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Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Tue Feb 26, 2019 3:23 am
Nekrun woke up it was still dark out, but the air seemed to have a nice warmth to it as he got out of bed. Nekrun sat up in his bed pulling off the sheets from himself, beginning to look around the room as he did so. There was only one window in the room and the blinds were open, but not the window itself. As such there was no wind coming into the room and it seemed like a dull morning. Nekrun didn't hear anyone else in the house either, but decided to get up and leave his room anyway. The wood floor was still cold even though the air was warmed. Nekrun made his way to the door and opened it, the door gave a creek as it opened. He stepped through the door and made his way out to the living room. The whole house was one floor with another couple rooms down the hall. The hall had one door at one end, the other being completely opened to go out to the kitchen and living room combined. The door down the hall was for the better of the two bathrooms. The bathroom was about the size of the average master bedroom, it held a shower, toilet, sink, some closets, some drawers, and empty space. Nekrun didn't know why they designed the bathroom to be so big, but it was that way either way. 

The other bathroom was completely average for a guest bathroom. Nekrun made his way to the kitchen to make himself some food. He made his way to the fridge and pulled out some beef. He proceeded to cook the beef to a medium - rare amount. Nekrun proceeded to make a hamburger using the hamburger he had just cooked. He added all of the regular items that you would lettuce, tomato, ect, except he also decided to add bacon. Nekrun enjoyed the hamburger as he ate it bite after bite. Once he had finished the burger he noticed that Fuyo wasn't up yet although he usually woke up before Nekrun from what Nekrun could remember. Nekrun made his way over to Fuyo's room and knocked on the door. "You gonna wake up?" Nekrun asked through the door hoping that Fuyo had heard him and decided to get up. Nekrun made his way to the bigger bathroom where he got ready for the day

Nekrun was ready for the day and went back out to the living room where he noticed the sun was up by now. Fuyo may or may not have been in the living room, if he was Nekrun would give him a simple "hey" to just say something in general. Nekrun decided to get a conversation going. "Hey we should go out and train today" Nekrun new the snow had been gone for almost a month now, and it was warm out again. Nekrun was ready to train and train hard at that. He didn't care to much what the training contained as long as it was training at all, and it gained it something that he wanted. Nekrun knew what he wanted from his training, it was just speed. So he gave a nice suggestion "How about some speed training?" If Fuyo didn't want to do speed training that would be fine, but he would let Fuyo pick the kind of training at that point. If Fuyo wasn't out, Nekrun would wait until he came out to say all that.

Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:27 am
Fuyo was running for his life away from a black figure following him he had a black hat and a cane. The clack of the cane was driving Fuyo CRAZY! Fuyo covered his ears and kept running and running preparation was leaking out of every gland of Fuyos body.
Clack... Clack... Clack...
Fuyo could still hear the mans cane He pressed harder on his ears trying to drown out the sound. Fuyo started to scream in fear that he would lose his own sanity.
Clack... Clack... Clack...
The world around him morphed from a soggy wetland to nothing. pitch white, a blank canvas that fuyo and a shadow man ran across and it looked like it went on forever. Fuyo would never get away from the shadow man he was stuck into a never-ending game of cat and mouse.
Clack... Clack... Clack...
Fuy ran and ran but he didn't want to run the rest of the race so he stopped turned around and embraced the shadow man. The shadow stopped in front of Fuyo about two feet away and then banged his cane on the ground with a different sound the before.
Thwack... Thwack... Thwack...
Fuyo looked at where the cane was hitting the blinding white under the cane on the last hit to the ground a small portal opened the shadow man grabbed Fuyo and escorted into the portal. The portal entered a realm of fire and screams. everywhere around him he saw people torture themselves others fight each other. The Shadow man sat Fuyo into a thrown of bones and crown of fire ignited on his head. Fuyo was interested in the crown because it didn't burn his head. Fuyo then looked out and saw everything and everyone on their knee facing Fuyo. The shadow man then said
"Its time for you to take the thrown."

And that's when fuyo woke up. There were three knocks on the door and Nek poked his head in without his mask or hat. it looked like he just got up and said.
 "You gonna wake up?"
Fuyo sat up and put his feet on the ground revealing the scars everywhere on his arms and back and said back to his room mate.
"Ya, im up"
Fuyo got up and looked around his room, there was his big bed that took up about 25% of the room and next to it on both sides, there were night stands. Fuyo got up and walked into his personal bathroom with a bathtub and a two-person sink with on mirror stretching across the two sinks. he pulled out one of the side drawers and grabbed a comb and started to untangle and brush out his hair. all or a sudden Matatabi jumped out and landed on fuyos head and said
"YAY! your awake what are we going to do today! go catch mice? get me stronger? common tell me!"
"I don't know Matatabi Nek seams like he wants to do something this morning so how about we check what he wants to do today."
"Awwwwwwwwwww! Fine."
Fuyo let matatabi lay down in his hair just to chill and he walked out of his room and went to the kitchen grabbed a perfect red apple shinned it off on his shirt and walked to the living room and turned on the news. That's when Nek Came out and said.
 "We should go out and train today"
  "How about some speed training?"
Fuyo thought that was fine but he wanted to get in some type of stamina and strength stuff too.
"Ya, that sounds good but is it cool if we do some strength and stamina too?"
Fuyo waited for an answer the went on
"Oh and before I forget I have something special for matatabi so she's coming too"
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Ryo : 3610

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:22 pm
"Ya, that sounds good but is it cool if we do some strength and stamina too?"
Nekrun didn't really care to much, he was okay with that kind of training, he was already superior in the strength category, but he could use the extra stamina as he noticed he was low on it recently. Nekrun had thought it over and ended on coming up with the best way to train his stamina, while also training Fuyo's stamina/strength at once. Nekrun had thought that the best way to do so would be a spar so he suggested it in a curious tone "Yeah that fine, but How about you and me spar?, we haven't done so in a while so might as well see how much each of us have grown" Nekrun hoped that Fuyo would accept the offer and that they would get to battle today.
Fuyo waited for an answer the went on
"Oh and before I forget I have something special for matatabi so she's coming too"
Nekrun didn't expect that Fuyo would want to bring his cat, but he didn't care to much, he could take them both on in a spar. Nekrun was ready for anything Fuyo threw at him, he just wanted to test himself for the most part not much else. Nekrun verbalized what he was thinking and told Fuyo "That's fine I can take you both on then" Nekrun wanted to fight Fuyo as soon as possible and was eager to start, he just hoped that Fuyo would accept the invitation to the battle. Nekrun would then wave for Fuyo to follow while saying "Come on" as he left through the front door, Nekrun already had all his equipment on him along with everything else he needed. Nekrun made his way to the training grounds hoping that Fuyo was following the whole time. Once Nekrun made it to the training grounds he would announce the rules, talking to Fuyo. "Here are the rules, no killing, no dismembering, injury/serious injury is allowed as long as it is not life threatening" Nekrun thought that covered everything, but just in case he added "Anything I missed?" Nekrun would listen to any suggestions that Fuyo gave and contemplate them as they were given.
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Tue Apr 02, 2019 2:06 am
Fuyo asked his question and Nekrun came up with a good answer 
"Yeah that fine, but How about you and me spar?, we haven't done so in a while so might as well see how much each of us have grown"
Fuyo thought about it and since now fuyo has the sharingan he thought might as well
"Ya sure let me grab my stuff and we can head out."
Fuyo went into his room grabbed his cloak and his sword and headed out with Nekrun to the training fields. But before they left Fuyo grabbed matatabi and made the statment that he was bringing her on the trip as well nekrun looked the fuyo then the cat and said.
"That's fine I can take you both on then"
Fuyo chuckled letting Nekrun seeing the brighter side of his demon that no one else really knows about. and looked at nekrun and said
"Thats not what i ment and i would never have matatabi fight you ever. Thats to dangerous for her and eventually maybe it would be dangerous for you." 
Fuyo looked serious then brightened up and winked. Fuyo opened there great paper sliding door and they left for the grounds. Along the way fuyo didnt let anyone in public see his soft side he was taught that showing anyone that you had a soft side was fatle but he fully trusted Nekrun and the other two people that he has showed it to was well... Tadashi And Love. So it was a pretty silent walk to the training grounds. but when we got there Fuyo and nek walked to the middle of the open ground and nek started to stat rules. "Here are the rules, no killing, no dismembering, injury/serious injury is allowed as long as it is not life threatening"
Nekrun stated basic rules of combat but fuyo wanted a chance so he added in some other things.
"okay thats fine but how bout we can only use weapons, jutsu, and restoration items such as healing etc. So no soul purpose booster items. wanna try that?"
Fuyo hoped that nek would agree to these terms because if he didnt Fuyo would be royaly screwed. And fuyo didnt what to be Neks punching bag for this fight.
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:44 pm
Nekrun was eager to get started and very happy that Fuyo had accepted his offer, "okay thats fine but how bout we can only use weapons, jutsu, and restoration items such as healing etc. So no soul purpose booster items. wanna try that?" Nekrun heard Fuyo say, Nekrun wouldn't ruin this now and decline the offer. So Nekrun would accept the answer with a simple "That's fine" as he took off his ring and threw it into his ninja tool bag. Nekrun would then also take off his earings and put them into the bag as well. Nekrun felt himself being drained of his speed as it dropped by twenty five. Nekrun felt slower by a great amount, but was ready to start the battle. Nekrun pulled his scythe off his back, it looked like it was getting old, but it was still in the exact condition as when he got it, since Nekrun sharpened his scythe almost everyday it retained it's sharpness, and it never got weaker either. Nekrun liked the scythe and by now he was quite skilled with it as he practiced with it almost everyday while he was outside. Nekrun knew exactly where the center mass was on the scythe and he knew how he liked to wield the scythe and it felt like a old friend in his hands even though he had had it for only about 3 months from what he could remember. Nekrun felt the dry air as wind came through the flat training grounds and the sky was filled with clouds and it looked like it was going to rain, but it wouldn't rain not today, it was just one of those days. Nekrun was finally ready to start the battle, he had taken off all his boosting equipment and pulled out his scythe. Nekrun stood, scythe in one hand and his other hand next his weapon pouch, ready to grab a kunai or other weapon. "I'm ready whenever you are" Nekrun said quickly staring directly at Fuyo.

Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Wed Apr 03, 2019 10:36 pm
fuyo was grateful that nek decided that his was fine w/ taking off booster items Fuyo knew he would be pummeled if Fuyo didn't say that Fuyo drew his sword and wand and held the sword that it was to almost touch neks scythe fuyo said that he would count down then activated his sharingan 
"3.... 2... 1... GO!"
Fuyo shot the wand at the ground making a firework smoke screen throwing off neks balance and sense it was so close to neks eyes it would mess with his vision. Fuyo would charge at full speed through the fire work and slide  and severing the right achilles tendon making movement in the right foot almost impossible do to pain. fuyo then would continue to run in to the surrounding tree area trying to go for hit and run tactics. fuyo ran and hid in a bushy area watching what nekrun would do next due to the pain in his foot hopefully fuyo could accomplish with these hit and run tactics and hit one after another. Fuyo felt bad doing this to his friend but it was fuyos only chance at winning the match that nekrun had asked him to fight in.
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:17 am
The moment Nekrun noticed the wand in Fuyo's hand and heard the word "go" he activated his chakra cloak. Nekrun was standing 12 meters away from Fuyo when they began, and the wand hit just short of the blast being able to obscure anything within 1 meter of him. Nekrun saw Fuyo come out of the smoke cloud and charge, Nekrun was thinking of stopping him, but he knew he would be to slow to stop Fuyo before he got here. Nekrun was ready to counter against any attacks that hit him. Fuyo came up and the moment his sword touched Nekruns tendon (50 sharpness doesn't hurt 73 health), almost as if it was a reflex Nekrun's leg pushed back against the sword with his full strength of 72, shattering the blade completely since it only had 50 health. Nekrun would continue to move his leg attempting to hit Fuyo with the blunt side of his scythe before Fuyo disappeared. Nekrun would stand guard against anything that would come in the next second, he followed Fuyo to make sure he knew where he went. Nekrun put up his hands to form the tiger seal (20 power from chakra scaling). Fuyo would be instantly trapped from the jutsu, luckily he was only 4 meters away, Nekrun would go to where Fuyo was hiding and cut all the important muscles in his legs, making sure not to cut any that would severely threaten Fuyo's life. Nekrun also made sure to break the bones in both of Fuyo's legs cleanly so they would be easily repaired. Fuyo would not be able to walk until he was properly healed. Nekrun would ask Fuyo "wanna try again?".

Temp Paralysis  -4 ap 
Chakra Cloak -40 ap
ap remaining 126
mid thread claim so I can heal Fuyo if he wants. 
claiming 8 stats
putting 1199 wc towards Healing Palm (1199+1301=2500/2500) proof for previous is here
putting 495 wc towards Shi (495+1564=2059/3000) previous training is here and here
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Thu Apr 04, 2019 12:53 am
When fuyo attempted to cut at nekruns heels  fuyos abyssal blade snap in half fuyo made sure to grab the other half of the blade and put them both back in his hilt fuyo was scared of nekruns amazing strength fuyo kept his eye on nekrun while he ran into the bushes fuyo saw that he was faster then nekrun. Fuyo decided that he would try to get closer to nek to see if he could do anything to fight him fuyo ran up to nekrun and dodged every blow or strike nekrun threw at  him he saw that he was inferier in every way so fuyo ran out of a 5 meter distence from nek and if nek kept chasing fuyo would keep running. fuyo then climbed a tree and jumped from tree to tree trying to lose nekrun to birch to oak to spruce eventually they would leave the training grounds playing a game of cat and mouse. Nekrun the predator and Fuyo the pray that is just a little out of Nekruns grasp, Nekruns fangs were the only thing fuyo was scared of and the only thing that was keeping the gap between them was the power granted by him by the Sharingan. the dojutsu was saving his life and it was the only thing that was going to save him from Nekrun. If they made it to the city it would look like a snake chasing a demon 
-20 sharingan counting from last two posts 
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:41 am
Nekrun thought Fuyo was still in range, bu he was wrong and the attempt to immobilize Fuyo failed. Nekrun was angry and wanted to humiliate Fuyo, he knew he could probably beat Fuyo without even having to use his jutsu, so he deactivated chakra cloak. Nekrun was ready to sock that brat in the face, but when his chance came Fuyo dodged over and over again before running towards from what Nekrun could tell was hokage rock. Nekrun kept running after Fuyo hoping that he could just sock him once. Nekrun would keep following Fuyo until he got a chance to hit him

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Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo) Empty Re: Time to train hard!!! (Private, NK, Fuyo)

Fri Apr 05, 2019 3:17 am
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