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Stat Page : The Child
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Unmoving Empty Unmoving

Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:27 pm
The rays of the morning sun were just beginning to edge over the tree tops in the distance. It signalled the beginnings of another day to pass by. As the village of Konohagakure began to stir from their slumber the previous night a lone man sat at the peak of the mountain, upon which the faces of their previous leaders were etched. This brought in the third day upon which he remained in this position, as if content to become a permanent part of the landscape itself. A fine layer of dust lay undisturbed over his left leg which dangled over the edge of the mountain side. The right was brought up, knee close to his chest, upon which he rested his his head. A single white eye peered out toward the village that lay below. There was no motivation in the man to move. No wish to stay conscious of his surroundings or the events that were ongoing within them. A wish to wither away and disappear was in the forefront of his thoughts.

Move boy. The low grumbling sound within the back of his mind spoke.

Takeo didn't reply, instead shifting his gaze slowly toward the brightening sky. He could feel the beast within his head grow more irritated as time passed. Get up. The voice grew louder, the patience of the bijuu with it's comatose host growing thinner. How weak are you if the words of another bring you to a stop? The humans of this era are a bunch of weaklings. More silence followed, the words being brought upon deaf ears. All of this over some insignificant woman, I expected more from my host. The bijuu continued. Takeo twitched his eyes narrowing.

Shut up.

Finally you wake up. I was wondering if I'd lost you entirely, not that it was an issue, I could've just taken over your body later anyway.

Be quiet.

Who would've thought that a man strong enough to best a great bijuu would be so weak mentally. Shukaku continued to ramble on. You spoke with her what..three times? The beast chuckled, the sound reverberating through Takeo's head. People die all the time boy, what difference does one person make? Shukaku was growing more amused as time went on ti seemed, having understood now that the subject was a sore one for the host.

Finally the white haired man shifted from his spot, sitting up fully. I'm not surprised you don't understand, after all what could a monster ever care about except it's self? He snapped back, shifting once more to a standing position.

You know nothing about me Takeo, but I am in your head, I know everything about you. Right now you act like a child that has lost a pet. With time you will find another human to replace the one you lost, that is how you fleas work. Mourn all you want, but your emotions are fleeting and fickle. Move on.

The beast didn't talk after that, it had no need to.

Takeo took in a deep breath and brushed his hair back. There was still work to be done.

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