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Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:39 pm
"Well umm okay maybe you didn't hear me earlier but i wanted to be with Nekrun, but now that i think about it we should be with he people that were basically total strangers with so me and Koaru and Nekrun and Tadashi! Well this is a total suggestion but thats what i think should be team ups but it is up to you guy." Fuyo said shyly. This was Fuyos first Two on two and he wanted for everything to be the most even teams as possible.
Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:15 pm
Nekrun was listening to the others converse and thought that Fuyo was right about the match ups, this would be a good chance for them to get associated with the others that they didn't know while still sparing in the way they wanted, Nekrun would walk over to Tadashi and accept the handshake he had set out.

"Nice to meet you now let's show these fools how it's done"

Nekrun would then continue on to say.

"Alright first of all No killing allowed, Next you are allowed to inflict injury as long as it does not cut off a limb, If you have any other suggestions for rules please state them now before we start"

Nekrun used a loud and commanding voice while he said this hopefully making a good show for the Genin he would be working with on this. Nekrun would continue after everyone had said what they wanted to do with the rules to step back next to Tadashi 5 meters away from their opponents in a stance ready for battle with a smoke bomb in his left hand and his scythe in his right he would watch to see who would make the first move and work from there probably starting by making a counter attack on the one closest to him.

Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 7:24 pm
The crimson-haired boy was happy Nekrun accepted his handshake as he nodded when Fuyo and he explained the rules. He walked, across from his teammate, as he pulled out two Kunais, holding each in one hand. He was contemplating about unsheathing his Katana, but he wanted to test the waters first. He took a deep breath as he prepared his battle stance, ready to brawl. He didn't make the first move as he wanted to see what Fuyo and the other guy were capable of. This could be a smart move or a costly mistake, he didn't know, but he hoped his gamble was right this time. 

"I'm ready when you are! Bring it on!"

WC: 119

TWC: 431
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:06 pm
Fuyo noticed that everyone was getting ready to start the spar. Fuyo walked a little farther back and released his blood lust and drew his sword. Matatabi sensed Fuyo intense blood lust and he scampered away.

"Okay Im ready As well."

Fuyo settled in his battle phase with a death glare and an assassins stance with a blade passed down from generation and generation of assassins. and was fully prepare for the two on two fight.
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Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:24 pm
"Yosh!" the Uzumaki said with the nod of his head. After forming a hand seal with one hand, the match would officially begin, and a large, two meter long staff fashioned from stone would rise into his hand. A small crater in the ground below had been left as a result of the creation, proof of his Doton chakra nature. It had a hissing cobra figurine at the top of the staff; an intricate design he added for cool effect. Allegro would twirl his bo staff gracefully, before striking a pose. Fuyo at his side, was also ready to fight, though his weapon of choice was a sword. 

"Groovy! Back me up, Fuyo!"

Once his little kitty was a safe distance a way, Allegro would take the lead and run towards both Nekrun and Tadashi at 20 speed. While maintaining the twirl of his bo staff with the flick of his wrists, when he finally came with in 2 meters of his opponents, he would first swing down to strike Nekrun horizontally across the side of his head. In that same fluid motion, whether the attack hit successfully or missed, Allegro would move on to swinging the staff in a sweeping motion to lift Tadashi off his feet. The power behind each attack was so great, the wind itself would visibly move around the staff due to the force of Allegro's swings. He swung with 20 speed and the force of each blow would be enough to send both ninja stumbling backwards. 

This would leave an opening for his white haired partner to follow up with an attack of his own. During which, Allegro would regain his footing and stay attentive and reactive to whatever their opponents might resort to as a means to counterattack. 

Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sat Aug 04, 2018 11:41 pm
As Nekrun stood there he saw Allegro get a staff, Tadashi get a kunai, and Fuyo get a katana. Nekrun then saw Allegro decide to make the first strike, Nekrun would drop the smoke bomb in his left hand covering the field in smoke then proceed to grab his scythe with his left hand too and with the last sight of Allegro he would use body flicker to dodge the attack (48 speed) then he would continue to cut at Allegro's right arm slashing the bicep and making his arm unusable at most and at the least if it connected leave a shallow cut that would hurt everytime Allegro moved his arm (12 speed). Nekrun would continue to use the Wind Style:Quiet Footspets technique to conceal his sound as he moved towards Fuyo cutting at Allegro's left calf as he went which, if connected would do the same as the cut to his arm (12 speed). Nekrun would continue to go towards Fuyo using body flicker still from when he dodged Allegro (48 speed), pulling out a kunai and throwing and aiming it at his left leg (52 throw speed). Fuyo wouldn't be able to dodge the throw at his current speed and it would make him almost immobile with his left leg feeling as if it was being torn off every time he moved it. Nekrun would continue to cut Fuyo's arm in the same way he did to Allegro (12 speed).


Stat Page : The Executioner
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 58000

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:48 am
When Nekrun threw his smoke ball, Tadashi would assume that Allegro's vision would be at least clouded or distorted, so the crimson-haired boy performed the Rat and Boar handseals as he channeled chakra in his body. "Flicker Movement!" He quickly and silently said. Suddenly, his Speed skyrocketed to 26 Speed and his Reaction time to 91. This jutsu allowed him to jump back (5 meters), dodging Allegro's attack and creating some distance from the Smoke Ball that his teammate created. He Faintly saw Fuyo, so he decided to use a jutsu on him. He weaved the Dog handseal as Lightning began to crackle from one of his Kunai's. "Lightning Release: Kunai Cutter!" The crimson-haired boy threw the blade towards Fuyo's left arm at a Throwing Speed of 96, Throwing Distance of 48 meters, and a Throwing Power of 56. Tadashi didn't want to hospitalize Fuyo or kill him, so he lowered his Throwing Power a little. It would still hurt, a lot actually. If the boy didn't dodge or maneuver his way over the attack, the knife will stab into his arm, causing jolts of painful electricity to go into the body. 

WC: 216
TWC: 647

Jutsu Used:

AP Left: 188

Tadashi's Stats Right Now (Effect of Flicker Movement)

Health: 12
Speed 16 (+10)
Stamina: 21
Strength: 20
Chakra: 20
Reaction Time: 76 (+15)
Fuyo Uchiha
Fuyo Uchiha
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 5250

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Sun Aug 05, 2018 5:47 pm
As soon As  Nekrun threw his smoke bomb he knew he was going to try to immobilize him and the best way to to that was his leg so when he saw nekrun he lowered his blade with the force of gravity blocking Nekruns attack. Then Fuyo caught a gimps of light in the corner using the momentum of the swing of the blade he was able to knock Nekruns second attack and slice Tadasbi's Kuni in half. And with all his blood lust he jolted forward grabbed Nekruns scythe and held him in lock tight to Fuyos body as to uses Nekrun as a meat shield, while Nekrun was locked fuyo slashed his legs to immobilize them. then broght his blade to nekruns head so he didn't headbutt fuyo. Fuyos eyes were completely faded his mind was straight assassination and nothing more his consciousness would have to be snaped back into him after the battle.
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Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:39 pm
Allegro moved at a quicker pace than Nekrun. While the blue haired Uzumaki retrieved a smoke bomb from his weapons pouch, dropped it to the floor, and then grab the scythe on his backside, all separate actions at a max 15 speed, the red haired Uzumaki closed the gap between them and struck Nekrun cleanly on the side of his head. As Nekrun flew backwards at least 2 meters from the force of the hit, the smoke bomb that he dropped would gently bounce off the ground without bursting, slowly rolling away. Nekrun had dropped the smoke bomb instead of throwing it, and unfortunately did not provide enough impact force to burst the small ball of smoke.

Since the smoke bomb failed, Allegro remained alert of his surroundings, and immediately noticed Tadashi begin to form hand seals. Thanks to his incredible reaction time of 185, Allegro dashed forward so that he was only 1 meter away from Tadashi, even after his opponent's Flicker movement (30 Speed). This would allow him to close the gap Tadashi sought to create between them, and also evade any counter attacks Nekrun was planning, if he found the resilience to keep fighting after being clonked on the head. Allegro would then proceed with his sweeping attack using his earth staff as originally intended, and prevent Tadashi from throwing his kunai at his partner Fuyo. This would allow Fuyo to focus on engaging Nekrun, after seeing that Allegro had the situation with the kunai handled. The sharp-eyed Uzumaki was keen to take note of Tadashi’s Raiton chakra nature and began strategizing on how best to counter.

Should the sweep attack be a successful one, Allegro would twirl his staff twice before slamming it firmly into the ground on one end. He would wait for either Tadashi or Nekrun to get up and try again, but would say nothing until they did.

Nekrun Uzumaki
Nekrun Uzumaki
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 3610

Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nekrun plan's meet people (Fuyo)(open)

Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:58 pm
Nekrun got up off the ground and felt his head, there was a big bruise and it was starting to swell so he decided to give it a few minutes by at least asking a question to the three shinobi next to him after standing up and noticing the smoke bomb had not gone off he picked it back up and put it back into his pouch, he also put his scythe back on his back.

"Okay so I recently learned a technique but I need someones chakra for it, don't worry it won't be gone forever, why? because it will live on in me, it will automatically replenish itself"

Nekrun held out his hand for the first one to come up, that is if anyone came up at all. If someone came up he would continue on with the technique in the next post if not then he would suggest that they start over the battle and try again.

(If someone decides to help in this process then I will be adding to speed and health with their chakra) Link
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