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Generic Training Montage (P, WIP) Empty Generic Training Montage (P, WIP)

Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:01 pm
The young Suzumebachi Aburame watched as the sun began to trickle over the distant horizon, leaving glowing trails of light flickering about the village of Hoshigakure no Sato. Wherever the golden rays touched was bathed in a pleasant warmth amidst the biting cold of winter, and she found a small smile touch her lips underneath a coat with an extended collar. Her kikaichu- parasitic destruction insects- buzzed beneath her skin excitedly, anticipating an active day in front of the Kunoichi. Her hive was relatively miniscule, compared to other, more prestigious members of her clan- but she was content with hers. It would only grow with time, as she grew her chakra pool and reserves. She inhaled slowly, her legs beginning to burn awkwardly from her crouched position on the rooftop, and when she exhaled, thin clouds of steam escaped her mouth. There wasn't any more time for dawdling, she decided. She needed to get to work, or else she wouldn't be strong enough to take the chuunin exams, next time they were around. Suzumebachi nodded to herself before springing outwards, bouncing and leaping from rooftop to rooftop. A few civilians who weren't quite used to a shinobi village sneered and pointed, but... She was already a living host for parasites. They had not even begun to scratch the surface. She yawned slightly, perching on a tall wooden pole which leaned against a brick building. She was feeling pretty good today- maybe a few more laps around the city would do her some good. She stretched hugely, chakra humming in her feet as she clung to the wooden object with her chakra. A smile on the face of the ninja, she once again leapt forwards between the large structures, covering several meters with each gaping bound. She was fairly strong for a ninja, but her strength didn't even begin to rival those who were taijutsu specialists- her strength on a good day was maybe half of theirs. But for someone who's techniques relied upon speed and skill, as were wont with weaponry, she figured that she was in pretty good shape. A cloud covered the sun, casting long shadows across Hoshigakure. She managed to see pretty well through the shade- her sunglasses did more than just block out the sun. They conditioned her eyes to see in darker areas. It wouldn't work in total, pitch darkness, of course, but that wasn't the point. She checked the time. It was 7:30... She still had a few more hours to go.

WC: 419
Total WC: 419

since I already have 100 words towards it

Last edited by Suzumebachi on Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Generic Training Montage (P, WIP) Empty Re: Generic Training Montage (P, WIP)

Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:03 pm
Suzumebachi Aburame held a thin slip of paper in her hands. Her brows were furrowed tightly as she scrutinized it behind bespectacled eyes. It was fragile in her hand, and not particularly impressive, but she needed it to learn how to properly infuse chakra into various objects- most notably, her weapons. Supposedly, if she channeled the right amount of chakra into it, it would change depending on her nature transformation affinity- for lightning, it would wrinkle. For water, it would become damp. For fire, it would burn up. For earth, it would crumple into dust. And for wind- what she suspected to be her primary affinity- it would split neatly in half. After this exercise, she would move onto leaves, fabric, wood, and finally solid metal. Right now, though, she just needed to figure out what she was doing. She scratched the side of her head awkwardly. Although she knew a few jutsu, she didn't know anything above a simple E rank- shameful, but hey, she was a weaponry specialist. Cut her some slack. She exhaled through her nose, narrowing her eyes, as if glaring at it would split the affinity paper. She focused chakra into her hands, like she did when she was performing a handseal for a jutsu, but... nothing happened. A breeze gusted by, ruffling the paper, but she had a strong suspicion that it wasn't related to anything she had done at all. No, it was safer to assume that she had done it incorrectly. Maybe she needed to look about it in a different way? Instead of channeling the chakra into her hands, she could try channeling it externally? She did it on the tip of her left index finger, one which wasn't holding the paper at all, and tried forcing the chakra out of her hands. A moment passed, before a sharp pain burned the tip of her finger. She looked down at it, and something which appeared to be a tiny papercut was forming on her fingertip. She hummed to herself, observing the occurrence with almost clinical detachment and professionalism. She figured she was close, but if she could get it off her finger and onto the paper... She tried channeling her affinity chakra into multiple fingers, attempting to thread it through the paper. Almost immediately, the paper folded in on itself, and collapsed to the floor in two. Her fingers didn't sting. She must have done it correctly, then. She tried it a few more times on spare strips of paper she had with her, and once satisfied in her success, decided that it was time to move on to leaves. She placed a small drop of disinfectant onto her lacerated finger- infection was bad- before cleaning up her mess and exiting her apartment. Her kikaichu buzzed excitedly. Maybe if she mastered this, she could channel chakra into her insects...? She could probably do some interesting insect-based jutsu once she had it down. Damn, this had a whole heap of uses. Nodding to herself, she proceeded to leave her apartment.

Finding a pile of leaves was surprisingly easy- an old maple was around half a kilometer away from her apartment, and hey, she needed the exercise, anyway. She passed by many civilians, shops, nobles, and even a few undercover shinobi. She eyed them curiously as she walked by, her tinted lenses blocking out her scrutinizing black irises from view. She hummed to herself, her brown hair falling across her face. The tree was around three hundred meters away now. She could see a few stray, red branches sticking out from behind a city block. She approached slowly and deliberately, enjoying the crisp and chilly air. The bright light left much to be desired, of course- both Suzumebachi and her parasitic destruction insects hated its intensity, preferring to stay inside darker, cooler climates. Eventually, she arrived at the maple- a towering, scarlet leaved tree with a pile of freshly fallen leaves at the bottom of its trunk, scattered across its roots. She approached, leaned back, and picked up a few before deciding to get to work. The first few leaves crumpled awkwardly when she attempted to channel her chakra. Another one dissolved partially into little specks of dust- perhaps she had a latent earth affinity? It was definitely something to look into later on. Finally, however, after around eight tries, she managed a small cut across the leaf, one which didn't go all the way through. It wasn't that impressive, but it was a start. She hummed to herself once more. She tried the exercise twice more before she got the hang of it- three leaves later, she was able to split them in half around two thirds of the time, and six more leaves later and she was able to split them consistently. She grinned to herself subtly beneath her high collared coat. Maybe she should move onto fabric next?

After coming to that conclusion, she stood up back to her full height, dusting herself off and making her way down a less crowded street towards a fabric stall. She passed many people as she went, some children, some adults, some priests and priestesses, but none managed to catch her attention. A dog barked at her from an alley, but she paid it no mind as she approached closer to Hoshigakure's city center- a thriving place of business and religion. She managed to find a fabric stall pretty easily, and ended up buying some cheap squares for a handful of ryo. She picked up a green one in her hand before beginning to channel chakra into it. It came less easily than the leaves and paper- this time, it felt like she was trying to push molasses through a narrow pipe. A small tear formed at the corner of the square, and as she forced more wind affinity chakra into it, it began to widen and slither its way through the material. After around ten seconds, she managed to rip it in two. She hummed. It was good, but... She needed to be able to do it faster.

After another attempt, she managed to lower it to eight seconds, and after two more, she managed to get it down to five. She scratched her nose awkwardly, kikaichu buzzing beneath her skin in anticipation. She knew she could do it, it was just difficult to push her already limited chakra out in such a manner. Maybe she needed to think of it in a different way? After a four second attempt, she decided that it must be so. Maybe instead of trying to force the chakra through, she should try guiding it across? She formed a thin line with her chakra across the fabric square, not trying to cut through, but trying to form something not unlike a wire. Next she sent a jolt of chakra down the line- not unlike a bolt of electricity. With a small zap, the fabric fell in two in her open hands. It took one and a half seconds. She tried this method a few more times, and satisfied that she had gotten the gist of the technique, decided that she should move on to a more difficult material to channel her chakra through. If she recalled correctly, the next material on her list was wood. She made her way across the city to a small carpenter store, and ended up going back to her small apartment with a few smaller planks of wood- roughly the size of a ruler, if not wider, if one wanted to compare the size to something else.

Her first few attempts at the wood found it literally exploding in her hands if she forced too much of her wind nature into it. Too little chakra, and nothing would even happen to it at all. It was a delicate balance, she quickly found out. The trick she managed with the fabric wouldn't work here- she'd just have to find the right ratio like with the leaves. Nodding to herself, she picked up a third plank and began to channel chakra into it, a thin crack spiderlined down the middle, but when she tried to put just an ounce more in, it shattered. Sighing, she sweeped the wooden shards to the side with her foot. She'd sweep up the messy pile later, once she was finished and had the technique completed. That way, she wouldn't have to continuously clean up after herself every time she shattered one of the damn wooden planks. She hummed to herself, eyeing the next one in the pile. She picked it up gingerly, and channeled a minute amount of chakra, slowly increasing it until she felt it vibrate under her hands. She kept it at that rough force, and slowly enough, a spiderline crack formed its way across the item, and eventually, it began to deepen. It split in two evenly after around eight seconds, and a few additional tries had her narrow it down to three. It wasn't perfect, like the instantaneous paper or leaves, but honestly she was fine with it.

Finally, however, Suzumebachi Aburame had reached the most difficult part of her day long quest to learn chakra infusion- forcing her chakra through solid metal, not with the intention of breaking it but rather reinforcing it with the intention of using it in melee combat. She narrowed her eyes slightly, her breathing soft and the only sound made in her quiet, cramped apartment. She had split paper, leaves, fabric, and wood- all great feats all on their own, but... What if she irreparably damaged the metal? It'd probably be a good idea to use something else as practice first, like a fork, knife, or spoon. She rummaged through her cluttered drawers at that point, pulling out a dull knife that gleamed with a lack of use. She scratched her ear. She could make do with this one, definitely. And if it broke, well, that wasn't such a big loss. She grabbed the item in her left hand, inhaled, and reached inwards to her swirling, volatile chakra. She slowly pushed it out into the dagger, careful not to irreparably bend or otherwise leave scratches in the middle, and let her energy begin to leak out of the weapon, forming a small aura that barely extended a millimeter for a weapon. She ripped out a hair, dropping it on the tip of the dagger, and watched with interest as it split in half the moment it was a millimeter away from the edge. Damn, that was useful. She smiled to herself from beneath her high collared shirt, and begin to experiment more. She made the knife sharper, more durable, quicker to swing... Afterwards, though, she checked if it had sustained any damage, and was pleasantly surprised to find that it was left unscathed. That left one final test... She reached towards her left hip, drawing a large katana from a leather belt. It gleamed in the light that trickled in from the window, and Suzumebachi swallowed awkwardly. If she failed this and messed up her weapon, she'd be out one thousand ryo. All the more encouragement to get it correct the first time, she supposed. Once more, she reached deep within herself, channeling her wind chakra through the razor edge of her sword. It required a bit more effort, due to its size compared to the knife, but she was pleasantly surprised that it came roughly just as easily as the leaves and paper and wood... She scratched her ear awkwardly. Had she really been making a big deal out of this- something that was relatively easy the entire time? She figured she was. She sighed to herself, placing the sword back into its sheathe, dusted off her coat, and collapsed on a ragged couch that she bought at discount a while ago. The cushions were surprisingly comfy as she found herself nodding off. Screw training for today, she figured. I just want to take a nap.

WC: 2,000
Total WC: 2,419


Last edited by Suzumebachi on Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:57 am; edited 4 times in total
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Generic Training Montage (P, WIP) Empty Re: Generic Training Montage (P, WIP)

Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:07 pm
this is it guys

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Generic Training Montage (P, WIP) Empty Re: Generic Training Montage (P, WIP)

Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:19 pm
last one

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