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Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Day One in Konoha [IO] Empty Day One in Konoha [IO]

Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:30 pm
The village of Konohagakure is a historical one, having great significance throughout much of the ninja world’s past. Such a fact intrigues Satoru wherever he goes along these streets. The Nara has lodged himself in a motel not far from a marketplace and near the center of the village. Multiple locations of interest are within reach, including the local shinobi training grounds. During this stay, he intends to remain in shape and keep up with his physical exercise. These things will occur in their own time, but today is for exploration.

One can get to know a small city or community through getting to know its marketplace and other areas of community gathering. The place where merchants go to sell their goods is where the Nara chooses to walk around for the time being.

Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Day One in Konoha [IO] Empty Re: Day One in Konoha [IO]

Mon Sep 02, 2019 10:08 am
Chuta had just finished a round of training, the sun was peaking over the trees, and life started back up in Konoha. He was heading back home from the training grounds and thought to get some fruits and vegetables for the week. Changing course to the marketplace, Chuta dashed down an alleyway and back out to a street. In the middle of the day this district would be so crowded it would be difficult to get around, but right now it seemed that he had the whole street to himself, minus the two or three civilians.

Entering the marketplace was eerie. There wasn't too many people out at the time. Shopkeepers were opening up and putting their signs out, waving the morning greetings, it was actually pretty nice. The combination of fresh air and a lonely road gave Chuta some time to think. Bananas, apples, carrots, tomatoes.. he lifted a finger for each as he walked. Was he forgetting something?

WC: 161
TWC 161
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Day One in Konoha [IO] Empty Re: Day One in Konoha [IO]

Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:09 pm
While strolling and taking in the scenery, Satoru takes it upon himself to compare the produce in Konohagakure with that of both Hoshigakure and Kumogakure. This is in order to get a feel for how this new environment compares to his own. Qualitative assessment is relative, so relatie parameters are to be used. Sample some fruits and vegetables, appreciate small wooden sculptures, examine the currency. All factors which contribute to the flavor of a culture.

The people must also contribute to this observation. There are a few citizens around, but a shinobi would better fit Satoru’s preferred sample. For the short amount of time during which the Nara will be in the village hidden among the leaves, he cannot see all there is to see. At the same time, the ninja of a given place know the people whom they are employed to protect. Interacting with one of these is the equivalent of killing two birds with one stone.

Satoru looks around with the hope of finding a shinobi of Konohagakure, aiming to identify one by his or her headband, wherever it might be visible.

Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Day One in Konoha [IO] Empty Re: Day One in Konoha [IO]

Mon Sep 09, 2019 9:53 pm
Chuta noticed a man walking in the market. He looked peculiar, not too strange or dangerous, but he seemed to stand out enough where Chuta decided to keep an eye on him, maybe only for a moment or two. Continuing with his shopping, he would grab at some of the things on his list and throw them in a basket that one of the shop keepers gave him. Glancing ever so slightly at the mysterious man. There was something about him that made him seem different than the normal joe in Konoha, but Chuta just couldn’t place it.

Maybe I should try and make conversation. he thought, leaning to grab a bundle of carrots. He had made his way through the market and closer to the man. Slowly, as to not gather too much suspicion. “Hello, how are you on this fine Konoha morning?” He would start, “great morning for shopping don’t you think?” He’d ask. All good ninja knew how to gather information, soon Chuta would be asking were he was from, if outside the village, was he a ninja? He seemed to carry himself in such a manner, what was he doing here? And most importantly, is he a threat? Not only to him, but the village.

WC: 209
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