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- Hikari HyuugaCitizenSurvived 2021You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Re: Artimus Uchiha and the battle of the hunger.
Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:56 pm
Approved <3
- ArtimusCitizen
- Ryo : 500
Re: Artimus Uchiha and the battle of the hunger.
Fri May 17, 2019 3:06 am
Artimus Finished his cookies as he sat silent through this whole event. He smiled to himself as he layed the money upon the table. He looked towards Yuuma and decided he was not a very good ninja to assume that he was a homeless kid who would clean a stall for a meal though that was not a wrong statement.
Artimus stood up and waved at the cook for the cookies and started to wander to get lost in the wonders of the middle of town. And the shops smells that would help him maybe remember what it was like to have a mother.
Tears fell and trailed down his cheeks his hatred boiling slowly curling into something truly special.
(???wc) Don't care Atm for rewards..
Paid [whatever for cookies.]
Artimus stood up and waved at the cook for the cookies and started to wander to get lost in the wonders of the middle of town. And the shops smells that would help him maybe remember what it was like to have a mother.
Tears fell and trailed down his cheeks his hatred boiling slowly curling into something truly special.
(???wc) Don't care Atm for rewards..
Paid [whatever for cookies.]
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