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Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[SP] Learn and Practice Empty [SP] Learn and Practice

Sat Sep 01, 2018 12:33 pm
Kiro woke up in his bedroom, blinking once while being unable to anything at full clarity, and rose his hands not his face to clear them from anything he found. The boy stepped out of his bed and looked around himself to scan the bedroom he was on. He was,once again, at Kaito’s house for the same reasons as last time. Though, this time he had his full consent to take him wherever he wanted to as long as he didn’t start acting weird to which his childhood friend agreed to doing without saying many words. He was kind of sad that the child thought he would do such things, but understood that as someone who lost his entire family because of the lies that someone made would make it hard for him to believe stuff that other people say and would eventually turn into low trust towards others until he recovered from the impact. The child stepped outside of his bed and walked in the direction of his new drawer and pulled out his outfit that he would be using for the rest of day, holding a gentle and bright smile on his face that indicated that everything was right and that he was happy. He suddenly wore his clothing and turned to face a mirror to see how good he was looking, nodding his head once and exited the room to observe the first floor with a concentrated look on his face. The first person his eyes were able to spot was Kaito, the golden-haired Uchiha with a ponytail who was cooking breakfast for them. It was long since he started eating good looking food since the extremely saddening and shocking death of his parents, which made him view his mother on the man for a single moment. The child went ahead and walked down the stairs in a careful manner, not wanting to hit himself if he did fall, and reached the end of them, bowing his head to his friend. He greeted him and proceeded to sit it down on one of the chairs that the living room of theirs had, observing how the adult cooked some eggs and prepared a few pieces of bread for them to use and to eat with. The older man continued to cook until everything he was preparing was ready to be ate and placed the eggs on a plate, proceeding to take it to the child, and placed it on the desk before him with a friendly smile on his face while tilting his head to a side. ”I hope you like it, Kiro,” was everything he said to his friend before returning to the kitchen just to bring with him the pieces of bread he was previously cooking up a bit because of the temperature they had. He could tell they were could by just touching them previously, and decided to heat them up for a short period of time to a slightly hot temperature, gut one that would turn cold in a little. He was doing all of this to fit the younger boy’s manners of eating because his friend didn’t like and couldn’t eat very cold food and he knew that by playing and living with him for a short period of time. It was one of the things he learned doing as a Shinobi, which resulted to be simple because of the time the two had been together for. He suddenly received a flashback of the blue-haired child presented to him by his older sister when they were in the Academy while she was holding him closely in a tightened grasp. She didn't want to let anyone see him aside from her best friend, who was Kaito at the time, and also gave permission to hold him for a moment but not to play with him for long because she was worried for the baby and took him away.

Kaito always wanted to have a younger brother that he could take care of and train by himself, but he never was given the chance to ask his parents for one because they died in one of their missions right after he was born. He never learned much about them and didn’t mind their death much which made everyone think he had a very strong will. The truth always was that he was a very fragile child that couldn’t do anything without his friends and that required assistance doing almost everything regarding Shinobi missions and training because he didn’t know where to begin and what to do first as an official ninja. That was until he met the blue-haired child once again because his older sister showed it to him once more so they could speak to each other. The boy was now a little older and was able to speak and understand what everyone was saying to a certain extent but not walk perfectly yet. It was quite hard for him and he fell here and there which is why everyone in his family used to carry him a lot. The golden-haired male thought that the two of them were similar but that his friends were the one to carry him when he was in bad conditions or when he was tired and couldn’t get up by himself. They had different reasons to make people help them, but essentially were the same. Staying near the younger child always made him paranoid to others because he would not want anyone to get close to it and to pat him, between other things, because he thought that his sister would get mad; that was the excuse he used to keep people away, but the truth was that he just wanted him for him and only him. That view towards the child changed once he grew in age and intelligence, and stopped requiring assistance from others to protect him as he was able to do almost every task by himself yet he still continued to seek for people to get along and to better his bond with. Kiro never knew that side of the story, however, where the older man wanted to stay with him forever, for some reason, and never asked about it even if there were rumors that stated that he actually once did. It was weird for him to imagine that such rumors existed from his perspective and shook his head in disbelief, waving them off his minds and never bringing them back up. The blue-haired child suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and started to eat his breakfast alongside Kaito, who sat down and revealed a gentle smile on his face while he pet him. ”Eat quickly, Kiro. Your food will get cold soon,” he said in a comforting tone of voice and pointed his finger in the direction of the direction of the food while observing the child and to register his actions. The boy proceeded to nod his head and start eating his food slowly but surely to make sure that the food would go down his throat with ease. He could tell that his friend was surely acting somewhat off today and like always he was not going to mention it unless his attitude would remain like this towards him till the end of the day. He would make sure to tell him to stop and explain what was going on then. The two finally finished their breakfast and stood up, opening their mouth at the same moment, and closing it once again.

”Our training session of today will be learning how to perform multiple Jutsu that the Uchiha pass down amongst each other, and we will also go buy a few ninja utilities for you to use in your missions. You will receive a letter soon telling you on what team you’ll be assigned to, and who you will be joining,” he explained to the youngling, tilting his head to a side and stating that he was looking forward to today’s adventure. And so, Kiro was to a certain extent without mentioning how weird he felt around his friend now.

[WC: 1360]
[To be continued.]
Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[SP] Learn and Practice Empty Re: [SP] Learn and Practice

Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:52 pm
Kiro nodded his head once to his childhood friend and revealed a gentle smile on his face, hoping that the note would come soon for him to read and find out how his teammate was going to be. He was excited to see that person and to talk to him like an equal, train with him like he does with his childhood friend, Kaito, and to go out on missions outside of the village with him. Though he just couldn’t get his grasp on the possible look of his teammate and anything of that matter, really. While he could try to imagine the random looks of one person, he didn’t wasn't to raise his own standards a lot because the person he would be meeting could be in a lower degree than it, were the words that he would use to not sound as offensive. He focused his eyes on his childhood friend and asked him to lead the way to wherever their training would be taking place for today. The older man didn’t refuse to answer his call and proceeded to turn around and focus his gaze on the door. The Chunin approached the door and pushed the handle downward, proceeding not leave the house and order the child to follow after him. The weird attitude he had before had stopped being a thing and that was something he appreciated seeing, hoping that it would never take over once more because it was surely something awkward to be shown. He followed after the older man and sustained him about the area they were going to out of curiosity, and was answered with a quite peculiar answer from the teenager; they were going to the Uchiha training grounds that they once went to to train and learn how to fight shinobi and other threats from a distance and by melee range where he would have to use kunai to slash opponents or use his fists to punch them and launch them away. He revealed a slight smile on his face and nodded his head once while proceeding to follow after him to the 30x30 two-sided arena where each one of them would have to pick one and charge forward to fight against each other. However, today their training session would not be just a spar but instead it would be a training session where he would have to learn one of the strongest Jutsu that his clan knew and to perfectionate others that he had previously learned to use during his adventures, missions, etc.

The two gathered chakra on their feet and jumped to the top of a building with little to no issues, and continued to do the same with more ease and keeping an eye on the training arena from the high grounds because they could locate it from there with ease and they wouldn’t have to go through unnecessary difficulties. They were getting closer and closer as time passed by, but the two stopped a few meters away and decided to have a challenge of speed. They stood on their marks and started to count down for the beginning of the speed Match, and charged forward at an impressive pace where this time the boy was able to keep up with his friend decently and wasn’t staying behind at all, though the adult was notably holding back yet still surprised by the rate of advancement of the child. The two reached the arena at the same time and reached to their knees, painfully huffing and trying to recover from running at, in Kiro’s case, maximum speed. The boy rose to his feet and walked inside of the sacred training ground to observe how it was after all of his time away from it. There did not seem to be a single difference on it, and the sand that he had once burned was replaced for the sake of promoting spars and such without having to be careful of falling on the lava-like sand. Truth to be told, he was scared of what he had done last time and was happy that they forgave him and decided to fix it instead of holding him in a jail to give him lessons or something of that matter. He sat down to think about his actions and how jail was really like because he was never in one during his whole life and curiosity was already taking over because he did want to know how it felt like, but he was most likely not going to make it in and would just have to ask around people until he received an answer from them. Perhaps they would not do such a thing now that no one wanted to give out his past to a stranger, and not the darkest one of them all either unless they did greater mistakes and still didn’t get captured. Those were what missing ninja were in short terms and without heading into deep explaining.

Kiro yawned and turned to face his friend, telling him to begin explaining the first technique and what it was called. He proceeded to nod his head once and to state the name of the technique, how it could be used in the battlefield and how to perform it. The technique was called Great Dragon Fire technique, similar to the Dragon Fire Technique, but instead of a dragon that rushes through cords, lines or multiple people, it shoots gigantic dragon heads to a maximum of six that requires a high amount of chakra reserves to hold them for a long period of time. The next thing he exclaimed was how it could be used in the battlefield, and declared that it could be shot from long distances to hit the opponent, but that it is better to stay close to your opponents to be able to control them better and accurately hit them. Finally, the older man explained the require hand seals to perform this technique and that the user needed to knead fire into your stomach and build up chakra to shoot between one to six dragon heads towards their opponent. Once his explanations were over and when he made sure to let the boy note everything about this complicated Jutsu and turned around to face a resistant looking tree yet not one that would be able to defend itself against the power of this technique, for sure. He proceeded to go through the required set of seals, kneading fire into his belly, and released it as a single gigantic fire dragon head that crushed the tree in half and made it fall to the ground. He looked at the child from the corner of his eyes and continued to use the technique, but this one using a total of six dragon heads that broke most of the trees in the area and managed to create a great explosion.

The child blinked twice in disbelief and was even surprised about how he managed to survive the impact of the multiple explosions that the Jutsu created by itself, though by the use of the older man's incredible chakra he was able to increase the potency of the Jutsu he was using, even if just by a bit. He proceeded to gulp down some of his saliva and approached the older man from behind while also remembering everything that he noted down as well as the process that he has to go through to execute it perfectly and without struggling a lot. He was also going to try to lower the destruction of the trees and to aim his attacks to the sky and to make them explode in the sky. The blue-haired Uchiha went through the same set of hand seals as his childhood friend, Kaito, and kneaded fire into his stomach to fire it off as a powerful and big fire dragon head that rose through the sky at an impressive pace and exploded once it reached its maximum range. He excitedly rushed after his friend and hugged him in happiness, revealing a big grin on his face that soared through his face from ear to ear.

[WC: 1358]
[TWC: 2718]
[Mid-thread claiming (3000/3000) by placing 466 words towards Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique with (145/3000) in Mastery, and placing 1855 on Great Fireball for full mastery. Stat claims will be stated in the end of the thread.]
[252 Words remaining to be used in the next post.]

[To be continued.]
Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[SP] Learn and Practice Empty Re: [SP] Learn and Practice

Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:47 pm
Kiro excitedly rushed after his childhood friend and hugged him happily, showing a joyful smile on his face. The older man stepped back and made him fall to the ground and hit the bridge of his nose against the ground. --No, the child led both of his arms forward and stopped himself from falling to the ground, following up with a front flip to perfectly land on his feet. He had noticed that his reaction time and speed has gotten better as he trained with the older man and that was something he appreciated the most because it would help him during his missions and other tasks that he would be ordered to complete either on his own or with others. He nodded his head once and turned around to face his friend and request to continue their training session that was going to be about mastering the Great Fireball jutsu that their clan preferred using in battle and that was extremely efficient against stronger opponents because of the speed, size, and power of the technique. The older man accepted his request and looked at a tree from the right corner of his eyes and pointed a single finger to it, asking the child to perform the technique without using hand seals and by just leading fire in his stomach. He had never thought about using the technique like that and was never told that it could be a thing, but then remembered the story books about the Uchiha clan and their proficiency above others in the Fire Elements that could be at a par with the Sarutobi clan or even stronger than theirs. He agreed to do it just like he was requested to and walked in the direction of the tree while closing his eyes and kneading fire into his stomach to prepare the Jutsu that he was about to use without the use of the required hand seals. It was some extremely surprising and shocking that techniques could be performed without the use of seals because it would break the balance of the Ninja world and would make it better for people to master techniques to use in battle and to defeat opponents with ease because of the lowered amount of time someone would require to use a Jutsu and that it would give them the advantage of brawls. He nodded his head once and started to focus all of his attention on kneading his fire in his stomach and started to gathering chakra and channel it through his entire body to perform his technique without the use of hand seals. He swiftly opened his eyes and stared at the tree in determination and the hope of being able to perform the technique like he was supposed to without the use of any type of seal.

The child suddenly slowly opened his mouth and fired out a small burst of flames and infused more chakra and oxygen to increase its width and height. He lowered to his knees in exhaustion and started to heavily breathe in the inability of moving and doing any other actions because of having used such an amount of chakra on his first try. He was taken back to his house by his childhood friend and was placed on top of their rest to rest a little and to naturally recover his chakra as well as get medical ninja to come by and to restore some of his chakra reserves thanks to their techniques. He didn’t take long to recover from the Chakra failure he previously had during his training session, slowly opening his eyes and looking around him with blurry sight. He was greeted with a smile of his childhood friend, Kaito, who seemed to be slightly worried about him and sad that such a thing happened to him because he was asked to come and train with him. For the cost of almost dying, he did what he loved the most which was learning Jutsu but he didn’t want to see his friend in a state like that ever again. The older man clenched his fist and led it next to the child’s face determinedly., nodding his head once. ”I will make sure this doesn’t happen again, I promise!” he said to the younger Uchiha, revealing a gentle look that would be enough to calm him down. Kiro rose both of his arms to clear his eyes and lightly yawned, shifting into a sitting position to look around himself.  Nothing had changed since he first passed out, from what he could tell. He focused his gaze on the man and stepped out of his bed to stand tall on his feet, proceeding to direct himself to a mirror and to observe himself on it while speaking to the man. He questioned him about the next part of their training session where they would have to buy weapons and ninja supplies for him to use during his missions and spars. Kaito rubbed his chin and narrated to think of when would be a good time to begin, shrugging and pointing to the outside of the door through their window. ”Maybe now is a good time? I think it would good if we go out before it is too late in the night because people get really mad at those times and there is stuff you need to avoid seeing or getting into,” he said to the child and approached the closed window to fully open it, letting a small gust of wind enter and to wave gold-like hair to a side.

”Now, shall we go?” The two Shinobi charged outside of the house through the window and rushed down the roof to jump to the roof of another. Perhaps they would hear a loud thud, but that wasn’t something that would require them to come out and to get angry at them. They continued to jump from building to building until they reached the exit of the Uchiha district, and nodded once to themselves. Kiro swiftly jumped to the top of the wall that they had met on their first training session and easily reached to the top, glancing down to his friend from the corner of his eyes. The older man took a few seconds more than the child to get to the top and blamed it on age, stating that he was getting old while flusteredly looking away. The child lightly giggled and turned his face forward and continued to run to the main merchant district. There were many people selling and buying ninja supplies, food and other items that would benefit them in their daily life. His first thought was to look around and to see how everyone was doing, if they needed donations or something of that matter and if they required help with their tasks, etcetera. He glanced at his friend and was told to keep going until they reached the Ninja store where they would be retrieving his first sword and other ninja utilities that he would have to use carefully. Kiro nodded in agreement and lead the way to the Ninja Store his childhood friend told him about and lead the way to. The two would reach it in nothing but mere moments and entered the store without saying anything else, seeing a fairly tall man inside that would greet them and present multiple weapons for them to pick and buy. They didn’t seem that powerful though and made him think about them being actually useful or not. He was then interrupted by the shop owner and was recommended a rather short sword but that was very useful and known by many Genin and Chunin that promote it by using it in most of their missions, for example. He nodded his head once and told his friend Kaito that he would like to take it with him because it was one of the best weapons the shop had. He started to touch the blade to check if the rumors were true or just mere lies that people invented for the blade to be purchased by everyone, or something of that matter.  The older man proceeded to nod his head once and to hand over the money to pay for it, as well as the rest of the utilities he bought for himself, and left the store to go to the academy training grounds to test his new weapon out and see if it was well worth their Ryo or not for future reference. It was sharp and resistant enough to cut through the air with impressive accuracy and speed and even came with a sheath of its own. They finished their training session by throwing shuriken and kunai at training logs and targets to improve their accuracy and to think of new ways to use them in battle and to come up with new strategies too. Once they were finally over, the two yawned and chuckled together, embarking on a journey to return back to their house and to sleep warmly!

[WC: 1517] [TWC: 4236]
[Claiming Tantô (375/375), 5 Shurikens (625/625), 10 Wires (250/250), 2 explosive tags (500/500), and 21 SP! Placing 19 Words towards Great Dragon Flame Jutsu's Mastery (164/3000).]

Last edited by Kiro Uchiha on Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

[SP] Learn and Practice Empty Re: [SP] Learn and Practice

Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:53 pm
Kiro Uchiha
Kiro Uchiha
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[SP] Learn and Practice Empty Re: [SP] Learn and Practice

Mon Sep 03, 2018 5:32 pm
Waiting for reapproval.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

[SP] Learn and Practice Empty Re: [SP] Learn and Practice

Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:07 pm
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