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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Missions w the boyz Empty Missions w the boyz

Sat Sep 07, 2019 5:07 pm
Mission: D Rank - Catching the Theif

One mission down and a bunch more to go! Fu had finally completed her first mission and she was eager to begin her next. To be honest, her first mission was very underwhelming, and she hoped that her next mission would be a bit more challenging, or interesting at least.

As soon as she got paid for finding the dog, she went right back to the mission headquarters to request another. Behind the desk was an older woman who clearly recognized Fu from her last mission, which she had been assigned on a few hours prior.

“Ah what I would do to be young again.” She would say as she slid an envelope towards Fu.

“Thanks lady!” Fu would say whilst snatching the envelope up off the table and going on her way.

Fu would step into the sunlight, the rays causing her tan skin to glow. It would also illuminate her powder blue hair and her amber colored eyes. Fu was currently wearing a green shirt and black shinobi pants along with her 2 new shinobi pouches containing various tools that she had just bought from the village’s shinobi store. Fu had her headband adjusted to be an armband as well because she did not enjoy having it on her head.

The Genin would then open the envelop to reveal the details of her new mission. A D rank mission and she was going to get to work with two other Genin! Fu didn’t have any friends so the idea of making new ones excited her. She read the two names on the document in her head.

“Tanjiro Nazar and Kaito Hoshigaki …”

Fu couldn’t help but wonder what they would they would be like. She also wondered what her own last name was since she did not know. For the longest time she went by either Fu or ‘Seven’… Either way Fu would wait by the HQ for her other teammates to arrive so that they could begin their investigation into capturing the thief.
TWC: 336
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Sat Sep 07, 2019 6:17 pm
Kaito would make his way to the headquarters, looking to find a mission that was more fitting of his capabilities. He was a GENIN NOW! Why was he assigned such lowly tasks? Did they not trust him with the more important missions? No matter. They would see he was capable, whether they wanted to or not. 

Kaito would approach, his large blue body and muscular physique quite a sight. He wasn't just walking though. No that would be a HORRIBLE WASTE OF TIME! No, he was doing lunges into a set of squats. His clothing was odd, consisting of a loosely fitting, unbuttoned shirt that clearly shows off his impressive body. He would see a young kunoichi standing out front, her headband tied to her arm. Not paying her much mind beyond a simple head nod, Kaito would head in to offices to get a new assignment. 

The shark man would leave the building, his annoyance clear on his face. "WHO IS FU?!" He would say aloud, yelling for anyone in the area to respond. "Are you FU?" He would ask the oddly placed Kunoichi standing there like she was waiting for people. "I'm Kaito, and I was assigned some nothing mission again with you and that weird bald guy." While waiting for a reply, he would drop to do some push ups. Gotta work for the GAINS, boys!
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Missions w the boyz Empty Re: Missions w the boyz

Sat Sep 07, 2019 7:13 pm
Tanjro's mood has yet to improve. The village seemed to be giving him nothing but busy work half assed missions. He wanted to do something to stand out, something that would let him get his hands on a bingo book. He knew he had to improve his style and prepare before he found his hated enemy. 

Stomping his way to the shinobi headquarters Tanjiro would see a familiar fish man doing push ups. "Kami, it is this Sashimi mother fucker again! Thinking to himself "I hope they pair me with someone else for this mission." once his attention was pulled away by a cute girl standing near him Tanjiro's thoughts would become hectic. "How the hell does this guy get to talk to girls? He smells like fish market!" 

Shaking his head, Tanjiro would find his way to an old lady at the head quarters. 
"Hey Granny! I got a mission order. Give it to me!" Tanjiro would nearly shout out. 
The older woman would look up from what she was doing. Looking the young shinobi up and down. "looks like we have another lively one here." the granny would say with a slight smirk across her face. Tanjiro not paying close attention would only respond with a simple "Huhhhhh?" But before he could make anymore of an ass of himself the old lady would give him his mission. With a quick "thanks" Tanjiro would stomp his way back out of the shinobi headquarters.

Upon opening the letter Tanjiro would let out a loud "You have got to be fucking shitting me! I am working with that thing again.” Tanjrio would make his way to the big fish guy doing push ups. “Come on lunch lets get this mission done” looking over to the girl Tanjiro’s face would reden slightly and him being bald made him look slightly like a tomato. “I am guessing you are Fu.” he would say in a clearly uncomfortable voice. When she would inevitably respond Tanjiro would quickly turn away ignoring any insult or comments thrown his way and just heading to the mission objecting saying. “Lets go I don't have all day.”

Wc 358
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

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Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:56 am
Fu continued to wait for her new mission mates, and luckily for her, they did not keep her waiting long. A few moments later, a large blue man came barreling down the street in fantastic fashion. He was not running nor walking, he was literally do lunges and squats while making his way towards the mission headquarters. Fu was totally amused and captivated by whatever this guy was clearly doing. He then began to shout a familiar name. The girl watched with stars in her eyes as he exited.

“WHO IS FU?”  

The blue fish man shout to whoever was listening. He would scan the surroundings, then locking his eyes on Fu.

“Are you Fu?”

He would say, now heading directly towards her. Now that they were in ‘normal’ talking distance, the man would introduce himself as “Kaito”. Before Fu could get a reply in, Kaito would drop down to the ground and begin doing some pushups, putting on a display of his physical physique.

“You’re so cool!”

Fu would blurt out. Fu was fascinated with beasts so this man to her was a fine specimen of a shinobi. She wanted to fight him, hopefully later she would get the change to.

“You’re like a shark and a man. A shark-man! Or are you a fish man?”

She would say with a puzzled face. Fu’s eccentric energy seemed to be matching that of Kaito’s. A minutes later, another man would arrive. A bald man. He was doing the same as Kaito had done; approaching the HQ and receiving his mission orders only to find out that he was teamed up with shark-man again. After joining the other two, he would urge Kaito to stop messing around so they could get started and then he would turn his attention to Fu.

“I am guessing you are Fu.”

“Yep that’s me!” Fu would say in a cheery voice. “I’m guessing you are…” as she took one last look at her paperwork, “Tanjiro?”

As she finished her sentence, shouting could be heard further down the main road near market stands where merchants were trading. A hooded figure could be seen making his way with something that he clearly just stole.

“Help! Thief! Someone stop that bastard!”

A merchant could be seen now in the middle of the road shaking his fist in the air.

“First one to stop him wins!”

Fu would yell out before darting down the road towards the thief, at her top speed of course.

WC: 414
TWC: 750
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Missions w the boyz Empty Re: Missions w the boyz

Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:28 am
Kaito would continue doing his push-ups while responding to the inquiry about what exactly he was. “I’m closely related to sharks, so Shark man would be most fitting.” Of course, sharks were fish so fish man would also work. Kaito of course wouldn’t say this out loud. It sounds WAY COOLER being a shark -apex predator of the waters - than a simple fish.

The shiny bald head of Tanjiro would luckily not blind the shark man since h was currently facing the ground. “LUNCH? No lie, I could go for some lunch, but you gotta keep your head IN THE GAME, MAN!” Kaito would shield his eyes with a hand as he got up and looked at Tanjiro. “We are on a mission. Lunch can wait until we finish.” Kaito would look over to Fu, scrunching his face and pointing his thumb at Tanjiro. “This guy.”

Hearing the outcries of a nearby shop keeper and Fu’s statement, Kaito would spring into action. “Challenge accepted!” He would shout as he full speed sprints towards the fleeing thief. Kaito noticed that he was absolutely crushing the others in terms of raw speed, “IF YOU TWO DON’T HURRY UP YOU ARE GONNA LOSE HIM!” He’d shout back to the others. This of course was to his detriment, since as he turned his head to hurry them along a cart would be rolled right into his way.


Kaito would slam into the cart, toppling it over with ease. “DAMNIT!” He’d yell as he stumble to get up and stand the cart back up as quickly as he could. He was a WINNER! He couldn’t let that bald loser best him again. Luckily, he would find it incredibly easy to catch up due to his superior physical conditioning. The thief was quick, but he didn’t seem to be anywhere near as fast as Kaito had been. The others might be able to close the distance before he was able to catch him.

If the others didn’t manage to reach the bastard before Kaito did he would full on linebacker tackle that punk to the ground and restrain him until the others caught up. If the others manage to catch the damn thief Kaito would assess the situation and take action depending on some varying factors.
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Missions w the boyz Empty Re: Missions w the boyz

Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:37 pm
Kaito seemed to completely miss the point of his insult. Then he went on a whole tangent about not letting food distract you from your mission. But sadly there would not be enough time to enlighten the stupid fish man. Tanjiro heard a cry for help and a commotion along with the other two shinobi. The thief would make his presence known right in front of the shinobi mission office. “Not the smartest thief now is he.” Tanjiro would think to himself.     

Since there were calls for help, the other two young shinobi would quickly make chase. Both running at full speed after the foolish thief. Tanjiro would use surface walking technique to climb a close building and follow the thief from above. Leaping from building to building Tanjiro would use the sounds of the thief's commotion to track him.   

Fu called out a challenge for whom ever caught the thief. However Tanjiro was not really in the mood for fun and games. He really just wanted to collect his missions rewards and go home to sleep. Tanjiro did have to hold back a laugh as he heard Kaito knock over a full cart. He had just wished he was down below so he could have seen it. 

 Tanjiro would keep track of the foolish thief and would cut him off if he tried to slip in an alleyway. But it was more likely that one of the two on foot would capture him first. He was there to make sure he did not sneak away. But if his actions earlier were of any indication, this thief was an idiot.    

WC  270
TWC 628
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Missions w the boyz Empty Re: Missions w the boyz

Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:46 am
It reminds me of the hunt. Fu found herself locked into the game, or was it a mission? Either way, the hunt was on and she was in full pursuit. Everything was going according to plan until the big shark/fish man passed her. She was confused as to how such a big and bulky thing could even move that fast- which lead her to thinking if he could even swim with all those muscles. It was clear that Kaito was much faster than her in terms of raw speed which bothered her. She now would train faster in order to be able to keep up with the fish man if they were to ever battle. Tanjiro on the other hand seemed to disappear. Kaito then turned his head to yell back towards the group to encourage them to hurry up- or maybe it was to make sure they knew who the apex predator of the group was. Either way, the man’s gesture was met by a moving kart which he would collide into causing it to topple over.


As Kaito stopped to clean up his mess, Fu would dart around him, thus taking the lead again. The gap between the thief and the Genin was now only about 10 meters or so and Fu knew that Kaito would be passing her any moment to steal her kill. Fu would reach into her tool pouch and retrieve a singular kunai with her right hand. Closing one eye, the girl would release the kunai towards the thief, and it would impale him, more specifically, impale the bottom of his sandal as his foot rose to take a step. This would cause the petty thief to fall forward, dropping all the things he had stolen causing them to scatter. In moments, Kaito would be on the thief. Good thing he was big and strong because it would be his job to apprehend the thief and bring him to the jail to get served.


Fu would wait for Tajiro to join the group. Once he had joined them, Fu would say in a confident and cheerful manner:


“I WIN!”


Once the thief was tied up, Fu and potentially the rest of the group, would begin her travels back to the mission headquarters to receive her reward. She had completed her first D rank mission, as well as she was able to work with other Genin for the first time! It was much easier completing missions with others and definitely provided more entertainment. She looked forward to completing more missions with Kaito and Tanjiro. She also looked forward to getting stronger. Kaito’s speed made Fu realize that despite her training, others were still working as hard as her or even harder to become strong too. 

[Mission Complete]

WC: 460

TWC: 1,210

1,526 + 474 = 2k Wep Spec.
500/500 towards this
236/500 towards Body Flicker
2,400 (current bal.) + 1,100 = 3,500 Ryo
3 Mission AP = New total 7

Last edited by Fu on Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:49 pm; edited 3 times in total
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Missions w the boyz Empty Re: Missions w the boyz

Fri Sep 13, 2019 2:37 am
Kaito would find himself closing the distance, Fu barely in the lead and Tanjiro their eyes in the sky. At this pace he felt as though he would reach the thief before Fu, and that would mean that he would win. Then he would watch as Fu pulled a ninja tool from her pouch and launched it at first he was going to yell for her to stop as killing the man would not be the desired course of action. Luckily, her kunai would zip towards the sandal of the fleeing criminal, pinning it to the ground and causing him to stumble and fall. His possessions would scatter like marbles, going in various directions. Kaito would catch up the the man and begin to kick him repeatedly. Not enough to kill him or leave any crippling injuries, but enough to really bruise him up and teach him a lesson. Plus, with the man beaten up some, he will be less likely to resist and try to flee again.
Kaito would then hear the words that pained him so. Those two words, simple yet crippling. Fu exclaimed ‘I win!’ which in turn meant that Kaito had lost. HOW? How can he keep losing? First to Tanjiro, and now to Fu. Well, the simple answer to it was incredibly easy to figure out. HE WOULD JUST HAVE TO TRAIN THAT MUCH HARDER! “Good job. Know that I won’t lose next time.” He would add, making certain that both had heard him.
Once finished, he would grab the thief, tie him up, and make his way to the jail.

Mission complete
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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Missions w the boyz Empty Re: Missions w the boyz

Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:00 pm
Taniro would hard core parkor to the edge of the buildings he was running atop of. Looking down he would see the other two Shinobi chaining after the foolish thief. It would seem that the big fish man got up from his fall and would quickly pick up the chase. “It seems that fish boy is not so out of water as I thought.” Tanjrio would think to himself as he made chase. 

Fu was hot on the thieves heels with fish boy and would quickly would pull out a kunii and prepare to throw it. Tanjiro in a slight amount of shook would think to himself. “Holy shit. Is she going to do it. I would hate to explain to the higher ups that they killed their first target.” He wanted to stop her but he was too far away to do anything.”  So if she wanted to kill the thief she could do so quite easily. 

Lucky for the thief FU decided to spar his life. She threw an impressive kunia shot into the thief’s sandal. This forced the fool to lose his balance and fall flat on his face. That’s when Kiato would run over and start to kick the downed thief. That seemed like a good way to blow off some steam. So Tanjiro would jump down from the roof and Stomp his way over to the fallen thief. “Why would you steal something… Pause” Kick him him in the gut. “RIght. Pause.” kick him in the gut again “in front of the Shinobi mission office.”  Tanjiro would use a final kick to exemplify his point to the foolish thief.

Now that the thief was properly placated, Tanjiro would let the fish man tie up their prey and lead him to the mission office to turn him in. Tanjiro was hungry after the chase and he wanted to collect his money and go get some food. 

WC 320 
TWC 948 

Mission end

Mission rewards 
1100 ryo
3 ap

2 stats 
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Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:14 am
Approved Kaito and Tanjiro
Fu where does the '2400' come from your additional ryo claim?
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