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Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:33 pm
They moved through the tunnels. Chuta kept his light shinning in the direction they were going, as they reached the corner he kept his kunai at the ready and took it slowly. Light beamed through the darkness and straight at a wall covered in lizards. Most of them had yellow spots covering their bodies. Others had purple. They congregated on the far wall.

It took a moment for Chuta to realize what they were looking at. The wall was dark and spotted. The movements of the lizards contrasting with the bright spots confused his vision, it was like he was looking into a muddy puddle with a bunch of flashlights beaming back at him. As he focused he could make out the wall shift, a bunch of the smaller lizards fell to the ground as one larger one moved from the wall. It hid well under all the others, but now that it was on the ground too it's size was quite remarkable, five feet from head to tip of its tail. It's head was two feet thick, and just a little wider.

It's eyes glared toward the two ninja. The smaller creatures fell of its body and let large purple circles show brightly in Chuta's light. It was about 15 feet away from were they were standing. It moved slowly, closing the distance. As it approached Chuta stepped back. "Umm." Chuta put his arm out signaling Kizaru to do the same. But before he knew it this thing was already 10 feet from him and lunging for an attack. It's mouth lunged toward the ninja. Its attack (20 speed) moved quickly and low against the ground, snapping upward at Chuta, he was the closest.

Chuta moved back (27 speed). He was able to shove Kizaru out of the way if he hadn't moved back yet. The thing stayed where it was after the attack. Just looking at the two of them.

"Steady ol'boy." Chuta said putting his hands up. A kunai in his right hand made the, "we are friendly" posture a little counterintuitive.

WC: 345
TWC: 1358
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Sat Sep 21, 2019 7:51 pm
Around the corner there seemed to be a gathering ground for small lizards. So many of them, Kizaru had never seen this many creatures all in one place. As he gawked at the flowing mass of salamanders, a large one shifted it's way out of the pile. It crept towards the pair, slow at first but then picked up pace. Kizaru jumped back (35 speed) in fright as it snapped at Chuta.

The young Puppeteer had to do something so he connected his chakra threads to Mochi. The bat puppet sprang to life and began to fly above Kizaru's shoulder. He was ready to attack but Chuta seemed to want to try and take the nonviolent approach first.

Kizaru tried to relax his posture so as not to give off a frightening vibe. He wished he had brought more firepower but it was only supposed to be a simple day of checking out merchant carts.

If the salamander went to attack again Kizaru would be ready to attack.

(WC 168)
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:55 am
"What do you kids want?" The salamander spoke in a scruffy voice, like he'd been smoking a pack a day for his whole life. At first Chuta was stunned and didn't say anything back. He just glanced back at Kizaru and his puppet. Chuta's arms were still up.
"We just came down here to investigate what you were doing here." Chuta said. "So, what are you-"
"I don't answer to you!" The creature said, its body turned and heaved its large three foot tail in their direction (20 speed). Chuta was able to move out of the way, jumping back once more (27). The water under his feet rippled with agitation.
"Who do you answer to?" Chuta asked.
"Why don't you guys just stand still, and I'll tell ya." The creature jumped forward again, its mouth wide. His body lunged for Kizaru (20speed) But Chuta wasn't about to let it hurt him. He dashed for the lizard, shouldering it against the wall (37 impact). The animal hunched over.
"Ok, ok.." The thing wheezed. "I'll tell ya. There is another in the area, a strong ninja. We like to follow him around, it makes summoning easier." The thing shook its massive body as Chuta let up. The water splashed as the creatures body entered it.
"Summoning? You mean you all are-"
"We are salamanders from the Rain country. We don't mean Konoha any trouble." The salamander said. "As soon as our friend leaves, we will, but no sooner."
"Alright." Chuta put his kunai away.
"Your lucky I wasn't bigger, I might have just eaten you." It said, "But, because I feel generous today and you guys don't seem like pushovers, I'll give you a choice." Another salamander emerged from the water, in its mouth was a large scroll, about a foot long and four inches thick. "You can sign this and become a fiend, or you can see how deep this hole gets." The salamander readied for an attack.

The salamanders on the wall began to move in circular motions, at least, that is what it looked like. They weren't moving fast, but with their shinning yellow spots it had a tendency to confuse the eyes.

WC: 365
TWC: 1723
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:15 pm
Kizaru was shaking in his boots. The large lizard proved to be more aggressive than he thought and did not listen to Chuta who tried to make peace. The creature lunged at Chuta again before surprisingly, it spoke.

The salamander's voice was rough and gravelly. It spoke with confidence and didnt seem to want anything to do with the two investigating ninja. It lashed out a third time, this time coming for Kizaru. The young puppeteer prepared to slice with Mochi but Chuta beat him to it. He slammed the creature off course and it smacked with a thud against the wall.

Seemingly now afraid of the situation he was in, the creature began to act more receptive to conversation. It told the pair about the salamander's reasoning for being in Konoha and appeared to pose no threat to the ecosystem. The only problem was with how they were getting to the village. They were hurting people's livelihoods by stowing away on carts.

The creature offered them a chance to be friends, an offer Kizaru thought they should accept. He turned his head to Chuta and nodded slightly to show his approval of the proposition.

(WC 195)
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:20 pm
"Um, sure. I'll be a friend." Chuta said. He ignored the salamanders hunched position, ready to pounce, and scratched his head. "How does that work?" He smiled. At this point Chuta wasn't exactly sure what he was getting himself into. But if it would make the creature more tame, he was all for it.

"All you have to do is take the scroll, bite your finger and sign it in blood." The salamander said.
"Oh, I've heard of this" Chuta said. "But once I do, you guys have to promise me something.. Stay out of the carts the merchants bring in. Fina another way into the village. Your not only making us wonder about sanitation, your hurting peoples livelihood." Chuta said. The creature didn't say anything, it just hummed in a low tone.

Chuta took the scroll from the other salamander, unraveled it and bit his finger. On it he could see a string of other names and signatures that were signed in a similar manner. He was about to move to the wall for something to write on when the other lizard came forward and offered its body as a table. Chuta set the scroll on its body and signed it.

"Alright. We will use the rivers instead..." The salamander said. "But the carts are just soo yummy." It sighed.
Chuta laughed a little. "Stay off the carts." He wagged a finger, blood dripped from it.

WC: 237
TWC: 1960
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Ryo : 13400

Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Sun Sep 22, 2019 5:39 pm
The salamanders seemed satisfied with Chutas answer and allowed him to sign his name on the scroll. Kizaru stood quietly, hoping Chuta wasnt signing himself up for anything crazy.

His partner struck a deal with the creatures to no longer come into the village on trader carriages. Kizaru figured with that, the problem was solved. They no longer needed to follow the investigation, and they could get out of the sewers.

"We're almost done buddy," he whispered to the small monkey covering its nose in his pocket.

"So are we done here?" He asked, still wary of the dangerous talking animals in front of them.

(WC 105)
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Sun Sep 22, 2019 7:14 pm
"Ha.. boss is going to be glad we got another one on our side." The larger salamander spoke to the others. They only moved slowly and went back to the wall. Soon the larger one did the same.

"yeah, I think we are done here." Chuta answered. The smell was starting to get to him, with all of the movement is was getting worse. "Lets get back up on street level, finish the mission." Chuta said and gestured back the way they came. The day was interesting for sure. Hopefully the creatures kept to their promise and everything would be alright.

Once back up on street level Chuta would start to investigate the other carts. They were all clean and sanitary. No sign of intruding lizards or any other animal for that matter. He started to wonder who this Stronger ninja was that the big salamander was talking about, maybe he should have pried more, but he had a sneaking feeling that he was going to find out soon.

WC: 169
TWC: 2129

[Claiming 2000/2000 Salamanders of the Rain Country Summon & +129/1000 Water Whip // +5 speed / +5 Stamina]

Last edited by Chuta Pendragon on Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:56 pm; edited 3 times in total
Layne Kruethdale
Layne Kruethdale
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Mon Sep 23, 2019 4:00 pm
With the salamanders satisfied the pair was clear to head back to the surface. They checked out the remaining carts, but they were all clear. This mission went to show Kizaru that even the simplest of jobs could turn out to be dangerous.

"I'll report in to the hokages office if you wanna head home Chuta." He said as the pair separated after the job. "I'll see you around."

It was an interesting mission that was for sure. Kizaru made a mental note to not go snooping for wild animals by himself ever. That could have been bad if Chuta weren't there.

(WC 102)
(TWC 1210)
Claiming +2 stamina +4 speed

Claiming 1000 words to Complete Chakra Suppression
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Flash Back: A Day of Inspections (Kizaru/NK)

Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:57 am
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