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Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Thu May 30, 2019 11:55 pm
Tanji slipped out of the courtroom before Shuto finished his final statement. He did not much fancy the idea of getting caught up in the crowd again and he needed a drink—nothing alcoholic, not yet, just water. Ducking out of the palace to visit one of the street-side vendors, he picked up a bottle of water and returned just as the first people were exiting the courtroom wearing expressions one might expect after a theater performance, not a trial.

Sighing, the man found a bench in the adjoining hallway and slumped down into it. For the first time all day the adrenaline in his veins began to ebb. Less than twenty-four hours ago, his life had been relatively normal and now? Well, now he wasn’t too sure he could rightly call it normal. Normal, after all, didn’t include facing down a would-be conqueror and talking him out of conquering—it was exhausting, and he wasn’t getting any younger.

Cracking open his water, he tilted his back and allowed the cool elixir to slip down his throat. One, two, three gulps, and half the bottle was gone. Straightening his posture, he let out a breath that felt like he had been holding since the confrontation at the gates. It had been a long day and, spying a clearly troubled Valen Akari emerging from the courtroom, it seemed it was only about to get longer.

He gave a half nod to the approaching man and soundlessly made space on the bench to his left. The boy was assuredly an enemy but, given the current circumstances, it was better, Tanji rationalized, that he keep an eye on the boy. He didn’t much want to know the trouble the boy might get up to if not watched.

What a sad state of affairs, Tanji, the cool voice taunted inside his head. You, of all people, reduced to a mere chaperone.

TWC: 1983
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Sun Jun 02, 2019 3:22 am
Valen would find Tanji outside of the courtroom, and the man would make some space on the bench he was sitting on for him. Wordlessly Valen would walk toward the bench, idly pulling out his own water flask from his weapons pouch and unscrewing the cap as he sat down, taking a swig of the cool drink before putting the cap back onto it and leaning his head against the wall behind the bench. Troubling thoughts went through his mind at a rapid pace, just how much of what he had done in the past months had been him? How much of it was the Gobi’s influence? The beast had told him just enough to make him doubt every single thing, including what the beast told him. It could all be a ploy to get him to become far more doubtful in the end. It truly was a masterstroke when it came to the beasts motives of wanting nothing more than to corrupt him. Feigning cooperation, giving him it’s power and what seemed like sound advice. Then telling him what all he’d done when it was almost too late to fix it. If it wasn’t already too late to fix it. He had after all, already carried his offer to the village, and people had chosen to come to Sunagakure, waiting outside the gates as the trial went on, packed, or still packing, organizing into what would probably be a caravan. He couldn’t very well take back the offer, especially when Kenshin was willing to have them, and they had chosen it for themselves.

The rest though, all of the rest, he could potentially still fix that. A deep sigh would escape his lips as he spoke, barely audible, so quiet in fact, that it would take one with highly sensitive hearing to make out his words. However Tanji, as a Jounin of the village, should have those acute senses. At least, so long as the general requirements for the position hadn’t lowered significantly. “I can’t expect you to believe me, and I certainly can’t expect you to take me seriously after all of this. However while in the courtroom just now, I’ve learned, and realized things that I should’ve considered before. My actions these past weeks, have been atrocious, and I certainly haven’t been myself in a long time. I can’t go into details as to why, it’d only come off as an excuse anyway. However I want to try to atone for what I’ve done. I won’t go to jail, and I won’t give my life, but I will do what I can to make amends for my actions. Consider our agreement canceled with the exception of the people who choose to leave. Neither you, nor I can unmake their choices. However I will not take any of the villages money, and I won’t be taking it’s secrets.” He would say, his voice never changing pitch or tone. It was as if something had taken the very life out of the ex kage. “Regardless of how this trial goes, I’ll stand by the court’s decision. I didn’t say that in the antechamber, however, if Yorshka is found guilty, I want you to decide the appropriate punishment. I’m too close to the situation, and I don’t trust the village officials not to cow to the churches desires. Swear to me, that you’ll see justice for the crimes he has done if he is found guilty, and I’ll do my damndest to see to it that you never see me in this village again.” He would say, attempting to stop as much as he could before things crossed a point of no return across the board.

WC: 616
TWC: 4302
Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Sun Jun 02, 2019 6:06 pm

The boy seemed earnest enough and, though Tanji had never been the most empathetic person, he could almost understand the conflict within the boy. Only Valen could know the source of this conflict, but one did not seesaw from one view to another in a matter of hours without being conflicted or—as Tanji was becoming to fear—unhinged. After all, not even a few hours previously the white-haired boy had attacked those who would dare oppose him and now he was falling apart on a courtroom bench, the change was striking bordering on disturbing.

"It's a welcome gesture, but redemption isn't that easy, boy," the large man finally counseled. "And I don't make promises I can't keep. I'll do what my station here in the village allows. For the moment, however, that doesn't amount to much, I'm afraid."

Hoshigakure in its current state was a ship without a rudder. It had no leader and it showed. There were even rumors of the treasury beginning to dry up under the lackadaisical watch of the bureaucrats. Unfortunately, these were all problems that would need to be dealt with later on. As it stood, the hulking jounin could not be everywhere at once and had to take the next couple days one step at a time. The man could not stand by as the village he had come to call home fell down around him, it would be an affront to all those people who decided to remain.

The village would be changing.

TWC: 2233
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:58 pm
“Should he be found guilty, he’ll be given over to me. I was going to give you full authority over his punishment. Which allows you to act in the best interest of the village and still deliver justice should you want to. However I’ll leave the decision to you, the people know what he’s done. I’ll have to be content with that if he ends up walking free.” He would say, his eyes still troubled by the revelation the Gobi had delivered to him. It wasn’t long however, that they would be called back into the courtroom. Valen, still dressed in his suit, would stride in. Prepared for whatever name come of the juries decision. Yorshka, sat in his chair, having not moved and continuing to hold an absolutely infuriating smile on his face. The sickening man wouldn’t bat an eye as Valen sat down at the other desk. It would take a few minutes, but soon, everyone, hopefully Tanji as well, but Valen doubted he’d be late, would have entered the room and taken their seats once more. The crowds speaking in quiet, hushed whispers until Judge Shinji was announced. At which point, every would stand, allowing the respected man to take his seat before they all sat down once more.

It was time to figure out how things were going to end up here. Afterwards, Valen wouldn’t have anymore reason to stay in Hoshigakure, and he’d probably just send word down to the others waiting at the gate to move on toward Sunagakure, in the western reaches of the Land of Wind. Then he’d teleport back, he needed to see Hikari more than anything, it had been so long, and then to see her in such a state. He’d almost done something he would’ve regretted, something he wasn’t sure he’d even be able to forgive himself for, much less expect Hikari to. As soon as he got back to the Land of Wind, he’d seek her out, go to her hospital room if she was still being treated, and then tell her everything. What he’d done to Kotetsu, how he left the village, all of it. He’d tell her about how he apparently fell for the Gobi’s manipulations. How he allowed himself to fall prey to the legendary beasts machinations. He’d work to atone, he needed to, death after all, cannot atone for actions taken in life, only further actions can.

WC: 403
TWC: 4705
Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Thu Jun 06, 2019 10:11 pm
A stern nod was all Valen received in response.

Soon the masses were recalled to the courtroom en masse. Tanji, for his part, hung back, allowing the white-haired boy to go ahead. He downed the remainder of his water, rubbed his forehead in a vain attempt to disperse the day's stresses, and finally followed suit, slipping into the courtroom at last. It seemed that this time he would be standing, for the benches were now entirely taken up. That said, the jounin doubted he could have sat had he wanted to, even if there were space—the tension in the room was palpable.

A small mousy woman stepped up to the stand and all eyes followed her. By all counts, she looked normal despite her prematurely graying hair. In the current context, she would, however, be the most important person in the room, for she was the jury's chosen spokeswoman.

"Your Honor," she said, straightening her glasses. "The jury finds Inquisitor Yorshka..."

In reality, there was hardly a pause, but to many the few heartbeats it took felt like an eternity.


A collective murmur swept through the courtroom as the woman shuffled out of the room along with the rest of the jury. She could not seem to get out of the courtroom fast enough. And, indeed, she would have left the room in turmoil had the Judge's gavel not preemptively silenced the room.

"Very well,"
Shinji nodded. "Yorshka, you have been found guilty by a jury of your peers and will be sentenced to ten years of low-security imprisonment. Baliff, please take the Inquisitor into custody."

Shinji stood—to many his actions would surely be a half measure, but he had to strike a balance.

"Court dismissed,"
he announced, once Yorshka was escorted out.

At this point the crowd exploded; voices filled the room, feet clapped against the stone floor, and the sea of humanity began to filter out of the room. Tanji, however, moved against the tide and up towards the front of the room where Valen hopefully stood.

"I know it's not what you hoped for, boy,"
the man would say if he found the former kage. "But we alone cannot be the arbiters of justice."

A pause.

"I wasn't clear before," the man reached out and put a strong hand on the boy's shoulder. "But let me do so now, I will make sure Yorshka does not shirk his sentence."

He removed his hand.

"I hope one day we meet under better circumstances," Tanji gave the boy a nod.

He then turned to go and, if not stopped, he would exit out the same door Yorshka had. He had a promise to keep now, so he would make sure nothing untoward happened to the good inquisitor on his trip to jail. It would be just like the church to try and sneak him out of the village at this point. And, one could say many things of Tanji Heiji, but one could never say he did not keep his word, no matter who he gave it to.

TWC: 2745
Madrigal Kaguya
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:22 pm
The verdict was out, the sentence placed, ten years in a low security prison wasn’t the kind of punishment Valen would have wanted for the man. However it was ten years of isolation, ten years of the words of his cruel deeds to spread throughout the village. Ten years, was truly a long time for someone to spend alone. It was a punishment that would not truly shine until much later during the sentence. When the man who clearly needed his work, his ability to torture and be cruel to people, would go mad with the inability to do so. This would probably take what little sanity he had left. He’d lost it all in that courtroom with a simple punishment. It would suffice, barely. The room would still be reacting to the news, Shinji having dismissed the courtroom after sentencing the man. Valen would turn, and see Yorshka’s eyes take an odd expression. As if, he couldn’t believe this was happening. Wondering how his life would soon change in response to this turn of events. Valen felt a brief pang of regret for the man, he had been insane, and had managed to grow without anyone being there to help him. The insanity had festered, and he had grown cruel, and malicious in the duty he thought he was meant to do. Those that had ever been close to the man, had failed him miserably, and now it was too late. Valen wouldn’t suffer anyone, insane or not, to harm the only person left he cared for.

Tanji would arrive then, speaking to Valen, a brief pause, and the large man would proceed to clear up the issue outside. He would ensure that Yorshka’s punishment was not, shortened, or avoided. Valen would nod before speaking “You’re wrong you know.” The words coming out as Tanji turned. “Partially so anyway, there’s a part of me that wants to rip Yorshka limb from limb. A part of me that wants to crucify him as he did Hikari. However it’s a small part, something I imagine anyone would feel when someone they love is harmed in so grievous a manner. This sentence though will take everything from the man though. If the church can’t use him or help him, they will abandon him. Word of what’s happened, what he’s done will spread throughout the village, and even outside of it. Traders, travelers, pilgrims, they all come and go, and they all talk. If he survives his ten years, when he comes out, he will be ruined. The part of me, that simply wants him to answer for what he’s done, will accept that gladly.” He would say, before looking around and seeing that everything he had come to do was done. “A favor, if you don’t mind, will you send word to those at the gates that they may begin their journey to Sunagakure? I’m going on ahead to ensure no mistakes are made when a large number of people arrive. There’s going to be a lot of work to do and with my traveling advantages I can get things going more quickly. I would appreciate.” He would say, not too worried about the protection for the civilians. Miyamoto and Satoru, could escort them to the village easily enough. He needed to ensure things got started on bureaucratic side of things as soon as possible. “I do hope to meet you under better circumstances one day Tanji, perhaps when I’ve finished atoning for the mistakes I’ve made.” He would say, a sadness touching his tone as he spoke. Then, he would teleport away, disappearing in a brilliant flash of light, catching the eye of those still within the room as the man seemingly disappeared.

[Exit, instantly traveling to Suna due to teleportation]

WC: 622
TWC: 5327

Claims: I'll be adding the 6750 WC bank I have from my refunds to that total WC, proof of refunds is here
New Total: 12077
All with max stat discount
1875/1875 (This needs to be updated WC wise still)
375/375 For mastery for no seals and reduced AP.
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Tanji Heiji
Tanji Heiji
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Fri Jun 07, 2019 12:53 pm
Listening with a stony expression, Tanji did not move to shatter Valen's fragile understanding of justice. What the boy did not know was that Yorshka would probably not see ten years within his cell. He would appeal his imprisonment time and time again until the power of the church wore down that of the legal system and then, well, the jounin would be unable to do anything. He respected the law and even a man as vile as the Inquisitor had the right to appeal. For now though, if it meant the white-haired boy leaving the village faster, Tanji would not voice these concerns.

One day Valen would understand.

Today, however, the large jounin did not have time to make him understand. Indeed, he could not help from breathing a sigh of relief when the boy disappeared from the room. Whatever adrenaline remained in his veins drained from them with Valen's departure and he made his way out of the room. As requested, he would send a messenger to the gates informing the traitors who had separated from the village that they may leave and meet Valen in Sunagakure at their leisure—they would certainly not be welcome in Hoshigakure again and would be barred from reentry due to their actions.

Tanji had taken special care to take note of each traitor who defected.

They would be dealt with later.

For now, however, he had work to do and that work started with the current leadership of the village. After having seen to Yorshka's 'accommodations', he made his way to the seat of power in Hoshigakure, the kage's chambers. It was time to take direct control of Hoshigakure's situation.


TWC: 3023
+2053 words to Gate of Limit and +970 words to Gate of View
+10 strength to allow the training of the Gate of View.
+5 stamina
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The Story Goes On - Page 2 Empty Re: The Story Goes On

Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:08 pm
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