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Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?) Empty The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?)

Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:04 pm
(This post is not Really Fuyo Training But kinda just a way to buff up the stats of my character before the Chuinin Exams...)

Fuyo lied across a boulder, splayed out on his back and letting his spine conform to the contours of the stone. It was a nice sunny day, and he very much relishes the opportunity to catch some rays and relax after a long day of... well catching some rays and relaxing. As usual, no long period of idleness goes without the clouds of deep thought and daydream setting in. As the iridescent reflection of the sun dances across Fuyo's cloak, his eyes flutter as he reflects upon his past.

It starts with his horrid past, Though he wishes to forget. The memories that cause fuyo to scream and punch and break things. Fuyo would imagen himself there physically His ruthless and unforgiving father the burns that his father would inflict on Fuyo to try to demolish his pain receptors. The lashes for slacking off and not training. The cuts and bruises he would receive for helping his witherd mother. The starvation every day and all of the "Man up!"s and cursing he would hear per day. the beating his mother would take for him. the sight of blood stained Fuyos eyes. For year all he could see was death and hatred in the world. Death is all fuyo could achieve to make his father happy. And the day when Fuyo was brought his fathers corps fuyo hit and hit the body for hours and his mother could do nothing but watch her only child bruise and break the body muscle and bones after Fuyos rampage he carried the body on to the Uchiha lake doused the body in gasoline through the body recklessly and put at the edge of the dock and pushed the boat out and tossed a lit match to set Fuyo's broken past a flame. Soon after these events his mother grew ill and she no longer would talk, eat, drink and eventually breath. She died... The only beam of light in Fuyo's pitch dark hole was her. Fuyo knew that people would pay for his mothers hyuga eyes so he took them himself and put them in a canister of a liquid that would preserve them and planned to bury them 10ft under his mothers casket. Hoping no one would ever find them. on that day the down pour was horrid the dirt to mud fuyo found a stone and carved his mothers name into it and planted it firmly in to the ground the deep scratches of a knife wernt to good but it was something that he would have to deal with. Fuyo went around His family's house to the shed and grabbed a worn out shovel. the wood was cracked and raw and the metal was stained with Fuyos blood and mud this is what his father made Fuyo dig 20ft deep holes to climb out of and if he couldn't do it his father would leave him there until he could make it out. Fuyo grabbed the shovel staining his eyes of blood once again the red never left his eyes. Fuyo went to the head stone and started to dig in the rock hard mud for each time he struck the ground he remembered a time were his father would strike him. He struck the mud over and over screaming with each strike and cursing at the top of his lungs each time he threw the mud that he collected with the strike of his shovel. The Black mud flung vissisly over his shoulder. Every once in a while while trying to to throw up the earth his knees would buckle and he would fall to the ground and cry. When finally he made it to 16 feet Fuyo created a small crevasse type thing to place the hard plastic container that contained his mothers eyes the rain and his tears struck the container. Fuyo turned and threw his shovel to the top of the hole and grabbed roots in the ground and started to make his way up when one root snapped and he fell 10 feet back down he nearly hit the container with the hyuga's eyes. Fuyo got up and could feel the cracks in his ribs he grabbed another root and started to make his way back up using the some vines and root sticking out of the hole that he made when he got to ten feet he tugged at each root and vine to make sure that it could support Fuyos weight with each movement fuyo made he could feel his bone in his chest move away from were they were supposed to be causing pain and tears fuyo reached up for the top and help on for life he could feel the warm grass and the sleek mud Fuyo hosted him self up and sat on the edge of the grave looking down at the eyes that looked at him with love. he closed his eyes and said goodbye he grabbed his solve and started to fill the hole for about 10 feet or so and at that point he put his mothers body in a oak box and put the box in the now 6 feet deep hole he said good bye to her body and threw the first clump of mud down in to the hole... Fuyo awoke his back pained him in the awkward positioned he was in he got up and noticed that his eyes were filled with tears Fuyo sat up and started to walk home with his mother in mind he grabbed flowers From his garden to be specific is was the entire patch of roses and threw them on her grave. Stood there looming over her knowing her eyes were still down there looking at dirt, the earth its self. It scared fuyo and made him question if burring them were the right thing to do so he stood there wondering what would have happend if she never died. would his eyes never be re-stained with blood would he be traumatized for potentially forever. But would have met nekrun would he have gone on adventurers with his team would he be going to the chunin exams...

All these thing made Fuyo wonder would the world be better with out me? Fuyo then shook his head out of the thought he was having he went inside and just forgot about the days before. Mom your death day is soon what should i do? i could introduce you my room mate hes cool he part of my team. You know what i show you my team... I miss you. Fuyo thought.
5 Stat points
Space/Time Art: Immaterial Sword  (2000/2000)
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?) Empty Re: The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?)

Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:29 pm
You have 125 words left over, do you wwnt to place those towards another tech or something else?

Also I noticed on your stat page that you listed the Immaterial Sword as a D rank, but it is a C rank (bringing it up here since you are fully learning it)
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?) Empty Re: The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?)

Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:32 pm
I'll ditch the other 125 wc, but for the d rank c rank thing it must have been a mistake on my part sorry about that, I fixed it

Last edited by Fuyo Uchiha on Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : ~Hikari's Stats~
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 75700

The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?) Empty Re: The Past is catching up to Me...(pt.1?)

Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:34 pm
Yes please ^_^

Also approved of your claims then Fuyo <3
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