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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

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Mon Jul 12, 2021 2:20 pm
First Mission:

It seemed that the time had come for the odd Senju girl to be selected to clean up the monument to the late Mizukage, Xyxer Gyojin. She stood at the base and stretched herself wide, looking up at it with a spark in her pale green eyes. She'd been in Kiri for as long as she could remember but she'd never met the man, she wondered what he was like in person. She only knew him as the great and powerful tyrant of the Island Country who'd led Kirigakure to conquer several other villages, but she had no idea what he was like in conversation. Was he as bloodthirsty as rumors said? Could he even be a kind person, masquerading as a ruthless tyrant for the good of his village? For once, Dana lacked the answer but she was content. As Dana walked around the monument to collect all the cleaning supplies she required, she bobbed her head to a pleasant tune she was humming. The small woman drew lots of odd stares as she did so, but remained seemingly clueless to them. One unlucky woman accidentally got in her way and she skipped straight through the woman and shouldered her away; she didn't even acknowledge her.

"Young lady watch where you're- Ugh, forget it." The woman tried, only to notice Dana was paying absolutely zero attention to her. She shook her head at the audacity of the youth nowadays, leaving to go enjoy the rest of her day reading books and drinking coffee.

Dana collected the cleaning supplies from a nearby exterior supply closet and looked around for a tap of some sort to fill her bucket and only then realizing she had just the Jutsu she needed. She put the mop, rags and bucket on the floor and performed two hand seals in front of her torso, upon the completion of the hand seals a stream of water shot straight from her mouth and it slowly filled up the bucket. A little gross, if one stopped for a second to think about it, but Dana was the type of person to really care about what others thought. After a few seconds of spewing water from her mouth into the bucket, she grabbed the supplies off the floor once more and began the absolutely exciting task of cleaning up the monument. The first thing she did was use Surface Walking to reach right up to the top and begin scrubbing all the bird poop off the old Mizukage's face. She wondered if the birds had specifically targeted him because there was an unsettling amount of poop on the surface of the monument. Maybe Xyxer was notorious among the bird folk and so they all took any opportunity they could to deface him. She giggled as she walked down the front of the statue and began cleaning away some of the dust that had settled in various crevices of the statue. Just for fun, Dana did the Fish Spit Jutsu again to give the statue a good power washing.

Once she was done Dana walked back to the top of the statue and sat down, admiring the lovely view she had of Kirigakure from so high up.


Second Mission:

Dana stayed on top of the Mizukage statue for as long as she could - until told to get down - and found that she still possessed a remarkable amount of energy. She practically bounded down the front of the statue like an excited child and, after returning the cleaning supplies, ran all the way across the village to the mission desk, white hair flowing out behind her. She burst through the entrance of the mission building, making many people around the entranceway jump, and continued running until she'd made it right up to the desk.

"Greetings, sir! Would I, by any chance, accept another contract for the day? I have found meself with a sudden influx of energy that I must  use at once!" She laughed and jumped over the desk and swung herself around, ending the maneuver by crossing her legs underneath her and sitting down in front of the poor clerk.

"Um, yes. Of course miss Senju." The clerk responded, remembering her name from earlier, "Would you like another one of the same difficulty?"

"Mhm." She hummed, now rocking back and forth.

"Let's see here..." He muttered under his breath as he reached underneath the desk. He brought up a few documents and leafed through them for a few seconds until he found what ne needed. He pulled it out and handed the slip of paper to Dana, "The dog shelter nearby would like someone to give their dogs a walk, think you can handle it?"

"It will be a challenge but I'm sure I'll manage somehow," She joked, pushing herself off the desk and landing lightly, "I shall see you shortly."

Several minutes later and Dana had found her way to the dog shelter, and she could see what the mission slip meant about the cages needing to be cleaned. The whole interior of the building stank of shit and wet dog, a truly charming combination that made the young Senju have to cover her face with her cloak. After a brief conversation with the owners of the pet store she was given two large hounds to take on a walk. As she walked them out the front door she could feel the pure physical strength they had, and she got the sense that, if they wanted too, they could end up taking her for a walk instead of vice versa.

"Come, mighty hounds! Let us take this wonderful village by storm!" She chuckled joyously and marched forward with the two dogs in tow. She took them past the water, letting them bask in the presence of the glorious storm wall that Kirigakure was known for. They seemed kind of intimitated by it for some reason, why would the big strong doggies be scared of it when little Dana wasn't? No matter, she'd just have to take them somewhere else!

WC: 1020
2 E-Rank missions
10 AP
10 Stats into Vigor
Water Release: Water Whip [1000/1000]
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12020

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Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:35 pm
Also claiming 2200 Ryo
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Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

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Mon Jul 12, 2021 6:38 pm
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