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Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:34 am
Tadashi would meet eyes once more with Allegro as he was most likely in pain, the crimson haired Genin also most likely heard some pained grunts coming from Fuyo, probably coming in contact with Nekrun's scythe. Now that the crimson haired Genin thought about it, how did Nekrun get that scythe since people in Konoha don't use scythes that much? It was probably passed down from his family, or it was an heirloom from the Uzumaki's. Anyways, Tadashi didn't want to bombard Nekrun with a question about his scythe, at least not at this moment. The two were probably very tired and bloodied due to the hard-fought battle, so it would be imperative for them to rest well before diving in with discussions. It now hit the crimson haired Genin that he didn't use a technique yet, it was Chidori. The Genin would be pretty surprised that he didn't use Chidori yet due to the fact that Allegro and Fuyo were seemingly bodying him before. The crimson haired Genin would swing his katana on the left on him, Allegro's blood being splattered on the ground, cleaning the bloodied katana. Soon after, Tadashi sheath his blade on his back, as he would look down on Allegro. Instantly, he would beam a smile towards the Uzumaki as he would extend his hand, 

"Allegro, you did such a good job! For a long time, you had me surprised and on my toes! I hope we can meet sometime again." If if the Uzumaki accepted the handshake, Tadashi would get him up, as he would walk towards Nekrun and Fuyo's location. If not, then the Genin would simply walk away, going to the previously stated location as something began to happen. It began to rain, "Dang it, why now..." The crimson haired Genin thought in dismay. Tadashi hated rain more than nothing else, it was the bane of his existence, something that he never liked at all, but it wouldn't be a great showing to the others if Tadashi acted so angrily, so he would just look up in the sky, letting the rain drenched him as he reflected on today's events. At that same time, Nekrun would jump off the trees, his scythe sheathed, indicating that he probably won against Fuyo, which made Tadashi beam. Nekrun would proceed to walk towards the crimson haired Genin, giving him a high five in the process, to which Tadashi high fived back.

Looking at the sky, it was evening, nearing closer to nighttime, so Tadashi decided to wrap things up when Nekrun responded as the crimson haired Genin would respond back, "Yeah you do, that! This was my first spar with strong people like you, so I can't imagine how strong other Konoha ninja will be!" He excitedly said. He would wave towards Nekrun, Allegro, and Fuyo, saying his goodbyes as the crimson haired Genin would leave the scene.

-------------- 1 Hour Later------------

Tadashi wasn't exactly going home, in fact, he didn't intend on going home so soon. He went to Ichiraku's Ramen Shop, getting some of the signature Ramen, and 5 pieces of Shrimp Tempura. The crimson haired Genin would gobble the food up as he paid his bill, and he went to the clothing shop, buying a new pair of fingerless gloves due to his old ones being ripped in the spar. After he was done doing more miscellaneous shopping and stuff, he would head home, the rain still being present. At that time, Tadashi got more accustomed to the rain, almost liking it now, besides the fact that it hinders your vision. While Tadashi was heading home, there was no sign of people, too barren, almost way too barren. A blonde hooded figure, right in front of Tadashi, threw a Kunai, straight at the boy's eyes, to which the Genin moved to the left, avoiding the attack at the eyes, only giving him a small cut on the cheek. For some reason, that pissed off the boy.


Tadashi would boom as he rushed towards the man, his katana unsheathed, hoping to slash at the hooded figure. It was futile, the man easily lifted his left leg, kicking at the Tadashi's chin. The blow was too powerful, the katana literally flew out of the boy's hand as the hooded figure stabbed the blade right on the ground, upright. The crimson haired Genin was on the ground, blood spurting out of his mouth as he looked up to the man, powerless. "Tomorrow, we shall fight to the death, in the Konoha Forest...." At that moment, the hooded figure would disappear in a flash of light, blinding Tadashi at that second. Tadashi would pass out at that time.


WC: 900
TWC: 2304


1434 Towards and To Finish off Soul Expulsion C-Rank
870 Towards Shadow Clone
11 Stats
Yamato Tanaka
Yamato Tanaka
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Ryo : 24500

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 15, 2018 12:20 pm
Approved (Next time please put a link to your previous training for a jutsu)
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:58 am
Fuyo was dashing throughout the trees hoping His only True Friend didn't find Fuyo's location. While the leaves of the oak and birch trees batted his face then all of a sudden he could see a crescent moon blade connected to a silver pole swing with the force of a Uzumaki deeply gash the young Uchiha's arm at the inner side of the joint of the elbow. Fuyo could feel he muscles splice and his nerves were disconnected and with the forceful blow flew the young Uchiha throughout the forest and before the boy landed on the ground he saw his only friend sprint away with his blade submerged in the crimson blood of the Uchiha's blood. While he was flying through out the forest he hit and broke branches and for eery impact Fuyo had he could only fell the wooden fragment of shrapnel of the shattered branch enter the boy's skin filling him with pain, Fuyo's blade flying next to him made contact with a berich branch and shot straight down and penetrated the hard cold stone and dirt ground. Fuyo only thought of his Friend the look on his Freinds face looked like he didn't even care about Fuyo's Devastating wound. The Uchiha's life flashed passed his useless eyes. His old family His abusive father that caused Fuyo only pain and his weak and weary mother that did anything to keep her poor child alive and the long period of nothing just depression and lonlyness Until he found a pure stray cat that would be his only thing to hold on to life then Fuyo was threw another string to hold on to life when he meet a Young Uzumaki that just betrayed him and now he has lost everything once more his friends and family. Fuyo soon hit a thick dark oak tree trunk and slid down with a bone chilling screech his body feeling light Fuyo's dropped his head down to look at his wound and his head fell like a lifeless rag doll the "Gallons" of blood flowing from his gash from the inside of the boys arm the crimson red staining the grueling brown soil and the life filled green grass and the other surrounding plants. Fuyos Eyes started to fuzz with pain and his vision started to become as crimson as his blood Fuyo thought that he splashed his blood into his eyes with Fuyo's burning crimson eyes were looking for someone to come to help him but no one came not even a single animal. Fuyo started to yell as the pain of his eyes started to feel like the lashing and the cuts of his abusive father laid on the Uchiha. With the boy yelling out for something to help him the clouds started to cry for the abandoned child, the tears spread through out the land his eyes Became pure red and Fuyo could feel a fixed point of pain in both of his eyes but yet another point of pain orbiting the center point of unbearable pain. it got to the point that Fuyo was begging for Death. Fuyo knew he couldent win it was truly impossible he was eregent because of his strong bloodlinehe was hopless Nekrun was to great for Fuyos eregence Fuyo realized that he was totaly hopless every hit that he had endoured was ment to happen Nekrun had betrayed Fuyo with the pain of hell and know he couldent bare the shame of his hoplessness. And soon after that fuyo realized what was truly causeing the crimson pain in his eyes the Sharingan Long ago before his father started to "train" Fuyo and his Mother sat together and read in harmony. His Mother taught the really young Fuyo about the kenkegenki that he possessed and the true power that they can work in battle. Fuyo knew that his family bloodline was going to be the only thing that was going to possibily going to win any type of battle at the moment he was to weak to know anything and he had the wound to show it.  Fuyo once again dropped his head like a lifless corpse and started to stare at the gash pumping out the crimson staining fluids from his body. As soon as he felt like his entire life depended on his bloodline it felt like a god had granted the power of all but then death himself started to rip Fuyos eyes out of there sockets. After all the pain had stoped fuyo finaly brought himself to his feet but barely with his eyes closed he could feel the blood from his arm still running nonstopso when he opend his eyes everything came to life the morning dew on leaves so clearly seen. Fuyo look at  a flower a could count the flaps of the humming birds wings he just kept looking around and all he could see is beuty in the world and nothing else but Fuyo had finnaly realized that he needs medical help so he dragged his limp arm and unstedy body to his home and he just stared at the traditinal paper slide door that in his mother handwritting "Uchiha" Fuyo clipped a smile and reached for door to go inside but he was jumped at by his white cat Matatabi cat Fuyo put his little cat down and it dissiperd rounding the corner of the house and came backwith fuyos blade that he lost in the forest he re-weilded his blade and sheathed it "Thanks Matatabi!" And as soon as fuyos aid that he started to caught up blood Fuyo swiftly grbbed the paper door and trew it open then just fell right on the ground and he started to bleed all over the wooden floors and Matatabi lefto find Nekrun to try and help Fuyo with his wound. Fuyo just layed there his mind going blank. Fuyos life in that moment flashed before his eyes but his final thought was him begging someone to kill him.
claiming 8 stats
1000 wc towards Flicker movement (1000/1000)
500 wc towards Raiton: Sparks (500/500)
125 wc twards Space/Time Art: Immaterial Sword (125/2000)

Last edited by Fuyo Uchiha on Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 22, 2018 4:33 am
Fuyo can you update your stat page please? 

And as answers to your stat page, post links to threads and what you got from them.

Have you awakened the sharingan? I can't tell from your stat page
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:03 am
ooops I forgot a few things being claimed sorry about that I havent posted in a while anyways I'll update that otherwise I meant to put 
also claiming 3rd tomoe

Last edited by Fuyo Uchiha on Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Smoke Warning
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:08 am
Did you have second tomoe already or are you claiming all 3 tomoe activations right now?
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:21 am
all 3 sorry about being unclear

Last edited by Fuyo Uchiha on Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Smoke Warning
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:38 am
getting you a second opinion on this
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:30 pm
Final ruling on this is you can't claim sharingan from this thread. Feel free to dm me on site or on discord for more information about this. 

So if you remove sharingan and sharingan genjutsu from your claims I'll approve your exit and claims.

I advise you to weave your story naturally, and awaken it on accounts of long-term consequences instead of any single event with a single post of CD attached; or do it with NPC's and meet the WC requirement. We watch CD more closely. Again, Feel free to dm me on site or on discord for more information about this; or ask another mod for their opinion still.
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 4 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:44 am
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