to eliminate any threats. 

Once the parade was on its way the streets were beginning to fill with more and more people who had come out to catch a glimpse of the parade and the feudal lord. Most of them were parents who took their children to see since this event was something that didn't take place every year. Still keeping an eye on his surroundings Minato would check and see how Fu and Kaito were doing, but it looked like there were no problems on their side as well. Unless something were to happen last minute the three of them were going to complete the mission without any trouble.

And so the mission had come to an end as they delivered the feudal lord to his own personal guard. Guarding the parade was a success but he couldn't help but feel a bit sad that nothing interesting had happened and so he agreed with Kaito. "Yeah, kind of a letdown to be honest, but I'm glad no one got hurt." Minato would accept his payment before he would say his goodbyes to Fu and Kaito.

(TWC: 1044)
- 1000/1000 Bull Rush C-rank
- Mission rewards (1100 ryo, 3 AP)
- 2 stats
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Welcome to the Parade Empty Re: Welcome to the Parade

Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:25 pm
Approved @Minato @Fu of claims
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