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Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 1:11 pm
Yoi was standing in the corner of the training grounds. He was practicing a new jutsu that he was starting to learn. The Yuki was dressed with a white t-shirt, light blue pants, and a pair of dark blue shoes. He also had a navy-blue scarf around his neck that has the Yuki symbol stitched onto the end.

Yoi concentrated hard. Using the moisture in the air, he started to form it into the shape of a kunai, once he managed to change the shape of the moisture, he started to cool it down with Ice Release. Once it was almost complete, the kunai lost shape and shards of Ice Release fell to the ground. Yoi, closing his eyes, started to try again.

WC: 123
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 5:07 pm
Chuta ran to the training area after school. Today he was going to practice some of his water type ninjutsu, there was something about water type techniques that he enjoyed, they just felt like home to him. His lungs were burning by the time he arrived at the training grounds, panting he sat his bag down next to a tree and took a look around.

Walking in the nice grassy area he could see a young man completely dressed in blue. Chuta thought it was an odd choice in clothing, but he wasn't about to judge, people had made fun of the scars on his body before and he didn't like that at all. He wouldn't want to put others in the same kind of situation.

"Hey, how's it going?" He said running his hand through his hair. He wasn't sure exactly why he spoke up, it was almost an attempt to push the previous negative thoughts away. Chuta hadn't arrived in time to see the kids technique. "What are you practicing today?" He asked.

WC: 175
TWC: 175
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:09 pm
As Yoi started to form the moisture in the air into the shape of a kunai, he heard a voice call out from behind him asking what he was doing.

Yoi turned around, and saw a boy behind him. Judging from the boy’s looks, he was probably an Academy Student or a recently graduated one. “Hey, I’m doing just fine. How about you.”

“The technique I’m practicing is where you try and make a weapon by freezing the moisture in the air. It’s pretty hard and I’m still trying to figure it out.”

“May I ask what you came here for?”

Yoi decided that he should probably check the book of Ice Release techniques he had to make sure he knew what he was doing. He decided to wait a little, so he wouldn’t appear rude.

WC: 136
TWC: 259
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 6:30 pm
"I'm doing well, today I was going to focus on water techniques. There is just something about them that I love." Chuta said. The On Tsuba technique was the one on his mind. Seeing it in one of the scrolls his uncle used to read, he thought it would be a very useful skill in combat. This new character he'd met seems to have an aptitude for ice, "Do you know anything about the On Tsuba technique?" Chuta asked. "That is what I think I'll focus on." Chuta thought for a Moment, then stretched out his hand "My Name is Chuta.. uh... Mark." He stuttered.

He wasn't sure how much about the Pendragon clan he should reveal, there was a lot still hidden in the shadows. Who knows, maybe they had enemies, till he knew more, he would keep using his original name. He only continued to smile and look pleasant. Talking a lot wasn't really his thing, though once he got on the subject it was difficult to shut him up. Chuta realized that this scared people off sometimes, so he held back.

WC: 184
TWC: 359
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:27 pm
Yoi heard the boy talk about the On Tsuba technique. If Yoi recalled correctly, it was a jutsu that translated to “Fish Spit.” Yoi said, “Nice to meet you Chuta. I’m Yoi. You said you’re interested in the Fish Spit jutsu? May I ask why you want to learn it?”

Yoi has never found any practical use for the jutsu. It may be a simple exercise, but Hidden Mist was much more practical and it was almost just as easy to learn. However, Yoi has seen a few who wanted to lead every jutsu they could and he saw nothing wrong with that. Except for the fact that some jutsu could be completely impractical and useless, but still it was a jutsu just the same.

WC: 125
TWC: 384
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:46 pm
Chuta chuckled. "it may look silly and playful, but the fish spit technique could a bases for many water type techniques." He continued to think about things he would like to see developed, like eventually spewing a huge ball at an opponent, similar to the great fireballs of the Uchia clan. Or even learning to flood the battlefield with water. The silly basic techniques, Chuta knew, was like addition to the multiplication of the jutsu world. "Unless you think there is something more advanced or useful I should focus on learning?" He asked.

As an Academy Student Chuta leaned on people, if they could talk him into something, he was definitely willing to learn. He tried to seek understanding, even if he disagreed sometimes. Chuta smiled at the kid.

WC: 127
TWC: 488

Last edited by Chuta Mark on Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:04 pm
“If you’re using a jutsu that you’re going to further develop into something special, I’d say to use it over a jutsu I can teach you. Making your own unique jutsu is extremely helpful in combat. I know a water jutsu myself that is to serve as a stepping stone to a later, stronger jutsu.”

“If you’re going to be developing custom jutsu, what are your plans for them. I’d be interested in helping because I don’t have too much to do right now, because I’m taking a short break from missions.”

“And may I ask what clan you come from, because that can help a lot with making a custom jutsu.”

WC: 112
TWC: 496
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:19 pm
Chuta thought for a moment, standing there silently with a smile. This ninja looked friendly enough and seemed only to want to help. Why shouldn't he trust him? Why not give and see what happens? "I recently discovered I am from the Pendragon clan." He said, his smile diminished slightly, "But I am going to focus mostly on Ninjutsu for the time being. Do you know anything about them?" Chuta asked, after all, maybe he could learn.

"The first technique I want to create is going to be basic. Similar to the fireball techniques people spew from their mouths." From reading Chuta has gathered a little knowledge about other techniques, but how they truly operate is lost to him, or even who they really belong to. "Picture a large, spinning water-ball flying at you." He laughed a little. "Then I would like to create a type of vortex that can surround me, keeping people close so I can use my sword against them."

He noticed he had been talking a lot, "What do you think, what have you created?" Chuta asked.

WC: 181
TWC: 669
Yoi Yuki
Yoi Yuki
Stat Page : Stats
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 0

Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Wed Aug 28, 2019 9:14 pm
“That water ball could be really powerful. You could sort of make it a mobile Water Prison jutsu.”

“Making a vortex to pull people towards you could also be useful. Especially if you’re using a sword, like you are.”

“I don’t know anything about the Pendragon. Do you know what your clan’s abilities are?”

“So I’m a Yuki and we can combine Water and Wind to make Ice Release my plan is to freeze the water particles in Hidden Mist so that way I can freeze my opponents. I’m thinking about an Ice Wall that reflects Genjutsu, but that’s just a concept.”

WC: 102
TWC: 598
Chuta Pendragon
Chuta Pendragon
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Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK) Empty Re: Time to Train! (IO, Chuta, NK)

Thu Aug 29, 2019 5:39 pm
"Freeze people inside of the Mist Jutsu?" Chuta's mouth feel a little. That was diabolical, how could you escape from something like that? "It seems like you know a lot about your clan. I am still learning a bit about mine. Though, Swordsmanship is its corner stone, there are legends about 'Dragon blood' but I'm not sure how much of it I can trust at the moment. My uncle calls it all "fairy tails."" Chuta sighed. He had gotten further than his uncle ever had when it comes to unlocking the clan's jutsu, he simply refused it's lineage.

"That is a great suggestion, a portable water prison technique." Chuta put his hand on his chin. Why hadn't he thought about that? He questioned himself. Chuta leaned against a tree to comfort himself a little more then remembered about his equipment that had been on the other side of the training grounds. "Wanna go for a quick walk, maybe we can collaborate a little more?" He suggested, gesturing in a direction to head.

WC: 172
TWC: 841
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