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Wherever the Light Touches Empty Wherever the Light Touches

Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:13 pm
The time had come. Kumogakure had survived on its own, an autonomous village that evolved to become used to a lack of leadership, the only remnants of any such person a scourge on the face of the earth. Once, he might have been a good man and a good leader, but what could the citizens ever know of the man who once was? The man they knew was a conqueror, a merciless tyrant who slaughtered and experimented on whomever he pleased. Mortarion had ravaged the land, leading all who ventured near to harbor an inherent distrust of the Village Hidden in the Clouds.

But that man was no more, his terrible legacy the only aspect of him remaining.

After him came the one called Maku, a flashy man with whom Komori could not help but feel some sense of kinship. A man who appealed to the people and stirred them to action. Truly one of the better times the Hozuki had the pleasure of experiencing. But he too had failed them. His words were clever and artistically crafted, but it just turned Kumogakure into an imperialist state driven by blinded loyalty.

Even then, he held a short reign before disappearing as well.

He merely left the man named Kyson in charge as a pseudo leader. Personally, Komori had no quarrel with him. Rather, his desire was to fix this village he called home. In his eyes, the first step would be for a Kumogakure born and raised shinobi to reclaim the title of Raikage from the foreigners that preceded him.

Komori passed the receptionist desk with determination burning in his one remaining eye. The other had been covered by an eyepatch he secured on the way to the office. His pace did not falter until he approached the door to the kage chambers where he came to a gradual stop. This door that had always creaked whenever he had visited. A faint smile cracked his otherwise composed face. The door that always opened by itself,” he said lightly to himself as he briefly ran his fingers over the ghost door.

Now he stood at the threshold as an all too familiar chill came from the darkened room. He turned his left side to his twin, who had accompanied him from the time they were academy students to now. “Remember back when we were genin. After that final exam, we had to come here.” Komori circled the desk in the center of the void, running his fingers along the edges. His nostalgic grin persisted as he spoke, “I remember he asked if I would ever turn against you,” he said with a light chuckle. “I don’t recall if I ever told you about that.”
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:57 pm
The halls to this building were morbid, the people in it had long been used to youka's presence, and as a result, his rigid rules. Minor errors could bring about the most severe punishments, even Komon had figured that out as a child. When the rot lord had severed the head of his local librarian, because he'd been a little too loud one day. They like him, had been scared into submission. Blindly following orders, and the fear which had captured them all, had become a second nature.

So much so that even when Maku took control, nothing changed.

When the both of them disappeared, nothing changed.

When Kyson took the lead, nothing changed.

The wheels of the village had kept turning, continuing on the same tragic path it always had, with nobody even thinking to stop it. But here the twins stood, planning to change its course today. Every man and woman in this building would soon learn that this fear was not permanent. That there was a life outside of the nightmare they'd been living for so long. He'd ball his fist in anticipation as he and Komori neared the Raikage's office.

"I remember he asked if I would ever turn against you"

The revelation hadn't been shocking. In fact, it was entirely predictable. Youka had been a cruel man the entire time he'd known him, in every brief encounter they had shared. He could still hear the sound of his arms leaving their sockets when he closed his eyes at night. Even after all these months, the rot lord haunted him.

"And what did you tell him?"

He'd ask, with his curiosity peaked.
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Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:30 pm
“I told the man I would do whatever action saved the most lives.” Komori smiled, his walk around the desk ending as he stared at the chair that the Raikage resided in. If there had been a kage. “What I didn’t tell him, was that you would never betray the village. And even if you did, it would be for a valid reason.” The one-eyed man pulled the chair out from underneath the desk, pulling it back enough for him to fit comfortably. He looked up to Komon, “Some might even consider this betrayal.” He gave a half-smile.

With that, Komori Hozuki sat down on the throne of the Raikage.

“But,” he said, putting up his left arm to rest, bending at the elbow in order to support himself as he got comfortable. He leaned back in the chair, his right arm resting flat on the armrest. He leaned his head into his left hand, savoring the moment. “Everything we do is for the betterment of our home.”
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:39 pm
"I told the man I would do whatever action saved the most lives"

"What I didn’t tell him, was that you would never betray the village"

The sentiment was a nice one, but Komon had come dangerously close to doing just that in his own exam. In youka's presence he'd been asked to name one shinobi that he felt would never rise to the ranks of chuunin. And he'd done just that. Putting Yugure on a silver platter for the Raikage out of fear for his brother and himself.

Of course, he'd walked it back.

But it didn't make the realization that his brothers trust in him was somewhat misplaced, hurt any less. He'd shake his head as he realized this was why his brother was better fit for the role of Raikage. He was admired by the people, he'd never falter in the face of a stronger opponent, his ego was to large for that. But most importantly, he was loyal to his people.

"Some might even consider this betrayal" His brother would address the elephant in the room, making it clear that what they were about to do was treason of the highest order. And in that moment, Komon realized that the room was as dark as the mood. How long had it been since those blinds were opened, how long had it been since light had entered this office.

As Komori took his seat, Komon would follow him behind the desk, instead of taking a seat he'd opt to open the ancient blinds, that by the looks of them, had been there long before even Youka. As he did so, dust would fall, and light would pierce the room through windows that hadn't been cleaned in years. The still falling dust particles highlighted by the suns rays.

None of that was of any significance when compared to the view it offered. Kumogakure and all it's beauty laid before Komon, the office serving as a watchtower over every nook and cranny the village could muster.

It was strange that the men who had resided here had kept that window closed. Shutting themselves away from the people of their village both physically and metaphorically. And it seemed almost poetic that He and His brother would be the ones to open it.

"Everything we do is for the betterment of our village"

"Youka, Maku and all the others. They'll have loyalists brother"
"...I hope you know what you're getting us into."

He hadn't turned away from the window, the view was far too captivating.
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Ryo : 23750

Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:48 pm
A light shining in this room was a nice change of pace. Too long had Kumogakure been shrouded in darkness, living in the shadows of its past leaders. “Blind loyalty is a dangerous weapon.” Komori said, turning his head towards the window. “We’ll have to deal with them swiftly when they make themselves known. Besides, that’s a part of fame. Anyone with fame has to deal with those that hate them, for any reason imaginable.” He stood out of the chair, pushing himself up with the armrests. “People are welcome to hate me, but they won’t stop me from saving this village.”

Komori walked over towards the window, gazing outside at the village from this vantage point. It was a strange feeling looking out over the Cloud from the kage chamber. This room had always felt so distant from the very village that those who occupied it were supposed to lead. The sun shined brightly on Kumogakure as the village seemed brighter than ever before. From up here, one could see the day to day life bustling below them. However, they could also see the rotten legacy of Youka Tau. “We’ll need to do something about the infestation that Mortarion left behind.”
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:34 pm
Komori stood.

"People are welcome to hate me, but they wont stop me from saving this village"

The sounds of his footsteps grew closer, and he appeared in his brothers peripheral vision. The twins now overlooking the village together from new heights, and an understanding smile would manifest on the hyuuga as he cracked open the ancient window, allowing a cool breeze into the room. Did his brother really think it would be that simple, to get a whole village in line with an usurper?

"It'll be a little more than hatred, Komori"

He'd say as he drew a lighter and a cigarette from his pockets, joining the two at his mouth.


Click Click

The metallic sound of his lighter would manifest a few seconds before the orange ember at the end of his stick, and silence would hang in the air as the twin's basked in the view of their village. But this peaceful moment, however nice... Was bound to end eventually.

"We'll need to do something about the infestation that Mortician left behind"

Komon would nod at the statement, as his eye's focused on the pikes resting far outside of the village. Youka's rule had been the end of many, and most were on display. He knew that in that field, lady Jiyo's head still rotted on those god forsaken pikes, and he felt shame for how long he'd let them stand. A cloud of smoke would break from his mouth as he exhaled the first puff he'd taken out the window. And as it whisked away he'd begin to speak.

"You'll need control of the village first, removing all of..."
He'd gesture with both hands out the window as the cigarette rested between his lips.
"Will be a little hard, if we're fighting for control at the same time."
One hand would slip into his pocket in a relaxed manner while the other removed the stick from his mouth.
"It's a task for anoth--"
The sound of flapping wings would break his speech as a bird soared through the window, and landed on the raikage's desk.
" time?"

His grey byakugan would focus on the birds leg, and take note of the fact that there was a message strapped to it with the words Raikage printed in a bold font.

"I guess that's you now."

He'd say before taking another drag from his cigar.
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Tue Aug 07, 2018 7:52 pm
“I can deal with anything they throw at me. I’m used to being the center of attention here." The clicking sound of a lighter made his ears perk as Komori turned to see his twin lighting a cigarette. He said nothing, turning his gaze back to the city. It was too quiet a moment to ask trivial questions.

We should get started on it as soon as possible, is what Komori wanted to say, before they were so rudely interrupted by the fluttering of wings landing on the desk.

Navigating through the village came a lonesome raven, a letter firmly grasped by its claws yet miraculously not tearing the paper. Its purpose was singular as it homed in on the most prominent building in the village - The Raikage Chambers. Once it was close enough to an open window the bird swooped in, riding atop a gust as it circled the interior of the chamber once before landing down on the edge of the desk, docile so that the message could be received from its lightly curled talons.

Komori left the window and approached the bird with his interest piqued. As he sat down in his new chair, he eyed the item it was carrying.

Sealing the letter was the official symbol of Kirigakure No Sato pressed into red wax.

He moved his hand towards the bird’s feet, grabbing the letter with ease before breaking the seal and unrolling the page. Since it was only Komon in the room, he would read it aloud.

Inside the following could be read.

"Greetings, Raikage.

I write to inform you that the tradition of the Gokage Summit is being renewed once more which will involve the leaders of every recognised major village so that we can discuss prominent issues and establish unity. This meeting will be held in two weeks (08/08/NINJA YEAR) in the Land of Iron so that the land is neutral for all parties.

You may bring two bodyguards with you to ensure your safety on this journey, any more will be considered a threat to all parties and subsequently handled with impunity.

I look forward to meeting you.


Xyxer Gyojin

Komori waited a moment to allow the letter to sink in before talking once more. “That’s tomorrow.” He let out a small sigh. “My first day and I already have a meeting in another country. I’m going to hate this job aren’t I,” he would say nonchalantly in a manner unbefitting the nature of the news. He rested his right elbow on the chair, scratching his chin with his hand as he held the letter in his left. “Two bodyguards.” He looked over towards Komon. “I think the first of them is a given, don’t you?” He smiled. “I wouldn’t have anybody else watching my back.” He set the letter down, grabbing a roll of parchment and a writing utensil and setting them next to it. The tip of his pen made a scratching noise on the paper as he began.

“Mizukage Gyojin.

The lack of communication between the major villages has been an issue for some time, and remains one I hope to settle with you and the other leaders. Rest assured, I will be there myself accompanied by two members of my ANBU division. Apologies for the lateness of this reply.


Komori Hozuki

Short, sweet, and to the point. “I feel as though this is respectful enough. You’re welcome to give it a read if you’d like, Komon.” If the Hyuuga wished, he could read the letter. Afterwards, Komori would respond in any way that seemed fitting. Otherwise, he would bind the letter with the seal of Kumogakure no Sato, allowing for the raven to grab the letter and fly out of the window back towards its home. If Komon read it or not, Komori would respond the same way. “I felt as though I needed to emphasize that I’d be arriving with ANBU agents. If it were mere jounin, we could be seen as weak.” He stood back up, looking towards his brother. The man could barely sit still it seemed. “Therefore, my first act as Raikage is to promote you to an ANBU captain. You’re my most trusted comrade in this village, so it makes sense after all.” With that, he would await for Komon’s reply.

Afterwards, he would add as a side note, “I entrust you to choose to second man to accompany us, brother.”
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:41 pm
Komori's voice carried the word's well, and the letter carried a message of great importance. All the leaders of the shinobi world would be converging in one place with their most trusted advisers. A lot could go wrong in a situation like that. Not to mention the letter was from the mizukage, the message seemed pleasant enough, but he'd heard of what happened in Konoha.

I guess this mean's Konoha didn't fair to well in the battle

He never had heard how that battle had gone down, but if Kirigakure was calling a shot like this, He assumed it meant they'd won. A shame, he had no love for the village, especially after he'd lost his mother to one of their shinobi's hands.

His brother's response was his own buisness and Komon would take the time Komori had used to write, to take a seat on the other side of the desk, kicking his feet up onto the chair and puffing away at his cigarette as it grew shorter and shorter. When his brother eventually asked if he would like to read the letter Komon would wave it away, after all, he already knew from his brother's deceleration that he'd be one of the guards that the two were going. He'd let his reply out between puffs.

"I'm sure whatever you wrote will work, after all you're going to have to learn to make decisions without me, if this is the path you're choosing"

After speaking, his brother would bestow upon him an unexpected honor.

"My first act as Raikage is to promote you to an ANBU captain"

He was at a loss for words, over the year's he'd been promoted several times and every time he'd felt unprepared for the role given to him. Now he supposed, that feeling would simply never go away. But he'd survived this long, maybe, just maybe he was more prepared than he thought. His cigar had shrunk to little more than a stump now, so he'd crush the burning ember against the wooden arm rest on his chair, watching as orange faded to black.

"I'll find someone suitable for the mission"

He hadn't felt the need to thank his brother for the role, he knew it was pointless. His brother knew he was grateful. Instead he'd look out the window towards the hospital where Amai was no doubt busy at work. He hated the fact that he'd have to leave before seeing her again. Especially in her condition. But the village needed him, and the summit date was tomorrow they'd have no time to waste.

"We can't bring kyson, we don't know how he'd react, but when he asked us about STORM, didn't he say he had another operative already?"

"Bring him, make him believe we're going on a normal mission for now. The rest can be revealed later"

--Possible Exit--
WC: 1574
Claiming Spatial Awareness with 836 words + words found here Total of 1500 (Max stat discount)

Claiming Kumo's second anbu captain slot
Claiming free B rank jutsu Split Second

putting rest of 738 words towards A rank split second with max stat discount applied to 1500.

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Ryo : 23750

Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:55 pm
Another operative? Komori remained standing, looking out the window once more. “Then that has to mean it’s a man named Nobunaga. I haven’t seen him since he fought a tailed beast by himself and I was summoned to seal it into him.” The brothers were pretty terrible at telling each other important information, but it seemed as though they had barely seen each other lately.

“I wish we had more time to handle things, but the summit is tomorrow. Everything else will have to wait.” He said this in a rather disappointed manner. He had just arrived home and once more had to leave before he could do anything. “Our lives seem to end up being busy ones. It’s getting late and we can’t afford to be tardy at the summit. It’d give off a poor impression to the other leaders.” Komori nodded to his brother in confirmation. “I’ll have someone call Nobunaga and we’ll have to meet each other at the gates tonight.”

With nothing else to be said, Komori would take some time to rest up after his legendary battle before he would head towards the gates.


Raikage rank
1500 words towards Black Lightning with Max Stats
Remaining 110 going to Tenotsuku (3551/6000)

Free Jutsu from New Rank: 5/9
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Wherever the Light Touches Empty Re: Wherever the Light Touches

Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:00 pm
RIP my guy Kyson.

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