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Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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New Faces - Page 4 Empty Re: New Faces

Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:29 pm
It was easy to see that the fish fool was having some trouble getting the chakra sensory skill. He was just dense and could not understand the nuances of the skill. Tanjiro would never admit it but the only reason why he was doing better in this regard is due to previous training. A lot of the meditation techniques his father taught him back at the monastery taught him these shinobi life skills. Without him knowing Tanjiro’s dad was preparing him for a hard life ahead. 

Tanjiro would watch Kaito as he struggled to broaden his perception. In one of the staple meditation techniques the monks at the Bonsai of Fire and Steel learn, is open up their perception and feel the chakra of the other monks around them. You had to separate one's own being from their mind and look beyond. Once you understand this concept, you will have the basic concept of the chakra sensory skills down.

But how do you convey this idea in away an even a fish can understand? He would ponder this concept for a moment until an idea would pop into his mind. Walking over to the foolish fish Tanjiro would try to explain what he understood to the under evolved life form. “Hey sashimi, look beyond your own usual senses. Forget those gross eyes and that mouth full sharp teeth. Ignore the smells you get from that prick like nose and the sounds from your near non existent ears.” Now that Tanjiro explained how to stop focusing on him he could try to work Kaito through looking beyond. But that smell was going to make that hard.    

 Now Tanjiro would try to lose his normal sour tone and tried to mimic the way his father led him in meditation as a kid. Something deep and rhythmic, sounds flowed from one word to the next like waves. “Pretend like you are in the ocean. The water is all around you, in you. You are the water, become one with the water. You will notice in all this water there are other currents. Try to see these currents within this ocean of water. Once you visualize this you can perceive others chakra.” 

Tanjiro would hope he helped out the other Shinobi. Wait? Why did that make him happy? Tanjiro would try to push those thoughts out of his mind and just watch Kaito and see if he succeeded.     

WC 404
TWC 5373
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:03 am
Kaito would listen to the others explanation, hoping that it would help him manage to master this skill. Minato would tell him to try and focus less on what was going on inside and more on reaching out with his senses to the surrounding area. He could try, but this whole thing felt odd and unnatural. His senses were incredibly sharp, but this just felt… different. Kaito would close his eyes as instructed while also now listening to Tanjiro as well. He might have thought that the monk was a bit of an idiot, what he was saying here actually made some sense. The slightest differences in the current were easily felt, and this thought process would translate well.
Kaito had his eyes closed, feeling the supposed currents of chakra emanating from the other two. The shark man thought that he had started to feel something, but just as it had quickly began so too did it end. Frustration would begin to overtake him, his lip beginning to curl into a snarl before he managed to calm once more. Once more he would simply try to feel out the others and this time he had felt something, almost as if it was moving. It was different than before, and so he knew that something had to have been working. Opening his eyes, he would see Minato moving around. So it was Minato moving around? Wait a second. “I GOT IT!” He would nearly yell in excitement. “I am able to sense you I think!” He might have been a tad too excited, but he didn’t care if it seemed silly to the others. He had come a long way in his training so far and had no plans to stop anytime soon.
“Thanks, guys!” He would say as he started to bounce around again, seeing if he was able to keep up his sensory while also managing to do other things. It was shaky, but he felt like it was working. “So, what’s next? You guys wanna get some sparring in?” Before he would go on, he would also then add, “And afterwards we could catch a meal or something. I’ll buy!” Kaito really felt like he was starting to warm up to these guys. Tanjiro was still… well a bit more than expected, but the hulking shark man was grateful for the assistance in his training.

wc: 397
TWC: 5355
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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New Faces - Page 4 Empty Re: New Faces

Wed Sep 18, 2019 2:54 pm
The raven haired Uchiha almost couldn't believe it when he saw Tanjiro actually being nice to Kaito and giving him advice on learning Chakra Sensory. It would seem that miracles do happen. Maybe the monk had a soft spot after all. Sure, baldy had an interesting way of putting things but the end justifies the means. Tanjiro would take the fact that Kaito had looks similar to a shark quite literally as he told him to envision himself in the ocean. Maybe Kaito would feel more comfortable when he would imagine himself around a place that felt most natural to him. If it really helped him Minato wouldn't mind, as long as Kaito wouldn't feel insulted even more by those words. "So you can play nice after all" the raven haired Uchiha would tease Tanjiro.

For some reason and to his own relief Kaito started to make and feel some progression. The shark was getting closer and closer to reaching his goals. Of course it wouldn't happen just like that, there were still some hardships to overcome. Kaito's failure lead to frustration as he was really feeling the struggle by now. Important was to continue and not to give up. Eventually success would come. And there it was, the realization that he was able to sense those around him filled Kaito with happiness. It probably took him longer than he had hoped for but in the end he was still able to pull it off. Even the more reason to be bouncing around. "Good job Kaito, I'm proud of you" Minato complimented him after successfully learning the Chakra Sensory skill.

After he was calmed down a bit Kaito suggested for the three of them to get a little bit of sparring in, followed by grabbing something to eat. It had been a while since Minato had a friendly spar so he wasn't opposed to the idea. It would be a nice change of pace after all the training and working out. And there was no way he was declining a free meal as Kaito offered. The spar would show the raven haired Uchiha if he had grown himself or if he had to improve even more to reach his goals he had set out. If Tanjiro agreed the friendly sparring could begin and they could grab a bite afterwards. "Sounds good, I'm sure good old Tanjiro here would love to treat us to something delicious." Minato was glad that he was getting along so well even after only a short amount of time.

(WC: 423, TWC: 6133)
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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New Faces - Page 4 Empty Re: New Faces

Fri Sep 20, 2019 1:26 pm
Tanjiro was happy to see that the fish man figured out the chakra sensory skill. It made little sense why Tanjiro cared at all about the fish man achievements. It must have been his own sense of pride that he taught someone so slow an advanced technique with his own awesomeness. 

The raven haired shinobi would comment on Tanjiro’s ability to “Play nice”. Tanjrio’s own response would be quick and precise. “Ya, ya, ya. If I did not step up and show this lower life form the way, we would have been here all day. Not like you were being much help ethor.” For some odd reason Tanjiro was turning up the asshole dialed up to eleven. Was he trying to distance himself from these too other shinobi, Tanjiro subconsciously felt like he was getting too friendly with these two. 

An Idea would pop into Tanjrio’s mind, what better way to show one's own superiority then in a quick spar! So Tanjiro in a boisterous bomb would yell “Now that we got the class lessons out of the way let's get to the good stuff, lets Spar! Minato since you seem to be the most skilled why not use that clone jutsu thing and spar with me a fish fool here. After that me and kaito can do a quick me placing him on his back spar. That would build us up an appetite.”   

WC 234
TWC 5607
Kaito Hoshigake
Kaito Hoshigake
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New Faces - Page 4 Empty Re: New Faces

Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:07 pm
It was good, the lively Kaito bouncing from foot to foot with a renewed energy that almost never seemed to deplete. Minato would praise Kaito’s success, making the brute scratch his head. He was grateful to have such an experienced shinobi to practice with. It would help push him to new levels of excellence and allow him to grow much more than if he simply trained on his own.
So it would seem that Minato was up for some light sparring and Tanjiro was… wait a second, “LOWER LIFE FORM!?” Kaito would say with almost a growl, his fist clenched. Was he disrespecting the man’s clan? “I am a proud Hoshigake warrior, trained from birth to be at the top of the food chain! We are not to be disrespected! Are we clear here? Now take it back!” Tanjiro might have been simply insulting Kaito, but the hulking shark would perceive it as an insult directed to his proud lineage and not something he would allow to happen again. There was a different feeling in the air to those that noted it, the shark clearly in a state of almost hyper focus. His body almost looked BIGGER than before, his whole body ready to spring into action at any point. His eyes had a sharp intensity to them and his smile gone, though menacing teeth still showing.
The ball was in Tanjiro’s court, though Minato could also try to calm the raging beast. Insulting Kaito was one thing, but disrespecting his clan was not something that could be tolerated.
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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New Faces - Page 4 Empty Re: New Faces

Tue Sep 24, 2019 2:07 pm
No matter what Minato tried it didn't look like Tanjiro and Kaito were able to get along. Even after the two of them had gotten so far during their training they still acted like fire and water. Once again the monk's big mouth had to ruin the atmosphere even though everyone was happy after successfully learning new stuff. Kaito wasn't going to take nor was he going to stand for baldy's insults addressed to the shark's family. It seemed that Tanjiro truly crossed the line this time as Kaito was entering a state of anger and aggresssion. The raven haired Uchiha would rather stay out of it but he knew he couldn't let things fall apart.

"Sigh." While things were heating up between Tanjiro and Kaito, Minato formed the Ram seal and placed his hand on the ground. From ten meters above him a curtain of water fell down creating a rush of water flowing towards both Tanjiro and Kaito. The water had a base of forty meters and a height of thirty meters, which meant that the monk and the shark were going to be caught and swept off their feet. Before they would even know what was going on, let alone able to react, the two of them were going to be with their backs on the floor due to the power of the water.

Once they got their shower and were back up their feet the raven haired Uchiha would try again. "Alright, I hope the two of you have cooled down now. If you aren't able to control your emotions and let them get the best of you then you have no place on the battlefield and you are not suited to be a shinobi of Konohagakure no Sato. You have to keep your composure and control your emotions no matter the situation. One mistake can cost you your life or that of others. No one is going to trust you if all you are capable of is starting fights and eventually you'll end up all alone. Is that what you really want?"

Hoping the two of them finally calmed down and came to their senses he would give them one last chance to prove that they had what it takes to become a Konohagakure shinobi. If they weren't able to do so then he wouldn't bother anymore since he would just be wasting his time trying to help them. They weren't kids anymore, the Academy days were behind them. "However if you are still not satisfied feel free to take it out on me." At this point Minato didn't mind using force to make them get their act together.

(WC: 444, TWC: 6577)

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Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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New Faces - Page 4 Empty Re: New Faces

Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:24 pm
Tanjiro was slightly taken aback by the shark fools over emotional outburst. Tanjiro was used to his personality pissing people off but this seemed different. He seemed pissed about his clan's pride or something. So Tanjiro would respond in a he saw fit, then in a tone clear and consistent he would say to the fish fool “What does your clan have to do with anything? I am talking about your dumb ass as in “you are” a lesser life form.” I thought you were just were what happens when someone gets freaky with a fish. I did not know there was a clan of ya”  

But cutting of his words, a large rush of water would knock him from his feet and would  stop a potential fight from breaking out. The raven haired shinobi would berate them for their clear lack of decorum and shunned them for their behavior. Tanjiro did not understand what the raven haired was so mad for? Where did it say that a shinobi had to be friendly with everyone? But it was not like he was trying to start a fight he was just making a true statement. So Tanjiro would shake of some of the water, and since his head was smooth and shiny he managed to dry himself other than his clothes.  

Minato would offer himself as a punching bag to vent out his frustration and who was Tanjiro to turn him down. Cracking his neck, Tanjiro would move away from the fish fool who probably was still pissed and get into a better location to engage Minato in a spar. Tanjiro would say in a loud and obnoxious tone “Ok fine! If you want to offer yourself up as stress relief I won't hold back.” A smile spread across his face as Tanjiro squared up five meters away from the raven haired shinobi. Tanjiro would wait and see what Minato would do. Since he did say he would spar both of them Tanjiro assumed he would use a clone and fight them one on one. 

WC 344
TWC 5,951
Minato Uchiha
Minato Uchiha
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New Faces - Page 4 Empty Re: New Faces

Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:24 am
Minato would give both Kaito and Tanjiro some time to prepare themselves before their little spar could officially begin. The raven haired Uchiha wasn't impressed by the bald monk's words where he declared that he wouldn't hold back. Actions speak louder than words, and so Minato would wait and see what Kaito's reaction would be. 

(WC: 55, TWC: 6632)

Mid-thread claim:
- 3629 to finish 3rd Tomoe Sharingan (previous progress here)
- 1500/1500 Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique
- 1500/1500 Art of the Raging Lion's Mane
- 33 stats
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Ryo : 58000

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Wed Oct 16, 2019 5:06 pm
Approved @minato
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