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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Meeting new faces Empty Re: Meeting new faces

Tue Nov 09, 2021 4:07 pm
The training grounds was hopefully going to be a place Yaijōrama spent a lot of his time. And as things progressed he found himself here more and more. Yaijōrama made his way towards the crowded Training Grounds and stood outside for a brief moment. He was wearing a dark green training gi which clung loosely to his body, around his belt was a freshly cleaned white belt that he used to keep the gi up. His long black hair was down fully and it reached to his lower back, most would think he was a girl from behind and often times he was mistaken as such. He considered going into the area but as he did, he started to look around.

He noticed a girl away from everyone else reading from a scroll, that girl being Madara. Curiousity racked his mind as to why she was over there and not with everyone else and so he went to make his way towards her. He stepped lightly across the turf and as he did he tried to see the scroll from a distance, but whatever she was reading he couldn't really understand the context. Never the less once he arrived near the girl he spoke. "Yo! I was wondering why uh, you aren't with everyone else?" Yaijōrama thumbed behind himself towards the crowded area. Though after he laughed some before extending his hand to shake. "Oh sorry I forgot my name. Senju Yaijōrama at your service!" He exclaimed and let a wide toothy grin spread across his face. His big dark brown eyes closed before opening after the smile.

WC: 262 - 262 Total
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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Meeting new faces Empty Re: Meeting new faces

Wed Nov 10, 2021 3:46 pm
Yaijōrama was a couple inches shorter than Madara, standing at around five feet and two inches. He looked up at her slightly when she went to stand. Though his eyes moved over towards the scroll that was tossed to the ground. He started to think about the scrolls he was reading from just a couple days prior and how boring that was. "The bargain bin? You can find some great things there. There's this one book, 'The Tale of The Sassy Shinobi'. My father bought it for me and it's really really funny." Yaijōrama commented though at the mention of training he let a wide smile form on his face.

"I don't know many jutsus either but there's stuff I'd like to learn as well! I wouldn't mind sparring with you or we could try working together? I'm trying to learn that advanced clone jutsu! I forgot the name of it. I recently graduated as well." Yaijōrama went to shake his arms a little, loosening up his muscles. He moved backwards to about 3 meters and looked towards Madara. "What are we going to do Madara? Spar or practice?"

Yaijōrama had a smile on his face the whole time. Though he was watching Madara's demeanor trying to gauge what type of person she was. Clearly she was much older than he was but that didn't bother him one bit. If she was a good person, then he would have no problem getting along with her just fine. Though a lot can be hidden upon first impressions. Hopefully he'd learn more about her through their practice or even spar.

WC: 268 - 530 Total

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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Meeting new faces Empty Re: Meeting new faces

Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:32 am
Yaijōrama watched Madara as she moved, taking careful note of her movements. He kept a wide smile on his face as she stepped back and once she was fully back, to about five meters from him. He brought his right hand up into the pocket of his gi to pull out a hair tie. He went to wrap up his hair into a pony tail, so his mass of hair didn't get in his face. "I wouldn't say I'm much good, but I hope I'm not too weak for you." Yaijōrama let his smile appear once more after speaking with hope in his voice, but once he finished he but down his hands and his expression turned serious.

Yaijōrama brought up his hands into the seal of conformation, showing honor and respect to his sparring partner. But right after the seal was put up and/if Madara puts the seal up as well, Yaijōrama darted off his feet towards Madara at twenty-five speed. Though if she didn't, he ran anyway aimming to close the five meter distance between the two. Once they were about 1 meter apart, within close combat distance. He brought up his right hand and went to send a jab straight towards Madara's face at his max speed of twenty-five. While throwing the jab Yaijōrama let out a grunt. His left hand was up as well with a closed fist, ready to guard his side.

Yaijōrama was thinking about ways to use the clone jutsu. He didn't know the advanced version he planned to practice yet, so he had another idea of how to practice for it. Though that would hopefully come later on in the fight. For now he wanted to see how Madara did with her hands. Since neither of them knew many jutsus this would be a good way to make sure they weren't totally useless to their village while they learned it.

Combat Stuff:
WC: 318 - 848 Total

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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Meeting new faces Empty Re: Meeting new faces

Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:15 pm
Yaijōrama wasn't being careless but what happened next was something he didn't see. Madara was fast, much faster than he expected. Yaijōrama felt the impact his jab had on her forearms and unless she had any true protection, she could feel how strong the kid was. While only thirteen, he was still decently strong for his age. He was pushing into her guard and while he was stronger than she was, Madara was much faster than Yaijōrama could even get right now. ;; She got me. ;; Yaijōrama thought to himself as he felt himself being pulled off his right back foot and into her knee. Yaijōrama let out a groan as the knee impacted his stomach and he went to pull himself back from her to about two meters. "Gah you're really really fast!" Yaijōrama exclaimed although he realized that she wasn't all that strong.

"I noticed that you seemed confused on this." Yaijōrama went to hold up the seal of confirmation. "It's a sign of respect to your opponent. Something most shinobi typical do for spars or when battling a comrade. My father told me to always hold it up to my enemy, even if they won't do the same for me." While he took a bit of a break from their spar, albeit a short one. He didn't want someone he'd hopefully call a friend to not understand. He liked to teach people new things after all, even in the midst of a battle.

WC: 247 - 1095

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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Meeting new faces Empty Re: Meeting new faces

Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:35 pm
"Hurt me?" Yaijōrama laughed some before shaking his head. "You're REALLY fast but it didn't hurt really. I think you would do really well with a kunai, you know?" Yaijōrama was overall impressed with her speed, she reacted seemingly without really knowing what she was doing and while that made him doubt his own skills some - it only made him more impressed with this Madara person.

Yaijōrama watched as Madara tried to mimic the seal of confirmation. He found it slightly humorous but he also had a warm feeling teaching her how to do it. This was one of the first things he was taught about being a shinobi. Not how to hold a kunai, throw a punch, or even use a jutsu... But how to show respect to your opponent even if they won't show respect to you. So it felt good to pass that knowledge onto someone else, even more so when that person was older than him.

"My father was a shinobi before he retired, so he taught me a lot. He was a big person on respect. And I'm in tip top shape, but I do think we should end that there. That knee reminded me of what will happen if I don't get back home to do my chores." Yaijōrama gave her a closed eyed smile and he brought his right hand up to rub the back of his neck. "I had came here and snuck out on my chores... But it was really nice meeting you Madara! I hope to see you around some more and even introduce you to my brother and friend."

Yaijōrama went to bow towards Madara after her reply if she didn't try to stop him. Though after he went to turn around and start to jog off. Though as he did, he tripped over his sandal and nearly fell. Quickly picking himself back up he turned back towards Madara to give her a wave and soon continued his retreat home.

WC: 332 - 1427 Total
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